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Mega Man RPG Prototype Roleplay & Games

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Role-Playing POWERED UP!

August 30th, 2014 at 2:25pm
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
To celebrate the new section, I'd like to make a thread for the popular "Insert character into Powered Up script". In case that was too vague, it's basically taking Powered Up's script and modifying it with your own custom character. Take this link as a template. Note it's not required to use the exact same lines, just try to make it similar. You don't need to make any scenes for this one, just use the old [robot:blank] template, maybe add some color, and make your own version of the chibi game! If you need any help, check the new formatting option. Check Btman's and TailsMK4's versions as an example, I'll post my shortly after.

(Hopefully, this will lead to a script of Powered Up 2 for everyone to make......)

Role-Playing POWERED UP!
Posted by MegaBossMan on August 30th, 2014 at 2:25pm
Viewed 34591 Times
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on August 7th, 2015 at 12:02pm Edited on 2015/08/07 at 12:33pm
Posted 2015/08/07 at 12:02pm Edited 2015/08/07 at 12:33pm
@Tobyjoey : I solved the Wood-Heat problem. It only appeared to have happened twice, but I may have to double-check.

Following the weakness order, we have the unbeatable robot with only the power to push others away, Air Man. (A slightly overused RM joke and a Megas reference. Why not?)

Vs. Mega Man
mega-man leaf-shield air-shooter air-man

air-man Hahaha! Do you really think you stand a chance against me, little bot blue?
mega-man I have no reason to fight you, Air Man! Come on, let me take you to Dr. Light.
air-man HA! Not without a fight! Prepare to be blown away, because I can't be defeated!

Vs. Roll
roll air-shooter air-man

air-man What are you doing up here?
roll You aren't gonna get away from your crimes, you know!
air-man I can't be defeated, especially by a little girl like you!

Vs. Proto Man
proto-man proto-strike air-shooter air-man

air-man Who are you? You don't look like a Wily-bot...
proto-man I came to stop you, so this will be our only meeting, Air Man.
air-man And now I simply don't care. You dare to face me!? I can't be defeated!

Intro Field
air-man dr-wily

In the year 20XX, with the advancement of science, humans were able to create industrial humanoid robots. Invented by Dr. Wily, Air Man was freed from his evil master and was changed into a windmill-moving robot.

roll We have a problem!
dr-wily Wahahahaha! Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. The name's Wily! The one and only - the brilliant scientist, Dr. Wily! It may seem rather sudden to you, but I've decided I'd like to take over the world! (Laughs evilly) Ahem! Anyway, to begin... Dr. Light! I'll be taking your precious robots!! (busts in) Nuhahahaha!! That is to say... Hmm?... What's this? Oh, Air Man... I'd take you, really! But I just can't STAND your huge ego! Nuhahahahah!
roll My friends are in trouble, Air Man! Quickly, follow me to the lab!

Dr. Light's Lab
roll dr-light air-man

dr-light ...What insanity! Using my robots to conquer the world...
air-man I'm unbeatable, Dr. Light. I'll handle this.
dr-light Air Man?! (starts thinking) Hmmm... Alright... I understand. I don't like it, but sometimes, such things must be done... I must make the necessary preparations.

roll dr-light air-man

dr-light Your Air Shooter allows you to blow Mechas the direction your blowing, as well as shooting out small tornados that spreads to random areas to damage the enemy.
air-man *Starter phrase* I'll blow you away!

Vs. Cut Man
air-man air-shooter rolling-cutter cut-man

cut-man Mr. Air Man!? I don't believe it, Dr. Wily was right! You've turned into a bad robot!
air-man You would believe ANYTHING someone tells you, will you?
cut-man Even if it cuts me in half, I'm gonna make you good again!

To be continued in the next post...
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on August 7th, 2015 at 12:33pm Edited on 2015/08/07 at 1:02pm
Posted 2015/08/07 at 12:33pm Edited 2015/08/07 at 1:02pm
Vs. Bomb Man
air-man air-shooter hyper-bomb bomb-man

bomb-man Ah ah! Don't run off! Let's have a little fun with my explosives!
air-man Oh, let's. I'll have fun playing hot potato with your bombs until I make them blow you to bits!
bomb-man You shoulda' came the day before yesterday! I had some big boom-booms then!

Vs. Ice Man
air-man air-shooter ice-slasher ice-man

ice-man There's something dangerous up ahead, sir! Oh? Freeze it at all costs, soldier!
air-man Am I dangerous? Yes. Are you gonna be able to freeze me? No. Do I take it as a challenge? Yes. Do I accept? Yes.
ice-man He seems to be taunting us, sir... Don't let him get to you, soldier!

Vs. Fire Man
air-man air-shooter fire-storm fire-man

fire-man FIIIIIIIRE! Burn! Burn! Burn everything in sight!
air-man Your flames will be blown away before they can even spread! Not to mention I'm gonna blow out that candlelight on your head.
fire-man You can't blow out the flames of justice! FIRE!

Vs. Oil Man
air-man air-shooter oil-shooter oil-man

oil-man Hey, whadja come out here for? Don'tcha have a place near your house for fill-ups?
air-man Actually, I power on the Wind around us. I have no need for oil. I actually came here to blow the oil straight back at you!
oil-man Heh. Good luck with that.

