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Mega Man RPG Prototype Roleplay & Games

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Prototype RPG: Robot Museum

August 31st, 2014 at 11:07pm
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Original idea on page 14: Game Suggestions

I guess I'll turn this idea into an RPG since now we have a place for role-playing. So I'll keep this as simple as possible: your objective is to form a team to clear as many battles as you can. You will keep battling until your entire team is defeated in the same battle. As for the rest of the rules, they are subject to change in terms of balance.

Your robots will get fully healed after each battle, and will keep any items and EXP/stats earned in battles. You will also get bonus items as you continue to clear battles. As for the battles themselves, the rules are:

1. Just like in the Prototype main game, only the active robot/mecha can attack, and which active bot attacks first depends on the ability's Attack Speed or the robots' Speed. When both bots have attacked, a turn is finished. So when it is your turn to attack, decide the abilities your character will use, or if you want to switch a robot out, choose that robot's ability too. Careful, though, switching out a robot will cause your opponent to attack first!

2. You are permitted to use one item per turn. This does not count as attacking. You are even allowed to do something like switching a weakened robot to a strong robot, have the strong robot use an item to heal your weakened robot, and then using an attack. Use your items wisely, as aside from a few items you start with, you can only earn more items by defeating enemies and winning battles! The only Prototype items that will not appear in this game are the screws, since there is no shop. This is an Endurance kind of game, so you go right into the next battle without any breaks!

3. The end of battle bonus is determined based on how quickly you finish off the opposing team. Every battle is set to a 16 turn goal. You will get harder but more rewarding battles if you finish before the 16 turn limit, and only slightly harder battles if you take more than 16 turns.

4. You will obtain EXP for your robots after each battle, and the faster you clear the battles, the more EXP you will get at the end of the battle. You may also receive other bonuses like capsules or robot cores. I will keep track of your inventory and will display your inventory as your battle stats are updated. The amount of EXP your robots need to level up is the same: 1000 EXP to go up one level, and it is indeed possible to go up more than one level at a time.

5. The field played on is determined by your opponents, with the one exception being the first battle in your current run, which is the Intro Field. You will get a list of Field Modifiers as your battle stats are updated.

6. The enemy team will obtain Starforce as you clear more battles, but your team will also be rewarded with Starforce by clearing a certain amount of battles or consistently performing better than your enemies.

Hopefully the battle system isn't too complicated, but you can view the post right below this one to see an example with my first battle. You keep going until you're defeated in battle. If that happens, you can redo the mode if you'd like (with different robots/abilities if you want), but you'll be back to Battle 1. The data will also reflect if anyone is powered by Starforce as well. Here's the template that will allow me to set you up:

Robot 1 Name:
Abilities: (you can select up to 8 abilities, but they MUST be ones the robot can equip normally in the Prototype, like you can't give Fire Man the Rain Flush ability, but he can equip Pharaoh Shot if you want. Unlike in the example, though, your robot can use your chosen abilities at level 1, so Fire Man can start right off with charging his Pharaoh Shot if he wants, and then upping his attack with Atomic Fire the next turn, all at level 1. Fire Man can also equip an ability global to all robots like Attack Boost, as well)

Robot 2 Name:


You can select up to 8 robots to join you this game. Do you want to do a fairly balanced team, or do you prefer a team that excels in one area, like maybe including Roll, Disco, and Rhythm to increase your team's healing powers? It's your choice! Robot 1 will be your active robot at the start of every battle, so choose your first robot wisely!

Let me know if you have any questions. I'll put up a leaderboard later to show how far people have got in this game.

UPDATE 1: I have decided to allow players the choice of selecting any of the currently fightable Robot Masters from the other games (Killers and Slur are not allowed, though the Killers may appear later). If you select a normally un-playable character, though, just know that they are limited to the abilities currently unavailable, though, so for example Stone Man cannot use Power Stone since it's not in the game, but he may use other Earth abilities.

Update 2: Robot team display slightly edited to make it more readable by eliminating unnecessary space.

Update 3: All of the robot data that was displayed here has been moved to this profile.

