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Mega Man RPG Prototype Roleplay & Games

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Role-Playing POWERED UP!

August 30th, 2014 at 2:25pm
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
To celebrate the new section, I'd like to make a thread for the popular "Insert character into Powered Up script". In case that was too vague, it's basically taking Powered Up's script and modifying it with your own custom character. Take this link as a template. Note it's not required to use the exact same lines, just try to make it similar. You don't need to make any scenes for this one, just use the old [robot:blank] template, maybe add some color, and make your own version of the chibi game! If you need any help, check the new formatting option. Check Btman's and TailsMK4's versions as an example, I'll post my shortly after.

(Hopefully, this will lead to a script of Powered Up 2 for everyone to make......)

Role-Playing POWERED UP!
Posted by MegaBossMan on August 30th, 2014 at 2:25pm
Viewed 5655 Times
- deleted -
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on August 30th, 2014 at 2:36pm Edited on 2014/08/30 at 2:54pm
Posted 2014/08/30 at 2:36pm Edited 2014/08/30 at 2:54pm
If I was in Powered Up.......

Meet Boss Man, he has a flaw in the circuits of his electrical brain, making him rather.....Unpredictable to say the least......

Against Boss Man
quick-manOh boy, it's Blues! What happened to the scarf and glasses?
mega-manBlues? You're crazy, Boss Man! I have to stop you!
quick-manI'm crazy? Let's show you how crazy I can really be! Hahaha!


Powered-Up bio: The year 20XX. With the advancement of science, humans were able to create industrial humanoid robots. Then suddenly, a starting announcement was made, and there seemed to be no robots on the side of justice to protect....
rollWe have a problem!
dr-wilyWahahahaha! Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. The name's Wily! The one and only - the brilliant scientist, Dr. Wily! It may seem rather sudden to you,
but I've decided I'd like to take over the world! Ahem! Anyway, to begin... Dr. Light! I'll be taking your precious robots!! Nuhahahaha!! That is to say... Hmm?...Oh, Boss Man! I would love to take you, but that flaw of yours might not suit my plans very well! I could never risk having an unpredictable bot like you! Nuhahahaha!!

rollMy friends are in trouble! I have to hurry to the lab!

dr-lightWhat insanity! Using my robots to conquer the world...
quick-manDr, you think he's insane? Trust me, wait until the Final Boss....
dr-lightHmmm... Alright... I understand. I don't like it, but sometimes, such things must be done... I must make the necessary preparations.

dr-lightI have no idea what powers you possess Boss Man. Let's hope we find out soon.
quick-manI love surprises! I hope Dr. Albert does too! Hoho!

Against Cut Man
cut-man Who are you? You look like a bad robot! You're not going to make the cut!
quick-manBad robot? I don't use such labels, but yours can be Scissor-Head!
cut-manThat proved it, you're an evil fighting robot! I'll cut you down to size!

Vs Guts Man
guts-manHey, men only! Little boys don't belong here. Go home before you get hurt!
quick-manIf men only are allowed, what are you doing here? You're a little girl! My grandma is bigger than you!
guts-manYou big idiot! What'll happen to me if I get fired?! I'm gonna take you down with me!

Vs Ice Man
ice-manThere's something dangerous up ahead, sir! Oh? Freeze it at all costs, soldier!
quick-manIce to meet you! How many words do you have for Ice? Actually, I'll give you and your commander 50 for pain! Hahaha!
ice-manThe target is hostile sir! What do I do?...Finish the job, Soldier!

Vs Bomb Man
bomb-manAh ah! Don't run off! Let's have a little fun with my explosives!
quick-manI wish I could play a little, but I can't go to the next level without beating you!
bomb-manLevel? Do you think this is a game? I'll show you how fun this game can be with my bombs!

Vs Fire Man
fire-manFiiiiire! Burn! Burn! My justice burns hotly! Evil beware!
quick-manFire Man, I'll light your path back home, but caution: There are plenty of bumps on the road!
fire-manBy the fire of justice, I am certain you are evil!! Fiiiiiire!!

Vs Elec Man
elec-man Well done... but you say good bye here. I might even tell you more about me after I win.
quick-manEven more! I think I got the gist of it, you're a egotistical idiot! Does my opinion come as a shock to you?
elec-manAll that may be true, but don't you think I have evidence for my claims? I'll finish you at lightning speed!

