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Mega Man RPG Prototype Roleplay & Games

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Mega Man RPG: Lab Defense

May 26th, 2016 at 6:31pm
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Trying something a bit different from the normal RPG type stuff. The three Doctors you know very well are looking to expand their effort in making the Prototype a safer haven against invaders. They have begun building additional labs in order to develop experimental robots and maintain peace in the various areas. In this RPG, you and your friends will be defending your Doctor's new labs from intruders. The intruders' goal is to reach the Mother Computer and destroy it to shut down the lab, endangering the nearby robots and upsetting the efforts of the Doctors to expand their research.

The battles take place in a maze-like area (a map of the current "turn" will be shown on each post), and you must carefully decide what enemies to take on or what other actions to do (more on those to come as labs are successfully defended). Each robot in the field can move a certain number of spaces per turn, and when two robots meet in the same square, something will happen.

If the robots are on opposite teams, a battle will take place. Each "turn", both robots will attack each other once. The battle is over when one robot is disabled, and the "spoils", so to speak, will go to the survivor. If a player is disabled, that player is out for the rest of the defense, but will be repaired and ready to go for next mission. If an enemy is disabled, that player gains experience and may level up at the end of the mission.

If allies meet on the same square, they may exchange items, team up, or do both. Consider every now and then exchanging items since any items a player is holding onto are lost if that player is disabled (though disabling the robot that took the items will get them back). It could also be, for example, someone is low on health, but does not have any healing items, so the player may seek help from other players, who can only give items to them once they meet. The enemies can also exchange items, so view the battle log carefully!

Allies can also team up, acting as one unit. Teams are much more a threat to the enemy, since they both can attack in the same turn in battle. A side effect to this, though, is that the team is forced to move as fast as the slowest member in the "party", so teaming up might be left as a last resort...or done early on to avoid a drawn out battle. That's your team's call to make.

Wipe out the enemy party quickly before any robots get to the Mother Computer! The computer can take some damage, but it cannot heal itself and it cannot fight back. If the computer's health hits 0, the lab is finished and any items or experience gained in the mission is lost.

There may be more added to the game later, but for now, this is all you need to know. As far as the missions themselves go, obviously there will be some restrictions placed on you since the labs are still being developed, but that just adds to the strategy the team as a whole has to make. The guidelines for each mission include:

-Number of holdable items for each player
-Number of NPC Allies (and who you get, as well as their stats and abilities)
-How many robots per player can join (expect most early defenses to be 1 per player)
-Number of enemy waves (and a rough estimate of how many robots in each wave, as well as each robots' stats)
-Any notable gimmicks (what you may need to watch out for)
-Reward for Lab Survival (different depending on the doctor)

Now, for characters. Just your name and elements (I'll accept Dual Cores, list your primary element first) will do, as well as your starting stats. You have 20 stat points to spend on your overall stats. They are LE, WE, ATK, DEF, and SPD. The damage formula will follow the basic Player ATK - Enemy DEF = Total Damage, and everything else is self-explanatory except for SPD: highest SPD starts first in battle, as usual, but the formula (SPD/2) is also how many spaces you can move per turn, so a Speed of 4 is good enough for a movement of 2 spaces per turn. You will get 2 stat points per level up, and there is no level limit. You will also get the abilities Buster Shot (base damage is your ATK), plus an elemental Buster Shot of your primary element (base damage is your ATK, affected by weaknesses and resistances). You will get more abilities as time goes on, and I'll let you know how that'll work when the time comes.

I think that'll do for now, let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. I'll wait for a few signups, then I'll get you guys going on Mission 1 with Dr. Light.

EDIT: Because of the number of players this game has attracted, I will only allow one robot per player. If you wish to change your robot at any time prior to leveling up/in battle, let me know. Once you have finished a mission, you will be stuck with the robot you have chosen.

Current Mission Map:

Mission 1: Turn 7

Waves Completed: 1 out of 2

A big thanks to MegaBoyX7 for making for me the original image, which I then will edit from here on out to show the current mission progress.
Mega Man RPG: Lab Defense
Posted by TailsMK4Omega on May 26th, 2016 at 6:31pm
Viewed 4533 Times
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on May 26th, 2016 at 9:18pm
Posted 2016/05/26 at 9:18pm
MegaBoy, Reporting for duty!

