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Mega Man RPG Prototype Roleplay & Games

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2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Large groups of people crowded around the plaza of a city, looking up to the old, wooden stage with an empty podium. The city was rather dingy in its own right; some of the buildings were falling apart, but otherwise, the town wasn't necessarily in shambles. The groups of people stood at the stage in a stunned silence, seemingly waiting for something to happen at the stage.
Then, in a dull flash of light, a man appeared on the stage. The man looked to be in his early twenties, or even in his teens, and faced the crowds of people. He wore a pair of lace-less dress shoes, a pair of black jeans too large for him, and a long sleeved, thin-cloth flannel shirt. His eyes were obscured by a pair of cracked sunglasses, and wore an odd, black helmet on his head. The helmet itself was partially exposed, showing the circuitry inside of it. The man lazily levitated a few feet above the floor of the stage, the circuitry of his helmet flashing about as he moved. The man finally spoke into the microphone, using a dull, quiet tone to address the crowds.
"P-please, there is no reason to be so loud. I know all of you are excited, but please express your excitement by listening to my speech." the crowd immediately hushed, all of their eyes focusing onto the man, "Now, I'm glad that all of you are here today. I am here to tell you about something that your town has been waiting for, for years. First, let me introduce myself. I am known simply as β, and for about five years now, I've been the CEO of this first in the Gladitorial Fighting industry since the Roman Empire. These Gladitorial establishments have been shown to have many positive effects onto the town they are built in. They bring in more touristry, and establish a more stable economy for the town. The fighters have fun too, even if they are fighting to the death. I believe that this will be a great addition to the town of Spokane, and I'll be glad to announce that, not only have we started work on the building, but we have finished building this stadium as well." β floated over the stage to show, about a block away, a large stadium stood, with a flashy red banner on it displaying the words "Spokane Tournament Grand Opening" in a golden print. Crowds had immediately rushed to the building, many of them signing up to spectate or participate in the gladitorial bouts.
Fifteen years later, and the stadium is as strong as ever, if not more strong than it had used to be. Now it seems rather unnecessary for a town mayor after the stadium came in. With so much economic and political power, β had more of a say in what happened in the town than they mayor himself. Election year is coming up, and the past mayor, Vince van Castel, is having trouble winning the votes. His main political opponent is β, who seems to be getting the majority of the vote, it doesn't help the past mayor that the other two people running for mayor have more votes than he does, and they don't even have any political experience. Currently, β sat in his hotel room, looking over an array of flash cards for his next speech.
"Gosh, I can't believe I'm getting all of the votes, I must be doing something right with these tournament things. At least I've found a town that can be so easily be manipulated by my speeches, I just hope that none of them find out my true motives with these tournaments..." β hovered over to another piece of paper resting on his desk. It was a world map, and a large, red X was drawn across a rather small, isolated island of sorts far from Spokane on the map.
"Huh, that's Iceland. The leader there doesn't want my stadiums built there... It would be totally fair if I just, took Iceland by force. While I'm at it, how about all of those other countries that don't want my stadiums. Why not take over the entire EU so I can- no, not yet β, not yet..."
The Fate of Spokane is yet another boring tournament thread in the Roleplay section. The setting will start with the players recently entering Spokane during the β/Van Castel election. Spokane is not necessarily a town in shambles, but it's standing on a broken leg, with an unstable economy and complete dependence upon the stadiums that β had set up. Because of this, β has complete power over the town's economy and is even planning on taking over Spokane as mayor. "How can this be stopped?" a player may ask, worried about the fate of Spokane.
The player's part comes in when the town is ready to vote for mayor. The player can choose to enter the stadiums either to become a famous gladiator, or find out more information about the stadium and use said info to close down the stadiums (which fighting will usually have to be done either way). Although in a general game, the goal would be to stop β, here, the player can choose to do whatever they please, and support any of the four candidates in any way they please. However, the closing/promotion of the stadiums would mainly effect β and Vince van Castel. The four candidates are as followed:

Name: β
Age: 20
Ruling Style: Authoritarian
Economic Style: Communism
Vote: 50%

Name: Vince Van Castel
Age: 72
Ruling Style: Strict-leaning
Economic Style: Capitalism
Vote: 7%

Name: Zawadi
Age: 37
Ruling Style: Gentle-leaning
Economic Style: Lionism
Vote: 24%

Name: Mel Browne
Age: 64
Ruling Style: Gentle
Economic Style: Capitalism/Baked Goods Exchange
Vote: 19%

As you can see, the election isn't going very well for poor Vince Van Castel. Not only is an authoritarian tycoonist that specializes in the people-killing-each-other industry is winning, but the other two candidates are an old woman and a lion, and they both have more votes than he does.
No matter who wins the election, β wouldn't be stopped from being able to invade other countries as he pleases, and perhaps would even take the world under his arms by force! The player can't rest until they either completely abolish β and his stadiums, or support him to the end.
The player is allowed to do as they please in The Fate of Spokane, though they should keep in mind of any consequences (i.e: jumping off of a cliff would probably hurt). They can choose to speak to any of the candidates, merchants, any other NPC they may run into. However, the players should keep in mind that not everyone that they meet in Spokane is going to be friendly towards them.

