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Community  »  Game Development  »  My Suggestions: Secondary Robot Master Weapons and Abilities January 22nd, 2014 at 9:00pm

23,463,433 BP
3 TP | 31 PP
Hello. I'm just here to make a few suggestions regarding future robot master abilities. Besides their special weapons of course. The abilities are mainly going to be based on their canonical attributes and abilities seen both in and out of game.

Secondary Weapons:

GeminiMan: Along with a buster shot, GeminiMan also has the Gemini Laser. However, we can't pass up his ability to make clones of himself, they may be holographic, but in MM3, the GeminiClone was able to hurt you. Then again, holograms who could hurt you was a recurring theme in MM3. Such as the Wily boss with three MegaMan clones, where two were holo-you know what I mean. But anyway, this ability of GeminiMan's will enable him to bring out his twin(making extra use of those summon sprites). His twin is active at the same time as GeminiMan in the field. Whenever GeminiMan attacks, and after his attack is over then GeminiClone will follow up with a random move out of your GeminiMan's arsenal. The chances of said moves being thrown out is based on it's power, with buster shot being the most common move to be thrown out by the clone.

ShadowMan: Of course ShadowMan has his Shadow Blade, but what about his other abilities? In the arcade games he is able to a Substitution Technique to replace himself with a log. So I was thinking, why not add this great move to his future arsenal? It would work as follows, for a fair amount of turns. Let's say, for this example, three turns, ShadowMan will have a fifty-fifty chance to end up using the Substitution Technique and taking no damage. Due to the nature of this move, for balance reasons, it will use up a fair amount of weapon energy. Let's say five to eight. Another move, which is an obvious answer, is the Shadow Slide. Which would basically be a Mega Slide clone but instead of it being neutral type it would be shadow-type, and less powerful. But, like in MM3, ShadowMan will jump up for contact damage and hit a second time.

Enker: According to the database, Enker currently only has his Mirror Buster as an attack of his own. However, I have devised a secondary move based on his in game ability to absorb attacks. What he does is for one turn, sticks his Barrier Spear in the air visually. This causes, for said turn, Enker to absorb attacks and make his Mirror Buster move stronger based on how much base damage the attack has done. Of course, like in game and for balancing reasons, Enker still takes damage from absorbed attacks, but just a fraction of what damage would normally be done.

Ballade: Ballade, in MMIV for GB, Ballade, while in his first form, threw multiple, smaller Ballade Crackers, that were, of course, weak but made up for it in numbers. I have dubbed them "Ballade Grenades". Of course, this was changed in MegaMan 10 in which he automatically shot Ballade Crackers and his second form was nothing more than an in-fight cameo. So I thought that this move was underrated and overlooked often in Ballade's arsenal and figured it could have some use in this game. It will function as the type of weapon that uses low weapon energy and mainly as a move to follow up with something stronger. This role is similar to weapons like Rain Flush, but in the form of a projectile. It's type would be neutral and explode, and Ballade will throw a multitude of them and will attack multiple party members at once. However, they will only do one-third or one-half of Ballade Cracker's base damage. Also, another move is the Ballade Mine. They are similar in appearance, well not similar, but they use Ballade Cracker's sprites so I guess they are exactly the same appearance wise. But anyway, the Ballade mine would be used to protect against Melee attacks, such as the Mega Slide, or my suggested Shadow Slide for ShadowMan. But it will not be your typical shield weapon. It will NOT block the attack, instead, Ballade will take SLIGHTLY reduced damage and the Ballade Mine will explode and harm the attacker, doing Neutral and Explode damage.

SparkMan: Ah SparkMan, ElecMan's canonical superior. In MegaMan three, he has two attacks, his Spark Shock, and a move where he shoots smaller sparks and it has a chance to stun lock you. Now, as far as I know, there are no paralyzing moves in the game currently. So, this (if implemented) will be the first. How it will work, is that the "Spark Watts" will attack the player multiple times, doing minor damage. The damage doesn't matter, as it's true purpose to to cause the paralyzed status. Each "Spark Watt" has a one third chance of paralyzing the enemy, out of three shots. However, this one third chance is for each individual shot, not overall. So there is a slight chance that the enemy may not be paralyzed. Any who, for what the paralyze status does. To be frank, it just makes the enemy skip a turn. Allowing the user to plan and strategize their next move or moves, all while hindering the enemy. However, the victim player still has the option to switch Robot Masters.

