Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2016 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG World Community

Community  »  Bug Reports  »  Official Known Bugs and Issues Thread January 14th, 2014 at 10:52pm

The current version of the prototype has many bugs, as will many version in the future. This is inevitable, all we can do is fix them as they come up and then move on. Some bugs and issues, however, do not want us to move on. Unfortunately there are some quirks with the prototype that I have not be… Read More
Official Known Bugs and Issues Thread
Posted by Adrian Marceau on January 14th, 2014 at 10:52pm
Viewed 4198 Times


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910,033,180 BP
13 TP | 174 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 10:50am #106
So everyone told me to reset because stuff and supposedly I would keep my Starforce. Meta and a few others told me that I would keep my 1024 Starforce when I reset, but apparently I didn't. Is this normal?
^ Top
878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 10:54am #107
@Shadownnico : IDK, Not really. Tho i have my cossack symbol, aswell as light's (Since i beat light's), But why cossack symbol still? Cool for me. Sorry shadow.
^ Top
266,562,644,975 BP
6 TP | 293 PP
Posted on March 21st, 2015 at 11:47am #108
@Shadownnico : It takes about a day for your starforce to come back. It took about day for mine to come though, so just give it some time, and you get them back.
^ Top
879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on March 23rd, 2015 at 5:09pm #109 ( Edited : 2015/03/23 at 5:15pm )
Everytime I beat a Bonus Field (Bonus Field II), Field Support is automatically equipped to the robots that won in my party if they didn't have it equipped already. Haven't been able to check if this occurs on a loss.
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120,471,270 BP
1 TP | 8 PP
Posted on March 24th, 2015 at 2:01pm #110 ( Edited : 2015/03/24 at 2:10pm )
@TheDoc : I can confirm that this is the case. checking now if loss.
EDIT: not if loss.
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Dark Man
38,397,860 BP
8 TP | 245 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2015 at 6:50pm #111 ( Edited : 2015/05/27 at 6:59pm )
He's referring to this [thread]( The first post of each page is blank and incredibly long, most likely as Doc said, it being 45 pages.
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2015 at 6:54pm #112
@Dark Man : 45 pages, huh? That could be part of the problem...
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Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2015 at 6:55pm #113
@TheDoc : It shouldn't be.
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Dark Man
38,397,860 BP
8 TP | 245 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2015 at 7:08pm #114
@TheDoc : I agree with @Bt Man.
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541,618,343,272 BP
25 TP | 321 PP
Posted on May 28th, 2015 at 11:24pm #115
Internet Explorer 11 is MUCH more than a 'no', at this point. I've been playing Prototype *on IE 11 for the better part of 9 months with [so close, it makes no difference] no major problems whatsoever. :P
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305,144,392 BP
0 TP | 241 PP
Posted on May 31st, 2015 at 7:55pm #116 ( Edited : 2015/05/31 at 7:59pm )
Glitch: Ahem *puts on smart-people glasses

When going to select Wily in the Home section of the game, highlighting your cursor over Wily will have all of the Robot Masters transform to their taunt sprite, right? Well, if you take a close look at Bubble Man, his blue scuba thingie is, for some reason, in inverted colors. Not a major glitch, but just a minor detail that needs to be patched. Thank you for your time.
^ Top
25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on June 2nd, 2015 at 12:07pm #117
There is a glitch issue with bubble man fight bubble man my bubble was defeated by rain flush and there was no losing scene that's all
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305,144,392 BP
0 TP | 241 PP
Posted on June 7th, 2015 at 3:06pm #118
Um wut
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Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on June 7th, 2015 at 3:31pm #119
@DaCrashBomber : My reaction are the same words you said.
I didn't experience this, no, but that was my reaction to seeing the image.
^ Top
35,367,094,410 BP
5 TP | 116 PP
Posted on June 13th, 2015 at 3:01am #120
I don't really know if this is a glitch, but I find it disturbing. When you Check Slur in the database, every sprite for him is the same, except for the mugshot, it's just him standing there, not even made into the normal Mega Man style. I haven't watched much of NT Warrior, but I honestly think that if there isn't any sprites for him, there sould be a placeholder like for Color Man, Planet Man, etc, instead of that creepy sprite.
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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)