Fighting System-
When in a battle, the player can choose to attack the opponent, check their stats, use an item, or participate in any other non-combat action. Though the paste for the battle system is here, I'll try my best to summarize it in a few sentences:
Per post, the player can choose to do two actions to speed up battle. They can do things like attack the opponent twice, attack them twice and use an item, check their stats, or do things such as taunt or flirt with the opponent. If the player attacks/acts twice, the two actions count as happening in two turns (e.i: a player attacks twice. They hit the enemy once, the enemy acts, then the player attacks once more). A player has three slots for weapons, and when they go into battle, they are free to use those weapons freely (in battle, a player would have to spend a turn to equip a weapon from inventory).
In battle, the player has access to 7 stats. Those stats include:
Health - Self explanatory. When a player's health drops to 0, they are knocked out and are returned to the first area of the town, and lose 100% of their zenny (minus the Charisma discount). Unlike other stats, players can also increase their Health through items. A player gains 15% of their starting Health stat per level up

Special Energy - Used to measure how many times a player can use their special moves. If a player's Special Energy drops to 0, a player can't use any of their special moves until they recover their Special Energy. A player gains 1 Special Energy per level up, but can obtain more Special Energy through Energy-increasing items, and caramels.

Attack - Used to determine how much damage a player can inflict with a physical attack. The equation used to determine attack is Power * (Attack/Defense). A player gains 15% of their starting Attack stat per level up.

Defense - Used to determine how much damage a player will take from a physical attack. A player gains 15% of their starting Defense stat per level up.

Sp. Attack - Used to determine how much damage a player can inflict with a special attack. A player gains 15% of their starting Sp. Attack per level up.

Sp. Defense - Used to determine how much damage a player will take from a special attack. A player gains 15% of their starting Sp. Defense stat per level up.

Charisma - Generally used to determine how effective a player's attempt at charming an NPC is. Other uses of Charisma include:
Merchant Discount- C/20 = % discount (i.e: One with 120 Charisma has a 6% discount. The limit is 50%
Losing less money when knocked out- C/10 = % saved (i.e: One with 120 will save 12% of their zenny when knocked out. The limit is 70&)
Surviving a fatal attack- C/35 = % of living (i.e: One with 120 Charisma will have a 3.4% chance of surviving a fatal attack)
Zenny Yield- Z * [1 + (C/250)] (i.e: One with 120 Charisma will gain 48% more zenny when knocking out an opponent)
A player gains 15% of their starting Charisma stat per level up.

Power - Not an inherited stat, but all weapons and armor have power stats for determining attack damage (i.e: a sword has 3 power. Armor may have -0.3 Armor, which means how much less power a weapon will have when hitting a player with said armor)

There is also a type chart, too! It looks something like this: here's the type chart
Weapon Classes
When a player attacks with a weapon once, that weapon gains 1 exp for that weapon category. The weapon categories include: Sticks, Swords, Knives, Axes, Claws, Explosives, Instruments, Muskets, Whips, Textbooks, Crystals, Palm Gloves, Sewing Needles, and Syringes. A class will have an array of available weapons they can use, but only one category will be known as their "Signature Weapon" (they gain a higher boost per weapon class level up).

A player's weapon class will start at E, and go up to D, C, B, A, and S. It takes 30 experience to jump to the next weapon class (60 for A to S). A player gains a 1.05x boost (1.075x, if it's their signature weapon) per weapon class they jump up to, and they gain an additional 10% (15%) boost when jumping from A to S.

Speaking of classes, the player has an option to choose from eight different classes! All of them have their own different pros and cons, and all have different playing styles:

-Balanced in every stat
-20% Zenny boost from enemies
-learns range of physical spec. moves
Can use: Stick, Knife, Sword, Explosive, Musket
More info:

-Physically Defensive, with average Attack/Sp. Attack
-Can sell items to NPCs/players
-Strength of special moves depends on wealth
Can use: Sword, Stick, Knife, Claw, Axe
More info:

-Normal attacks inflict damage on multiple foes
-Heals when using normal attack
-Damage multipliers depending on genre of music player chooses
Can use: Instrument, Sewing Needles, Stick, Knife
More info:

-Can recruit opponents from stadiums
-Increase stat growth of recruits naturally
-Can scrap recruits for money
Can use: Textbook, Sewing Needles, Stick, Syringe
More info:

-Can recruit any type of enemy, except from stadiums
-Increase stat growth of recruits naturally
-Can use any equipment recruits may have
Can use: Whip, Claw, Sword, Explosive
More info:

Fortune Teller
-Learns many special attacks of varying types
-Can charge players/NPCs to 'predict' their fortunes
-Predicts how much damage an opponent will inflict upon them
Can use: Palm Gloves, Crystal, Textbook, Sewing Needles
More info:

-Generates lost Health after battle
-Can cure own status conditions
-Defenses boost at low Health
Can use: Syringe, Sewing Needles, Textbook, Crystal
More info:

-20% more exp when fighting outside of stadiums
-Can tame/ride animals
-Gains Defense boost from animal steeds
Can use: Musket, Explosive, Knife, Axe
More info:

*Weapons labelled like this are signature weapons only for that class.

