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Mega Man RPG Prototype Roleplay & Games

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Holly Jolly Beta
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
This is a place where you can fight in a RPG Manner with a custom team, or fight random Mechas controlled by me.
This is also something I need help with, especially with EXP and levels and such. I'm not the smartest guy around (obviously). Hopefully Mikey or Tails or someone helps me with this.

-Everyone starts at level 1.
-No need for mugshots or dialogue, but feel free to add some if you want.
-Your starting health must NOT go past 200.
-Your starting mana must NOT go past 100. Mana is used as a prevention of spamming attacks. The Basic Attack, however, costs no mana.
-Health and Mana will increase as you level up. When you level up, you have the availability to add 1-3 attacks.
-Use this to see if your attacks hit. If it lands on 1 or 3, it misses. If it lands on 6, it's a critical.
-Don't have your attacks deal TOO much. Feel free to suggest a limit, just nothing past 100.
-Here's the deal about elements: MMRPG Cores can be used. However, there is also Speed/Cossack for Poison and Level for Light. If there are any other elements you want added, suggest it and the color and it might be used!
-We don't have a list of available classes. Just be creative!
-...But please, nothing too OP.
-Also, this is a turn-based battle system, so please make your entire team attack and roll dice in one turn.
-If you want to fight anybody, just say who's team you want to fight, and if they accept, the battle will commence. Or, you can also ask to fight a mecha team, which will appear in a group of 3. Please, ONE FIGHT AT A TIME PER USER.
-You can only have 5 people in one team, but you are limited to 3 teams, so if you run out of space for one of them, there's another. If you run out of space for all three... Well, your just outta luck.
-Again, this is something I need help with, so some, well, help would be nice.
Met (Levels 1-5)
Sniper Joe (Levels 3-5)
Spine (Levels 5-7)
Big Eye (Levels 7-10)
*Might expand in the future*
Teammate Maker!

Base Health:
Base Mana:
Attacks: Basic Attack (Neutral)- 10 Damage
Team's Name:

And YES, you MUST have the basic attack.
I'll make my characters in the future.
Current Teams:

Rarecores (rotomslashblast)
Name: Rotom
Level: 1
Health: 175
Mana: 100 (Until further notice)
Class: Leader
Attacks: Basic Attack (Neutral)- 10 Damage Laser Shot (Laser)- 10 Damage, 5 Mana (Until further notice)

Name: Phione
Health: 150
Level: 1
Mana: 100
Class: Healer
Attacks: Basic Attack (Neutral)- 10 Damage Water Shot (Water)- 10 Damage, 5 Mana

Name: Shired
Health: 200
Level: 1
Mana: 100
Class: Tank/Defensive Wall
Attacks: Basic Attack (Neutral)- 10 Damage Shield Shot (Shield)- 10 damage, 5 Mana

V.O.U.T (TailsMK4)
Name: Raidata
Level: 1
Health: 175
Mana: 100
Class: Offense
Attacks: Basic Attack (Neutral)- 10 Damage Electric Shot (electric) - 10 Damage, 5 Mana

Name: Kirdata
Level: 1
Health: 175
Mana: 100
Class: Shifter
Attacks: Basic Attack (Neutral)- 10 Damage Copy Shot (copy) - 10 Damage, 5 Mana

Name: Taidata
Level: 1
Health: 150
Mana: 100
Class: Support
Attacks: Basic Attack (Neutral)- 10 Damage Wind Shot (wind) - 10 Damage, 5 Mana

Team Beta (Beta Man)

Name: Beta Man
Level: 1
Health: 200
Mana: 100
Class: All-Star
Attacks: Basic Attack (Neutral)- 10 Damage Shadow Buster (Shadow)- 10 Damage, 5 Mana

Name: Sargent Man
Level: 1
Health: 175
Mana: 100
Class: Soldier
Attacks: Basic Attack (Neutral)- 10 Damage Sargent Shield (Shield)- Protects the user for a turn, 5 Mana

Team Ninja (Beta Man)

Name: Ninja Man
Level: 1
Health: 150
Mana: 100
Class: Ninja
Attacks: Basic Attack (Neutral)- 10 Damage Shadow Chop (Shadow)- 10 Damage, 5 Mana

Glitter Bomb! (MusicalKitty)

Name: Musical
Level: 1
Health: 120
Mana: 100
Class: Cat Mage
Attacks: Basic Attack (neutral)- 10 damage Crescendo Crushers (Crystal-Impact)- 23 damage, 12 Mana Cure (Recovery) +20 Hit Points to all units, +30 if critical, +0 if Misses, 4 Mana Revive (Recovery) Revive a fallen member to 25 Hit Points, 15 Mana

Name: Theatre Man
Level: 1
Health: 200
Mana: 40
Class: Dramatic Warrior
Attacks: Basic Attack Mood Drainer (Space)-9 damage, Theatre Man will Recover 4 Mana if this attack hits, 7 Mana Theatre Slash (Cutter)- 16 Damage, 7 Mana

