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TheDoc | Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 1923 Players )

TheDoc is a contributor and a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 750,666,203,816 and a zenny total of 12,307,959. TheDoc created his account on June 11th, 2013 and has since completed 1061 different missions, unlocked 3 playable characters, 38 robot fighters, 101 special abilities, and 1024 field stars. TheDoc's most-used playable character is Dr. Wily, and his top 5 favourite robots appear to be Needle Man, Bubble Man, Ring Man, Elec Man and Toad Man.

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750,666,203,816 BP
3 TP | 354 PP
Posted on May 23rd, 2015 at 11:13pm in "Prototype Devroom : Sunday Night Chatroom" #1
I may not be able to come at the beginning depending on when I have dinner. I think we're planning on 6:00 right now, but after that I'll be able to get on.
^ Top
750,666,203,816 BP
3 TP | 354 PP
Posted on May 13th, 2015 at 10:02pm in ""20 Questions About....."" #2 ( Edited : 2015/05/13 at 10:11pm )
1. What got you interested in coding? From what wellspring of your heart doth thy passion for Computer Science bloom from?
2. What drew you to the Prototype?
3. To compile Ender and ToB's questions, what's the origin of TailsMK4? Why Tails and why MK4?
4. Favorite Megaman series?
5. Favorite video game series?
6. What do you love most about Megaman?
^ Top
750,666,203,816 BP
3 TP | 354 PP
Posted on May 5th, 2015 at 10:12pm in "Challenge System" #3 ( Edited : 2015/05/20 at 11:58pm )
Getting Around the Rules - Defeat an enemy (robot OR mecha) with an ability containing an element that he/she/it has an immunity or affinity to.
The Underdog - Gain the Star symbol on your profile without any maxed out robots.
Core Vulture - Get a core off of every enemy in one battle (Must have at least 4 core-giving opponents to get this).
Umm...Do You Want These? - Sell 99x of a Core all at once.
Money to Burn - Buy 99x Yashichis all at once.
^ Top
750,666,203,816 BP
3 TP | 354 PP
Posted on April 30th, 2015 at 3:53pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #4
@MegaBossMan : Where is this mission setup? I'd like to look at it.

King feels like the kind of boss that could easily be challenging on his own. He has a monstrous shield, a deadly axe, and his name is KING. He's just the kind of intimidating, intense robot that could stand on his own two feet against a small team of quivering peasants. BOW BEFORE YOUR KING!-Okay, I'll stop.

King has two movesets/two forms, which is something that the MMKs lack. It would make sense to pair them up with others because they're one-and-done bosses. King has two playstyles: his shield and his axe. King in shield form is more focused on defense and will utilize Shield and potentially Laser type moves (you could also give him a move where he rushes with his shield, causing Shield/Impact damage). King in axe form is much more offensive, lashing out with Cutter and Swift moves (and maybe Laser? he did shoot that one Gemini Laser in the game). If you pair this with another boss, it could overshadow King's unique potential and require him to be nerfed. That said, what if he had just his shield for a paired fight and either had both forms or just his axe in a second solo fight?
^ Top
750,666,203,816 BP
3 TP | 354 PP
Posted on April 30th, 2015 at 1:40pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #5 ( Edited : 2015/04/30 at 1:42pm )
@TailsMK4 : The reason I had said King was listed as playable was because he's in the robot database, but so are the MMKs...That was stupid of me. Fixed.
^ Top
750,666,203,816 BP
3 TP | 354 PP
Posted on April 30th, 2015 at 10:56am in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #6 ( Edited : 2015/04/30 at 1:41pm )
@Retro Pikachu : The ideas given here are interesting, but I personally would rather that these stage gimmicks be abilities of the boss himself, not the stage. That way it feels like it's the boss's power, not just the stage. Iunno, I guess it's a matter of opinion. Anyways, onto the suggestions:

As a Stage Mechanic:
AoE moves (depending on the health of the crystals) would decimate this mechanic. Enker might waste his turn(s) healing a crystal just to see it, himself, and the rest of his crystals get hit in the same turn.
As a Boss ability:
At a certain amount of health, Enker would be able to occasionally use the ability to create 2 Mirror Pillars that send any attack aimed at Enker right back to the player. The player must destroy these pillars in order to attack Enker again. Also (Idk if this can be easily coded), AoE attacks that successfully destroy the two pillars will not hurt Enker as well, but will not be reflected at the player.

Maybe you assumed Punk was modeled to be like a teenager because of his look and trash talk, but Punk loves to fight fair, the reason being that he likes beating people with his own strength and truly proving himself to be stronger. The last thing Punk would do is cheat.

As a Stage Mechanic:
I think this is a fun gimmick because you can't take your time as much as you're used to; every move counts. This wasn't specified but it'd probably be fair to only have the time-bomb hit the active player; hitting the whole side the way it is now is too much. To have it hit the whole side, either have the time-bomb stay constant in its damage or have its damage intervals grow slower than what's currently suggested.
As a Boss Ability:
At a certain amount of health, Ballade would be able to occasionally use an ability to create a time-bomb that the player must destroy before 2-3 turns. If it reaches 0, the player's entire team will sustain significant damage, but if the player blows it up, Ballade will suffer slight damage. The time-bomb is dependant on Ballade; if Ballade is defeated before the time-bomb is destroyed, the time-bomb will not explode and the match will end.