Unlike Mystery Mansion, the sign up rules here are going to be so much more lenient. You still can only sign up as one character at a time, but you have little to no restrictions on what you can be. Canon Mega Man characters, and just your normal Original Characters are fine.

The only thing I want from all of you is to give me a 2-4 sentence description of your character and/or a MM&B-style like/dislike infograph, and I want you to answer to the best of your abilities "Why did your character come to Spokane?"

Besides that, I hope all of you have fun with this!

Sign Ups: 0/???
Sign Ups end 10/31/4014

EDIT: For those that need one, here's a template that should help you.
The Fate of Spokane (A Roleplay Thread with Democracy)
Posted by Musical on May 20th, 2017 at 7:58pm
Viewed 2650 Times
63,012,188 BP
1 TP | 37 PP
Posted on May 22nd, 2017 at 6:45pm
Posted 2017/05/22 at 6:45pm
I had to change some stuff about this guy to work with the rp, by the way. Not everything in this is canonical to my personal story with him (such as possible age, backstory, voice, etc.)

Name: Störung Albert Rosenthal (i wont always spell it with the fancy german “O”, just so ya know)

Sex: 100% m a n, baby

Species: Human

Class: Fortune Teller

*Describe them to me (2-4 sentences. Feel free to write more or less)
Ooohhh goodness... Storung, personality wise, is a bit of a mess in my opinion: He’s whiny, blunt at times, clingy, slightly manipulative, and has a bit of a temper as well. On the contrary, however, he can be quite sweet and will probably drop everything that he’s doing even if you have a slight bruise. Storung overreacts to certain things as well, and gets excited very easily. Oh, yeah, he’s also known to be able to charm his way out of stuff (granted, it doesn’t work all the time)

Now time for how this boy looks, I can’t explain looks well at all so bear with me.

Storung is a 5’11, slightly tanned twenty 23 year old man with wavy, shoulder length, reddish-brown hair with a widows peak parting in the front (This forms “bangs” of some kind, i think, that are curled a bit at the ends), and hair laying on his shoulder. He wears a black jacket, that seems to be a mixture of a tailcoat and a trenchcoat, with one button on it, a white, short sleeved dress shirt, grey dress pants, and boots with an inch and a half heel. He has blue eyes that seem to always be giving bedroom eyes, and a bit of a tooth gap, which he’s a little bit embarrassed about; thinking that it draws away from his seemingly attractive and charming looks/nature.
Oh, I forgot to mention; Storung has a bit of a feminine figure. He’s got some pretty bit thighs aswell.

In case my description was terrible, heres a link to an image of him

Why did they come to Spokane? (1-2 sentences)
Basically, ever since his mother divorced his father, Storung’s been taking crap from his dad for waaaay too long. Therefore, he decided to leave Germany, when he was of age, and go to a place that was in his price range, and decent enough to live in.
He went to Spokane. Woo, great.

Anything else I need to know?
Uhmmm...Storung has a really nice voice? Though, in this, he has a thick German accent. Also, if angered too much, he will begin spouting things in german. Storung (in my story) is also supposed to have magic, and likes to mess with people from time to time. Nothing too harmful, though.
Oh, he also has a pet porcupine named mr. prickly pants. He’s not very important, i just wanted to tell you that.

i hope u like it and that i didnt mess anything up uwuwuwu
^ Top
366,533 BP
0 TP | 42 PP
Posted on May 22nd, 2017 at 7:49pm Edited on 2017/05/22 at 8:31pm
Posted 2017/05/22 at 7:49pm Edited 2017/05/22 at 8:31pm
Name: Chuck Hervson the Macho Man

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Class: Liontamer

Description: Chuck has a bulky and muscular build, although he has much more height than weight. He's 39 years old and has a small beard. He has short, straight hair, and stands at 6'3 with 217 pounds. He has s constant attire of a white tank top, skinny jeans, and leather boots. Occasionally he wears a western hat.

Reason for coming: Chuck had a successful career of pulling of manly things, like bench pressing chopped up couches and street fighting giant gorillas, but unfortunately, he started gaining injuries like a slightly fractured skull and a dislodged hip. He retired and became obsolete, but he came bro Spokane to prove himself worthy.

