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Mega Man RPG Prototype Roleplay & Games

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Mega Man RPG: The Fate of the Prototype

May 20th, 2015 at 1:47am
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Let's try this again, shall we? This is an RPG with many of the elements encountered in MMRPG Prototype. Teams will be formed (and thus different stories ongoing all at once), to research the effects of Starforce on the denizens of the Prototype. Some beings only wish for the very best for everyone, some seek to use the power of Starforce to conquer the Prototype and make it their own, while yet others keep their motives a secret. As the adventure unfolds, characters along the way will reveal their true intentions, and it becomes clearer whose side everyone is on. This is also a Choose Your Own Adventure. While you will be working with others to progress in the stories, ultimately you decide your own actions, so your decisions could have a big impact on the story! Do you wish to save the Prototype, conquer it, or do you just simply want all the Starforce for yourself? Whatever your intentions are, let it be heard through your actions!

The gameplay of this RPG is a simplified version of the battles in the Prototype. Your characters grow in strength as you battle more. Instead of the typical experience system, robots will automatically gain levels, and get points added to their stats, after winning battles based on said robot's performance. There will be no criticals to deal with, but the presence of Starforce and Field Modifiers will affect how well you perform. The battles themselves may have some twists to them, but you will know what the gimmicks are to the battle prior to the first turn. This will include my own interpretations of the future additions to the actual Prototype, like Dark elements and Bosses.

You will also interact with the various npcs in the game, and some may join you in battle (though these will be controlled by the game)! Of course, you won't be alone...other players can be in the same battle as you. Instead of having one active robot per side...everyone performs on their own! Items can, of course, be used once prior to an action, and these items can be used on allies as well! You may also get the ability later to hold an item for yourself...but more on that when the feature becomes available! Cooperate and destroy the teams opposing you...even with the possibility of said team having other players in it!

So, how to join? Just simply register any characters you want to use. You can register more than one character if you so desire, though do keep in mind there can only be teams of up to eight characters per story! You just cannot register the following characters since they may be involved with the story in some way (or just in general boss characters are not selectable):

Mega Man
Proto Man
*any boss characters*

You CAN, however, choose to bring your own "original" character into this (I am bringing mine in, though as an npc). If you do that, I'll need the following information:

Type: [Only single cores allowed]

Elements (no more than 5 total)

Stats (Distribute how you like, just no more than 400 total points)

That is all you need to get started. As far as abilities, all robots start with the Buster Shot ability, but will gain more abilities quickly during the first story and also throughout the game. You may carry a total of 8 abilities into battle at once (you can set up your abilities prior to a battle or at any time during scenarios). As you progress through the stories, you will get your Tier 1 through Tier 3 abilities (if you're using a custom character, you may create your own, but I will be making sure your ability isn't too weak or too powerful!).

Has the game already started and you're creating a new character? Not a problem! Just join any story with open slots...if you can survive the battles currently being done, you'll catch up quickly!

That's all for the intro! I'll start the prologue and set up the stories once people sign up. Let me know if you got any questions or need something cleared up. I tried to make this game a little simpler to understand this time.


Name: Crash Man (DaCrashBomber)
Type: Explode
Weakness: Shield Wind
Resistances: Cutter Explode
Affinities: None
Immunities: None
Current Story: Chapter 1 Dr. Cossack

Level: 1
Energy: 100
Attack: 139
Defense: 67
Speed: 94

Abilities: Buster Shot, Explode Shot, Cossack Buster
Items: x2 Energy Pellet

Name: ZeroDXZ
Type: Flame
Weakness: Crystal
Resistances: Cutter Swift
Affinities: Shadow
Immunities: Flame
Current Story: Chapter 1 Dr. Wily

Level: 1
Energy: 100
Attack: 120
Defense: 95
Speed: 85

Abilities: Buster Shot, Flame Shot, Wily Buster
Items: x2 Energy Pellet

Name: Yamato Man (Tobyjoey)
Type: Cutter
Weakness: Earth Explode
Resistances: Flame Shadow
Affinities: None
Immunities: None
Current Story: Chapter 1 Dr. Light