Vs Time Man
time-manYou're early for your appointment. By being early, you have given us an extra 0.3 seconds.
quick-manAll the earlier to send you to the grave. Your time's up, Alarm Clock.
time-manThat wouldn't coincide with my schedule. It's been too late, let's end this.

Vs Oil Man
oil-manHey, whadja come out here for? Don'tcha have a place near your house for fill-ups?
quick-manYeah, but I didn't come for the oil, I came for you. How about you stand still and lose?
oil-manHey man, no need to come out like that! You'll slip all day after this!
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on August 30th, 2014 at 2:37pm Edited on 2014/08/30 at 3:05pm
Posted 2014/08/30 at 2:37pm Edited 2014/08/30 at 3:05pm
And the Wily Castle portion since I couldn't fit both in....

Vs Mega Man?(AKA Mega Man with purple scarf)
mega-man-copyHey, Boss Man! Wily's a pretty crazy guy like you, so I thought you'd want to join our little plan?
quick-manI like the sound of this plan Blue Boy, but Mega isn't crazy enough to do something like that!
mega-man-copyGuess you're not as stupid as I thought! Wily's plan doesn't include unpredictable fools like yourself anyway!

Wily Castle 1(Vs Yellow Devil)
Bumo... Bumomomo! Bumomo Bumomomomo Bumo!
quick-manI see. We both don't want to fight, but our masters force us to. I'm sorry, but I have to do this....
Bumomomo....Bumo. Bumo Bumomo Bumo. Bumomomomomomo Bumo!

Wily Castle 2(Vs CWU-01P)
Intruders... bad... E-li-mi-nate intruders...
quick-manIdiot, Bubble Man's supposed to be in the next game! I'll smack you to next game!
Negative. Must... eliminate. Eliminate. Eliminate...

Wily Castle 3(Vs Copy-bot)
quick-manI can't believe an idiot like you made it this far! I need to copy a better robot.....
quick-manIf I'm an idiot, copying me would make you an idiot too! There is no better robots, for I have defeated them, and you're next!
quick-manI see your logic...But the only way to defeat an idiot is to be a bigger idiot! En garde!

Wily Castle 4(Vs Dr. Wily Albert?)
dr-wily If only I had programmed you differently back then...! It would have been genius! It's the only mistake I've made in my life!
quick-manI may be insane, but I'm not stupid. I would've seen through your plans in a millisecond.
dr-wilyWha... Why you insolent fool! I will crush you with a loud, loud crunch!
dr-wilyBehold, my latest creation, the ultimate combat robot, Wily Machine Number 1! Nuhahahahaha!
(BossMan defeats the machine)
dr-wilyAaach! You stubborn fool! This time I'll finish you off for good!
(Dr. Wily's machine dismantles itself.)
dr-wily Curses! Useless piece of junk! Wait a second!...
(Dr. Wily repairs the machine)
quick-manThere's a lot in this section of the script.....
dr-wilyNuhaha! It's alive again! I'm a genius!
(Boss Man defeats the machine once again.)
dr-wilyWhy, you... Ah, this calls for a temporary retreat!
(Dr. Wily tries to retreat, but his plan fails due to Boss Man)
dr-wilyW-Wait a minute! I promise to be good! I'm a changed man! I said I promise! Please don't hurt me!!

quick-manThanks to the heroic actions of Boss Man, peace has once again been restored.
quick-manEven the nefarious Dr. Wily seems to have had a change of heart and is now ready to work for a peaceful tomorrow.
quick-manWait, what's this? The script for Mega Man 2? I'm out! Send Mega Man out this time!

(Roll)Against Boss Man
quick-manHmm? I'd never expect someone of your delicate nature to stand against me Roll! You're crazy!
rollHurting people is crazy Boss Man! I may look delicate, but there are thorns on this rose!
quick-manThorns are easy to avoid, you just have to pluck it by the stem! Hahaha!