Trivia: Chuck is very macho, meaning he has a huge sense of masculinity. He also has somewhat of a cowboy theme, and has a very aggressive attitude, not hesitant to use any sort of violence on anyone he dislikes.
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on May 22nd, 2017 at 11:55pm Edited on 2017/05/23 at 1:32am
Posted 2017/05/22 at 11:55pm Edited 2017/05/23 at 1:32am
@Walter : Accepted!

@Charchar : Accepted!

Bear with me please; this is the starting post, and I may be a little rusty from being inactive in the roleplay section for a couple of months
Storung and Chuck were being transported to Spokane on a boat. The boat was similar to that of a cruise ship, though only made to hold about 50 people at the most. It was a mild, cold morning, a thin fog settled across the scene. It had started to rain as well, but the rain itself was inconsistent; it would often rain for five minutes, then stop for ten or twenty minutes before raining for a few more minutes.
The ship was rather barren, the only people on the cruise ship besides Storung and Chuck were an elderly, Chinese couple and a tour guide. The tour guide was a small woman who was about 4'10" and had shoulder length dirty-blonde hair. She wore a black dress with a small, golden emblem of a swan, with "Spokane Swans" written below the emblem in gold lettering. As the woman talked, she simultaneously used sign language to translate in the case of any deaf viewers on the boat.

"I am your tour guide, Sarah, and now we are reaching our destination: Spokane. Spokane was founded in 1978 by a war veteran who strived to create Spokane as a safe haven for those within the anti-war movement, and attempted to construct it as a family-friendly city. However, because rising tensions between townspeople involved within the current election for Spokane's mayor, the crime rates seem to be rising. The leaders of the biggest ruffian group in town are the children of candidate Vince van Castel! But, the rise in crime rates could also be in protest to the latest pastry bakery closing down; a ton of people were devastated to see the bakery go after 20 years of service. I liked their eclairs..." The woman frowned a bit to the crowd, then pointed over to a large collection of buildings in the distance, the fog starting to clear up. "Don't worry, though. This town is strictly against any violence that may occur over this election, or the closing of our bakery. If you see any sorts of fighting during any one of the candidates' speeches, please report the incident to the authorities."

As the ship cruised closer to the land mass, a large crowd of people could be seen crowding in front of a stage. If Storung and Chuck were to strain their eyes, they could see a small, frail man with a large black helmet behind one podium. At the other podium a lion stood, who seemed to be much more taller and well-built than the frail man, but seemed to be trying to avoid staring directly to him.

When the boat reached land, the woman and the Chinese couple stood off from the boat, looking in awe to the two characters on the stage. The couple had never seen such colorful, fantasy-book like characters in their life, and merely staring at the two was oddly gratifying.

"People often move to Spokane because of the clashing of species here. Spokane is pouring with diversity, and gives off a fantasy of a sci-fi-esque feeling in the city. Well, that's the reason I moved here, at least." The woman let the two off from the boat, giving them a gentle smile as they boarded off from the boat.

The two could hear the candidates talking from the podium, starting to address the closing of the bakery. A small, young girl meekly held a microphone as she walked to the stage, staring up to the two candidates.

"Z-Zah, Zuh..." The young girl held a flash card, and clearly had trouble pronouncing the names of the candidates, "Oh, Z-Za... Za-wa-di... And, uh... W-what's even that letter... Uhm..." The girl just looked up to the two candidates, her face starting to burn up in embarrassment, "Mayor candidate guys, what are your opinions on the bakery, and will you put it back into service if you get elected?"

Stay and listen
Head off somewhere else
Talk to:
Zawadi, β, Girl, Tour Guide, Couple, Fruit Merchant

Nearby locations
Spokane General Store
Johnny's Burgers
Tony the Tiger Fan Club
Head into city and try to find more ->
[HP: 25] [SpE: 23] [LVL: 1 (0/19 exp)]
Worn-Down Palm Glove: 4 Power. Special, Force-typed.
Inflicts damage 2 turns after being used. Cannot be used if the weapon is already about to inflict damage.
Crystal Shard: 1.44 Power. Special, Crystal-typed

Money- 20.00 Z
More info

[HP: 40] [SpE: 8] [LVL: 1 (0/19 exp)]
Thread Whip: 2.55 Power. Physical, Sound-typed
Has 50% chance of hitting opponent again (1.25 Power)
Cardboard Claws: 0.65 Power. Physical, Cutter-typed
Hits 2-5 times

Money- 20.00 Z
More info
ack this is barely crossing the chara limit
^ Top
63,012,188 BP
1 TP | 37 PP
Posted on May 23rd, 2017 at 6:31pm
Posted 2017/05/23 at 6:31pm
Storung, despite him not knowing English too well, decides to stay and listen; hoping that this might possibly teach him a few new words, and maybe understand why there’s a freaking anthropomorphic lion on a stage.
You know, our favorite German boy is already starting to have some doubts about coming here, it seems a bit...Weird to him. The “clashing of species” part stuck out to him the most. Perhaps he shouldn’t have picked a random place to run off to purely because it, ‘sounded cool’.