Posts in this thread now will only consist of displaying the LE and WE of all robots in the battle, as well as the results of the last turn completed. All other information can be found in the profile link.
Rank: Name , Battles won in a row

#1: Retro Pikachu, 2 Battles
#2: Shadownnico, 1 Battle
#2: tobyjoey, 1 Battle
Prototype RPG: Robot Museum
Posted by TailsMK4Omega on August 31st, 2014 at 11:07pm
Viewed 3586 Times
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 1st, 2014 at 4:43pm Edited on 2014/09/03 at 10:02pm
Posted 2014/09/01 at 4:43pm Edited 2014/09/03 at 10:02pm
(Deleted my game, will use this post just in case I need more space.)
^ Top
2,074,810,633 BP
7 TP | 411 PP
Posted on September 1st, 2014 at 7:41pm
Posted 2014/09/01 at 7:41pm
This looks interesting to me, I just don't want to do all that typing, am I misunderstanding something?
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 1st, 2014 at 7:47pm Edited on 2014/09/01 at 7:57pm
Posted 2014/09/01 at 7:47pm Edited 2014/09/01 at 7:57pm
@tobyjoey : I guess I could be clearer on my previous post. I was doing the game on my own, but I will do the hard work of determining how much damage your attacks do and such. All you need to type is the ability you want to use on your current turn, and any items or switching robots you want to do beforehand. Then I will update your stats with both your actions and the enemy team's. The most amount of typing you'll need to do is just to sign up, just the 1-8 robots you want to use and up to 8 abilities for each robot. These abilities are ones currently available in the Prototype...think of this as a text version of battles in the Prototype.
^ Top
26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 10:37am Edited on 2014/09/02 at 11:47am
Posted 2014/09/02 at 10:37am Edited 2014/09/02 at 11:47am
Well, in that case I'll sign up. Here are my 8 robots:

Needle Man
Abilities: Buster Shot // Needle Cannon // Ring Boomerang // Ice Slasher // Shadow Blade // Quick Boomerang // Energy Boost // Field Support

Pharaoh Man
Abilities: Buster Shot // Pharaoh Shot // Fire Storm // Fire Chaser // Atomic Fire // Speed Blaze // Energy Boost // Field Support

Bubble Man
Abilities: Buster Shot // Bubble Spray // Bubble Lead // Rain Flush // Bubble Bomb // Energy Boost // Repair Mode // Field Support

Elec Man
Abilities: Buster Shot // Thunder Strike // Thunder Beam // Spark Shock // Magnet Missile // Bright Burst // Energy Boost // Field Support

Bomb Man
Abilities: Buster Shot // Hyper Bomb // Danger Bomb // Crash Bomber // Bubble Bomb // Attack Boost // Energy Boost // Field Support

Drill Man
Abilities: Buster Shot // Drill Blitz // Oil Shooter // Oil Slider // Bubble Lead // Speed Break // Energy Boost // Field Support

Guts Man
Abilities: Buster Shot // Super Throw // Super Arm // Oil Slider // Hard Knuckle // Dust Crusher // Energy Boost // Field Support

Abilities: Buster Shot // Light Buster // Attack Assault // Defense Assault // Speed Assault // Disco Buster // Energy Boost // Field Support

Phew, that took a while.
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 1:50pm Edited on 2014/09/02 at 2:08pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 1:50pm Edited 2014/09/02 at 2:08pm
Yeah, but that should be the most typing you'll need to do in this game. If you're good with everything you've selected, then...let's begin.

I added Energy Pellet x2, Weapon Pellet x2, Energy Capsule x1, and Weapon Capsule x1 to your inventory to start you off with. So, first a relatively easy match to ease into this:

Battle 1
Field: Intro Field
Modifiers: Experience x2.0


discoguts-mandrill-manbomb-manelec-manbubble-manpharaoh-man      needle-man      met      metmetmetmetmetmetmet

Current Battle Stats

Shadownnico's Team

Needle Man (Active)
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Pharaoh Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Bubble Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Elec Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Bomb Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Drill Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Guts Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

LE: 150/150
WE: 10/10

Enemy Team

Met A (Level 1) (Active)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met B (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met C (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met D (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met E (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met F (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met G (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met H (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

So, Shadownnico, allow me to give you your options again one more time just so there isn't any confusion:

1. Select one of Needle Man's attacks (in the case of Quick Boomerang, also select your target).

2. At this point you don't need them, but before doing option 1, you can select one item from your inventory to use, and if it's a healing item, which robot you want to use it on. You will get Cores later on, so maybe you'll want to use them to boost a certain element on the field. It's your choice. After using an item, then go ahead and do Option 1.

