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The energy source. (An RP adventure!)

February 4th, 2015 at 8:30am
Crystal Miner
Crystal Miner
118,410,575 BP
2 TP | 32 PP
Title: Energy Dislocation
Plot: Dr. Cossack has sent a trio of robots to investigate the unknown source of energy.
Bonus: If you read this, you can send in your own trio. But of course, they have to be not taken by others. My trio! Bubble man, Ring man, and Spark man.

No swearing!
Main Dr. is Cossack. Wily or Light is not allowed! Unless you can convince me on your side of the plot
You can have two assist robots. Mine are Quick man and time man You're assist robots can be robot masters.

That's all! :3
The energy source. (An RP adventure!)
Posted by Crystal Miner on February 4th, 2015 at 8:30am
Viewed 6903 Times
Crystal Miner
118,410,575 BP
2 TP | 32 PP
Posted on February 4th, 2015 at 8:34am
Posted 2015/02/04 at 8:34am
If I'm not too late, here are my robots!
bubble-man Bubble Man! (me!)
ring-man Ring man! (Ally)
spark-man Spark man! (Ally2)
Mission Initiate!
Mission: Find the energy pool that hit the City.
Location: Mountain Mines

bubble-man    ring-man    spark-man

bubble-man   Alright team. Dr.Cossack said that the energy source was coming from this concise location.
ring-man    This seems familiar, doesn't it?
spark-man    It's where Guts man works. I wonder what happened here? This place is abandoned...
bubble-man    Yeah... It's like a ghost mine. Where the pike men? Or rather, guts man himself?
ring-man    Well... orders are orders... Keep moving. Best be on guard. *holds a ring boomerang on hand*

The three have gone down deeper into the abandoned mine. It is odd... it's so eerie... No one is there... but them

^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on February 4th, 2015 at 9:00am
Posted 2015/02/04 at 9:00am
bassbass ZeroDXZ joins the Role-Play!
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on February 4th, 2015 at 3:25pm
Posted 2015/02/04 at 3:25pm
I don't see how Cossack would trust a Wily-bot to do things. Sorry, but I just don't see this happening.
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on February 4th, 2015 at 8:09pm
Posted 2015/02/04 at 8:09pm
bass:*appears infront of the team* hmph,...i am ZeroDXZ ... a Robot of no Dr. I'd love to let you guys through without a fight,... But seeing how this place is under my supervision, i can't let you pass, now...leave before i unleash the power of my fusion core abilities on you!
^ Top
Crystal Miner
118,410,575 BP
2 TP | 32 PP
Posted on February 5th, 2015 at 8:05am Edited on 2015/02/05 at 8:31am
Posted 2015/02/05 at 8:05am Edited 2015/02/05 at 8:31am
The team has reached further into the mines... but... problem is...

bubble-man spark-man ring-man

bubble-man    It's too bright! Where are we?!
I don't know... but the brightness has short-circuited something in me...    spark-man
ring-man    I recognize this brightness. This is the reflection chamber... But why is it in Guts man's base?
bubble-man    I don't know... But this doesn't feel right anymore. Spark man... are you still willing to help out?

Looks like they got company...

bass bubble-man ring-man spark-man
Stop! You can't go any more further! This place is closed off!   bass
bubble-man Great! A guard! Bass, just let us through. We don't have time for this!

Looks like a little stumble.... Tomorrow, I will post the next episode!
^ Top
Crystal Miner
118,410,575 BP
2 TP | 32 PP
Posted on February 5th, 2015 at 8:33am Edited on 2015/02/05 at 8:35am
Posted 2015/02/05 at 8:33am Edited 2015/02/05 at 8:35am
@ZeroDXZ :
bubble-man    *sends in a rain flush* Quick! Guys! Defend!
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on February 5th, 2015 at 8:58am
Posted 2015/02/05 at 8:58am
@Crystal Miner : bass:CORE CHANGE! *his element core changes to shadow*