((auhgghghgugh im still getting used to all the formatting options stuff, don't beat me up too hard if i mess somethin up please))
^ Top
366,533 BP
0 TP | 42 PP
Posted on May 24th, 2017 at 6:25pm
Posted 2017/05/24 at 6:25pm
"I ain't got no time for none of that nonsense," Chuck said, being unintenterested in, well, anything currently near him. He decided to head to the city and seek out action.

^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on May 25th, 2017 at 3:23pm
Posted 2017/05/25 at 3:23pm
Huh im interested Musical show me what you got here

Name:Gale (yes i know preety creative , well this is the name of my D&D character i dont normaly stick with one class so thats good for the class i will use


(Well as D&D did not let me do this im doing now)
Species:Half Demon , Half Human (preety edgy huh)


No one added this but hey whatever

Description:An smart but arrogant man , separeted from his family as a kid and raised as a hunter , Gale is a cold
hearted hunter that will do every job no matter what , but its actualy a light hearted man that only do his job because he needs to and some times goes out to other get informations for the people that got him out of jail , oh yeah i did not say yet , as a half demon he was once throwed on jail and so , some peoplre paid for him to get out of jail and gives him some jobs at some times , Gale is also a codename gave to him as he not know his name , he is pale and at a normal size of a men at his twenty years , he wears a hood and long cloths to hide his face and skin as he have kind of a demon and human skin

Why he cam to Spokane:As i already mentioned , he gets information for the people he works for and to get information for himself as he searches for his next target , and so he thinks Beta (i know my greek letters thanks) might have some information for some reason but probably not , probably he just wants to get away from job for some time(spoilers thats what he wants

^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on May 25th, 2017 at 4:53pm
Posted 2017/05/25 at 4:53pm
@Copyie : Hate to burst your bubble, Copyie, but I have no intention on joining this roleplay. Not that I could understand it in the first place.

Unless Beta refers to something else, of course. If so, just ignore what I just said.
^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on May 25th, 2017 at 8:01pm Edited on 2017/05/25 at 8:03pm
Posted 2017/05/25 at 8:01pm Edited 2017/05/25 at 8:03pm
@Beta Man : Beta is the Greek letter that the guy Musical created name apparently is , the one my pc do not have a button for so i just writed Beta
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on May 26th, 2017 at 2:48pm
Posted 2017/05/26 at 2:48pm
@Copyie : Accepted!

Gale stood within the crowds of the current debate going on in Spokane's Plaza. He stood within the back of the crowds, wearing large, baggy clothing in order to hide his non-human physique. He wore a pair of sunglasses that would not only cover his eyes, but allow him to communicate with who he currently worked for. Gale might have had trouble looking over the crowds of people, but he could still see the two candidates standing on the stage. Gale could recognize β, but he did not really know who else was standing on the stage. The other candidate was quite literally a lion; that is not a metaphor either, the candidate was an anthropomorphic lion person with some snazzy hair, (he uses at least five bottles of conditioner a day) he appeared quite nervous, and the small red bow tie he wore made him look as if he was a pet dog dressed up by his owners. Then, a voice came out from the chip attached to Gale's glasses, speaking in a hushed tone as if other people were around him.
"Hey, are you sure about this, Gale? β doesn't seem too suspicious to me, just a regular politician. I'll let you try and look further into him, but please don't try and do anything that'd get you into trouble, okay?"

Stay and listen
Head somewhere else
Talk to:
Zawadi, β, Girl, Tour Guide, Couple, Fruit Merchant

Nearby Locations
Spokane General Store
Johnny's Burgers
Tony the Tiger Fan Club
Head into city and try to find more ->

What will you do next?
@Walter : Chuck decided that this political nonsense is nothing but that: political nonsense.

Seeking action, Chuck went down a street east of the plaza: . He went down a street with a variety of people walking about, buying things from a variety of merchants. There were only about three different merchants on the street, all selling different goods.

There were merely four merchants, and all of them specialized in a narrow category of goods:

Old Woman- Weak Armor Merchant
Knitted Socks: 6.5 6.4 Zenny
+3 Defense, +1 Sp. Defense. Opponent Attack Power -0.08
Knitted Pants: 10.5 10.33 Zenny
+4 Defense, +4 Sp. Defense. Opponent Attack Power -0.15
Gardener's Hat: 9 8.85 Zenny
+1 Defense, +3 Sp. Defense. Opponent Attack Power -0.18
-> Flame-typed Attack Power -0.66

Wetzel the Pretzel Cat- Healing Items Merchant
Basic Pretzel: 2 1.97 Zenny
Freshly baked dough knot with a bit of salt. Replenishes 20 Health.
Cinnamon Pretzel: 3 2.95 Zenny
Pretzel baked in a sweet, cinnamon-tasting batter that's always popular with kids. Replenishes 40 Health. Slightly improves Stat Growth of Charisma.
Breakfast Sandwich 4 3.93 Zenny
An entire meal in one item! Breakfast Sandwich consists of a sausage patty with a bit of cheese on it, with scrambled eggs, baked on a pretzel bun. Replenishes 50 Health. Slightly improves Stat Growth of Attack, Sp. Defense, and Charisma.

