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Introduction to Mega Man!

March 16th, 2014 at 7:35pm
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As I was going to send an email to some friends who wanted to get into Mega Man, I thought some new guys to Mega Man might need a introduction to the story.

Sometime unspecified, there were multiple attempts on creating something non-organic and somehow giving it real emotions and feelings. Many scientists throughout the globe attempted this project but it always ended up in failure. However one day, two doctors, with the names of Dr. Thomas Right and Dr. Albert Wily finally managed to create a machine with feelings and the appearance like that of a little boy. The young boy-like machine had lush brown hair and had an outfit completely out of blue. The decision to give the machine the appearance of a little boy came from the idea that it was non-complex to create, could serve as a basis for other robots and from Dr. Right’s inability to actually have children, due to his age. They decided to boot up the robot and see if the project would work out as planned. The sound of the Window’s startup screen appeared on the eyes of the robot, followed by blinking and finally a question. “Who am I?”. The doctors explained that he was the first of a new age of science. The doctor’s excitement about the young boy was of that of a child receiving a toy for Christmas. They then started working on the other robots they had planned to make. These new robots would have the title of “Robot Masters” for they were robots who could master any situation, even those normal humans couldn’t do. The young boy robot was to help with the construction of these new robots for his purpose was to assist Dr. Right and Dr. Wily in their laboratory. They give the robot the name of Rock, due to Right’s liking of the rock era of music. The first Robot Master created was Cut Man, who could made to chop down trees. The next was Guts Man, who was made for land reclamation and construction. Ice Man was next, created to perform human-like tasks under extreme climate conditions. Bomb Man was created after Ice Man, and was to work in conjunction with Guts Man. Fire Man was made after that, created for dispose of waste. Elec Man was then made for assistance for workers in electrical plants. Two others had their plans made, but Right thought that it would be better for them to be made at a later time. On December 17, Right was to unveil the new series of robots to the world. Rock was running around like a wild animal, trying to make sure the event didn’t go wrong. Dr. Wily stood in the shadows of the stage where they were to present the Robot Masters. He looked at the robots with an envious glare, jealous of the fact that he received little to no credit of the creation of the robots. The presentation went well besides the fact for when Dr. Right mixed up multiple of his words during the speech. The reporters bombarded Dr. Right with questions, mostly positive. Some were suspicious of the loyalty of the robots, but concluded that these robots couldn’t hurt a fly, unless their programming said so. That night, Dr. Right went to sleep believing today was a day well done. Rock kept himself up with questions about the robots. “It took me years for my programming to be safe. With new robots flying out of production, would these robots be as safe?”. However before he could answer himself, a loud clang echoed throughout the laboratory. “The robots!” screamed Dr. Right as hurried footsteps ran past Rock’s room. “Hurry Rock!” screamed Dr. Wily, from across the hallway. As Rock entered where the robots were stored, the Robot Masters were operational…..with Dr. Wily standing in the center. Suddenly, Rock was struck with a large electrical pulse and as he fell, he could see Dr. Wily gaze at him with hate. Everything blacked out for Rock until Dr. Right shook him with fear in his eyes. “Rock, he took them all!”. “Who?!” replied Rock. “Albert did! He attacked you and took hold of me! He said if he couldn’t get fame from good, then he’ll have to try it another way! I don’t know what could have possessed him to do this.”. Before Rock could process what had happened, the television turned on. “Hello everyone. I would like you to meet your new king. Me! If the United Nations don’t give me control over the world, I will declare war with my new army, and some of you will have dire consequences.”. Dr. Right simply covered his eyes, feeling guilt from making something that would cause the end of the world. “Nobody could save us now. Those robots have superhuman abilities. Even if the United Nations threw everything they had against the robots, they would still remained unscathed. Nobody could save us.”. “ Dr. Right, I could do it.”. Dr. Right looked at Rock alarmed. “You’re my son. I couldn’t throw you into war.”. Rock looked at him with determination and said “Everybody has to grow up sometime.”. Dr. Right looked at him once again and said” Fine. I’ll have to modify you though. Just promise me you’ll come back…..”

I know it's 20XX, but might as well add some mystery on their part or something. Just pretend or something. I don't know, eat a carrot or something.
Introduction to Mega Man!
Posted by MegaBossMan on March 16th, 2014 at 7:35pm
Viewed 1411 Times


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Posted on March 16th, 2014 at 7:38pm
Posted 2014/03/16 at 7:38pm
Also, I used multiple Japanese versions of the names. Just ask if you want Dr. Right to be Light. Not Rock though. He would be called Mega Man in his normal state, but Mega Man in battle. (If I were to continue)
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Posted on March 16th, 2014 at 11:13pm
Posted 2014/03/16 at 11:13pm
Oh, if you wanted to introduce someone to Mega Man, you should really spare all the unnecessary details and get straight to the good stuff. Here's a cut and revised dramatic narration of MMClassic's origin from a fanfiction I wrote once, told from Mega Man's perspective.

"My name is Mega Man, and I’m a humanoid robot. One of the first ever built, actually, along with my two siblings. We were built by two astounding scientific professors, Doctor Light and Doctor Wily, who wanted to show how such intelligent robots could shape the world. Shortly after us two—I had yet to discover my third sibling—came eight more Robots. Called the Robot Masters, each one had their own purpose to further society. One for reclaiming wilderness, one for research in Antarctic areas, one for researching time travel...effectively, Robots as workers that were far more efficient than humans.

"The world was impressed, to say the least, and Light was quickly placed in the spotlight for his great achievements. Wily, however, was bitter, as most of his work had been ignored. Eventually, he had had enough—he stole all eight of the Robot Masters, reprogramming them for combat, and said that the world was about to see what these Robots could really do. It was pretty obvious to us by now that Doctor Wily’s main objective was world domination.

"At first, my sister and I were distraught, and had no idea what to do, but eventually, I knew what had to be done. I volunteered myself to Doctor Light, offering to be turned into a combat robot like them, and I would go off and save the world. He was reluctant to see his dear 'son' go off to war, but eventually, he realized he had no other choice, and he agreed.

"And, well...since then, life has never been quite the same. Doctor Wily is a cunning man, and each year, he returns with a new army of Robots for the same old objective—even going as far as to steal other good scientists' Robots."
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4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on March 17th, 2014 at 3:51pm Edited on 2014/03/17 at 3:55pm
Posted 2014/03/17 at 3:51pm Edited 2014/03/17 at 3:55pm
This story was originally for some friends. I thought I post it here for anyone who needed it for a side project. I only wrote the story of the beginning of Mega Man's story to introduce them to it, then play the games themselves. My friends wanted a thorough explanation of the Mega Man story and I only posted this for the new guys. :P
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