Level: 3
Energy: 110
Attack: [134] (+1) {attack}
Defense: 122
Speed: 75

Abilities: Buster Shot, Cutter Shot, Light Buster
Items: x3 Energy Pellets, x1 Weapon Pellet

Name: Gravity Man (Tobyjoey)
Type: Electric
Weakness: Shadow Space
Resistances: Wind
Affinities: None
Immunities: None
Current Story: Chapter 1 Dr. Light

Level: 3
Energy: 110
Attack: [91] (+1) {attack}
Defense: 120
Speed: 120

Abilities: Buster Shot, Electric Shot, Light Buster
Items: x3 Energy Pellets, x1 Weapon Pellet

Name: MetaKirbSter
Type: Copy
Weakness: Electric Freeze
Resistances: Time
Affinities: Copy Water
Immunities: None
Current Story: Chapter 1 Dr. Wily

Level: 1
Energy: 100
Attack: 100
Defense: 99
Speed: 101

Abilities: Buster Shot, Copy Shot, Wily Buster
Items: x2 Energy Pellet

Name: Elec Sigma (Meta)
Type: Electric
Weakness: Cutter
Resistances: Earth
Affinities: Electric
Immunities: None
Current Story: Chapter 1 Dr. Wily

Level: 1
Energy: 100
Attack: 109
Defense: 90
Speed: 101

Abilities: Buster Shot, Electric Shot, Wily Buster
Items: x2 Energy Pellet

Name: Bt Man
Type: Shadow

Weaknesses: Time
Resistances: None
Affinities: Shadow
Immunities: None
Current Story: Chapter 1 Dr. Light

Level: 3
Energy: 110
Attack: 110
Defense: 110
Speed: 110

Abilities: Buster Shot, Shadow Shot, Light Buster
Items: x3 Energy Pellets, x1 Weapon Pellet

Name: Sargent Man (Bt Man)
Type: Missile

Weaknesses: Shield Swift
Resistances: Impact
Affinities: None
Immunities: Explode Missile
Current Story: Chapter 1 Dr. Light

Level: 3
Energy: 110
Attack: 110
Defense: 165
Speed: 55

Abilities: Buster Shot, Missile Shot, Light Buster
Items: x3 Energy Pellets, x1 Weapon Pellet

Name: Ninja Man (Bt Man)
Type: Swift

Weaknesses: Time
Resistances: Swift
Affinities: None
Immunities: None
Current Story: Chapter 1 Dr. Wily

Level: 1
Energy: 100
Attack: 100
Defense: 50
Speed: 150

Abilities: Buster Shot, Swift Shot, Wily Buster
Items: x2 Energy Pellet
Mega Man RPG: The Fate of the Prototype
Posted by TailsMK4Omega on May 20th, 2015 at 1:47am
Viewed 2718 Times
35,417,153 BP
1 TP | 281 PP
Posted on May 20th, 2015 at 7:59am Edited on 2015/05/20 at 1:32pm
Posted 2015/05/20 at 7:59am Edited 2015/05/20 at 1:32pm
crash-man Starforce, eh? Challenge accepted.

Name: Crash Man
Type: Explode
Weakness: Shield Wind
Resistances: Explode Cutter
Attacks: Buster Shot
Energy: 100
Attack: 150
Defense: 100
Speed: 90
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on May 20th, 2015 at 9:20am
Posted 2015/05/20 at 9:20am
Name: ZeroDXZ

Type: Flame

Weakness: Crystal

Resistances: Cutter Swift

Affinities: Shadow

Immunities: Flame

Attacks: Buster Shot

Energy: 100

Attack: 150

Defense: 130

Speed: 120
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on May 20th, 2015 at 2:04pm Edited on 2015/05/20 at 2:29pm
Posted 2015/05/20 at 2:04pm Edited 2015/05/20 at 2:29pm
Registered Crash Man and ZeroDXZ, though I had to adjust the stats since level 1 robots are only allowed 400 points total. Let me know if you want some values adjusted.