(Proto Man)Against Boss Man
quick-manOh, so you've returned! Have you come back to play with me, Proto Man? We're similar, you and I!
proto-manWe both may be flawed, but your flaws are different from mine; I wouldn't danger innocent people because of it.
quick-manAll that is true Mega, but my flaws don't limit me, they make me see the truth! Shame you'll never see the truth...Or anything else ever again! Hahahaha!
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on August 30th, 2014 at 2:45pm Edited on 2014/08/30 at 3:17pm
Posted 2014/08/30 at 2:45pm Edited 2014/08/30 at 3:17pm

A robot from the future appeared, made of technology unknown to mankind at this time...


rollWe have a problem!
dr-wilyWahahahaha! Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. The name's Wily! The one and only - the brilliant scientist, Dr. Wily! It may seem rather sudden to you, but I've decided I'd like to take over the world! Ahem! Anyway, to begin... Dr. Light! I'll be taking your precious robots!! ... Nuhahahaha!! That is to say... Hmm?... I haven't seen you around before. That must mean you're nothing special! Nuhahahaha!!
rollMy friends are in trouble! I have to hurry to the lab!


dr-light...What insanity! Using my robots to conquer the world...
gemini-man...I guess I was sent here to do battle with Wily. I'll go.
dr-lightHmmm... Alright... I understand. I don't like it, but sometimes, such things must be done... I must make the necessary preparations.

dr-lightYou have the ability to camouflage at will. You also have slight hovering abilities. Use these to avoid traps.
gemini-man...Let's go.


VS CutMan

cut-manDr Wily was right... You've been changed into a bad robot, blowing things up at random...
gemini-man...At random? Hahahaha! Everything I do has a purpose. I don't destroy things just for fun.
cut-manEven if it cuts me in half... I will make you whole again!


VS GutsMan

guts-manI don't care who you are. If you're messin' up my site, I'm gonna hurt you good!
gemini-man...I can respect the fact you're just defending your turf. I won't be long, just going to make sure you're working for the right doctor.
guts-manWhat right do you have to say who I should work for? Time to get punished!


VS IceMan

ice-manThere's something dangerous up ahead, sir! Oh? Freeze it at all costs, soldier!
gemini-man...Do you really think you stand a chance against me? Sometimes even commanders make mistakes in battle...
ice-manUh, what does he mean, sir? Soldier, don't get distracted! Finish your mission!


VS BombMan

bomb-manAh ah! Don't run off! Let's have a little fun with my explosives!
gemini-man...A party spirit, eh? How good really are your fireworks?
bomb-manYou shoulda come the day before yesterday! I had some big boom-booms then!


VS FireMan

fire-manFiiiiire! Burn! Burn! My justice burns hotly! Evil beware!
gemini-man...You seem confident in your power. Let's see what you're made of, then.
fire-manYour sense of justice is strong too! But my flames of justice will consume you!


VS ElecMan

elec-manI haven't seen you before. I wonder what you're made of?
gemini-man...I come from a place where electricity is the dominant element.
elec-manYou seem well built. It almost pains me to have to tear you apart with my electric sparks!
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on August 30th, 2014 at 2:47pm Edited on 2014/08/30 at 11:08pm
Posted 2014/08/30 at 2:47pm Edited 2014/08/30 at 11:08pm


VS TimeMan

time-manOh my, I'm impressed that you're here so early.
gemini-man...I prefer getting things over with as quickly as possible.
time-manI like your attitude. Perhaps we can actually finish this ahead of schedule!


VS OilMan

oil-manIf you want a fill-up, I'm a gonna hafta turn you down. Don't cha even run on oil?
gemini-man...I'm not here for oil. I've come here to set you straight.
oil-manYou for real? Maybe I need to set you straight instead. Got to keep it real, know what I'm saying?


VS MegaMan?

mega-man-copyHey, Wily is all about making his robots as strong as possible. Shall I sign you up?
gemini-man...I don't have time for this. Get out of my way, Copy Robot!
mega-man-copyWha?! How did he know who I really was?! I'd better take this guy down quickly.

Wily's Hideout (field for all battles)


VS Yellow Devil

Bumo... Bumomomo! Bumomo Bumomomomo Bumo!
gemini-man...A combat robot eh? I'm a combat robot too. But Wily makes inferior combat robots.
Bu, bumoooo?? Bu, bumomomomo?! Bumomomooo!!


Intruders... bad... E-li-mi-nate intruders...
gemini-man...How can a guy make so many combat robots? This doesn't make sense.
Eliminate... Eliminate... Eliminate...