Vs. Elec Man
air-man air-shooter thunder-beam elec-man

elec-man Ugh, I don't like your voice. And your EGO.
air-man MY ego!? Excuse me, but have you even HEARD yourself lately?
elec-man Yes, I have, and that's all I want to hear now that YOU came.

Vs. Time Man
time-slow air-man time-slow air-shooter time-slow time-man time-slow

time-man You are late for your appointment.
air-man So what? I can go to my appointments any time I want!
time-man I will finish you off faster than the wind you make.

Vs. Guts Man
air-man air-shooter super-arm guts-man

guts-man Hey, what are you doing? Get to work!
air-man You aren't my boss, Guts Man. I'm here to blow your little project to the ground.
guts-man You big idiot! What'll happen to me if I get fired!? I'm gonna take you down with me!

Vs. Metal Man
air-man air-shooter metal-blade metal-man

metal-man Ah, Air Man. I'm been expecting you.
air-man Before we fight, let's remember that time you were playing with your Metal Blade like a Frisbee and I used my wind to blow it a different direction. Think about the moves you make, brother, because now I have an excuse to blow it back towards you, and we all know your weak to your own weapon.
metal-man I don't care if you try, it's not gonna happen. I'm gonna rip you to shreds!

More on the next post!
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on August 7th, 2015 at 1:03pm Edited on 2015/08/07 at 1:38pm
Posted 2015/08/07 at 1:03pm Edited 2015/08/07 at 1:38pm
Vs. Bubble Man
air-man air-shooter bubble-lead bubble-man

bubble-man Try to blow me away, Air Man. It won't have much of an effect on me since we're underwater.
air-man We're underwater? I thought you were so weak that it makes you lightweight enough to fly. HAHAHAHAHA!
bubble-man Alright, now you got me angry. Prepare to be trapped in Davy Jones' Locker.

Vs. Heat Man
air-man air-shooter atomic-fire heat-man

heat-man Air Man? What are you doing here?
air-man I'm here to blow out your flames. Face me!
heat-man You want me to fight you? Alright, let's go, I guess.

Vs. Wood Man
air-man air-shooter leaf-shield wood-man

wood-man I thought you were my brother, Air Man. That is, until you created the very winds that destroyed the creatures here. Now your nothing but a threat.
air-man Your next, Wood Man. Prepare to be blown away!
wood-man You... monster! You won't get away with this! Prepare to feel the wrath of Mother Nature!

Vs. Mega Man?
air-man air-shooter buster-shot mega-man-copy

mega-man-copy Hey, Air Man! Wily said he is impressed with your strength and wants you on the team.
air-man "Oh, sure thing, Mega!" ...Is that the response you want, faker?
mega-man-copy Well played, windmill, but I guess it's time I take you down since you know I'm not the real deal.

Vs. Copy Robot
air-man air-shooter air-shooter air-man

air-man Hey, leaf blower! If your as strong as you say, that would make me strong too, right?
air-man A copy of me? Finally, a challenge!
air-man Are you... are you serious!? Ugh, whatever, let's just get this over with.

Vs. Dr. Wily
air-man air-shooter dr-wily

dr-wily If only I had programmed you differently back then! ...It would have been genius! It's the only mistake I've made in my life!
air-man So, here we are. After all the challenges I faced, you are the final challenge. Give up now, Wily, because I can't be defeated!
dr-wily Wha... Why you insolent fool! I will crush you with a loud, loud crunch! Behold, my latest creation, the ultimate combat robot, Wily Machine Number 1! Nuhahahahaha!


Thanks to the actions of Air Man, Dr. Wily was defeated. However, after defeat, a mysterious robot disables him, allowing the evil doctor to rewire him...
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on August 7th, 2015 at 7:46pm Edited on 2015/08/07 at 8:03pm
Posted 2015/08/07 at 7:46pm Edited 2015/08/07 at 8:03pm
Vs. Dr. Wily

skull-man        dr-wily

dr-wily If only I had programmed you differently back then...! It would have been genius! It's the only mistake I've made in my life!
skull-man Dr. Wily, stop delaying my plans! All I want is to end you, then end Mega Man!
dr-wily that so, eh? Well, I'll crush you with a loud, loud crunch! Now behold! Behold, my latest creation, the ultimate combat robot, Wily Machine Number 1! Nuhahahahaha!

Vs. Roll

roll    buster-shot      skull-barrier  skull-man

skull-man Keep out of here, fool! This is my lair! To be shared with noone!
roll Ack! Now that's real creepy!
skull-man So you're complimenting me? Mwhahahaha! I knew it! My evildoing is unrivaled!

Vs. Proto Man

proto-man    buster-shot  buster-shot  buster-shotskull-man

skull-man Pwhahaha! What's this? Another red Mega Man with justice wanting to stop me?!
proto-man Skull Man? Oh no, not another reprogrammed Cossack bot...
skull-man I WANT your death, Mega Man! And since he isn't here, I'll take you instead!
^ Top
2,074,810,633 BP
7 TP | 411 PP
Posted on August 25th, 2015 at 12:17am Edited on 2015/08/25 at 12:27am
Posted 2015/08/25 at 12:17am Edited 2015/08/25 at 12:27am
The scatterbrained but kind electrical robot enters the ring, Spark Man!