3. If you feel one of your other robots could manage these Mets better, you can switch Needle Man out for another robot, and then select option 1 or 2, but keep in mind Met A will attack before your selected attack!

After you select your option, I'll then post a reply showing you how the first turn went and show you your updated stats, then you'll repeat making a decision for Turn 2. It's to your advantage to finish battles as quickly as you can, but you'll also face slightly harder opponents if you finish early as opposed to waiting until after Turn 16 to finish, so judge your current strength wisely. But if you do finish early, you'll get bonuses like extra EXP and possibly some rarer items...

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask before you make a move. So, how do you want to start this battle off?
^ Top
26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 2:21pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 2:21pm
I choose to switch Needle Man with Bomb Man and then use the Hyper Bomb against the enemy.
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 2:30pm Edited on 2014/09/02 at 2:46pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 2:30pm Edited 2014/09/02 at 2:46pm

Turn 1

Needle Man is switched out to put Bomb Man in the active slot.
Met A attacks Bomb Man with Met Shot!
Bomb Man loses 6 LE!
Bomb Man attacks Met A with Hyper Bomb! -1 WE
It's super effective! Met A loses 45 LE!
Met B was caught in a super effective blast and loses 22 LE!

Comments: That's the way to go! Taking advantage of your opponent's weaknesses will make battles easier.

Battle 1
Field: Intro Field
Modifiers: Experience x2.0


discoguts-mandrill-manelec-manbubble-manpharaoh-manneedle-man      bomb-man      met      metmetmetmetmetmetmet

Current Battle Stats

Your Team

Bomb Man (Active)
LE: 94/100
WE: 10/10

Needle Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Pharaoh Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Bubble Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Elec Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Drill Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Guts Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

LE: 150/150
WE: 10/10

Enemy Team

Met A (Level 1) (Active)
LE: 5/50 !!!
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met B (Level 1)
LE: 28/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met C (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met D (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met E (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met F (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met G (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met H (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20
^ Top
26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 2:44pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 2:44pm
Bomb Man! Use Hyper Bomb on enemy Met!
^ Top
1,348,940,198 BP
3 TP | 718 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 2:46pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 2:46pm
If this is basically MMRPG in typing format, what do you get out of this that you don't get in the game itself? Besides getting to start with custom robots, that is (that's definitely a plus, so I'll give you that).
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 2:50pm Edited on 2014/09/02 at 3:01pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 2:50pm Edited 2014/09/02 at 3:01pm

Turn 2

Bomb Man attacks Met A with Hyper Bomb! -1 WE
It's super effective! Met A loses 5 LE and 40 overkill!
Met B was caught in a super effective blast and loses 22 LE!
Met C was caught in a super effective blast and loses 19 LE!
Met A was disabled! An Energy Pellet was dropped!
Met B switches to the active slot.
Met B attacks Bomb Man with a Met Shot!
Bomb Man loses 6 LE!

Comments: Looks like you're getting the hang of this already.

Battle 1
Field: Intro Field
Modifiers: Experience x2.0


discoguts-mandrill-manelec-manbubble-manpharaoh-manneedle-man      bomb-man      met      metmetmetmetmetmetmet

Current Battle Stats

Your Team

Bomb Man (Active)
LE: 88/100
WE: 10/10

Needle Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Pharaoh Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Bubble Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Elec Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Drill Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Guts Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

LE: 150/150
WE: 10/10

Enemy Team

Met B (Level 1) (Active)
LE: 6/50 !!!
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met C (Level 1)
LE: 31/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met D (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met E (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met F (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met G (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met H (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met A (Level 1)
LE: 0/50

@TheDoc :

Unlike the Prototype matches, think of this as like an Endurance kind of game, where you just go as far as you can without being defeated. I suppose I could open up the option for players to use the soon-to-be-selectable Robot Masters, though, like the MM5 robots, but they just won't have their signature abilities.

