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The Appearance of The Stranger-Bot

September 16th, 2014 at 6:11pm
Dark Man
Dark Man
20,350,826 BP
9 TP | 279 PP
A strange robot master has suddenly appeared. The Doctors make a temporary peace treaty only during their search for clues about this robot.

Reserve your robot master or masters (any will do, including made-up robot masters). Only I can reserve mine now, and, of course, I reserve Dark Man for myself.

Ready? Set? Roleplay!
The Appearance of The Stranger-Bot
Posted by Dark Man on September 16th, 2014 at 6:11pm
Viewed 3084 Times


Dark Man
20,350,826 BP
9 TP | 279 PP
Posted on September 17th, 2014 at 4:30pm
Posted 2014/09/17 at 4:30pm
Why hasn't anybody commented yet?? I'm so confused.
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on September 17th, 2014 at 6:16pm Edited on 2014/09/17 at 6:20pm
Posted 2014/09/17 at 6:16pm Edited 2014/09/17 at 6:20pm
proto-manWho is that Robot Master everyone's talking about?
proto-manListen, pal! I don't like what you've been doing around town. I warn you to stop now!
robotI'm afraid that won't be necessary...
robot proto-strikeproto-man

proto-manJust....Who are you?
robotMe? I am the end.
^ Top
Dark Man
20,350,826 BP
9 TP | 279 PP
Posted on September 17th, 2014 at 6:21pm
Posted 2014/09/17 at 6:21pm
how do u do that?
^ Top
- deleted -
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on September 17th, 2014 at 6:22pm Edited on 2014/09/17 at 6:24pm
Posted 2014/09/17 at 6:22pm Edited 2014/09/17 at 6:24pm
Click formatting options and you'll see. For example...

[[robot:right]{proto-man}Listen, pal! I don't like what you've been doing around town. I warn you to stop now!]{copy}

[background-intro-field][foreground-intro-field][robot:right:shoot]{robot} [ability:right:02]{proto-strike}[robot:left:damage]{proto-man}[/foreground-intro-field][/background-intro-field]

And never forget to edit your posts, I should say....
^ Top
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Dark Man
20,350,826 BP
9 TP | 279 PP
Posted on September 17th, 2014 at 6:25pm
Posted 2014/09/17 at 6:25pm
proto-manThe End?1?!?! Impossible! There's no way...!

Proto Man didn't finish, as he was struck down by the mysterious Robot Master.
robot proto-strikeproto-man
^ Top
Dark Man
20,350,826 BP
9 TP | 279 PP
Posted on September 18th, 2014 at 6:27pm Edited on 2014/09/18 at 6:41pm
Posted 2014/09/18 at 6:27pm Edited 2014/09/18 at 6:41pm
proto-manUhnn...I can't believe down...heh heh, I never...would' this.
Just then, Mega Man felt a power level suddenly disappear.mega-manWhat in the-? A huge power level disappeared! Who
could it have...? Oh, no!

It was then Mega Man realized it was Proto Man.
When he arrived, Mega Man saw a strange Robot Master figure standing over Proto Man's disabled body.
robot proto-manmega-man

mega-manWho are you?! Why did you do this to Proto Man?!
robotI'm The End. I did this to Proto Man because of who I am.
mega-manThen prepare to suffer the same fate as Proto Man!!
robotNo, that won't be me. It will be YOU!!!
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on May 5th, 2016 at 8:08pm Edited on 2016/05/05 at 9:03pm
Posted 2016/05/05 at 8:08pm Edited 2016/05/05 at 9:03pm
(Yes, i know this is dead, but no point in not reviving it.)

toad-manNOT SO FAST!



toad-manIt is I, Toadman!

robot*chuckles* Can your powers defeat me, though? For I am the end, and you won't live to see another day!


*at the skies*


*0 damage* robot electric-buster toad-man


*a whole mess of stuff not working happens*

toad-manMy attacks are too weak and his are too powerful! How do I win!?

robotYou can't. I cannot be defeated.

*one rektage of toadman later*

*toadman's destroyed body falls from the sky*

mega-manOH NOEZ!!!
^ Top

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