Vs. Spark Man

mega-man    spark-shock    spark-shock    spark-man

spark-man Why are you hurting everyone here? They're my friends!
mega-man Spark Man, why won't you listen to reason? What you're doing is wrong!
spark-man I'm doing wrong? You are the one who's destroying our robotic brethren!

Intro Field

In the year 20XX, with the advancement of science, humans were able to create industrial humanoid robots. One robot made by the combined efforts of Dr. Light and Dr. Wily overcame his sinister programming and became an insulation testing robot.

roll    spark-man dr-wily

roll We have a problem!
dr-wily Wahahahaha! Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. The name's Wily! The one and only - the brilliant scientist, Dr. Wily! It may seem rather sudden to you, but I've decided I'd like to take over the world! Nha-haha-hahahahaha... ahem! Anyway, to begin... Dr. Light! I'll be taking your precious robots! Nuhahahaha!! That is to say... Hmm? Spark Man? I'm glad your pathetic peacekeeping attitude is out of my army! Nuahahaha!
roll Our friends are in trouble! Let's hurry to the lab!

Dr. Light's Laboratory

roll dr-light spark-man

dr-wily Nuhahahahah! Just as I promised, Dr. Light, I'll be taking them with me!
dr-light Stop, Dr. Wily! Stop, I say!
dr-wily Farewell! Nuhahahaha!
dr-light Wait! Stop! Dr. Wily! ... such insanity! Using my robots to conquer the world....
spark-man I won't let him mistreat my friends!
dr-light Spark Man?! Hmmm... alright... I understand. Consequences will follow, but I will make the necessary preparations.

dr-light Your Spark Shock can paralyze enemies, by charging the Spark Shock, you can inflict great damage.
spark-man This will hurt you as much as it hurts me!

Vs. Cut Man

spark-man    rolling-cutter cut-man

cut-man You destroyed all the robots here? Dr. Wily was right after all... you aren't good anymore!
spark-man Cut Man, you should know better! You were always so nice....
cut-man You're an evil robot now! I'm gonna stop you Mr. Spark Man and make you good again!

Vs. Guts Man

spark-man    spark-shock    super-arm    guts-man

guts-man I don't care who you are. If you're messin' up my site, I'm gonna hurt you good!
spark-man C'mon Guts Man, I don't want either of us getting hurt.
guts-man You big idiot! What'll happen to me if I get fired?! I'm gonna take you down with me!

Vs. Ice Man

spark-man    spark-shock    ice-slasher ice-man

ice-man There's something dangerous up ahead, sir! Oh? Freeze it at all costs, soldier!
spark-man How could you help Dr. Wily? You were always so loyal!
ice-man W-Well I'm just following my orders. Stop freezing up and freeze him! That's an order, solider.
^ Top
2,074,810,633 BP
7 TP | 411 PP
Posted on August 25th, 2015 at 12:19am Edited on 2015/08/25 at 12:24am
Posted 2015/08/25 at 12:19am Edited 2015/08/25 at 12:24am
Vs. Bomb Man

spark-man    hyper-bomb    bomb-man

bomb-man Ah ah! Don't run off! Let's have a little fun with my explosives!
spark-man Bomb Man, there a better ways to have fun. Why don't we go do something else?
bomb-man Ha, sorry, but no can do. Bombs are the only TRUE happiness.

Vs. Fire Man

spark-man    spark-shock    fire-chaser    fire-man

fire-man Burn, burn! My justice burns bright! Fiiiiiire!
spark-man Fire Man, this isn't justice! What Dr. Wily is making you do is unjust!
fire-man The Flames of Justice will not be tempted by evildoers! Fiiiiiire!!

Vs. Elec Man

spark-man    thunder-beam    elec-man

elec-man It still amuses me anyone could think you would replace my beauty. There simply is no comparison.
spark-man How could you say such mean things? We're both electrical discharging robots... we're practically brothers!
elec-man Bah. Stop trying to elevate yourself to my level, you pleb!

Vs. Time Man

spark-man    spark-shock    time-arrow    time-man

time-man Oh dear, you seem to be 12 seconds late for our appointment.
spark-man Appointment? We can end this quickly if you just start acting normal again!
time-man With that attitude, I'll be able to defeat you quickly on get back on time.

Vs. Oil Man

spark-man    oil-man

oil-man Ain't you one of 'dem self energizing bots? Why are you bugging me out here?
spark-man Oil Man, I came here to help you. Maybe we can work this out and fine common ground?
oil-man Seriously? I get ya'think you're fancy shmancy with your electricity, but oil can be crude, effective, and powerful pansies like ya.

^ Top
2,074,810,633 BP
7 TP | 411 PP
Posted on August 25th, 2015 at 12:23am Edited on 2015/08/25 at 12:25am
Posted 2015/08/25 at 12:23am Edited 2015/08/25 at 12:25am
Vs. Mega Man?

spark-man    spark-shock    buster-shot    mega-man-copy

mega-man-copy Heya Spark Man. The glorious Dr. Wily has decided you can be a recruitment agent in his militia. What do you say?
spark-man Mega Man... no, it's impossible! The real Mega Man would never do something so vile.
mega-man-copy Geez, it took my personality to clue you in, not the design change?