VS Copy Robot

gemini-man...I must admit, I'm impressed that Wily could copy you at all.
gemini-man...How was Wily able to copy me? I think I understand now why I'm here...
gemini-man...You're not even paying attention to me, are you? Oh well, I guess it's time to see what this body can do.

VS Wily

dr-wilyIf only I picked you up when we first met...! It would've been genius! It's the only mistake I've made in my life!
gemini-man...You're growing too powerful for the people in this time period. But you stand no chance against anyone from the future...not even me!
dr-wilyWha... Why you insolent fool! I will crush you with a loud, loud crunch! Behold my latest creation, the ultimate combat robot, Wily Machine Number 1! Nuahahahahaha!


Powered-Up end: With Dr. Wily defeated, the robot returned to its own time, but not before speaking these last words to Dr. Light: "See you in the Prototype."


VS Mega Man

gemini-man...Ah, Mega Man, I knew I'd encounter you eventually...
mega-manWhat? Who are you? I don't want to fight...
gemini-man...Just know that I'm from the future. Allow me to give you a taste of how robots fight in the future!

VS Roll

gemini-man...Where I come from, even you have taken up arms to help your brother. I admire your spirit to help others.
rollThen perhaps we can settle this peacefully? Please?
gemini-man...Sorry, even if you were hoping to settle things peacefully, that still gives you no right to harm the mechas in my place!

VS Proto Man

gemini-man...Proto Man? What brings you here?
proto-manYou claim to want to help others, yet your mechas have attacked the city.
gemini-man...So what if we have different views on how to handle things? I act as I please. If you don't agree with my feelings, then we must fight.
^ Top
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on August 30th, 2014 at 3:57pm Edited on 2014/08/30 at 6:07pm
Posted 2014/08/30 at 3:57pm Edited 2014/08/30 at 6:07pm
@TailsMK4 :
dr-wilywelcome light, i have stolen your robots to where you cant get them! world domination is mine!
rollOur Friends are in trouble MetaKirb!
bassI will do this!
dr-light MetaKirb, i have added abilities to your roster of attacks, you still have the
rapid fire shoot in 8 directions shot, the dash, and the double jump. your new ability is to teleport around the stage.


VS Cutman.

bass cut-man

basshey cutster, what is your weak self doing here?
cut-manhey, your evil! let me finish you off!
bassno im not. you think im bass? i am MetaKirb!
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on September 1st, 2014 at 10:44am Edited on 2015/06/08 at 6:04pm
Posted 2014/09/01 at 10:44am Edited 2015/06/08 at 6:04pm
Hope you guys don't mind if I make ones for the Mega Man 2 Robot Masters. Here's Metal Man!

VS. Mega Man
mega-man rolling-cutter metal-blade metal-man

metal-man Hey, Mega Man! Catch!
mega-man Dr. Wily made his OWN robot master?
metal-man And I have orders to rip you apart.

VS. Roll
roll metal-blade metal-man

metal-man What pretty hair. It's too bad I'm gonna cut it down.
roll I won't stand down to you!
metal-man Too bad, I have direct orders to rip you apart.

VS. Proto Man
proto-man proto-strike metal-blade metal-man

metal-man Nice shades. Too bad I WOULD hit a guy with glasses.
proto-man Careful, one scratch on my nuclear core and we're BOTH done for.
metal-man Even if I'm destroyed, at least I'd complete my orders to rip you apart.

Intro Field
metal-man dr-wily

In the year 20XX, with the advancement of science, humans were able to create industrial humanoid robots. Invented by Dr. Wily, Metal Man was freed from his evil master and was changed into a robot capable of helping Cut Man in Timber Cutting.
roll (Metal Man comes in. Sirens are going off) We have a problem!
dr-wily (appears on the screen) Wahahahaha! Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. The name's Wily! The one and only - the brilliant scientist, Dr. Wily! It may seem rather sudden to you, but I've decided I'd like to take over the world! (laughs) Ahem! Anyway, to begin... Dr. Light! I'll be taking your precious robots! (bursts through the screen) Nuhahahaha!! That is to say... Hmm? Metal Man? Sorry, but I don't accept traitors on the team! Nuhahahaha! (leaves)
roll Our friends are in trouble! Quickly, we need to get to the lab!