bass:*throws two Shadow-Blades*
^ Top
Crystal Miner
118,410,575 BP
2 TP | 32 PP
Posted on February 5th, 2015 at 9:03am Edited on 2015/02/05 at 9:12am
Posted 2015/02/05 at 9:03am Edited 2015/02/05 at 9:12am
@ZeroDXZ :
ring-man    *throws a ring boomerang, deflecting the shadow blades* Spark man!
spark-man    *raises arms* Bright Flash! *releases a blinding light*
bubble-man    *leads* Guys! Run inside the cave! *all the three run inside the cave*
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on February 5th, 2015 at 11:44am
Posted 2015/02/05 at 11:44am
@Crystal Miner : bass:...darn,... i'll get you 3 next time, and i will have your Fusion Stars,....for what lays ahead of you guys, mhmhmhmhm, you'll regret not giving them to me
^ Top
Crystal Miner
118,410,575 BP
2 TP | 32 PP
Posted on February 6th, 2015 at 8:02am
Posted 2015/02/06 at 8:02am
@Bt Man : Well, I stated earlier, if you are joining, you can explain your side of the story. The reason why I chose Cossack and two wily bots, cause they are my fave, especially bubble man. :3
^ Top
Crystal Miner
118,410,575 BP
2 TP | 32 PP
Posted on February 6th, 2015 at 8:04am Edited on 2015/02/08 at 8:50am
Posted 2015/02/06 at 8:04am Edited 2015/02/08 at 8:50am
Things will get messy...

bass mega-buster bubble-lead ring-boomerang bubble-man ring-man
*shoots bass buster* Fine!   bass
bubble-man    *shoots bubble lead, sliding underneath the shot* Go!
ring-man    *throws ring boomerang, absorbing the shot* Hee-ya!
*gets hit with bubble lead* Woah! This stings... You win... this time... *warps out*    bass

bubble-man core-shadow ring-man spark-man
bubble-man    This is... a shadow core... doesn't Bass normally have a copy core... Unless...
ring-man    Now that you mention it, Bass was acting weird. I think he was defending something in this mines, bur what is it?
spark-man    This mission gets weirder and weirder. Shall we continue further?

Little did they realize, something powerful was up ahead, an it lies with in the shadow core... this mission gets creepier by the minute...

^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on February 6th, 2015 at 8:58am
Posted 2015/02/06 at 8:58am
@Crystal Miner : bass:*appeared* hah,.... i found you again,... now there's no escape, hand me your Fusion Stars,...or prepare to be scrapped,......and hand me that Shadow Core too! *aims buster at them*
^ Top
Crystal Miner
118,410,575 BP
2 TP | 32 PP
Posted on February 6th, 2015 at 7:51pm Edited on 2015/02/06 at 7:55pm
Posted 2015/02/06 at 7:51pm Edited 2015/02/06 at 7:55pm
@ZeroDXZ :
ring-man Not you again. *tosses 3 ring boomerangs* Spark man!
spark-man *shoots Elec Beam* Can't we just get along?!
bubble-man *tosses bubble bomb, combining with the ring boomerangs* Fusion attack! All three GO!
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on February 6th, 2015 at 10:33pm
Posted 2015/02/06 at 10:33pm
@Crystal Miner : bass:*had used Flash Stopper* Flash-Stopper!, *blasted the Ring Boomerangs back and leaped over the bubble bomb, as time started again*.... Hand me those Fusion Stars boys, and that Shadow Core,...and we can all continue our day as usual *aimed his buster at them*
^ Top
Crystal Miner
118,410,575 BP
2 TP | 32 PP
Posted on February 6th, 2015 at 10:57pm Edited on 2015/02/06 at 11:04pm
Posted 2015/02/06 at 10:57pm Edited 2015/02/06 at 11:04pm
@ZeroDXZ :
bubble-man Fusion stars? We just came here for other purposes. And as for the shadow core... *summon rain flush* No!
spark-man Bright flash! *releases blinding light* Quick! Grab the core and get out of here!
ring-man *grabs the shadow core* Time man! Do you read me?
time-man Loud and Clear. What service do you wish?
ring-man Transport the core on hand to base, tell the doctor that we need research on that.
time-man Affirmative! *warps the core to lab*
All three escape to another chamber to the cave