Vs. Copy Robot

spark-man    spark-shock    spark-man

spark-man Yo, Spark Spiller! Having to be modeled after your wimpy personality makes it hard to get any respect.
spark-man I would never say such things! If you're based on me, surely we can both work together and move beyond this, right?
spark-man Trust me, Spark Spiller. I may have your design but I'm still a Wily bot, through and through.

Vs. Dr. Wily

spark-man    dr-wily

dr-wily If only I had programmed you differently back then...! It would have been genius! It's the only mistake I've made in my life!
spark-man You may have helped bring me into this would, but that doesn't cloud my judgment of what you have done to my friends. It is unacceptable!
dr-wily Wha.... Why you insolent fool! I will crush you with a loud, loud crunch! Behold, my latest creation, the ultimate combat robot, Wily Machine Number 1! Nuhahahahaha!

With the day saved, Spark Man returned to his life among the Light and Cossack robot masters he had grown acquainted with. Spark Man's journey was over, and was able to endure the rest of his programmed life span.
^ Top
100,893,949 BP
4 TP | 178 PP
Posted on October 12th, 2015 at 5:59pm Edited on 2015/10/15 at 7:10pm
Posted 2015/10/12 at 5:59pm Edited 2015/10/15 at 7:10pm
I've decided to do Balloon Man. :3
In the year 20XX, thanks to the adavancement of science, humans were able they o create industrial and helpful robots.Balloon Manis a balloon regenerating robot for kids and adults to have a balloon wherever he is at in the momen. That is...
(Roll goes on about something but Balloon Man just gave her a balloon.)
dr-wily HahHahahahahaha! Ladies and gentleman, your attention, please! It may seem sudden to you, but I'm going to take over the wolrd! *Ahem* For starters, I'll be taking your precious robots!
dr-wily Oh Balloon Man? Are you gonna beat my new light robots? I bet you won't even beat Mega! You'll just give him a balloon!

*Gives Wily a Balloon*
dr-wily Um, thanks...
*Dr. Wily flies off*
roll Yo, we gotta go breh!
*In Lab and after Dr. Wahwee scene*
[robot:right]{needle-man_alt2/mug_right_40x40.png?20170423-06" alt="dr-light] What insanity! Using my robots to conquer the world...
[robot:right]{needle-man_alt2" /> You know, there isn't anyone here to help sooooooo...
dr-light Balloon Man?! Hmmm... alright... I understand. Consequences will follow, but I will make the necessary preparations.
dr-light Now I weaponized your balloons your balloons and gave you ACTUAL COMMON SENSE so you don't give everyone a balloon. Also, you aim your shot up and down in the middle of the shot. You can also press the ^ button for the "Balloon Blower"
needle-man Alright! Some action!

*Cut Man*
cut-man You destroyed all the robots here? Dr. Wily was right after all... you aren't good anymore!
needle-man So you're going out on me cause I destroyed guys trying to kill me? That's harsh, man.
cut-man I'll make you good again, Mr. Balloon Man! I'll just try not to damage you too much...
*Guts Man*
guts-manHey, no little boys around! You can get hurt!
needle-man Oh, that left so much of an impact me, Guts Man! You should go to poetry class!
guts-man Seems coo- WAIT! I can't go to poetry class! What if I get fired?! I'm taking you down with me!
*Elec Man*
elec-man Well done... But you say good bye here. I'll even tell you more about myself after I win.
needle-man Aw, that's nice! So sorry I'll be winning, and I'm hoping you'll still live so I can talk about MYSELF! :D
elec-man Bah. Stop trying to elevate yourself to my level, you pleb!
*Ice Man*
ice-man There's something up ahead sir! Oh? Freeze it at all costs, solider!
needle-man Are you paranoid? Cause you look like your talking to yourself. Need help little man?
ice-man W-Well I'm just following my orders. Stop freezing up and freeze him! That's an order, solider!!
*Fire Man*
fire-man FIIIIIIIRE! Burn! Burn! Burn everything in sight!
needle-man Oh! I'll try! BALLOOOOONS! POP! POP! POP! Pop everything in sight!
fire-man Don't mock justice! FIIIIIIIRE!!
*Time Man*
time-man Oh my, oh my, you seem to be 12 seconds late for our appointment.
needle-man Um, were you hit in the head with a rock? Robots don't need doctors' appointments...
time-man With that attitude, I'll be able to defeat you quickly on get back on time.
*Oil Man*
oil-man Hey, whadja come out here for? Don'tcha have a place near your house for fill-ups?
needle-man If you remember correctly, I am solar-powered. Oil isn't needed.
oil-man Oops! I meant your gonna be forced to drown in it! Ha, haaa!
^ Top
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Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on November 2nd, 2015 at 4:07pm Edited on 2015/11/02 at 5:27pm
Posted 2015/11/02 at 4:07pm Edited 2015/11/02 at 5:27pm
If DaCrashBomber would like to do his own thing for Crash Man around here, he can do his own thing. Until then, here's Quick Man.

Vs. Mega Man
mega-man crash-bomber quick-boomerang quick-man

quick-man Well, if it isn't Rock in the metal! Hate to say it, but your journey ends here.
mega-man Quick Man, you don't have to do this! Come with me to Dr. Light!
quick-man The famous Light himself, eh? Well, alright, but you gotta catch up with me first!