Name: MegaBoy
ID Code: DWC-001
Core: Copy
LE: 2
WE: 3
ATK: 10
DEF: 3
SPD: 2

^ Top
- deleted -
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 2:16am Edited on 2016/05/27 at 2:50am
Posted 2016/05/27 at 2:16am Edited 2016/05/27 at 2:50am
(I'm sure once people see an example of the game, they'll join in)

dr-light Ah, thank you for coming. We still do not know what dangers lurk in the Prototype, so I am expanding my research labs to cover some unknown areas so that robots can seek refuge in times of need. Previously we had only needed to ensure the Robot Masters were on our side again, but it seems we have only scratched the surface of the Prototype. We are now in the first developmental lab to cover more of the Intro Field. Since the area is primarily Met-populated, I do not see any problems with building labs here, but lately the Mets have been more aggressive, hence why I have reached out to the warriors of the Prototype for help. I suspect the Mets are territorial and do not like the lab being built, but I need to help other robots in need, and my main lab is too far away to aid robots in other areas. If you could defend this base until the lab is complete, then I can begin aiding robots in the Intro Field. Your assistance is greatly appreciated, and I have made sure that Mega Man and Roll are nearby if you run into any trouble. Be sure to talk to them if you need a boost. Good luck, and I hope more of your kind answer my call.

Enemies will always spawn at the edge of the map, and make their way towards the Master Computer. Disable the enemies before the computer is destroyed!

Mission One: The Expansion Begins

Mission Details:

Goal: Defend the lab from the invaders!

-Allowed Held Items: 3
-Allies: Mega Man, Roll
-Robots Allowed Per Player: Any
-Enemy Waves: 2 (5 in Wave 1, 3 in Wave 2)
-Map Gimmicks: None
-Goal Completion Reward: +2 stat points for all survivors

Sending you the stats of the robots on this map...


mega-man Mega Man
LE: 4
WE: 4
ATK: 4
DEF: 4
SPD: 4
Abilities: Buster Shot, Copy Shot
Items: Weapon Pellet x3 (100%)

roll Roll
LE: 6
WE: 6
ATK: 2
DEF: 4
SPD: 2
Abilities: Buster Shot, Regen Unit
Items: Energy Pellet x3 (100%)


met Met
LE: 2
WE: 0
ATK: 2
DEF: 4
SPD: 2
Abilities: Met Shot
Items: Weapon Pellet (20%), Energy Pellet (20%)

sniper-joe Sniper Joe
LE: 4
WE: 4
ATK: 6
DEF: 4
SPD: 2
Abilities: Sniper Shot, Sniper Shield
Items: Weapon Capsule (20%), Energy Capsule (20%)



Master Computer HP: 5

Ally Positions:

1 - Mega Man
2 - Roll
3 - MegaBoy

Enemy Positions:

1 - Met
2 - Met
3 - Met

After you make your move, MegaBoy, the other two will move as well. The map was made small so that you'll run into a battle fairly soon. Go ahead and decide where you'll go. Because of your Speed, you will be able to move one space a turn, so will Roll and the Mets. Mega Man can move two spaces at a time, so he'll probably battle first. I will control any npcs, you just worry about your character. Let me know if you have any questions.

EDIT: If any more people sign up at this time, you will join the battle, but if you intend to play, the sooner you join the better!
^ Top
13,580,823 BP
3 TP | 188 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 2:46am Edited on 2016/05/27 at 2:56am
Posted 2016/05/27 at 2:46am Edited 2016/05/27 at 2:56am
it smells like fun in here...... I'm in.

Name:Crimson Man.EXE

^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 2:57am
Posted 2016/05/27 at 2:57am
All right, there was something I forgot to mention anyway, so I'll just do this:


LE: 2/2
WE: 3/3
Abilities: Buster Shot, Copy Shot
Map Movement Speed: 1 space per turn

Crimson Man.EXE
LE: 3/3
WE: 2/2
Abilities: Buster Shot, Laser Shot
Map Movement Speed: 2 spaces per turn

...Right now both of your abilities are free, but soon you'll get abilities that will need the WE. And Crimson, for now, both you and X7 occupy the same spot, so I guess you two can decide right now if you want to team up, or split up for now. More enemies will be coming later...
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 7:22am
Posted 2016/05/27 at 7:22am
Name: Skull Man
Core: Shadow
Life Energy: 4
Weapon Energy: 2
Attack: 7
Defense: 5
Speed: 2
^ Top
770,544,761 BP
8 TP | 730 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 11:11am Edited on 2016/05/27 at 11:20am
Posted 2016/05/27 at 11:11am Edited 2016/05/27 at 11:20am
picket-man : I Will help protect your lab Dr. Light! Don't want anything to go to waste!

LE: 5

WE: 2
Attack: 3
Defense: 7
Speed: 3

^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 12:08pm
Posted 2016/05/27 at 12:08pm
star-man Well well, What have we here? A couple runts that could use a lesson in pain? I'll oblige to this.