(These are subject to change and I will post more soon also these are secondary robot attacks/weapons not abilities. But, I will post some special attributes as well, thanks for reading. I also finally got color formatting down!)
My Suggestions: Secondary Robot Master Weapons and Abilities
Posted by ProtoMan on January 22nd, 2014 at 9:00pm
Viewed 814 Times


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23,463,433 BP
3 TP | 31 PP
Posted on January 24th, 2014 at 3:45pm #2
New suggested abilities up! I'd really like your opinions on them, so please check the the uppermost post for the edited post. In this update: Enker and Ballade.
^ Top
879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on January 24th, 2014 at 11:31pm #3
I apologize that idk how to color my words. :P

My thoughts:

First off, there should only be one secondary ability (SA) per RM. SAs would not take up a normal ability slot; they are natural abilites for the RM and should not impair him by using up a slot. The SA cannot be equipped by compatible RMs like normal abilities; SAs would make individual RMs more unique. Also, SAs would take a turn to use and, most of the time (i.e not Enker I'll address him later), would use WE. Now, let's begin.

Geminiman: Judging the randomization of the clone's abilities via power wouldn't work; Rolling Cutter would technically be chosen easier than Buster Shot, but is obviously stronger. No, I think that choosing by the WE required would be a better idea. Also, the Clone would take up energy to use and would last a short amount of turns; you make Geminiman OP by basically giving him two turns freely like that. Hell, you could probably even limit the attacks he can use; think about it, the clone couldn't use Gemini Laser, could it?

Shadowman: The Substitution thing just looks broken. It seems like more of a handicap than a skill. What I'm getting from that is, "You missed bcuz I used Substitution, but I lose my turn/can't attack, so you can try again :)." Also, 50/50 is OP imo. Plain and simple. COnsider my opinion of SAs using energy and I just can't deal with this one. The Shadow Slide sounds more of a normal ability than an SA and isn't really unique.

Enker: Okay, you are DEFINITELY onto something here. What I would do is this: when this SA is activated for no WE, Enker assumes the Absorb position at the beginning of the turn, regardless of speed. After that, 15% of all damage that Enker takes FOR THAT ONE ROUND goes towards his WE. Because of the massive increase of WE, I think he should take full damage from the attack. This is a great way to build up for an expensive attack that you need to finish off the enemy, but you must also decide whether you can spare the LE to take the blow.

Ballade: Ballade Grenade is, like you said, a copy of Air Shooter and/or Drill Blitz, and it looks like a normal ability. Thumbs down on that one. The Ballade Mine, however, is a very interesting concept. IF you're in a pinch and want to take the enemy down with you, this SA is great for that. I think that it should stay there until a melee attack sets it off and damages the attacker. However, I don't know about the reduced damage, however slight it may be. Other than that, I think it's a great idea.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I think RM-exclusive SAs are a great idea. If I have any suggestions of my own, I'll let you know! :D
^ Top
880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 12:15am #4 ( Edited : 2014/01/25 at 12:20am )
What about Self-destruct in which it's basically explosion from Pokémon?

Also thedoc, first do this[whatever you say] then right next to it, no spaces, put down a type(no capitals) like this{flame}. You should get something like this

A more in-depth guide is this
^ Top
23,463,433 BP
3 TP | 31 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 12:17am #5 ( Edited : 2014/01/25 at 12:26am )
Sorry for making Substitution too weird. I wanted to balance it a bit, so it didn't seem too overpowered. Maybe instead it could use a fair amount of weapon energy instead of making him unable to attack. Because, in retrospect, making him unable to attack kind of defeats the purpose of the move. I'll make that edit right away. Also, I'm thinking of altering the Ballade Grenades into which they do half of Ballade Cracker's damage to multiple party members, making that edit also.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 9:07pm #6
These are all very interesting and I definitely like the idea. Something like Pokemon's abilities or the TCG's "Poke Body" or "Poke Power" mechanic I guess, but cooler. The infrastructure for this kind of feature does not yet exist in the prototype, but maybe in the future I'll find a way to implement it. Keep on speculating - I'll check back on this thread occasionally for inspiration. :)
^ Top
23,463,433 BP
3 TP | 31 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 10:33pm #7
Thanks for looking at this thread and I am glad to be of service and to be contributing to this prototype Adrian. I appreciate those kind words.
^ Top
661,728,607 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on January 26th, 2014 at 7:19am #8 ( Edited : 2014/01/26 at 9:33am )
Hey, this seems pretty interesting! Mind if I drop in?