I'll go ahead and begin the game, but I will wait first to see if more people will join. You may pick a story you want to do in the meantime, though. Now then...

Prologue: The Never-Ending Peace Suddenly Ends


After the defeat of the Master to save the Prototype, there came a time of peace for the residents of the Prototype. The effects of Starforce are still unknown to many, but many yearn for the power it provides. Some robots believe that Starforce can benefit the entire Prototype by producing strong robots that can protect the powerless from those wanting to control the Prototype. Others, however, feel that Starforce is a dangerous tool and should be left alone. The debate of Starforce continues on as advancements are made, and the Prototype is now able to "save" the data of its many robots and retrieve the robots' information at any time should the robots themselves cease to function for any reason. With all robots working to better the Prototype, the scientists trapped inside have eventually found their way out of the Prototype, and continue to monitor the robot data while living their regular lives back in their world. The peace does not last as long as everyone wishes, though, and hidden forces have begun to make their moves to regain control of the Prototype...

...Meanwhile, inside the area of Final Destination...

robot robot

...Starforce Overdrive!

*the two mysterious robots battle each other fiercely, though one clearly has the advantage and counters*

...Cosmic Driver!

*the smaller robot is sent flying into the wall, and places his hand on his chest in pain*

gemini-man slur

slur...I was just starting to get interested in this battle. You are the only individual in this part of the Prototype that has actually given me a slight challenge.

*an evil laugh is heard from the larger robot*

slur...But, you seem to have used up your full power. I will let you live since you show promise...but I will not be so merciful next time we meet.

*the larger robot disappears in an instant, and the smaller robot is heard panting*

gemini-man...I have never battle before. I must...gather more Starforce...

*the smaller robot slowly walks into the shadows*

Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins

The three doctors continue to debate whether or not to continue studying Starforce when they receive reports of attacks on neighboring colonies of robots. All three doctors set up teams to investigate with their most loyal robots and the local robots. The doctors themselves have their own missions they address to their captains as well. The story begins!
Choose a story!

Dr. Light: 0/8
Main: Find out the purpose of the attacks and fight back!
Secondary: Determine where the attackers came from.

Dr. Wily: 0/8
Main: Find out the purpose of the attacks and fight back!
Secondary: Study the effects of Starforce.

Dr. Cossack: 0/8
Main: Find out the purpose of the attacks and fight back!
Secondary: Investigate reports of "Starforce Fever".
Choose what story you want to do (you don't have to be in the same story as other players unless you want to). You will get more abilities just before the first battle. The first chapter will begin a little later today.

EDIT: Also, for those making a new character, also mention what story you want to enter at the same time you submit your character.
^ Top
35,417,153 BP
1 TP | 281 PP
Posted on May 20th, 2015 at 2:39pm
Posted 2015/05/20 at 2:39pm
crash-man Crash Man: SIgn me up for Mr. Cossack!

Also, if I want to add characters later on in the story, is that ok?
^ Top
2,074,810,633 BP
7 TP | 411 PP
Posted on May 20th, 2015 at 2:50pm Edited on 2015/05/20 at 3:07pm
Posted 2015/05/20 at 2:50pm Edited 2015/05/20 at 3:07pm
Rev up those fryers, 'cause here comes two new characters!

yamato-man Yamato Man

Type: Cutter
Weakness: Earth & Explode
Resistance: Shadow & Flame
Affinity: None
Immunity: None
Energy: 100
Attack: 121
Defense: 111
Speed: 68
Motive(?): Wishes to do away with Starforce in hopes of returning fights to a more "honorable" state.

gravity-man Gravity Man

Type: Electric
Weakness: Space & Shadow
Resistance: Wind
Affinity: None
Immunity: None
Energy: 100
Attack: 82
Defense: 109
Speed: 109
Motive(?): Wants to analyze the energy that gives Starforce power.