Vs. Roll
roll quick-boomerang quick-man

quick-man Well, look who came with courage. But you can't just beat me with courage alone!
roll You can run all you like, but you can't hide from your punishment!
quick-man Ooh, I'm so scared! Alright, cleaning-bot, let's see how you can handle my speed!

Vs. Proto Man
proto-man proto-strike quick-boomerang quick-man

quick-man Whoever you are doesn't matter, what matters is that I follow my orders.
proto-man You can't simply believe to win with speed alone, can you?
quick-man Hmph. We'll just see if your shield can keep up.

Intro Field
quick-man dr-wily

In the year 20XX, with the advancement of science, humans were able to create industrial humanoid robots. Invented by Dr. Wily, Quick Man was freed from his evil master and was changed into a racing robot.

roll We have a problem!
dr-wily Wahahahaha! Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. The name's Wily! The one and only - the brilliant scientist, Dr. Wily! It may seem rather sudden to you, but I've decided I'd like to take over the world! (Laughs evilly) Ahem! Anyway, to begin... Dr. Light! I'll be taking your precious robots!! (busts in) Nuhahahaha!! That is to say... Hmm?... What's this? Oh, Quick Man... I'd have you join me, honestly! But your just too impatient! Nuhahahahah!
roll My friends are in trouble, Quick Man! Quickly, follow me to the lab!

Dr. Light's Lab
roll dr-light quick-man

dr-light ...What insanity! Using my robots to conquer the world...
quick-man Let me handle this, doc. I'll be done faster than you can say "mega"!
dr-light Quick Man?! (starts thinking) Hmmm... Alright... I understand. I don't like it, but sometimes, such things must be done... I must make the necessary preparations.

roll dr-light quick-man

dr-light Your Quick Boomerang goes off in multiple directions while your jumping, but you can throw only one at a time on the ground. You can also block off basic buster shots*.
quick-man *Starter phrase* I'm too fast for you!

*This is done by pressing the down button.

Vs. Cut Man
quick-man quick-boomerang rolling-cutter cut-man

cut-man Mr. Quick Man!? I don't believe it, Dr. Wily was right! You've turned into a bad robot!
quick-man Let's just get this done with, I have to stop Wily and fast!
cut-man Even if it cuts me in half, I'm gonna make you good again!

Continued on my next post...
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on November 2nd, 2015 at 5:03pm Edited on 2015/11/02 at 5:25pm
Posted 2015/11/02 at 5:03pm Edited 2015/11/02 at 5:25pm
Vs. Bomb Man
quick-man quick-boomerang hyper-bomb bomb-man

bomb-man Ah ah! Don't run off! Let's have a little fun with my explosives!
quick-man Hah! I'll put out their flames before you could even throw them!
bomb-man You shoulda' came the day before yesterday! I had some big boom-booms then!

Vs. Ice Man
quick-man quick-boomerang ice-slasher ice-man

ice-man There's something dangerous up ahead, sir! Oh? Freeze it at all costs, soldier!
quick-man Freezing me won't slow ME down, Ice Man! I'm taking you back to Dr. Light!
ice-man He stated that he can't be slowed by freezing... Prove him wrong, soldier!

Vs. Fire Man
quick-man quick-boomerang fire-storm fire-man

fire-man FIIIIIIIRE! Burn! Burn! Burn everything in sight!
quick-man Even if your fire spreads like wildfire, it STILL won't be able to catch up with me!
fire-man You can't run from the flames of justice, partner! FIRE!

Vs. Oil Man
quick-man quick-boomerang oil-shooter oil-man

oil-man Hey, whadja come out here for? Don'tcha have a place near your house for fill-ups?
quick-man Do I LOOK like a car to you?
oil-man As a matter of fact, you have the personality of a living race car.

Vs. Elec Man
quick-man quick-boomerang thunder-beam elec-man

elec-man Hmph, I wonder how fast you would run when you are shocked by gigatons of electricity.
quick-man Try all you want, but I'm faster than the speed of lightning!
elec-man As impossible as it may seem, I am willing to TEST that theory!

Vs. Time Man
time-slow quick-man time-slow quick-boomerang time-slow time-man time-slow

time-man You are impressively early for your appointment.
quick-man Yeah, yeah, cut the talk. You can try to slow me down, but that won't work!
time-man We shall soon see about that.

Vs. Guts Man
quick-man quick-boomerang super-arm guts-man

guts-man Hey, who said you could come in here! I'm very busy, you know!
quick-man As much as I admire your work, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to stop you.
guts-man You big idiot! What'll happen to me if I get fired!? I'm gonna take you down with me!

Vs. Metal Man
quick-man quick-boomerang metal-blade metal-man

metal-man Quick Man. Finally, we shall see who's blades are sharper.
quick-man There's no need to test how sharp our weapons are. After all, yours will never hit.
metal-man We'll see about that. I'm gonna rip you to shreds!

Continued on my next post...
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on November 2nd, 2015 at 5:27pm Edited on 2015/11/02 at 5:59pm
Posted 2015/11/02 at 5:27pm Edited 2015/11/02 at 5:59pm
Vs. Bubble Man
quick-man quick-boomerang bubble-lead bubble-man

bubble-man You may be fast on land, Quick Man, but you are underwater now. You're in MY turf now!
quick-man I can't just run faster, but I can SWIM faster than even YOU thanks to MY speed!
bubble-man Then let's test it out, and then it's off to Davy Jones' Locker with you!