Name: Espresso
Level: 1
Health: 150
Mana: 70
Class: Caffenated Red Mage
Attacks: Basic Attack (neutral)- 10 damage Violet Axe (Cutter)- 13 damage, 6 Mana Flame Storm (flame)- 6 damage, hits all enemies, 8 Mana

The MegaBoys (MegaBoyX7)

Name: MegaBoy
Level: 1
Health: 185
Mana: 50
Class: Attacker
Attacks: Basic Attack- (Neutral) 10 Damage 3x Buster Shot (Copy)- 50 Damage, 5 Mana Charge Shot (Attack)- 100 Damage, 25 Mana

Name: Shooting Star MegaBoy
Level: 1
Base Health: 155
Base Mana: 100
Class: Defensive
Attacks: Basic Attack (Neutral)- 10 Damage Lock-On Saber (Copy)- 35 Damage, 10 Mana Multi-Shield (Defense)- 25 Defense, 50 Mana

Name: MegaBoy.EXE
Level: 1
Base Health: 100
Base Mana: 50
Class: Supporter
Attacks: Basic Attack (Neutral)- 10 Damage Program Advance (Copy)- 40 Damage, 10 Mana +50 Hp (Shield)- +50 Health, 15 Mana
Beta Man's Battle Arena (RPG Roleplay Test Thing)
Posted by Holly Jolly Beta on April 24th, 2016 at 9:11pm
Viewed 2115 Times
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on April 25th, 2016 at 9:15pm Edited on 2016/04/25 at 9:36pm
Posted 2016/04/25 at 9:15pm Edited 2016/04/25 at 9:36pm
@MegaBoyX7 : Well, wait your turn, I said only one battle per user at a time, and there's already Tails waiting in line.
@rotomslashblast : Are you just attacking the same opponents repeatedly?
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on April 25th, 2016 at 9:40pm
Posted 2016/04/25 at 9:40pm
@Beta Man : I'm trying to reduce the damage of the mets by defeating them, thus slowing them as there isn't a first met to deal more damage, only a second and third.
^ Top
Retro Pikachu
3,561,826,418 BP
30 TP | 621 PP
Posted on April 26th, 2016 at 3:01am
Posted 2016/04/26 at 3:01am
This should be interesting. I'll join.

TEAM NAME: Rampage Ruffians
A gang of ruffians with astounding power. Dangerous with a bounty on their head.

Base Health: 150
Base Mana: 75
Class: Frostbite Vampire
- Basic Attack - 10 Damage (0 Mana)
- Snowstorm - 25 Damage, attacks all enemies and inflicts "frostbite" for 2 turns. Cannot Critical. (25 Mana)
- Nosferatu - 30 Damage, recover 20 HP if attack connects. If enemy has frostbite, Damage and Healing is multiplied by 1.5 (25 Mana)
- Crooked Conversation - 100 Damage. Cannot critical, misses on 2. If enemy has frostbite, attack hits on 2. (50 Mana)
- Absolute Zero - 60 Damage. If enemy has frostbite, attack deals double damage. (50 Mana).

Base Health: 100
Base Mana: 100
Class: Soul Stealer
- Basic Attack - 10 Damage
- Bash - 20 Damage, recover 10 HP if attack connects. (5 Mana)
- Nosferatu - 40 Damage, recover 35 HP if attack connects. (30 Mana)
- Soul Steal - 30 Damage, attacks all enemies. For each enemy hit, Katakira recovers 1/2 of damage dealt. On Critical, attack deals triple damage. (60 Mana)
- Empty Shell - 50 Damage, cannot miss or critical. Katakira recovers 60% of MAX HP. Fails if enemy has more than 50 HP. (80 Mana)

Base Health: 180
Base Mana: 60
Class: Bay Terror
- Basic Attack - 10 Damage
- Self-Amputate - Deals 30 damage to self. Next attack deals 20 extra damage. Effect can stack up to 50 extra damage. (5 Mana)
- Purify - Heals self or ally by 15% of their MAX HP (rounded to nearest ones place). (5 Mana)
- Drown - 20 Damage. If enemy has 60 or less HP, attack damage triples. (10 Mana)
- Nasty Fluid - 30 Damage. Hits all enemies, misses on 2. Enemies hit deal 30% less damage on their next attack. (20 Mana)

Base Health: 200
Base Mana: 40
Class: Possessed Necromancer
- Attack - 30 Damage, take 20 Damage recoil. (0 Mana)
- Vengeance - Deals damage equal to amount of damage Odokuro has sustained. Odokuro takes 200 damage after attack. (40 Mana)
- Devour - 90 damage, cannot miss or critical. Fails if enemy has more than 90 HP. (40 Mana)
- Split Up - 60 Damage, attacks all enemies. For each enemy hit, Odokuro takes 1/2 damage dealt. (40 Mana)

Last Updated: 4/26/2016
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on April 26th, 2016 at 7:23am
Posted 2016/04/26 at 7:23am
@rotomslashblast : Oh, wait, I know what's happening now. Ok, let's continue.
Met 1 has been defeated!
Met 2 uses Basic Attack on Rotom!
Met 3 uses Basic Attack on Rotom!
Rolling dice...
Both attacks hit!