Name: Frostray
Core: Freeze/Laser
LE: 4
WE: 3
ATK: 5
DEF: 4
SPD: 4

WILY SIDE (unless wily isnt available)
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 3:05pm Edited on 2016/05/27 at 3:25pm
Posted 2016/05/27 at 3:05pm Edited 2016/05/27 at 3:25pm
(Adding new players to map, and Mettaur Man, you didn't say your robot's Core, so I'm assuming Cutter for now. Let me know what your Core actually is when you move, and I'll update your stats. Also, there are no sides, as everyone participates in the same mission.)

mega-man Wow, we are all of a sudden receiving a lot of help. That's great! I guess I'll get back to helping Doctor Light finish the lab!
roll You guys got this, so we'll protect the computer. Come see us if you need any help!

Mega Man and Roll have changed their NPC strategy to Defend the Computer. They will not search for threats, but will intercept any enemies that get close to the Mother Computer. Because of the addition of more players, Wave 1 will now have 6 enemies total and Wave 2 will have 4 enemies total. I shall give the map update here then give everyone their options.



Master Computer HP: 5


MegaBoy 1
LE: 2/2
WE: 3/3
Abilities: Buster Shot, Copy Shot
Map Movement Speed: 1 space per turn

Crimson Man.EXE 2
LE: 3/3
WE: 2/2
Abilities: Buster Shot, Laser Shot
Map Movement Speed: 2 spaces per turn

Skull Man 3
LE: 4/4
WE: 2/2
Abilities: Buster Shot, Shadow Shot
Map Movement Speed: 1 space per turn

Mettaur Man 4
LE: 5/5
WE: 2/2
Abilities: Buster Shot, Cutter Shot
Map Movement Speed: 2 spaces per turn

Frostray 5
LE: 4/4
WE: 3/3
Abilities: Buster Shot, Freeze Shot
Map Movement Speed: 2 spaces per turn

Ally Positions:

1 - Mega Man
2 - Roll

Enemy Positions:

1 - Met
2 - Met
3 - Met

I think this goes without saying, but you can just say something like "1 Down, 1 Right" or something to that effect when you move.
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 3:51pm Edited on 2016/05/27 at 4:00pm
Posted 2016/05/27 at 3:51pm Edited 2016/05/27 at 4:00pm
@TailsMK4Omega : MegaBoy down [1]
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 5:40pm
Posted 2016/05/27 at 5:40pm
(I thought i said Wily, not Light.)

Frostray simply waits out his turn.
^ Top
13,580,823 BP
3 TP | 188 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 5:57pm
Posted 2016/05/27 at 5:57pm
proto-manHeh. I'm going to go one up. Seems like the best strategy for now
^ Top
770,544,761 BP
8 TP | 730 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 7:37pm
Posted 2016/05/27 at 7:37pm
picket-man : Lets go! *Moves 2 tiles forward*
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 8:30pm Edited on 2016/05/27 at 8:46pm
Posted 2016/05/27 at 8:30pm Edited 2016/05/27 at 8:46pm
I shall join as well!!

time-man Musical
Core: Crystal
LE: 3
WE: 4
ATK: 3
DEF: 4
SPD: 6

Light side, I guess?
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 8:48pm Edited on 2016/05/27 at 8:49pm
Posted 2016/05/27 at 8:48pm Edited 2016/05/27 at 8:49pm
star-man Who said I was HELPING you?
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 9:25pm Edited on 2016/05/27 at 9:38pm
Posted 2016/05/27 at 9:25pm Edited 2016/05/27 at 9:38pm
I was going to join earlier, but laziness, oh no!
*Note: In most versions of Ender Man, he is Earth/Cutter dual core, but here I made him pure earth core for simplicity.

ring-man Ender Man
Core: Earth
LE: 3
WE: 5
ATK: 5
DEF: 4
SPD: 3
(If these stats too low, please tell me.)
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 10:10pm
Posted 2016/05/27 at 10:10pm
Moving one space forward.
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 10:24pm Edited on 2016/05/28 at 5:38pm
Posted 2016/05/27 at 10:24pm Edited 2016/05/28 at 5:38pm
(Music and Ender are in, and rotom, everyone works together in this RPG. If you would rather not be in the RPG, just let me know.)

Turn 1 has ended, and the security log has been updated with detection of movement outside the lab...apparently 3 Mets will enter the lab in two turns.

Refer to the first post for the current map.

Characters that can move 1 space: MegaBoyX7, Skull Man, Roll, Met
Characters that can move 2 spaces: Crimson Man.EXE, Mettaur Man, Frostray, Ender, Mega Man
Characters that can move 3 spaces: Musical

Ender has Earth Shot and Musical has Crystal Shot, along with the default Buster Shot. That's all for this update. Plan your next move carefully.
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 10:31pm Edited on 2016/05/27 at 10:44pm
Posted 2016/05/27 at 10:31pm Edited 2016/05/27 at 10:44pm
Frostray moves two spaces down.
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2016 at 10:38pm
Posted 2016/05/27 at 10:38pm
Musical moves two spaces ⌄ and one space >

time-man Imma gonna get 'ya!
^ Top

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