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Mega Man Chronicals Roleplay

July 9th, 2015 at 4:22pm
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Welcome to the Mega Man Chronicals Roleplay In this RP we will Have a world with 16 destionations with More being added as we go along the RP, This RP takes Place In A Gap Between Mega Man's Soccer and Mega Man world III So the charcters will only be from Mega Man 4 and lower.

Useable Characters
mega-man Mega Man
proto-man Proto Man
roll Roll
dr-light Dr.Light
quint Quint
cut-man-Robot Masters 1-4- ring-man skull-manSkull Man (X)
enker-Mega Man Killers Exlcuding Ballade- punk

Fan Characters
mega-man MegaBoy [By MegaBoyX7]
hard-manelec-manrhythmwood-mantrillbass MegaBoy's Team by [MegaBoyX7, Gigavoltman, netwoman and metakirbsterX]
bass Meta [By MetakirbsterX]
ring-man Ender Man [By ThatOneEnderMan]
dust-man Leaf Man By [Cyber]
bass ZeroDXZ By [ZeroDXZ]
shadow-man Alpha's team by [Alpha]

Within Battle use this as a way for setups


*Character Name*
mega-man*Battle Text+
*Your or enemys attack data*

Character Name
mega-manHP: *Data* Atk: *Data* Def: *data* Weapon Energy: [||||||||||||||||||||||||||||]
mega-man shadow-man
Mega Man Chronicals Roleplay
Posted by MegaBoy on July 9th, 2015 at 4:22pm
Viewed 14423 Times
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2015 at 4:41pm Edited on 2015/07/09 at 4:42pm
Posted 2015/07/09 at 4:41pm Edited 2015/07/09 at 4:42pm
If anyone wants to join please ask and I will show what robot masters are taken and/or edit the Fan Characters list
If they are a F.C/ Mega Man O.C
^ Top
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2015 at 4:43pm
Posted 2015/07/09 at 4:43pm
Am i Able to use My Character as a fan- Forget it. It's Bass... And bass isn't in the Usable list (Unless You can use any MM, PM, Or Bass Fan Character that isn't taken, then i'll Use bass_water, Named Meta.)
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2015 at 4:46pm Edited on 2015/07/09 at 4:48pm
Posted 2015/07/09 at 4:46pm Edited 2015/07/09 at 4:48pm
@Meta : You can use that and there edited

^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2015 at 4:47pm Edited on 2015/07/09 at 4:53pm
Posted 2015/07/09 at 4:47pm Edited 2015/07/09 at 4:53pm
..."This RP takes Place In A Gap Between Mega Man's Soccer and Mega Man world III" Whaaat. Mega man soccer's plot is 100% canon, but alright, even then, there is not much of it. But anyways, ring-man I sign up my "fan character" Ender-man. This will be a thing. (also, its [robot] {ring-man_alt} for the mugshot, no spaces.
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2015 at 4:54pm
Posted 2015/07/09 at 4:54pm
@ThatOneEnderMan : Isn't you're alt black and purple?
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2015 at 4:55pm Edited on 2015/07/09 at 4:56pm
Posted 2015/07/09 at 4:55pm Edited 2015/07/09 at 4:56pm
@MegaBoyX7 : That's not a alt in MMRPG, so I have to use ring man's 1st alt.
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2015 at 4:56pm
Posted 2015/07/09 at 4:56pm
@ThatOneEnderMan : Can you use his 2nd?
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2015 at 4:57pm
Posted 2015/07/09 at 4:57pm
@MegaBoyX7 : Nah, I like Blue better than green.
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2015 at 5:02pm
Posted 2015/07/09 at 5:02pm
@ThatOneEnderMan : Ok

^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2015 at 5:03pm
Posted 2015/07/09 at 5:03pm
Ok now we need some people to roleplay as offical characters
^ Top
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2015 at 5:04pm
Posted 2015/07/09 at 5:04pm
@ThatOneEnderMan : I Love Blue, But Green's good. :P
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2015 at 5:08pm
Posted 2015/07/09 at 5:08pm
Well I guess we can start on our side of events
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2015 at 5:32pm Edited on 2015/07/09 at 5:55pm
Posted 2015/07/09 at 5:32pm Edited 2015/07/09 at 5:55pm
Commander Joe
mega-man mega-buster sniper-joe sniper-joe sniper-joe sniper-joe sniper-joe
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on July 10th, 2015 at 5:39am
Posted 2015/07/10 at 5:39am
Skull Man I shall be, then.
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on July 10th, 2015 at 1:03pm
Posted 2015/07/10 at 1:03pm
bass ZeroDXZ has joined the Role-Play...his Multi-Core allows you to destroy enemies weak to flame and shadow weapons! bass
^ Top
9,188,674 BP
0 TP | 20 PP
Posted on July 10th, 2015 at 10:43pm Edited on 2015/07/10 at 10:47pm
Posted 2015/07/10 at 10:43pm Edited 2015/07/10 at 10:47pm
Leaf man can join? dust-mani'm lonely
^ Top
- deleted -
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on July 15th, 2015 at 12:53pm
Posted 2015/07/15 at 12:53pm
Everyone but Zero can join due to him using godmoding (I wanna make this fair)
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on July 15th, 2015 at 9:03pm
Posted 2015/07/15 at 9:03pm
@MegaBoyX7 : course...cus your gonna be a jerk about it.....
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on July 15th, 2015 at 9:08pm
Posted 2015/07/15 at 9:08pm
@MegaBoyX7 : Dude, zero doesn't godmod that much, just ask him to not godmod and un ban him. ITs unfair to zero, and just let him be in the thing, just nicely ask him to not god mod, alright?
^ Top

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