Vs. Heat Man
quick-man quick-boomerang atomic-fire heat-man

heat-man Quick Man? What brings you here?
quick-man I came to take you to Dr. Light.
heat-man Look, that sounds nice, but I have orders to follow!

Vs. Wood Man
quick-man quick-boomerang leaf-shield wood-man

wood-man Quick Man. You run so fast, yet you fail to realize the amount of leaves you've stepped on doing so.
quick-man Leaves? THAT'S your problem with me?
wood-man Oh, that's not all. You've damaged the creatures of this forest! Prepare to feel the wrath of Mother Nature!

Vs. Air Man
quick-man quick-boomerang air-shooter air-man

air-man You think YOUR the best of us, brother? Well, I'm here to prove you wrong!
quick-man I have no time for competition, especially since I would win.
air-man Then prove it! But you can't beat me! I can't be defeated!

Vs. Mega Man?
quick-man buster-shot mega-man-copy

mega-man-copy Hey, Quick Man! Wily said he wants you to lead the team. So, what do you say?
quick-man Look, I have no idea who you are, but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to pass on your offer.
mega-man-copy Hmph, might as well persuade you to join.

Vs. Copy Robot
quick-man quick-boomerang quick-boomerang quick-man

quick-man Hey there, King of Cheap Tricks! If your the fastest robot ever created, then I would be too, right?
quick-man A clone of me, eh? Wait, I don't use cheep tricks!
quick-man Are you sure? I mean, you have instantly-killing lasers, so you use cheep tricks. Truth hurts, don't it?

Vs. Dr. Wily
quick-man quick-boomerang dr-wily

dr-wily If only I had programmed you differently back then! ...It would have been genius! It's the only mistake I've made in my life!
quick-man You thought you could bring me down THAT easily? It's time we finish this war, Wily!
dr-wily Wha... Why you insolent fool! I will crush you with a loud, loud crunch! Behold, my latest creation, the ultimate combat robot, Wily Machine Number 1! Nuhahahahaha!


Thanks to the actions of Quick Man, Dr. Wily was defeated. However, after defeat, a mysterious robot disables him, allowing the evil doctor to rewire him...

Well, unless CrashBomber decides to let ME do Crash Man, I am officially FINISHED with MM2 Powered Up Scripts. What's next for me, you may ask? Well, it's gonna be so fun... it's KILLER.
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Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on March 31st, 2016 at 9:15pm Edited on 2016/03/31 at 9:38pm
Posted 2016/03/31 at 9:15pm Edited 2016/03/31 at 9:38pm
I mentioned in a hint/pun that I would do the MMK next. That was a long time ago or something. I think I might still do them, but for now, since I have one of these, and Sargent Man has one, though outdated, I introduce to you Ninja Man's version of this.

VS. Mega Man
mega-man buster-shot wily-buster bass

bass Your Mega Man, right? Well then, prepare for your end!
mega-man Who are you? Did Wily create you?
bass That's right, now prepare to face true power!

VS. Roll
roll wily-buster bass

bass You must be that lab assistant of Dr. Light's, Roll. How did a girl like you make it all the way here?
roll Hey! I'm pretty tough, you know!
bass Ha! What are you going to do, swing your broom at me? Too bad I'm gonna slash it to pieces- like I will to you!

VS. Proto Man
proto-man proto-strike wily-buster bass

bass Heh, cool shades. You must be Proto Man, huh?
proto-man Huh!? H-how do you know...?
bass I know you all too well, Blues. Too bad you already know too much.

Intro Field
bass dr-wily

In the year 20XX, with the advancement of science, humans were able to create industrial humanoid robots. Invented by Dr. Wily, Ninja Man was created to be one of his elites in the future. However, for reasons unknown, he woke up in the past, and headed for the nearest location...
roll *Ninja Man comes in. Sirens are going off* Who are you?
dr-wily (appears on the screen) Wahahahaha! Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. The name's Wily! The one and only - the brilliant scientist, Dr. Wily! It may seem rather sudden to you, but I've decided I'd like to take over the world! (laughs) Ahem! Anyway, to begin... Dr. Light! I'll be taking your precious robots! (bursts through the screen) Nuhahahaha!! That is to say... Hmm? Who are you? You look like something I would make... But that can't be true, can it? Aw, well, not that it matters anyways! Nuhahahaha! *leaves*
roll My friends are in trouble! Quickly, we need to get to the lab!
bass ...What did I just walk into?

Light Laboratory
roll dr-light bass

dr-light *Roll and Ninja Man arrives a bit too late* What insanity! Using my robots to conquer the world...
dr-light Who are you? (Starts thinking for a while) Hmmmm... Well, I suppose someone needs to stop him... I must make the necessary preparations.
bass ...Seriously! What's going on here!?

roll dr-light bass

dr-light I gave you a variable weapons system so you could take on the attacking robots.
bass Guess I need to get to the bottom of this somehow... *By now, I think we already know what this is.* Face my power!