Top Man: Okay, I think I've found a way to make a slightly more game-accurate version of Top Spin). According to Adrian's initial post regarding the MM3 weapons, Top Spin had to be changed from its game counterpart because it would require a new sprite for every robot, which would be too time-consuming. For my version of Top Spin, the user would balance on a giant top (Similar to the spinning top platforms right before Top Man's boss door) and "charge" it for a turn (Like Super Arm or a Shield ability) before jumping off and sending it at a front-row target for massive damage. However, it could be stopped early with an Impact-type ability. The existing Top Spin would remain in the game under a different name (something like Top Throw).

Spark Man: If I recall, Spark Man has a move where he charges a ball of electricity above his head and throws it at you. This move always struck me as an Electric-type version of Pharaoh Shot, and could probably use the same mechanics. As for a name...Spark Charge?

Snake Man: This one isn't really based off anything. The user would summon a Snakey from Snake Man's stage to bite the opponent and deal damage, lowering attack by 10% in the process. Snake Bite seems like a fitting name.

Hard Man: Oh boy, this one's a doozy. It's also based of Hard Man's ground slam attack. The user would leap up into the air for a turn, then crash down to cause a earthquake that would deal damage to all robots on the opponent's side. This attack could be stopped early with a Missile-type move, just to use those upward-turning sprites Magnet Missile and Needle Cannon have. As for a name, I was thinking Hard Quake. Guts Man could be given a similar move.
^ Top
909,797,716 BP
15 TP | 138 PP
Posted on January 26th, 2014 at 8:49am #9
I was thinking of abilities like Gyro Ball and Electro Ball from Pokemon, which use speed in the damage calculation.
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23,463,433 BP
3 TP | 31 PP
Posted on January 26th, 2014 at 9:19am #10 ( Edited : 2014/01/26 at 9:21am )
Sorry to burst your Bubble Man Spinstrike. But that giant electric ball is just Sparkman's version of Spark Shock. But I still like your comcept, and could be used as a separate ability for Sparkman.
^ Top
879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on January 26th, 2014 at 3:31pm #11 ( Edited : 2014/01/26 at 3:44pm )
Imo SAs shouldn't be just extra abilities. They should be something that makes playing as that RM unique. In other words, instead of just adding another attack, SAs would be specific techniques instead of just another weapon. For example, my suggestion on Enker makes him unique because he can absorb attacks into WE, and that technique of his plays off of what makes him special, but at the same time (like I've said so many times in this post) it's not just another attack. An SA should result from what makes the character itself unique, not just what it shoots. Here's a suggestion for Quickman: His SA could...
A.) Simply boost his speed by 15%
B.) Make his next attack strike first regardless of speed

See what I did there? I took what made Quickman himself special, not just, say, another variation of his boomerang. I'm not against suggesting abilities; in fact, I think you guys have some awesome ideas. In my personal opinion, however, that shouldn't be a SECONDARY ability.
^ Top
23,463,433 BP
3 TP | 31 PP
Posted on January 26th, 2014 at 3:59pm #12
I really like your suggestions Doc, I'll edit the topic so like minded people who have ideas for special attributes and not weapons know that their ideas are welcome here too.
^ Top
880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on February 21st, 2014 at 11:32pm #13
Considering on how the first line of robot masters have secondary ablities, the second line should have some too.

Bubble Man already has one.

Metal Man-Switches the room so faster robots are slower then slow robots.

Heat Man-What Spinstrike said about Atomic Tackle.

Wood Man- Has leaves fall from the ceiling while Wood Man falls near the opponent to stun them for a turn. The leaves strike multiple times for damage.

Air Man-Charges for a turn to make a junk tornado, which is wind and impact

Crash Man- Blows up part of the field, landing on the opponent(changes to type of field)

Flash Man-Freezes time and shoots multiple buster shots, hitting the opponent 7 times (if hits)

Quick Man-Charges at the opponent, acting much like Quick attack from Pokemon.
^ Top
10,452,444 BP
0 TP | 20 PP
Posted on July 10th, 2015 at 9:49pm #14

Gemini man "double" ability is very op, but maybe this cloneis a support for gemini man (only being able to use abilities like repair mode and energy swap) how ever he is only able to heal gemini man, no other robots can be healed by this clone
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