EDIT: I suppose something else I'll mention is that sometimes you will face the bonus robots like Plug Man, and the Copy and Neutral Core robots may make appearances as enemies as well.
^ Top
26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 3:01pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 3:01pm
Now, to add some variety, I would like to.... use Hyper Bomb
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 3:04pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 3:04pm

Turn 3

Met B switched out to put Met G in the active slot.
Bomb Man attacks Met G with Hyper Bomb! -1 WE
It's super effective! Met G loses 45 LE!
Met G attacks Bomb Man with a Met Shot!
Bomb Man loses 6 LE!

Comments: You can choose the option to do more than one turn in your post if you so desire, but be cautious when doing so, as you don't know what your opponents will end up doing.

Battle 1
Field: Intro Field
Modifiers: Experience x2.0


discoguts-mandrill-manelec-manbubble-manpharaoh-manneedle-man      bomb-man      met      metmetmetmetmetmet

Current Battle Stats

Your Team

Bomb Man (Active)
LE: 82/100
WE: 10/10

Needle Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Pharaoh Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Bubble Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Elec Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Drill Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Guts Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

LE: 150/150
WE: 10/10

Enemy Team

Met G (Level 1) (Active)
LE: 5/50 !!!
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met B (Level 1)
LE: 6/50 !!!
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met C (Level 1)
LE: 31/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met D (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met E (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met F (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met H (Level 1)
LE: 50/50
Attack: 30
Defense: 100
Speed: 20

Met A (Level 1)
LE: 0/50
^ Top
26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 3:11pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 3:11pm
Well, if I can make multiple attacks per turn, then I just use Hyper Bomb until either the Mets die or Bomb Man dies
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 3:52pm Edited on 2014/09/02 at 3:53pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 3:52pm Edited 2014/09/02 at 3:53pm

Met G switched out to put Met C in the active slot.
Bomb Man attacks Met C with Hyper Bomb! -1 WE
It's super effective! Met C loses 31 LE and 14 overkill!
Met B was caught in a super effective critical hit blast and loses 6 LE and 38 overkill!
Met B and Met C were disabled! A Weapon Pellet was dropped!
Met D was switched to the active slot.
Met D attacks Bomb Man with a Met Shot!
Bomb Man loses 6 LE!

Bomb Man attacks Met D with Hyper Bomb! -1 WE
It's super effective! Met D loses 45 LE!
Met D attacks Bomb Man with a Met Shot!
Bomb Man loses 6 LE!

Bomb Man attacks Met D with Hyper Bomb! -1 WE
It's super effective! Met D loses 5 LE and 40 overkill!
Met D is disabled!
Met H switches to the active slot.
Met H attacks Bomb Man with a Met Shot!
Bomb Man loses 6 LE!

Bomb Man attacks Met H with Hyper Bomb! -1 WE
It's super effective! Met H loses 45 LE!
Met E was caught in a super effective blast and loses 22 LE!
Met H attacks Bomb Man with a Met Shot!
Bomb Man loses 6 LE!

Met H switched out to put Met G in the active slot.
Bomb Man attacks Met G with Hyper Bomb! -1 WE
It's super effective! Met G loses 5 LE and 40 overkill!
Met E was caught in a super effective blast and loses 22 LE!
Met G is disabled!
Met F switches to the active slot.
Met F attacks Bomb Man with a Met Shot!
Bomb Man loses 6 LE!

Bomb Man attacks Met F with Hyper Bomb! -1 WE
It's super effective! Met F loses 45 LE!
Met E was caught in a super effective blast and loses 6 LE and 16 overkill!
Met H was caught in a super effective blast and loses 6 LE and 13 overkill!
Met H and Met E were disabled! A Weapon Pellet was dropped!
Met F attacks Bomb Man with a Met Shot!
Bomb Man loses 6 LE!

Bomb Man attacks Met F with Hyper Bomb! -1 WE
It's super effective! Met F loses 5 LE and 40 overkill!
Met F was disabled!

Your team wins!
Goal: 10/16
Bonus: +600%
EXP: 4800 (600 per robot)
You received an Energy Pellet.