Will Ninja Man find out what's happening? To be continued...
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on March 31st, 2016 at 9:36pm Edited on 2016/03/31 at 9:37pm
Posted 2016/03/31 at 9:36pm Edited 2016/03/31 at 9:37pm
Vs. Cut Man
bass wily-buster rolling-cutter cut-man

cut-man Dr. Wily was right! You are a bad robot!
bass Of course! Dr. Wily was the one who made me, after all!
cut-man I don't know what you mean by that, but I'll make you good, I promise!

Vs. Bomb Man
bass rolling-cutter hyper-bomb bomb-man

bomb-man Ah ah! Don't run off! Let's have a little fun with my explosives!
bass Heh, I agree! But on one condition: you become the grand finale!
bomb-man Woah, that's a bit harsh, don't you think? Aw, well, this should be exciting!

Vs. Ice Man
bass hyper-bomb ice-slasher ice-man

ice-man There's something dangerous up ahead, sir! Oh? Freeze it at all costs, soldier!
bass Oh, I'm dangerous, all right. More dangerous than you think!
ice-man Sir, the enemy is engaging! ...Take him down, soldier!

Vs. Fire Man
bass ice-slasher fire-storm fire-man

fire-man FIIIIIIIRE! Burn! Burn! Burn everything in sight!
bass Heh, that's quite the enthusiasm! Such a shame I'm gonna put out that little flame of yours.
fire-man By the flames of justice, I reckon you are pure evil! FIRE!!!

Vs. Oil Man
bass fire-storm oil-slider oil-man

oil-man Hey, whadja come out here for? Don'tcha have a place near your house for fill-ups?
bass I came here to burn you to the ground!
oil-man Seriously? Even if that slipped out, you're still not gonna be able to beat me.

Vs. Elec Man
bass oil-slider thunder-beam elec-man

elec-man You are a strong fighter indeed... but it's time to say goodbye here.
bass Nah, I'd rather do that before you get torn to bits.
elec-man You think you can win? How shocking!

Vs. Time Man
time-slow bass time-slow thunder-beam time-slow time-man time-slow

time-man Impressive. You are early for your appointment.
bass Heh, it helps when your a ninja.
time-man Oh, please. Even if you are early, your attacks won't hit on time.

Vs. Guts Man
time-slow bass time-slow super-arm time-slow guts-man time-slow

guts-man Hey! Men only! Go home before you get hurt!
bass Sorry, big guy, but it's time you retire.
guts-man You big idiot! What'll happen to me if I get fired?! I'm taking you down with me!

Ninja Man has beaten all 8 original Light-bots! What happens next? To be continued...
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on March 31st, 2016 at 9:41pm Edited on 2016/03/31 at 10:01pm
Posted 2016/03/31 at 9:41pm Edited 2016/03/31 at 10:01pm
Vs. Beta Man
bass super-arm shadow-blade mega-man

mega-man Hey, Ninja Man! Fancy seeing you here!
bass Beta Man? You're here, too? This is great! Now I can finally scrap you!
mega-man Heh. That's funny, since you lose to me every time.

Vs. Sargent Sergeant (Official spelling) Man
bass shadow-blade dive-torpedo proto-man

proto-man Locked on target!
bass Sergeant Man? Heh, bring it on! This day keeps getting better and better!
proto-man I'm taking you down, Ninja Man!

Vs. Mega Man? Past MegaBoy
bass thunder-beam mega-buster mega-man

mega-man-copy Hey, mystery-bot! Wily said that-
bass *While charging buster* Yeah, hold that thought... *Shoots Mega Man?, making his helmet fall off* Aha, I knew it! You are not Mega Man, but rather MegaBoy! Now I see clearly! This is all just the past, and just by being here, the timeline has been rearranged! Well, as long as that's happening, might as well have fun doing so!
mega-man ...MegaBoy? I have no clue who that is. I am Copy Robot Model 1, and if you insist on a challenge, then I accept!

Vs. Copy Robot
time-slow bass time-slow wily-buster time-slow bass time-slow

bass Hey, original me! If you really ARE Wily's Best Robot, why are you fighting him, then?
bass A clone of me? Wily, you're making me blush. Too bad I have to scrap such a masterpiece.
bass We'll see who scraps who!

Vs. Dr. Wily
bass dive-torpedo dr-wily

dr-wily If only I had programmed you differently back then! ...It would have been genius! It's the only mistake I've made in my life!
bass I'm sorry, doc, but I'll make it up to you in the future. For now, I guess this is our big encounter, right? I won't lose!
dr-wily Wha... Why you insolent fool! I will crush you with a loud, loud crunch! Behold, my latest creation, the ultimate combat robot, Wily Machine Number 1! Nuhahahahaha!