"Red Lion" Gang Member
Bandana 500 491.75 Zenny
+10 Defense

Head deeper into the city (Enemy encounter rate: 12%)
Search for conflict (Enemy encounter rate: 95%)

Johnny's Burgers
General Store
Accountant Building

What will you do next?
@Charchar : Storung decided to stay and listen to the current debate. The current question both candidates have to answer is:
Will you open up the old bakery if you are elected?

β shuffled a bit at the podium. He knew that a large fraction of those within the audience were regular customers of the bakery. It wouldn't hurt to open it up if β was already making money from the stadiums, as the bakery was originally an attempt to obtain money from anyone visiting, as it would always be decorated with bright, cheerful colors.
"Well, I don't really see any harm in opening up the bakery. If so many people enjoyed it, then why had it closed down in the first place? If I am elected, I will, indeed, open up the bakery."

The question seemed to send a surge of energy through Zawadi's body, as if he was waiting for someone to ask that specific question. He adjusted his bow tie a bit, then walked up to the podium.
"Of course I'll open up the bakery! Not only do many people in the audience love the bakery, but I do too. It was so, very heartbreaking to hear the Baker lose her job, after working here with us for 35 years. If elected, not only will we make sure that the bakery will be opened up once more, me and fellow candidate Mel Browne will work to improve the bakery in anyway we possibly can!"

β- Neutral
Zawadi- Neutral-Possitive

Total people at debate: 88
Will Storung vote?

What will you do next?
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on May 26th, 2017 at 2:51pm Edited on 2017/05/26 at 3:09pm
Posted 2017/05/26 at 2:51pm Edited 2017/05/26 at 3:09pm
[HP: 25] [SpE: 23] [LVL: 1 (0/19 exp)]
Worn-Down Palm Glove: 4 Power. Special, Force-typed.
Inflicts damage 2 turns after being used. Cannot be used if the weapon is already about to inflict damage.
Crystal Shard: 1.44 Power. Special, Crystal-typed

Money- 20.00 Z
More info

[HP: 40] [SpE: 8] [LVL: 1 (0/19 exp)]
Thread Whip: 2.55 Power. Physical, Sound-typed
Has 50% chance of hitting opponent again (1.25 Power)
Cardboard Claws: 0.65 Power. Physical, Cutter-typed
Hits 2-5 times

Money- 20.00 Z
More info

[HP: 30] [SpE: 7] [LVL: 1 (0/19 exp)]
1776 American Musket 2.75 Power, Physical, Impact-typed.
3/3 Bullets. Takes two turns to reload.
Cheap Firework Package 1.33 Power, Special, Explode-typed.
Hits all enemies. 25% chance to hit user as well.

Money- 20.00 Z
More info
Note: Aaaaaa I'm sorry, not even 10 comments in and I'm already having to post everything within two posts. Don't worry thou, it's fine so far
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366,533 BP
0 TP | 42 PP
Posted on May 26th, 2017 at 6:19pm
Posted 2017/05/26 at 6:19pm
Chuck is extremely interested in the Bandana, but realizes that he does not have enough money. Instead, he walks up to Wetzel, and lays down 2.95 on the counter. "Yeah, gimme one of those Cinnamon Pretzels you felines call em' or whatever." he says curtly, not making eye contact with Wetzel.
^ Top
63,012,188 BP
1 TP | 37 PP
Posted on May 26th, 2017 at 7:09pm
Posted 2017/05/26 at 7:09pm
While listening, Storung cocked his head ever so slightly in confusion a few times. Some words he couldn't understand in the slightest, he also couldn't understand why a bakery is so important that it's a debate topic anyway. He won't vote, he just got here anyway.
Instead, maybe he'll try to leave and go out into town.
^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on May 26th, 2017 at 9:36pm Edited on 2017/05/26 at 9:46pm
Posted 2017/05/26 at 9:36pm Edited 2017/05/26 at 9:46pm
Gale needs some information on β to know if he is trustworthy , but he also need to know the town so he goes to the Tour Guide to get more information on the town , and the conversation did not sound so important by now , he can come back later to continue his investigation on Spokane
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2017 at 1:28pm
Posted 2017/05/27 at 1:28pm
@Copyie : The Tour Guide was directing a woman to the nearest fast food place, but immediately turned around when she heard Gale's voice speaking to her.
"Oh, you want to know more about the town? Well, I'm in a bit of a rush right now, but this map may help you find out where you want to go!"

The woman handed Gale a Sector 1 Map!