Despite this not being canon, both robots will be under Dr. Light, if that is okay.
^ Top
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on May 20th, 2015 at 4:45pm Edited on 2015/05/20 at 4:59pm
Posted 2015/05/20 at 4:45pm Edited 2015/05/20 at 4:59pm
I'll Join.
Type: Copy
Weaknesses: Electric & Freeze
Resistance: Time
Affinity: Copy/Water
Immunity: None
Energy: 100
Attack: 100
Speed: 101
Defense: 99
Motive: Want's To Join, And With having The Ability to test

elec-man Elec PWN
Type: Electric
Resistance: Earth
Affinity: Electric
Weakness: Cutter
Immunity: None
Energy: 100
Attck. 109
Def. 90
Speed: 101
Motive: Wants to join as a New FIghter
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on May 20th, 2015 at 6:40pm
Posted 2015/05/20 at 6:40pm
ENTERING MY CHARACTERS! (We can choose for other RMs to be in another story and cross paths again later, right?)
Name: mega-man Bt Man
Type: Shadow

Weaknesses: Time* *Bright Burst
Resistances: None
Affinities: Shadow
Immunities: None

Energy: 100
Attack: 100
Defense: 100
Speed: 100

Story: Dr. Light's
Name: proto-man Sargent Man
Type: Missile

Weaknesses: Shield and Swift* *Speeds high enough can dodge his missiles
Resistances: Impact
Affinities: None
Immunities: Missile and Explode

Energy: 100
Attack: 100
Defense: 150
Speed: 50* *Final amount I could squeeze in

Story:Dr. Light's
Name: bass Ninja Man
Type: Swift

Weaknesses: Time
Resistances: Swift
Affinities: None
Immunities: None

Energy: 100
Attack: 100
Defense: 50
Speed: 150

Story: Dr. Wily's
I guess my characters will join on the next battle...
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on May 20th, 2015 at 6:42pm
Posted 2015/05/20 at 6:42pm
Dr. Light's Story

mega-man Ok everyone, listen up! It is important that we drive the intruders off as quickly as we can! Try not to injure anyone innocent! Take this time now to get ready for battle...we will charge in as soon as everyone is ready!

Abilities Get!

Yamato Man : Cutter Shot, Light Buster
Gravity Man : Electric Shot, Light Buster

New Ability! Element Shot

This fires a shot made of the native robot's element.
Base Damage: 14
Items Get!

x2 Energy Pellets for each player robot

roll Mega Man, looks like everyone is ready!
mega-man Then...let's head in!

Dr. Wily's Story

bass Don't make me look bad, bots! We should have no problems taking out the intruders in the upcoming area! Just use your full force and we'll finish this quickly! Get ready now or we will start without you!

Abilities Get!

MetaKirbSter : Copy Shot, Wily Buster
Elec Sigma : Electric Shot, Wily Buster

Items Get!

x2 Energy Pellets for each player robot

disco Heh, this'll be a piece of cake.
bass Let's go!

Dr. Cossack's Story

proto-man All right everyone, prepare to hold off the upcoming force of foreigners...we need to find out why they have gone berserk. Be ready for anything.

Abilities Get!

Crash Man : Explode Shot, Cossack Buster

Items Get!

x2 Energy Pellets for each player robot

rhythm I've finished scanning the berserk robots, and we have the advantage!
proto-man Let's be swift, but report back anything strange you notice!

[Battles to come next post, need a little more time.]
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on May 20th, 2015 at 7:22pm Edited on 2015/05/20 at 7:28pm
Posted 2015/05/20 at 7:22pm Edited 2015/05/20 at 7:28pm

Special Condition: Enemy Side has an influence of 80% Starforce!

(Guest characters are at level 3, all others are at level 1)

(Finally, you may select any target with your ability, there will be no bench system in this game. This also means all Mechas get to attack. Beware!