Thanks to the "heroic" actions of Ninja Man, the world was at peace. Eventually, Ninja Man asks Light to build a time machine so he could go back to his original timeline... Not before he does the same to an earlier Ninja Man to fix the timeline, however...
^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on October 21st, 2016 at 4:55pm Edited on 2017/03/27 at 5:18pm
Posted 2016/10/21 at 4:55pm Edited 2017/03/27 at 5:18pm
Look at my profile or send me a message if this is stupid or stuff
The evil scientist dr Willy fought many times megaman and builded a robot named Copyie that rebeled against him and now works with megaman to fight evil

roll : We have a problem!

dr-wily : Wahahahaha! Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. The name's Wily! The one and only - the brilliant scientist, Dr. Wily! It may seem rather sudden to you, but I've decided I'd like to take over the world! *Evil laugh* Ahem! Anyway, to begin... Dr. Light! I'll be taking your precious robots! (bursts in) Nuhahahaha!! That is to say... Hmm?... What's this? Oh, Copyie... I dont have use for a non perfect robot Nuhahahahah!]
roll : Our friends are in trouble, Copyie! Lets hurry to the lab!

Dr. Light's Lab
dr-light : ...What insanity! Using my robots to conquer the world...
bass : Dont worry doc i will save everyone
dr-light : Copyie?! (starts thinking) Hmmm... Alright... I understand. I don't like it, but sometimes, such things must be done... I must make the necessary preparations.

dr-light : You will normaly receive your powers but the more you see and use they will get stronger
bass : ready for the action

Vs. Cut Man
cut-man : Copyie?! Dr Willy was right you realy want to destroy everthing but why?
bass : Cutman wake up you dont want me rock-paper-scisor you right
cut-man : It may cut me in half, but I will make you good!

Vs. Bomb Man
bomb-man : Hey those bombs that you have do they explode like mine
bass : Well not now but give me some time and they will be beter then yours
bomb-man :You shoulda come the day before yesterday! I had some big boom-booms then!

Vs. Ice Man
ice-man : There's something dangerous up ahead, sir! Oh? Freeze it at all costs, soldier!
bass : Okay i dont remember you beeing a soldier or having an alternate personality and stuff , but okay
ice-man : Well sir , I ... Soldier finish your mission!

Vs. Fire Man
fire-man : Copyie huh , well with all that lava your fire powers will burn just like mine but my fire is still the flames of justice
bass : Fireman sorry if i am right you are the only one that your weakness is the classic one
fire-man : Fiiiiire!

Vs. Oil Man
oil-man : Hey, whadja come out here for? Don'tcha have a place near your house for fill-ups?
bass : I dont get it what do you think your oil will touch me dude i am faster then ya
oil-man : Too bad it's gonna get all over you once I'm done!

Vs. Elec Man
elec-man : Oh Copyie now that is gonna be a battle that i will be able to show all the power of my beatyfull thunder beam
bass :Okay why do you sound gay or something seriously well ima gonna finish you at ligthing speed dangit thats a cool phrase why i dont get thoes
elec-man : Mmm... to watch my beautiful bolts fly to the top of your head... To hear your delightful shrieks...

Vs. Time Man
time-man : Hmm interesting how do you get here so quick
bass :Well there is that story that i already know you and that i have your and Flashman weapons but well whatever lets go clock boy
time-man : I don't have time to play your games.

Vs. Guts Man
guts-man : Copyie i am gonna crush like a tin can
bass :Yeah like that will ever happen ya big pile of muscles
guts-man : You big idiot! What'll happen to me if I get fired?! I'm gonna take you down with me!

^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on October 21st, 2016 at 4:56pm Edited on 2017/03/27 at 5:19pm
Posted 2016/10/21 at 4:56pm Edited 2017/03/27 at 5:19pm
Vs. Mega Man?
mega-man-ds : Hey, Copyie . I just joined Dr. Wily. Want to join your old man
bass :Argh realy dude you cant make me think you are rock realy for example that color , that scarf and stuff
mega-man-ds : Yeah i am not but i will make you regret refusing

Vs. Copy Robot
bass-ds :Hey there unperfect me
bass :Pft hey Willy are you listening , cause realy that idiot and you said i was not perfect
bass-ds :Idiot! you are the idiot here thinking you can beat me

Vs. Dr. Wily
dr-wily : If only I had programmed you differently back then! ...It would have been genius! It's the only mistake I've made in my life!
bass : Yeah you are right i rock well ready to get kicked Wahwee
dr-wily : Wha... Why you insolent fool! I will crush you with a loud, loud crunch! Behold, my latest creation, the ultimate combat robot, Wily Machine Number 1! Nuhahahahaha!

And so, thanks to the heroic actions of Copyie, Dr. Wily's evil plan has failed, and peace has been brought upon the world... For now, that is...
^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on October 21st, 2016 at 4:58pm Edited on 2017/03/27 at 5:22pm
Posted 2016/10/21 at 4:58pm Edited 2017/03/27 at 5:22pm
Megaman vs Copyie
bass : Megaman now it`s time to discover who of us is the strongest of all robots
mega-man : Copyie so Willy finaly saw your potential
bass : Lets go Megaman lets see if you can dodge all my weapons

Protoman vs Copyie
bass : Hey there mr prototype how do you think will your shield work against my close range attacks
proto-man : Copyie what in the world is willy planing
bass : After i win your glasses are mine

Roll vs Copyie
bass : Ugh roll what are you dooing here i wanted to fight megaman
roll : What is the problem i am strong to
bass : Well atleast give something eat and drink after this and i will let you go without hurting you

Bass vs Copyie
bass : Sup little bro what do you think you and your purple dog can do against me
bass : You idiot i dont even need treeble to beat the crap out of you
bass : Dont make me laught even fused you and your dog cant escape the me

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