Comments: Yeah, figured you would have wanted to speed that

Battle 2
Field: Robosaur Excavation
Modifiers: Shadow x2.2 Flame x2.0 Earth x1.3 Explode x 1.1 Impact x 1.1 Wind x 0.8 Swift x 0.6


discoguts-mandrill-manbomb-manelec-manbubble-manpharaoh-man      needle-man      skullmet-2      skullmetskullmetskullmetpyre-fly-2pyre-flypyre-flypyre-fly

(first Skullmet is Gen 2)

Current Battle Stats

Shadownnico's Team

(same as the first battle, snipped to save space)

Enemy Team

Skullmet A (Level 1) (Active)
LE: 65/65
Attack: 75
Defense: 110
Speed: 50

Skullmet A (Level 1)
LE: 40/40
Attack: 40
Defense: 85
Speed: 25

Skullmet B (Level 1)
LE: 40/40
Attack: 40
Defense: 85
Speed: 25

Skullmet C (Level 1)
LE: 40/40
Attack: 40
Defense: 85
Speed: 25

Pyre Fly A (Level 1)
LE: 85/85
Attack: 70
Defense: 60
Speed: 85

Pyre Fly A (Level 1)
LE: 60/60
Attack: 45
Defense: 35
Speed: 60

Pyre Fly B (Level 1)
LE: 60/60
Attack: 45
Defense: 35
Speed: 60

Pyre Fly C (Level 1)
LE: 60/60
Attack: 45
Defense: 35
Speed: 60
^ Top
26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 3:58pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 3:58pm
I choose to switch to Pharaoh Man and then use Fire Chaser
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 5:15pm Edited on 2014/09/02 at 5:16pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 5:15pm Edited 2014/09/02 at 5:16pm

Turn 1

Needle Man is switched out to put Pharaoh Man in the active slot.
Skullmet A attacks Pharaoh Man with Skull Shot!
It's not very effective... Pharaoh Man loses 14 LE!
Pharaoh Man attacks Skullmet A with Fire Chaser! -4 WE
It's not very effective... Skullmet A loses 23 LE!

Comments: You did come out ahead thanks to Flame being boosted...but Skullmets have resistance to that element.

Battle 2
Field: Robosaur Excavation
Modifiers: Shadow x2.2 Flame x2.0 Earth x1.3 Explode x 1.1 Impact x 1.1 Wind x 0.8 Swift x 0.6


discoguts-mandrill-manbomb-manelec-manbubble-manneedle-man      pharaoh-man      skullmet-2      skullmetskullmetskullmetpyre-fly-2pyre-flypyre-flypyre-fly

(first Skullmet is Gen 2)

Current Battle Stats

Shadownnico's Team

Your Team

Pharaoh Man (Active)
LE: 86/100
WE: 10/10

Needle Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Bubble Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Elec Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Bomb Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Drill Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Guts Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

LE: 150/150
WE: 10/10

Enemy Team

Skullmet A (Level 1) (Active)
LE: 42/65
Attack: 75
Defense: 110
Speed: 50

Skullmet A (Level 1)
LE: 40/40
Attack: 40
Defense: 85
Speed: 25

Skullmet B (Level 1)
LE: 40/40
Attack: 40
Defense: 85
Speed: 25

Skullmet C (Level 1)
LE: 40/40
Attack: 40
Defense: 85
Speed: 25

Pyre Fly A (Level 1)
LE: 85/85
Attack: 70
Defense: 60
Speed: 85

Pyre Fly A (Level 1)
LE: 60/60
Attack: 45
Defense: 35
Speed: 60

Pyre Fly B (Level 1)
LE: 60/60
Attack: 45
Defense: 35
Speed: 60

Pyre Fly C (Level 1)
LE: 60/60
Attack: 45
Defense: 35
Speed: 60
^ Top
26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 5:18pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 5:18pm
Welp, turns out I read the database wrong, now I'm in trouble, well, time to switch again, back Pharaoh, Needle on front and Ice Slasher against that evil Skull Met
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 2nd, 2014 at 11:06pm
Posted 2014/09/02 at 11:06pm

Turn 2

Pharaoh Man is switched out to put Needle Man in the active slot.
Skullmet A attacks Needle Man with Skull Shot!
Needle Man loses 30 LE!
Needle Man attacks Skullmet A with Ice Slasher! -4 WE
It's super effective! Skullmet A loses 42 LE and 16 overkill!
Skullmet A was disabled!
Pyre Fly B switches to the active slot.