Dr. Light's Story

Experience x2.0

gravity-manyamato-manrollmega-man        fleapicketmanpengbeaktackle-firespineflutter-flybeetle-borg

Yamato Man
LE: 100/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 121
Defense: 111
Speed: 68

Gravity Man
LE: 100/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 82
Defense: 109
Speed: 109

Mega Man (Guest)
LE: 110/110 WE: 10/10
Attack: 110
Defense: 110
Speed: 110

Roll (Guest)
LE: 165/165 WE: 15/15
Attack: 99
Defense: 83
Speed: 93

LE: 20/20
Attack: 100
Defense: 10
Speed: 70

Picket Man
LE: 35/35
Attack: 75
Defense: 65
Speed: 25

LE: 45/45
Attack: 70
Defense: 40
Speed: 45

LE: 40/40
Attack: 50
Defense: 80
Speed: 30

Tackle Fire
LE: 65/65
Attack: 110
Defense: 10
Speed: 15

LE: 30/30
Attack: 65
Defense: 95
Speed: 10

Flutter Fly
LE: 25/25
Attack: 50
Defense: 35
Speed: 90

Beetle Borg
LE: 35/35
Attack: 25
Defense: 60
Speed: 80

Dr. Wily's Story

Experience x2.0

elec-manbassdiscobass        pierrobotfan-fiendsnapperspring-headkiller-bulletcrazy-cannontellybatton

LE: 100/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 100
Defense: 99
Speed: 101

Elec Sigma
LE: 100/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 109
Defense: 90
Speed: 101

Bass (Guest)
LE: 110/110 WE: 10/10
Attack: 105
Defense: 115
Speed: 110

Disco (Guest)
LE: 165/165 WE: 15/15
Attack: 83
Defense: 99
Speed: 93

LE: 50/50
Attack: 60
Defense: 35
Speed: 55

Fan Fiend
LE: 60/60
Attack: 40
Defense: 90
Speed: 10

LE: 70/70
Attack: 50
Defense: 50
Speed: 30

Spring Head
LE: 50/50
Attack: 70
Defense: 10
Speed: 70

Killer Bullet
LE: 10/10
Attack: 120
Defense: 10
Speed: 60

Crazy Cannon
LE: 30/30
Attack: 100
Defense: 35
Speed: 35

LE: 65/65
Attack: 20
Defense: 90
Speed: 25

LE: 80/80
Attack: 10
Defense: 60
Speed: 50

Dr. Cossack's Story

Experience x2.0

crash-manrhythmproto-man        bulb-blasterrobo-fishtotdrill-molepyre-flyring-ringlady-bladermanta-missileskullmet

Crash Man
LE: 100/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 139
Defense: 67
Speed: 94

Proto Man (Guest)
LE: 110/110 WE: 10/10
Attack: 110
Defense: 105
Speed: 115

Rhythm (Guest)
LE: 165/165 WE: 15/15
Attack: 88
Defense: 88
Speed: 99

Bulb Blaster
LE: 45/45
Attack: 60
Defense: 40
Speed: 55

Robo Fishtot
LE: 40/40
Attack: 35
Defense: 65
Speed: 60

Drill Mole
LE: 30/30
Attack: 90
Defense: 25
Speed: 55

Pyre Fly
LE: 60/60
Attack: 45
Defense: 35
Speed: 60

Ring Ring
LE: 40/40
Attack: 50
Defense: 50
Speed: 60

Lady Blader
LE: 55/55
Attack: 35
Defense: 45
Speed: 65

Manta Missile
LE: 30/30
Attack: 65
Defense: 35
Speed: 70

LE: 40/40
Attack: 50
Defense: 85
Speed: 25
^ Top
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on May 20th, 2015 at 7:27pm Edited on 2015/05/20 at 7:43pm
Posted 2015/05/20 at 7:27pm Edited 2015/05/20 at 7:43pm
bass I'll use Wily Buster on the Telly All the Way in the Back. Elec Sigma Will Use Electric Shot On The Telly.

elec-man I will use another Electric shot. ON TELLY (Turn 2)
^ Top
2,074,810,633 BP
7 TP | 411 PP
Posted on May 20th, 2015 at 7:34pm Edited on 2015/05/20 at 7:42pm
Posted 2015/05/20 at 7:34pm Edited 2015/05/20 at 7:42pm
yamato-man Beginning a quest,
our opponents lack honor,
The beetle dies first.