Light Laboratory
roll dr-light metal-man

dr-wily Nuhahahahah! Just as I promised, Dr. Light, I'll be taking them with me!
dr-light Stop, Dr. Wily! Stop, I say!
dr-wily Farewell! Nuhahahaha!
dr-light (Roll and Metal Man arrives a bit too late) What insanity! Using my robots to conquer the world...
metal-man (Turns to Dr. Light) I'll stop my old master, Dr. Light.
dr-light Metal Man!? (Starts thinking for a while) Hmmmm... Alright... I understand. I don't like it, but sometimes, such things must be done... I must make the necessary preparations.

roll dr-light metal-man

dr-light Your metal blades are an upgrade on Cut Man's weapon, the Rolling Cutter.
metal-man (Level-start/Boss Fight Phrase) Catch THIS! (Health Bar Appears)

Vs. Cut Man
metal-man metal-blade rolling-cutter cut-man

cut-man Dr. Wily was right... You turned into a bad robot, trying to replace me!
metal-man Um, RETRIEVE is more like it. Dr. Wily told you a lie, dude.
cut-man Don't tell me such false statements! I'll make you good again!

More on my next post!
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 7:46pm Edited on 2014/09/02 at 9:06pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 7:46pm Edited 2014/09/02 at 9:06pm
Vs. Bomb Man
metal-man metal-blade hyper-bomb bomb-man

bomb-man Ah ah! Don't run off! Let's have a little fun with my explosives!
metal-man Ok, Bomb Man, give me one good reason not to rip your bombs apart.
bomb-man You shoulda come the day before yesterday! I had some big boom-booms then!

VS. Ice Man
metal-man metal-blade ice-slasher ice-man

ice-man There's something dangerous up ahead, sir! Oh? Freeze it at all costs, soldier!
metal-man Freeze me if you can, Ice Man, but you won't catch me.
ice-man But, sir... Finish the mission, soldier!

Vs. Fire Man
metal-man metal-blade fire-storm fire-man

fire-man Fiiiiire! Burn! Burn! My justice burns hotly! Evil beware!
metal-man Justice? And yet you work for Wily? Your joking, Fire Man.
fire-man Fiiiiire!

Vs. Oil Man
metal-man metal-blade oil-shooter oil-man

oil-man Hey, whadja come out here for? Don'tcha have a place near your house for fill-ups?
metal-man I haven't came here for oil, I came here to take you home.
oil-man Gotta catch me first.

VS. Elec Man
metal-man metal-blade thunder-beam elec-man

elec-man You are a strong fighter indeed... but it's time to say goodbye here.
metal-man Don't worry, I'll keep you in my memory.
elec-man You think you can beat me? How shocking!

VS. Time Man
time-slow metal-man time-slow metal-blade time-slow time-man time-slow

time-man It's about time. You are late.
metal-man Oh, so you think you can clean up your own mess FASTER?
time-man Don't worry. I'll remember to clean up your scattered parts.

VS. Guts Man
metal-man metal-blade super-arm guts-man

guts-man Hey! You don't have a permit to be here!
metal-man Too bad, I'm ending your project early.
guts-man You big idiot! What'll happen to me if I get fired?! I'm gonna take you down with me!

VS. Mega Man?
metal-man metal-blade mega-buster mega-man

mega-man Hey, Metal Man! You do know that Dr. Light is not your real father, right?
metal-man I don't know who you are, but I don't care if Wily's my true father! I will stop his evil plan!
mega-man You figured me out? I guess you're less gullible than Cut Man.

VS. Copy Robot
metal-man metal-blade metal-blade metal-man

metal-man I heard you are weak to yourself, Metal Man.
metal-man Yes, but as a clone of me, you must be weak to yourself too, right?
metal-man Um... Oh. I haven't really thought that through...

More below!
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 8:41pm Edited on 2014/09/02 at 8:59pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 8:41pm Edited 2014/09/02 at 8:59pm
VS. Dr. Wily
metal-man metal-blade dr-wily

dr-wily If only I had programmed you differently back then! ...It would have been genius! It's the only mistake I've made in my life!
metal-man So what if Dr. Light's not my real father? So what if you're my real creator? I don't care! I will rip your plans apart!
dr-wily Wha... Why you insolent fool! I will crush you with a loud, loud crunch! Behold, my latest creation, the ultimate combat robot, Wily Machine Number 1! Nuhahahahaha!


