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Prototype Missions Update, Progress Reset!

January 27th, 2013 at 5:20pm
Adrian Marceau
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
I have completely revised the way missions are programmed in the Mega Man RPG Prototype, and as a result all mission-related progress has been reset for all users. I am terribly sorry about this and for any time you feel you might have lost, but you will be able to keep all unlocked robots and abilities as well as any battle and experience points gained thus far. That being said, everyone playing this game should know it's an in-progress prototype and everything could change in an instant. Hopefully this does not upset too many people, and at least there's more content right? Now, on to what I have changed… Previously there were only 19 of these "missions" in the game for each player. These missions consisted of the player's first 8 robots, then a rival battle, then the opposite player's 8 robots in pairs, and then the final battles. The new structure is similar, but instead of 19 each player has access to 30 different missions with all robots available. Additionally, the order the robot masters appear and which groupings happen later in the game are now randomized per save file. The exact selection of missions available to you will be unique each time you start a new game, and this should offer some incentive to restart from scratch every now and then. One of the new additions is a full 8 vs. 8 battle at the end of the game, something present in the first version of the game but absent since then. The target levels and rewards have also been revised not only to make the game a bit easier but also to allow for more, higher level content later (like the Mega Man 3 expansion). Speaking of the Mega Man 3 expansion, a preview battle containing Spark Man has been thrown in for fun after you beat either of the player's main games. Hopefully you check it out - the sprites were generously provided by MetalMarioX100 then edited slightly by me to fit the format of the game - I think he looks great and hope you'll check him out. :) Again, all unlocked robots, abilities, experience, and levels have been left intact, so I encourage you to play through from the new beginning with your powered up robot army. :D For those starting the game fresh, another tweak to the mechanics has to do with the level at which you unlock new robots. Previously all robots would be at level 1 when you received them, but now unlocked robots will be at the level they were when you fought them. This should prevent the last-unlocked robot from being ignored simply because it's a lower level than the rest and encourage more experimentation.
Prototype Missions Update, Progress Reset!
Posted by Adrian Marceau on January 27th, 2013 at 5:20pm
Viewed 919 Times

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)