"The train terminal can take you to other parts of town, but right now it's closed down by a group of local ruffians that call themselves the "Red Lions." The fact that people can't get out of this general area of town is pretty bad, and I don't think the police are doing anything to get them out of here. Oh, if only someone could help out with that,"

What will you do next?
@Charchar : Due to not completely understanding what is happening on the plaza, Storung decides to head down into town.
Storung ends up down a street with merely a few businesses, but mainly has houses going down the street. For most businesses on the street, it was rather easy to tell which building sells or does what. The General Store had a large sign over it which exactly said what it was, "General Store." The recently added Little League Colosseum had a large, elegantly painted mural of two strong, armored men clashing swords, with the words "1v1 bouts- Johnson v. Brunswick. 5 Z per ticket!"
If Storung were to walk further, he would have seen the closed down bakery. It was colorfully painted, but had a banner strung across it saying "Closed Down: Please do not break in to the building." The windows were broken, and there were various baked goods lying outside of said window. It appears that, despite its closing, there's still food and possibly even a person inside of it.
However, there was one building that just seemed to be an enigma of sorts. It was a low-roof building that was rather long, similar to a miniature elementary school. In English was a sign that read "VAPOR RECORD Store." Below that, written in a much smaller writing was "世界的に有名な電子アーティストVektroidが署名したフローラル・ショップ・アルバムを無料でプレゼント" in what looked like very aggressive Japanese. From inside the building Storung could hear a deep, slow rhythm playing, and a strong purple mist emerged out from the building

General Store
Spokane Little League Colosseum

Try to break into Bakery
Go deeper into town

What will you do next?
@Walter : Wetzel, a nervous and fidgety ocelot child, took Chuck's 2.95 Z and stuffed it into his pocket, sliding a Cinnamon Pretzel back to Chuck. The pretzel merchant then looked over to the man selling the bandannas and gave Chuck a nervous stare.
"Oh gosh, that guy. Be careful around him; if you pass by him without buying anything from him, he goes crazy. Last week, I passed by him to use the bathroom without buying anything, and he beat me up and stole all of the money I made that day! Just be careful around him, okay?"

Gregory Street
-Robbie Rotten Fan Club
-Johnny's Burgers
Elgarose Lane
-Spokane Little League Colosseum
Cedar Street

Provoke Red Lion Member
Talk to:
Wetzel, Red Lion Member, Old Lady

What will you do next?
@All :
In case you haven't read Copyie's post, the map of the surrounding area looks like this
[HP: 25] [SpE: 23] [LVL: 1 (0/19 exp)]
Worn-Down Palm Glove: 4 Power. Special, Force-typed.
Inflicts damage 2 turns after being used. Cannot be used if the weapon is already about to inflict damage.
Crystal Shard: 1.44 Power. Special, Crystal-typed

Money- 20.00 Z
More info

[HP: 40] [SpE: 8] [LVL: 1 (0/19 exp)]
Thread Whip: 2.55 Power. Physical, Sound-typed
Has 50% chance of hitting opponent again (1.25 Power)
Cardboard Claws: 0.65 Power. Physical, Cutter-typed
Hits 2-5 times

Inventory- Cinnamon Pretzel
Money- 17.05 Z
More info

[HP: 30] [SpE: 7] [LVL: 1 (0/19 exp)]
1776 American Musket 2.75 Power, Physical, Impact-typed.
3/3 Bullets. Takes two turns to reload.
Cheap Firework Package 1.33 Power, Special, Explode-typed.
Hits all enemies. 25% chance to hit user as well.

Inventory- Sector 1 Map
Money- 20.00 Z
More info
^ Top
366,533 BP
0 TP | 42 PP
Posted on May 28th, 2017 at 8:57am
Posted 2017/05/28 at 8:57am
Chuck feels the inevitable feeling that no matter what he does, he'll somehow always find himself in a fight with. Even so, he convinced himself that even if he does, he'll get the upper hand in the end. Chuck disregards the warnings and walks up to the Red Lion Member to talk to him.
^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on May 28th, 2017 at 11:31am
Posted 2017/05/28 at 11:31am
Gale ask how many of those Red Lions are in the train area , what kind of weapon they use and how do they look, he will fight them he only need some preparation depending on the information she will give him
^ Top
63,012,188 BP
1 TP | 37 PP
Posted on May 28th, 2017 at 3:59pm
Posted 2017/05/28 at 3:59pm
Storung looked around. Not that weird Japanese place, looks like a hangout for drug addicts and weirdos, not there, or there... He walks towards the bakery and examines it for a good 10 minutes, he even looks through the windows, trying to see if ANYTHING interesting was in there. He's not going to break in, he's not ready to go to jail just yet dang it.
He decides to go deeper into the town.
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on May 28th, 2017 at 8:46pm
Posted 2017/05/28 at 8:46pm
@Charchar : As Storung looked into the empty bakery, he saw exactly what someone would see inside of a closed down bakery: the inside of a closed down bakery. There were a few baked goods lying around on the floor, but they're probably stale. By the time Storung walked from the bakery, the weird Japanese music store was flooding the street with an odd purple mist, which was probably the reason why Storung decided to run away from that street.