Thanks to the actions of Metal Man, Dr. Wily was defeated. However, after defeat, a mysterious robot disables him, allowing the evil doctor to rewire him... (Click on a mysterious robot)

mega-man mega-buster thunder-beam robot

robot You seem like a strong robot.
mega-man Who are you?
robot That's none of your concern. But you shall soon serve me!

mega-man And here's to another 100 comments! proto-man
^ Top
Retro Pikachu
3,561,826,418 BP
30 TP | 621 PP
Posted on September 6th, 2014 at 2:02am Edited on 2014/09/06 at 8:25pm
Posted 2014/09/06 at 2:02am Edited 2014/09/06 at 8:25pm
Retro Pikachu:

mega-manproto-manrollcut-manguts-manice-manbomb-manfire-manelec-mantime-manoil-man    proto-man

proto-man How did an inferior like you get here? Oh well, it'll end soon enough.
mega-man Who- Who are you?
proto-man That is none of your business, now be sent to the scrap heap like all your brothers!

proto-man The prototype? A really old robot must've collected TONS of rust over time!
proto-man What the?! Why is there a robot that looks just like me?!
proto-man You're too old to understand how this generation works, so I'll leave you the pleasure of filling the blanks!

proto-man Little Red Riding Hood wants to stop me?! Don't make me laugh!
roll *gasp* How Rude! The wolf ended up in place better than you're going to be after this!!
proto-man Sorry, but this fairy tale has the "bad ending"

proto-man Cut Man?! You're the weakest of the bunch, so taking care of you will be a piece of cake!
cut-man Mr. I dunno, please listen! I just want to stop Dr. Wily!
proto-man ...Seriously! I would say don't make me laugh but it's too late! HAHAHAHAAHA!!!~

proto-man A construction worker who builds stuff? No wonder the Doc didn't hire you. (I know a few of you gets the reference)
guts-man I don't think Dr. Light had you in the blueprints, schedule, or construction plan: what the heck are you?!
proto-man Of course I wasn't in Light's blueprints; he couldn't ever come up with me! You're living proof!

proto-man You're so focused on the mission; chill for a second so that I can beat ya!
ice-man Well, actually, that would be- no, soldier! Remember that the enemy stands before your eyes!
proto-man Eh, either way, I'll cream you into little Eskimo ice cream.

proto-man Boom! You're out already!
bomb-man H-Hey! That's my line! This party's already turning out to be bad one!
proto-man This is party? Then allow me to give out the party favors!

proto-man Justice? Why do that when you can be bad and awesome!
fire-man I've learned that no matter what, the flames of justice always prevail! FIRE!!!!
proto-man Oh how little you know...

proto-man Another electric warrior? How shocking *sarcasm*...
elec-man Ugh... Why are you so ugly! Only I have rights to say shocking!!!
proto-man Was that supposed to scare me? If so, then it didn't work.

proto-man I do admit: alarm clocks are useful, but they can be thorn in my side, and you're no exception!
time-man Whether they're annoying or not is none of your concern: your time has come anyway!
proto-man I'll enjoy destroying this alarm clock; bunch of revenge to be served!

proto-man A robot who shoot oil A.K.A. life. I'm soooo scared...
oil-man Then why don't you keep me alive so that I can continue to defeat you with it!
proto-man ... No

If the player beats Retro Pikachu without taking a hit
Final Boss, Phase 2
dr-wily Curses! Useless piece of junk! ...Wait a second!
*Wily Machine 01 explodes, sending Wily to the ground*
dr-wily Retro Pikachu?! What are you doing?!
proto-man I don't need your help anymore old man, I just came here to teach that robot a lesson. You've humiliated me the first time we fought, but that'll change right here, right now!
*giant flash*

In-Battle Quotes:

Start: You're already dead!
Attack: [attack name here]!
Hit with weakness: How did you-?!
Taunt: You're too weak
Victory: You didn't stand a chance
Defeat: H-H- HOW?!?!!?!?!?!??!?!!!
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on September 7th, 2014 at 8:22pm Edited on 2014/10/08 at 8:51pm
Posted 2014/09/07 at 8:22pm Edited 2014/10/08 at 8:51pm
I'm just gonna do Cutter Types. Other Robot Masters are troubling... But before I pass other MM2 Robot Masters to other people... Here's Bass!