I just don't like this mechanic :( I thin I understand the inspiration behind, but the effects of it don't make any sense. There's tons of Earth and Impact moves that don't rely on the ground to be there (i.e Hard Knuckle, Oil Shooter, Drill Blitz), and there's no reason why your accuracy would go down just because some of the floor went away, especially for moves like Bright Burst, Flash Stopper, etc. Also, if you can't use Earth and Impact moves, why can Quint? Besides the pogo stick, he has no advantage over you concerning these moves.

Doc Robot
With his current gimmick, Doc Robot would be an absolute breeze to beat. Just pull out an RM with an imm/aff to its own element, hit Doc Robot with an Elemental attack, and blast him to pieces. You could argue that he would have an imm/aff to the type he changes to (which doesn't completely make sense...), but then you could just use Neutral abilities. May take a long time, sure, but you're guaranteed to beat him regardless. That's not how a boss is supposed to be.

Copy Robots
Yea, the Copy Robots are a minor match. Idk how they work currently, but instead of having the moveset of your robots, how about just having a random moveset? This way you'll have to be prepared for whatever they may have.

If he does end up being a boss, I do like the idea of switching between the shield and axe. A stat switch between boosted defense and attack is also great (although I think that Axe form should up Attack AND Speed in place for low Defense), but instead of relying on that to be the source of his difficulty, I think that his Shield and Axe form should each have a unique ability set, once more setting bosses apart from playable robots. All in all, though, I think the King suggestion is great.

Speaking of boss abilities, I have a compromise. Keep in mind this is only if the community feels it's necessary to be able to use boss abilities (which I definitely think it's not). The Copy Shot can be used to copy boss abilities, BUT in order to keep the copied ability saved in your abilities list for available use, you must defeat the boss in that playthrough, and you can only keep the first ability copied. This way you can't bring all your Copy bots and just copy everything on the first go. This combined with a limit on robots to bring into battle should make it difficult enough to grind for boss abilities. On top of this, the WE cost of boss moves would be higher than your everyday ability when used by the player.
^ Top
750,666,203,816 BP
3 TP | 354 PP
Posted on April 29th, 2015 at 7:21pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #7
@Bt Man : I never said they would; no matter when you unlock them, the fact still stands that you end up having to limit characters when you allow players to use them as opposed to strictly have them as innovative bosses.
^ Top
750,666,203,816 BP
3 TP | 354 PP
Posted on April 29th, 2015 at 7:02pm in "Official Community Rules and Guidelines" #8 ( Edited : 2015/04/29 at 7:20pm )
@MegaBossMan : I do understand a lot of the points that you brought up (moving a thread definitely would become more complicated if this happened), but I feel like it's going to get complicated anyways. You say you like the simplicity of the MMRPG Community setup, and the way it is now I agree. However, can you really call it simple and convenient if the menu bar is lined to the teeth with categories? If I'm a new member viewing a line of 14 categories, it'll get confusing as to which category to check for my thread even without the hierarchy system. The hierarchy (my goodness, can I call it the subthread system? My brain is getting tired of saying hierarchy.) subthread system also allows for easier classification in this thread. Notice how you had to describe the contents of each category. Similar to what you were saying with merging fanfics with Roleplay, it's easier to put similar categories under one banner so that viewers don't have to read through each and every category description and you don't have to go through the trouble of writing it in the first place. I do agree there are definitely some conflicts between this concept and the current features of the MMRPG forum. Some things would need to be discussed and changed.

On a smaller note, Bugs are a main aspect of Development; even if the topic itself may seem "negative", you can't deny the listing and squashing of these bugs is a vital component of improving MMRPG, which is the essence of the Development thread. It's really more of an opinion thing, though. :P
^ Top
750,666,203,816 BP
3 TP | 354 PP
Posted on April 29th, 2015 at 5:07pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #9
@Bt Man : I don't remember where I said (feels like forever ago...), but having the MMKs as boss-only characters lets their powers be expounded on a lot more than if they were playable, and personally, I feel like the MMKs are the perfect candidates for boss-only. They have a lot of powerful moves that could become OP if they were used by players. You could argue that you can just take them out when players use them, but that just doesn't make any sense in-game.
^ Top
750,666,203,816 BP
3 TP | 354 PP
Posted on April 29th, 2015 at 4:46pm in "Official Community Rules and Guidelines" #10 ( Edited : 2015/04/29 at 5:06pm )
I meant to post here sooner, but oh well.

Locked threads
It depends on the thread, although I haven't looked through any of the locked topics yet, and I'm assuming that most (if not all) of them would be okay to unlock. The Mechanics section you could potentially unlock strictly so that people can ask questions for the individual issues they may be having.

Community Categories
I disagree they there should be more categories as opposed to a bigger hierarchy of categories. For example, have a category that says, say, "Fanfic". Then when you go into that, there would be two more sub-categories: Roleplay and Creations. This way you can have a more organized forum without crowding the Community menu bar with categories. In addition, you could also clean up the current categories; Bugs would go under Development, Mechanics and a new category called Guidelines could go under Help, etc. Adding more categories currently wouldn't be too bad, but if it's something you would want to continue to do in the future (which it probably is), you'll want to create different levels of categories.

As for the Chat, currently I think the number of channels is fine as is. The only reason RP and Development channels exist is that they won't interfere with one another. Those are necessities imo. I'd be much more keen adding categories to the forum as opposed to the Chat.
^ Top
Mega Man and all related names and characters are © Capcom 1986 - 2024.
This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)