Comments: Yep, Freeze did the trick. Now you got to form a strategy with the Pyre Fly...

Battle 2
Field: Robosaur Excavation
Modifiers: Shadow x2.2 Flame x2.0 Earth x1.3 Explode x 1.1 Impact x 1.1 Wind x 0.8 Swift x 0.6


discoguts-mandrill-manbomb-manelec-manbubble-manpharaoh-man      needle-man      pyre-fly      skullmetskullmetskullmetpyre-fly-2pyre-flypyre-flyskullmet-2

Current Battle Stats

Your Team

Needle Man (Active)
LE: 70/100
WE: 7/10

Pharaoh Man
LE: 86/100
WE: 9/10

Bubble Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Elec Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Bomb Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Drill Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Guts Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

LE: 150/150
WE: 10/10

Enemy Team

Pyre Fly B (Level 1) (Active)
LE: 60/60
Attack: 45
Defense: 35
Speed: 60

Skullmet A (Level 1)
LE: 40/40
Attack: 40
Defense: 85
Speed: 25

Skullmet B (Level 1)
LE: 40/40
Attack: 40
Defense: 85
Speed: 25

Skullmet C (Level 1)
LE: 40/40
Attack: 40
Defense: 85
Speed: 25

Pyre Fly A (Level 1)
LE: 85/85
Attack: 70
Defense: 60
Speed: 85

Pyre Fly A (Level 1)
LE: 60/60
Attack: 45
Defense: 35
Speed: 60

Pyre Fly C (Level 1)
LE: 60/60
Attack: 45
Defense: 35
Speed: 60

Skullmet A (Level 1)
LE: 0/65
^ Top
26,758,030 BP
13 TP | 176 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2014 at 10:32am
Posted 2014/09/03 at 10:32am
Needle Man! Use Needle Cannon!
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2014 at 7:41pm Edited on 2014/09/03 at 7:55pm
Posted 2014/09/03 at 7:41pm Edited 2014/09/03 at 7:55pm

Turn 3
Needle Man attacks Pyre Fly B with Needle Cannon! -1 WE
It's super effective! Pyre Fly B loses 60 LE and 79 overkill!
Pyre Fly B was disabled! A Weapon Pellet was dropped!
Pyre Fly C was switched to the active slot.
Pyre Fly C attacks Needle Man with Pyre Flame!
Needle Man loses 8 LE!

Comments: Needle Cannon was hard to calculate on my side, but for you it was a good weapon to use.

Battle 2
Field: Robosaur Excavation
Modifiers: Shadow x2.2 Flame x2.0 Earth x1.3 Explode x 1.1 Impact x 1.1 Wind x 0.8 Swift x 0.6


discoguts-mandrill-manbomb-manelec-manbubble-manpharaoh-man      needle-man      pyre-fly      skullmetskullmetskullmetpyre-fly-2pyre-flypyre-fly

Current Battle Stats

Your Team

Needle Man (Active)
LE: 62/100
WE: 7/10

Pharaoh Man
LE: 86/100
WE: 9/10

Bubble Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Elec Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Bomb Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Drill Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

Guts Man
LE: 100/100
WE: 10/10

LE: 150/150
WE: 10/10

Enemy Team

Pyre Fly C (Level 1) (Active)
LE: 60/60
Attack: 45
Defense: 35
Speed: 60

Skullmet A (Level 1)
LE: 40/40
Attack: 40
Defense: 85
Speed: 25

Skullmet B (Level 1)
LE: 40/40
Attack: 40
Defense: 85
Speed: 25

Skullmet C (Level 1)
LE: 40/40
Attack: 40
Defense: 85
Speed: 25

Pyre Fly A (Level 1)
LE: 85/85
Attack: 70
Defense: 60
Speed: 85

Pyre Fly A (Level 1)
LE: 60/60
Attack: 45
Defense: 35
Speed: 60

Skullmet A (Level 1)
LE: 0/65

Pyre Fly B (Level 1)
LE: 0/60
^ Top

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)