((Yeah, time man is acting like Alia from X. Don't judge me! XD))
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on February 6th, 2015 at 11:13pm
Posted 2015/02/06 at 11:13pm
@Crystal Miner : (PEEERRRRFFFFEEEECCCTT!!!) bass:*had dashed at them releasing multiple streams of Pellets from his buster* Rapid Pellet!
^ Top
Crystal Miner
118,410,575 BP
2 TP | 32 PP
Posted on February 7th, 2015 at 1:36am Edited on 2015/02/08 at 8:52am
Posted 2015/02/07 at 1:36am Edited 2015/02/08 at 8:52am


ring-man *radio* Time man! Time man! Come in!
Time man to Team Cossack. Reading loud and clear. What is it, Team C? time-man

ring-man We have a core on hand. It seems off for some reason. It came out of Bass.
That's absurd! Bass is a copy core robot. This circumstance is impossible. Well... I'll warp it to base. I'll inform the doctor. Give it to Spark man, I'll have it warped through him. time-man

ring-man Roger that!
The team head off to another chamber.. .but...

bubble-man ring-man spark-man

ring-man This seems too familiar. Did Guts man hire Drill man?
spark-man That's near impossible... According to the files, he never hired Drill man, only Bomb man for excavation.
bubble-man So many ores... I wish I had a pickaxe
ring-man There's no time for that, Bubble man.
spark-man The energy rads on my scanner are going bonkers. I think it is coming from over there. *points to the west*
bubble-man Okay, but be careful. We could run into more trouble.
So the team went into a long and narrow path. Too long in fact.
^ Top
952,935,390 BP
9 TP | 540 PP
Posted on February 7th, 2015 at 4:24pm Edited on 2015/02/07 at 4:29pm
Posted 2015/02/07 at 4:24pm Edited 2015/02/07 at 4:29pm
@Crystal Miner :
shadow-manHahahah i see some fools batteling her i should jump in the fun if you dont have any problem
gyro-manWell i will help you Shadow Man or i should i call you Alpha
metal-manComan guys let me have some fun i will do nnice slice and dice in pice chukle
shadow-manYou can join metalman
^ Top
Crystal Miner
118,410,575 BP
2 TP | 32 PP
Posted on February 8th, 2015 at 4:53am Edited on 2015/02/08 at 8:53am
Posted 2015/02/08 at 4:53am Edited 2015/02/08 at 8:53am

bubble-man ring-man spark-man shadow-man
They've got company.
Hello guys. What brings you here? You know this area has been closed off for a reason, right? shadow-man
bubble-man Shadow man! What do you want from us?
ring-man If you are here to stop us... *holds 3 ring boomerangs* Bring it.
Well... It's not to stop you... You see, Wily sent us here. And, you're in our way. We need the source of this energy as much as you guys do. shadow-man
spark-man Well... We can stop you. You're out numbered. Face it, we will get the energy source. Not you, or Wily.
Tsk... Where are those two? shadow-man
Well, if you could slow down every once in a while, Alpha. gyro-man
Team Wily has appeared in front of them

bubble-man ring-man spark-man shadow-man metal-man gyro-man
bubble-man You! metal-man
Naturally, it wouldn't be a competition, if you didn't have any competitors. gyro-man
spark-man Why must everything turn into a war? Even if it was, there will be no chance for you punks to beat us.
Well, well, well. It seems that there will be a race at hand. Here's the deal. First one to the source, wins. shadow-man
ring-man Why I outta! That's no fair already!
bubble-man Ring man, cool it. These guys won't be worth it. *looks at shadow man* Sounds fine by us.
Fine. See you there, old friend. metal-man
Then the three took off.

bubble-man spark-man ring-man
ring-man Bubble man, I respect you and all, but we could have beat them right there!
spark-man Ring man, all conflicts are settled in other ways. Combat isn't always the solution.
bubble-man Spark man is right. We just need to find it first. Besides, we have Spark man and his gadgets. We have your combat skills. And you guys have my leadership and strategies. Now Spark man, where do we head now?

And the three head off, to find the source first. But Team Wily will be one step behind them
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on February 8th, 2015 at 2:41pm
Posted 2015/02/08 at 2:41pm
@Crystal Miner : bass:*appeared*.... you three,'ve bested me,....but i'm here for the Fusion Star,...i have reason to believe it may be the 'Source' you speak of,...... i'm sorry for previous encounters, but this Fusion Star is needed for scanning A.S.A.P.... let me join you guys,...i can best the rest for ya!
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