Yamato Man uses Cutter Shot on the Beetle Borg.

gravity-man On only the first encounter, these enemies display signs of Star Force delivered enhancements. Those pesky Fleas always seem to be hopping about, so let's eliminate that variable first.
Gravity Man uses Electric Shot on the Flea.
^ Top
35,417,153 BP
1 TP | 281 PP
Posted on May 20th, 2015 at 7:42pm Edited on 2015/05/20 at 7:44pm
Posted 2015/05/20 at 7:42pm Edited 2015/05/20 at 7:44pm
crash-man Alright, I'll use Buster Shot on the Drill Mole
^ Top
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on May 20th, 2015 at 7:44pm Edited on 2015/05/20 at 7:49pm
Posted 2015/05/20 at 7:44pm Edited 2015/05/20 at 7:49pm
... Robot Quotes i Guess.
bass It is My Honor, My Destiny, To Face My Opponent! (Intro Quote) Hah! That's what you call Strong? Bring it on! (Taunt) You Beated Me... You Really Did. I'll Face you Later, When i'm Stronger. (Defeat) I won. Not Suprised. Try again Soon, And I'll see your true power. (Victory)
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on May 21st, 2015 at 12:30am Edited on 2015/05/21 at 1:53am
Posted 2015/05/21 at 12:30am Edited 2015/05/21 at 1:53am
Turn 1:
Spring Head attacks Elec Sigma! -12

Bass charges up the Bass Buster!
MetaKirbSter charges up the Wily Buster!
Elec Sigma attacks Telly with Electric Shot! -25
Disco attacks Fan Fiend with Buster Shot! -11
Killer Bullet attacks Bass! -34
Killer Bullet takes recoil damage! -10
Pierrobot attacks MetaKirbSter! -13
Batton attacks Elec Sigma! -1
Crazy Cannon attacks MetaKirbSter! -9 [It's not very effective...]
Snapper attacks Bass! -7
Telly attacks Elec Sigma! -3
Fan Fiend attacks Disco! -7

killer-bullet Boooo…mu!

Turn 2:
Spring Head attacks MetaKirbSter! -11

Bass attacks Telly with Bass Buster! -40 and 4 overkill!

(Well...wasn't expecting Bass to take out the Telly from here. For that, I have taken the liberty of selecting the next suitable target to fit Meta's plan.)

MetaKirbSter attacks Fan Fiend with Wily Buster! -39
Elec Sigma attacks Fan Fiend with Electric Shot! -10 and 15 overkill!
Disco charges the Bass Buster!
Pierrobot attacks Elec Sigma! -29 [It's super effective!]
Batton attacks Disco! -1
Crazy Cannon attacks Bass! -15
Snapper attacks Disco! -8

telly Terriiiiii…
fan-fiend Bu…ro…

bass ...Yeah, these weaklings are hitting a little harder than usual. Could this be Starforce at work?
disco Bass, I just got word that another robot is quickly approaching here, sent by the Doctor.
bass ...Does Wily think we are not able to handle a few worker robots? His many defeats with Mega Man must have driven him crazy.

(Ninja Man has joined the battle! Get your Swift Shot and Wily Buster ready, Bt Man!)

Experience x2.0

basselec-manbassdiscobass        pierrobotsnapperspring-headcrazy-cannonbatton

LE: 67/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 100 (+10)
Defense: 99
Speed: 101

Elec Sigma
LE: 55/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 109
Defense: 90
Speed: 101

Ninja Man
LE: 100/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 100
Defense: 50
Speed: 150