HP: 125/175 | MP: 95/100

HP: 120/150 | MP: 100/100

HP: 180/200 | MP: 100/100

Met 2
HP: 40/50 | MP: 50/50

Met 3
HP: 40/50 | MP: 50/50
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on April 26th, 2016 at 4:33pm
Posted 2016/04/26 at 4:33pm
Everyone does buster shots, but phione targets met 2!
Rolling dice...
Only rotom's attack hits!
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on April 26th, 2016 at 4:36pm
Posted 2016/04/26 at 4:36pm
@rotomslashblast : I'm gonna guess that everyone else is attacking Met 3, since Met 1 is dead.
Met 2 uses Met Shield! Met 2 is protected for a turn!
Met 3 uses Basic Attack on Rotom!
Rolling Dice...

HP: 105/175 | MP: 95/100

HP: 120/150 | MP: 100/100

HP: 180/200 | MP: 100/100

Met 2
HP: 30/50 | MP: 40/50

Met 3
HP: 40/50 | MP: 50/50
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on April 26th, 2016 at 7:14pm Edited on 2016/04/26 at 7:28pm
Posted 2016/04/26 at 7:14pm Edited 2016/04/26 at 7:28pm
-ZeroDXZ joins the RPG!-

Team: Prototype Reploids

Name: ZeroDXZ
Class: Future Reploid Soldier
Level: 1
Health: 150
Mana: 50
Attacks: Basic Attack- 10 Damage, and Z-Saber Slash- 15 Damage

Name: SarahZX
Class: Future Reploid Healer
Level: 1
Health: 125
Mana: 95
Attacks: Basic Attack: 10 Damage, and Healing Shot: +10 HP if dice rolls a 4, 5, or a 6.... +5 if dice rolls a 3, 2, or a 1.
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on April 26th, 2016 at 8:43pm
Posted 2016/04/26 at 8:43pm
Everyone uses a buster shot on met 3 then.
Rolling dice...
Only Shired's attack hits.
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on April 26th, 2016 at 8:50pm
Posted 2016/04/26 at 8:50pm
@Omega Zero : You need to add Mana to your characters and attacks
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on April 27th, 2016 at 11:46am
Posted 2016/04/27 at 11:46am
@MegaBoyX7 : the fact you said "Characters and attacks" irks me in a way that i want to shove grammar books and other various forms of books in the English language into your "beautiful" small boy brain.... i already added Mana to my characters SO SCRATCH IT...and put just attacks....the normal attack is probably just 5 Mana... the other attacks being if they actually hit are by Betas standards....i'll let him contemplate it because he's noticed the Z-Saber and Healing factors long before me...
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on April 27th, 2016 at 11:48am
Posted 2016/04/27 at 11:48am
@MegaBoyX7 : also... -i'm sorry for being considerably so violent to someone like you.....jk.......i wish you'd just look at the characters again-
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on May 5th, 2016 at 7:17pm
Posted 2016/05/05 at 7:17pm
(Hello, i did my thing.)
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on May 5th, 2016 at 8:14pm
Posted 2016/05/05 at 8:14pm
@rotomslashblast : Sorry it took so long. But yeah, here we go.
Met 2 uses Basic Attack on Rotom!
Met 3 uses Basic Attack on Phione!
Rolling dice...
Both attacks hit!

HP: 95/175 | MP: 95/100

HP: 110/150 | MP: 100/100

HP: 180/200 | MP: 100/100

Met 2
HP: 30/50 | MP: 40/50

Met 3
HP: 30/50 | MP: 50/50
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on May 5th, 2016 at 9:15pm
Posted 2016/05/05 at 9:15pm
Everyone buster shots met 3.
Rolling dice...
Phione's attack misses, but Shired crits!
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on May 5th, 2016 at 9:20pm
Posted 2016/05/05 at 9:20pm
Met 3 was defeated!
Met 2 uses Basic Attack on Phione!
Rolling Dice...
The attack hits!

HP: 95/175 | MP: 95/100

HP: 100/150 | MP: 100/100

HP: 180/200 | MP: 100/100

Met 2
HP: 30/50 | MP: 40/50

You are close to victory, Rotom. In fact, if all three attacks hit, or if you get a hit AND a critical, you will win!
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on May 5th, 2016 at 9:57pm
Posted 2016/05/05 at 9:57pm
Everyone basic attacks the met.
Rolling dice...
Everyone hits, and phione crits!
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on May 9th, 2016 at 7:23pm
Posted 2016/05/09 at 7:23pm
@rotomslashblast : No need to do much, it's dead, you guys leveled up, such and such.
Alright, the first battle is out of the way. I was told to do two, but I think my laziness is too much for just one, it seems. So idk what to do. MAYBE I'll try 2 battles, but maybe later, idk.
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on May 19th, 2016 at 9:06pm
Posted 2016/05/19 at 9:06pm
Let's try another battle.
^ Top

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