Storung was making his way onto Maple Grove, the next street from where he was. He had to go through a few sketchy areas; things such as broken down alleyways, empty streets, things among those lines. On various surfaces, there was graffiti. Most of it were written towards the current candidates; there was a drawing of β, with "βeef" written under it. There was also a drawing of the lion guy from the debate Storung went to, with the words "don't vote for him hes just lion to you" over it. There was also a drawing of a green cat and a portrait of Charlemagne.

Eventually Storung did arrive to Maple Grove. It was a small stretch of roads within the city and, unlike most other areas in the city, there were only a few large buildings on the street instead of a large collection of small buildings. One of them was a large, cube-shaped building made with mainly glass, which let people from outside look inside, and vice versa. If Storung were to look inside, he'd see an array of people inside that were simply just fighting each other. For example, two people were clashing swords against each other, and another group were just throwing sticks at each other. What exactly were they doing in there? It was a mystery.

On the other side of the street was a large, beautifully polished building with "Delilah's Jewelers" written on it in big, black lettering. There were a group of ruffians breaking inside of the building, and the sound of a woman screaming. Just a normal day.

Next to the fighting building thing, there was a really big house, probably as big as a mansion! There was a cart of sorts being pulled by horses parked near the mailbox of the house, and if Storung looked over to the door, he'd notice a milkman standing in front of the door, holding a crate of milk bottles. The door bell was quickly answered, and the man who opened up the door turned out to be the lion from the debate! As he took the crate of milk bottles, two short lion children ran out from the house and made themselves visible.

"Whoa, look at that horse! I want to eat that horse!" One child loudly announced.
"Please, don't do that, I don't wanna pay for those horses again." The lion replied, giving the milkman a 10 Z bill.
"If milk is made from cows, why isn't the milkman's cart pulled by cows?"
"Well, son, that's because- gosh, I dunno. That's actually a good question."

What will you do next?
@Copyie : The tour guide shrugged.
"Well, we don't exactly know how many are in that area, or how strong they are, but we're able to make a few estimates from the few pictures we've gotten.

Amount: 2-4 members + The 2 ring leaders

Each member has 20 Health, while the two ring leaders have 35.

Weapons- Members:
Red Dagger - 1.5 Power. Cutter-typed
75% Chance to hit.
Basic Claw - 0.5 Power. Nature-typed
Hits 1-4 times.

Weapons- Ring Leaders:
Magic Stick 1.7 Power. Force-typed.
Hits all players at the scene
Poison Dart 1.2 Power. Virus-typed.
After being hit, opponent will lose Health equal to a 0.65 power virus-typed move for 4 turns.
Red Lion Claw 4 Power. Flame-types
Can only be used once.

Johnny's Burgers
Tony the Tiger Fan Club
Alleyways (Enemy Spawning Area)

What will you do next?
@Walter : As Chuck walked over to the Red Lion Member, he gingerly set down a small, red knife on the table, inches from the stack of bandannas.
"You better be here to be purchase one of these bandannas. They're, uh, top notch."
As the Red Lion member stared Chuck down, Wetzel simply watched in the distance, backing away in order to avoid conflict.

What will you do next?
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on May 28th, 2017 at 8:51pm
Posted 2017/05/28 at 8:51pm
[HP: 25] [SpE: 23] [LVL: 1 (0/19 exp)]
Worn-Down Palm Glove: 4 Power. Special, Force-typed.
Inflicts damage 2 turns after being used. Cannot be used if the weapon is already about to inflict damage.
Crystal Shard: 1.44 Power. Special, Crystal-typed

Money- 20.00 Z
More info

[HP: 40] [SpE: 8] [LVL: 1 (0/19 exp)]
Thread Whip: 2.55 Power. Physical, Sound-typed
Has 50% chance of hitting opponent again (1.25 Power)
Cardboard Claws: 0.65 Power. Physical, Cutter-typed
Hits 2-5 times

Inventory- Cinnamon Pretzel
Money- 17.05 Z
More info

[HP: 30] [SpE: 7] [LVL: 1 (0/19 exp)]
1776 American Musket 2.75 Power, Physical, Impact-typed.
3/3 Bullets. Takes two turns to reload.
Cheap Firework Package 1.33 Power, Special, Explode-typed.
Hits all enemies. 25% chance to hit user as well.

Inventory- Sector 1 Map
Money- 20.00 Z
More info
^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on May 29th, 2017 at 10:40am Edited on 2017/05/29 at 10:58am
Posted 2017/05/29 at 10:40am Edited 2017/05/29 at 10:58am
Gale thanks the Tour Guide and say well i dont know if i can do it but try to have a nice day , Gale heads to Johnny's Burgers hoping to find goods that can help him while he prepares to fight the Red Lions and say
Gale : Well hope i can find some bullets and goods to help me later when i fight those Red Lions

(Musical i have a question as i have the map i can go were i want when i want or it will be one by one the walking system ?)

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