Bass (Guest)
LE: 69/110 WE: 10/10
Attack: 105 (+11)
Defense: 115
Speed: 110

Disco (Guest)
LE: 157/165 WE: 14/15
Attack: 83 (+8)
Defense: 99
Speed: 93

LE: 50/50
Attack: 60
Defense: 35
Speed: 55

LE: 70/70
Attack: 50
Defense: 50
Speed: 30

Spring Head
LE: 50/50
Attack: 70
Defense: 10
Speed: 70

Crazy Cannon
LE: 30/30
Attack: 100
Defense: 35
Speed: 35

LE: 80/80
Attack: 10
Defense: 60
Speed: 50

(Light and Cossack stories below...btw, Bt Man and Sargant Man are in, so get those abilities ready!)
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on May 21st, 2015 at 12:42am Edited on 2015/05/21 at 2:07am
Posted 2015/05/21 at 12:42am Edited 2015/05/21 at 2:07am
Flea attacks Roll! -24

Mega Man charges the Light Buster!
Gravity Man attacks Flea with Electric Shot! -20 and 267 overkill! (It's super effective!)
Roll charges the Light Buster!
Flutter Fly attacks Mega Man! -9
Beetle Borg attacks Mega Man! -3

Yamato Man attacks Beetle Borg with Cutter Shot! -35 and 42 overkill! (It's super effective!)
Peng attacks Yamato Man! -12
Beak attacks Roll! -10
Picket Man attacks Roll! -14
Tackle Fire attacks Yamato Man! -11 [It's not very effective...]
Spine attacks Yamato Man! -8

flea Do…do…ma.
beetle-borg Bu… ka!

mega-man They normally are not this strong! Are they influenced by Starforce?
roll Mega Man! Dr. Light just sent us some more help!
mega-man Really? That's great! We can end this sooner and stop any more damage!

Experience x2.0

proto-manmega-mangravity-manyamato-manrollmega-man        picketmanpengbeaktackle-firespineflutter-fly

Yamato Man
LE: 69/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 121
Defense: 111
Speed: 68

Gravity Man
LE: 100/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 82
Defense: 109
Speed: 109

Bt Man
LE: 100/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 100
Defense: 100
Speed: 100

Sargant Man
LE: 100/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 100
Defense: 150
Speed: 50

Mega Man (Guest)
LE: 102/110 WE: 9/10
Attack: 110
Defense: 110 (+11)
Speed: 110

Roll (Guest)
LE: 117/165 WE: 14/15
Attack: 99
Defense: 83 (+8)
Speed: 93

Picket Man
LE: 35/35
Attack: 75
Defense: 65
Speed: 25

LE: 45/45
Attack: 70
Defense: 40
Speed: 45

LE: 40/40
Attack: 50
Defense: 80
Speed: 30

Tackle Fire
LE: 65/65
Attack: 110
Defense: 10
Speed: 15

LE: 30/30
Attack: 65
Defense: 95
Speed: 10

Flutter Fly
LE: 25/25
Attack: 50
Defense: 35
Speed: 90

Proto Man charges the Proto Buster!
Rhythm charges the Cossack Buster!
Crash Man attacks Drill Mole with Buster Shot! -30 and 37 overkill!
Manta Missile attacks Proto Man! -11
Lady Blader attacks Crash Man! -9
Robo Fishtot attacks Crash Man! -9
Pyre Fly attacks Rhythm! -9
Ring Ring attacks but misses!
Bulb Blaster attacks Proto Man! -6
Skullmet attacks Crash Man! -14

drill-mole Ruu…! Moo…! Ruu…!

Experience x2.0

crash-manrhythmproto-man        bulb-blasterrobo-fishtotpyre-flyring-ringlady-bladermanta-missileskullmet

Crash Man
LE: 68/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 139
Defense: 67
Speed: 94

Proto Man (Guest)
LE: 93/110 WE: 10/10
Attack: 110 (-3)
Defense: 105
Speed: 115 (+12)

Rhythm (Guest)
LE: 156/165 WE: 14/15
Attack: 88
Defense: 88
Speed: 99 (+10)