Intro Field (Like Roll, Mega Man, and Proto Man, he has no boss)

In the year 20XX, with the advancement of science, humans were able to create industrial humanoid robots. One robot went to Light Labs to deal with some business (Click on Some Business)

Bass comes in with sirens going off.
roll What are YOU doing here!?
dr-wily (appears on the screen) Wahahahaha! Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. The name's Wily! The one and only - the brilliant scientist, Dr. Wily! It may seem rather sudden to you, but I've decided I'd like to take over the world! (laughs) Ahem! Anyway, to begin... Dr. Light! I'll be taking your precious robots! (bursts through the screen) Nuhahahaha!! That is to say... Hmm? Oh, Bass. I'd like to talk, but you seem busy, and as am I! (Laughs and leaves)
roll My friends are in trouble! I gotta hurry to the lab!

Light Labs
roll dr-light bass

dr-light ...What insanity! Using my robots to conquer the world!
bass Alright, Light, I'll help.
dr-light Bass!?

Screen Fade
roll dr-light bass

dr-light Are you sure I can trust you, Bass?
bass (Battle Ready Phrase) Bring it on!

Vs. Cut Man
bass buster-shot rolling-cutter cut-man

cut-man Dr. Wily was right! You are a bad fighting robot!
bass You are correct, but since Dr. Wily was my creator, doesn't that make HIM evil?
cut-man You're lying! I shall make you good!

Vs. Bomb Man
bass rolling-cutter hyper-bomb bomb-man

bomb-man Ah ah! Don't run off! Let's have a little fun with my explosives!
bass I have no time for fun, Bomb Man. I want to have a word with Wily.
bomb-man You shoulda came the day before yesterday! I had some big boom booms then!

Vs. Ice Man
bass hyper-bomb ice-slasher ice-man

ice-man There's something dangerous up ahead, sir! Oh? Freeze it at all costs, soldier!
bass Are you... talking to yourself? Hah! This makes it easier.
ice-man The target is hostile sir! What do I do?...Finish the job, Soldier!

Vs. Fire Man
bass ice-slasher fire-storm fire-man

fire-man Fiiiiire! Burn! Burn! My justice burns hotly! Evil beware!
bass You should beware me, Fire Man.
fire-man By the fire of justice, I am certain you are evil!! Fiiiiiire!!

Vs. Oil Man
bass fire-storm oil-slider oil-man

oil-man Hey, whadja come out here for? Don'tcha have a place near your house for fill-ups?
bass Very funny. I didn't came for oil, I came for you.
oil-man Sorry, I'm not your oil type. I'm the type that can take you down.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on September 7th, 2014 at 9:20pm Edited on 2014/09/16 at 3:36pm
Posted 2014/09/07 at 9:20pm Edited 2014/09/16 at 3:36pm
Vs. Elec Man
bass oil-slider thunder-beam elec-man

elec-man You are a strong fighter indeed... but it's time to say goodbye here.
bass Here? I'd rather do it right before I blow you up.
elec-man You think you can win? How shocking!

Vs. Time Man
time-slow bass time-slow thunder-beam time-slow time-man time-slow

time-man Impressive. You are early for your appointment.
bass Appointment? The only appointment I have is with Dr. Wily.
time-man Really? It'll be a shame if you become late.

Vs. Guts Man
time-slow bass time-slow super-arm time-slow guts-man time-slow

guts-man Hey! Men only! Go home before you get hurt!
bass I'm closing down your little project, Guts Man.
guts-man You big idiot! What'll happen to me if I get fired?! I'm taking you down with me!

Vs. BtMan (You are free to use Bass for your own bosses)
bass super-arm shadow-blade mega-man

mega-man Bass, you made it.
bass Mega Man? Wait, you're not Mega Man!
mega-man The name's BtMan, and YOU are in danger of failure!

Vs. Sargent Man
bass shadow-blade dive-torpedo proto-man

proto-man Locked on target!
bass I don't care what's going on here, get out of my way!
proto-man A good soldier never gives up!