Bulb Blaster
LE: 45/45
Attack: 60
Defense: 40
Speed: 55

Robo Fishtot
LE: 40/40
Attack: 35
Defense: 65
Speed: 60

Pyre Fly
LE: 60/60
Attack: 45
Defense: 35
Speed: 60

Ring Ring
LE: 40/40
Attack: 50
Defense: 50
Speed: 60

Lady Blader
LE: 55/55
Attack: 35
Defense: 45
Speed: 65

Manta Missile
LE: 30/30
Attack: 65
Defense: 35
Speed: 70

LE: 40/40
Attack: 50
Defense: 85
Speed: 25
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on May 21st, 2015 at 7:16am Edited on 2015/05/21 at 7:21am
Posted 2015/05/21 at 7:16am Edited 2015/05/21 at 7:21am
@TailsMK4 :
bass You'd really think I'd let you have FUN without me? Excuse me while I charge my Wily Buster...
Meanwhile, in Dr. Light's story...
mega-man Let's do this! I'll stop that Picket Man with a Shadow Shot!
proto-man I'll charge my buster while you guys make your move.
^ Top
2,074,810,633 BP
7 TP | 411 PP
Posted on May 21st, 2015 at 8:55am Edited on 2015/05/21 at 9:02am
Posted 2015/05/21 at 8:55am Edited 2015/05/21 at 9:02am
gravity-man Thank you for the help, fellow heroes! Allow me to eliminate that bothersome gnat.
Gravity Man uses Electric Shot on the Flutter Fly.

yamato-man Aid arrives to help,
Allies of strong appearance,
Will they fight with grace?

Yamato Man uses Buster Shot on Tackle Fire.
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on May 21st, 2015 at 9:27am Edited on 2015/05/21 at 9:29am
Posted 2015/05/21 at 9:27am Edited 2015/05/21 at 9:29am
ZeroDXZ joins MetaKirbSter!
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on May 21st, 2015 at 12:33pm
Posted 2015/05/21 at 12:33pm
(ZeroDXZ will join the Dr. Wily story after Meta's next turn)

(Back at Dr. Light's side of things...)

Mega Man attacks Beak with Light Buster! -40 and 7 overkill!
Gravity Man attacks Flutter Fly with Electric Shot! -25 and 42 overkill!
Bt Man attacks Picket Man with Shadow Shot! -22
Roll charges the Roll Buster! +17
Yamato Man attacks Tackle Fire with Buster Shot! -65 and 85 overkill!
Sargant Man charges the Light Buster!
Peng attacks but misses!
Picket Man attacks Roll! -14
Spine attacks Roll! -9

beak Bu… ra!
tackle-fire Chaaaaaan…!
flutter-fly Fuuuurrraaaaaa…

mega-man If you won't stand down then... I will fight you!
roll I'm warning you! I'm tough!

Experience x2.0

proto-manmega-mangravity-manyamato-manrollmega-man        picketmanpengspine

Yamato Man
LE: 69/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 121
Defense: 111
Speed: 68

Gravity Man
LE: 100/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 82
Defense: 109
Speed: 109

Bt Man
LE: 100/100 WE: 10/10
Attack: 100
Defense: 100
Speed: 100

Sargant Man
LE: 100/100 WE: 9/10
Attack: 100
Defense: 150 (+15)
Speed: 50

Mega Man (Guest)
LE: 102/110 WE: 10/10
Attack: 110
Defense: 110 (+11)
Speed: 110

Roll (Guest)
LE: 122/165 WE: 14/15
Attack: 99
Defense: 83 (+8)
Speed: 93

Picket Man
LE: 13/35
Attack: 75
Defense: 65
Speed: 25

LE: 45/45
Attack: 70
Defense: 40
Speed: 45

LE: 30/30
Attack: 65
Defense: 95
Speed: 10
^ Top
2,074,810,633 BP
7 TP | 411 PP
Posted on May 21st, 2015 at 3:37pm Edited on 2015/05/21 at 3:53pm
Posted 2015/05/21 at 3:37pm Edited 2015/05/21 at 3:53pm
gravity-man It's a shame I cannot examine any of your core- *Peng performs attack previously mentioned that misses Gravity Man* - but you seem to only desire slaughter. So be it!
Gravity Man uses Electric Shot on Peng.

yamato-man A first step near done,
How will this path continue?
Time will soon reveal.

Yamato Man uses Buster Shot on Spine.
^ Top

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)