Vs. Copy Robot
bass fire-storm bass-buster bass

bass You are not the strongest robot. I am!
bass Is that a challenge? Finally, an opponent that matches my power, strength, and all!
bass I couldn't agree more.

Vs. Dr. Wily
bass dive-torpedo dr-wily

dr-wily If only I had programmed you differently back then! ...It would have been genius! It's the only mistake I've made in my life!
bass Silence, Doctor! I was made to destroy Mega Man... and you got in the way!
dr-wily Wha... Why you insolent fool! I will crush you with a loud, loud crunch! Behold, my latest creation, the ultimate combat robot, Wily Machine Number 1! Nuhahahahaha!


Bass has defeated Dr. Wily and told him to release Roll and Mega Man. As soon as he did, the two robots battled each other... Some things never change...
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Sargent Man
328,796 BP
0 TP | 7 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2014 at 9:14pm
Posted 2014/10/14 at 9:14pm
There needed to be more action here, so allow me. Here are some more action starring Bt Man.

mega-man Well, if it isn't Roll!
roll What are you doing, Bt Man?
mega-man I should be asking the same question.

Proto Man
mega-man I knew you were coming, Proto Man. I can hear your whistle from a mile away.
proto-man Then you must know to be careful not to reach my core.
mega-man My name's Bt Man, not Ensure-nothing's-left Man!

Cut Man
mega-man Hey there Cut Man! How were you?
cut-man How... WERE I? What does that mean?
mega-man It means you never arrived. At least, nobody will think you were.

Bomb Man
mega-man Hey, Bomb Man! I thought I heard fireworks coming closer!
bomb-man What did you think they were?
mega-man An actual threat.

Ice Man
mega-man I was wondering how it got colder in here.
ice-man Where is your winter jacket then?
mega-man In my hands!

Fire Man
mega-man No wonder it got warmer. Don't you know what happens when you play with fire?
fire-man Prepare to be burned by the flames of justice!
mega-man This is no game of hot and cold, it just became hot and RED HOT!

Oil Man
mega-man Ok, Oil Man. If you wanted to be destroyed, you could've just gone to Fire Man's area.
oil-man Wow, that must'a slipped outta the tongue.
mega-man And how could that sentence of yours do the same?

Elec Man
mega-man Elec Man? How SHOCKING that you came here!
elec-man Hey, electric puns are supposed to be MY thing!
mega-man So? Like you'll be around to hear my other ones.

Time Man
mega-man HeyTimeMan!
time-man ...What was that?
mega-man Me practicing fast speed so Time Slow won't matter.

Guts Man
mega-man Guts Man on break from work? I thought I'd never see the day.
guts-man What makes you think that I'm not doing my job?
mega-man Whoops, I was supposed to say that AFTER I beat you. My bad.
^ Top
55,355 BP
0 TP | 2 PP
Posted on November 29th, 2014 at 8:13pm
Posted 2014/11/29 at 8:13pm

mega-man        ice-slasher quint

^ Top
- deleted -
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on November 29th, 2014 at 8:16pm Edited on 2014/11/29 at 8:25pm
Posted 2014/11/29 at 8:16pm Edited 2014/11/29 at 8:25pm
@Chatman : Excuse me, but that's not what this thread is about. Please don't post random scenes here, the practice RP is for that :)

Also, editing your comments is appreciated, instead of double-posting.
^ Top
- deleted -
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on November 29th, 2014 at 8:28pm Edited on 2014/11/29 at 8:30pm
Posted 2014/11/29 at 8:28pm Edited 2014/11/29 at 8:30pm
@Chatman : Like I said, those comments don't go here. Also, they're just the same image each time. Please stop. Practice comments go here.
^ Top
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on November 30th, 2014 at 9:36am
Posted 2014/11/30 at 9:36am
@MegaBossMan : Yes, this thread is for making your very own dialogues.
^ Top
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on March 5th, 2015 at 8:51am Edited on 2015/03/05 at 8:56am
Posted 2015/03/05 at 8:51am Edited 2015/03/05 at 8:56am
@MetaKirbSter Since that thing i did was outrated, i decided to put a new, Better Grammer intro.
I'll make this in a bit, but expect it. dr-lightSuuuuure you will...
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