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Mega Man RPG World Community

Community  »  Game Development  »  Spring Update Preview : Mega Man Goes Shopping March 26th, 2014 at 9:50pm

Hello everyone! I've got some pictures from Adrian about the next update! It seems that we might have a shop now! Why else would there be screws in the Item Database? ADRIAN EDIT : Sorry! I should have given you a rundown of how to host and post images. XD I've uploaded all the screenshots I se… Read More
Spring Update Preview : Mega Man Goes Shopping
Posted by MegaBossMan on March 26th, 2014 at 9:50pm
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6,700 BP
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Posted on May 24th, 2014 at 8:46am #62
i cant wait the megaman 3

is my favorite
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880,181,037,303 BP
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Posted on May 24th, 2014 at 12:18pm #63
I don't think you're alone with that notion. 55 comments and not nearly as much revealed in the "Mega-Nificent" update!
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2014 at 3:55pm #66 ( Edited : 2014/05/27 at 4:20pm )
Wha? Wha you want? More news? Jeez, it's not like Adrian could just spew out infor.... Oh. New Email. You win this time.

"Hi again. I'm like 99% done with Snake Man's stage, just have to add some animation. In the mean time....

Image Tooltip

Image Tooltip

Also, I'm having a really hard time with Magnet Man. His stage is the Magnetic Generator but... Magnet Man is currently a Missile Core so that mean's his stage would be too, but that obviously doesn't make sense. You'd think I could just change Magnet Man to an Electric Core and everything would be easy, but Spark Man is already an Electric Core we we can't have two of the same cores in one game/set. This is why I made Magnet Man a Missile Core in the first place - to avoid overlap and match his Magnet Missile weapon - but now that I'm making his stage it just doesn't make sense to continue. :S The only other option I can think of is to make Magnet Man an Earth Core because magnets are minerals I guess and they're related to the earth...or...something? There aren't any other Earth Core robots in MM3 so it would work and I could maintain the weakness cycle, but is Earth too much of a stretch? What do you think? I'm running out of time to make a choice. >_"

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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2014 at 3:59pm #67
I got another Email after that one.......

"I've been thinking about it for days and I can't complete the update until I decide so I'm gonna make Magnet Man an earth core. MM3 has got the most messed up weakness cycle and robots of all the games, so it's been really hard to make things fit with the typing system of the RPG. Hopefully you guys understand. :(

So the plan is to have him change to Earth core with an Earth/missile weapon (Magnet Missile) and then his field will be earth as well but boost missile and electric attacks as well. And then in the future I'll give him an earth/electric attack to make it fair - maybe magnet pull or something?

We'll have to see..."
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910,033,180 BP
13 TP | 174 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2014 at 4:58pm #68
I don't think the Robot Core needs to match the Field Core. After all, we already have non-matching robots and fields, like Bright Man (Time Core and Electric Field) or Ring Man (Cutter Core with Space Field), so I don't see why can't Magnet Man be a Missile Core and have his stage be an Electric Field

...Unless the non-matching Fields are actually a bug/mistake
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2014 at 5:55pm #69 ( Edited : 2014/06/01 at 12:49pm )
Oh, by the way. Remeber when I said Needle Man was probably next? Someone pick up the phone. CAUSE I CALLED IT!
Anyway, here's the status of the fields. (No way official. Simply. Gathering what we know)

Needle Man: Done
Magnet Man: Next
Snake Man: Done
Gemini Man: Done
Top Man: Done
Hard Man: Done
Shadow Man: Done
Spark Man: Done

That's my guess, at the most part.
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2014 at 6:27pm #70 ( Edited : 2014/05/27 at 6:29pm )
Yep. I'm generous. I will share with you another Email from Adrian. I can be so nice. I'M THE NICEST PERSON! HAHAHAHA.... Oops. MegaNotsoBossMan came out of the cage again. Excuse me while I deal with this.....

"Thanks for your posts and keeping everyone updated while I'm working. :)

About Magnet Man, whatever core I choose will affect many things going forward. One huge thing is that it determines which abilities Magnet Man can equip - does he really seem like a robot who's focus is missile-type weapons? If I make him earth core does it make sense for him to be able to equip rock and ground moves? The easier answer is electric, because it makes the most sense, but we just can't do that so long as Spark Man exists in the same game.

And then you have the fields. As much as I'm okay with having fields that don't match their robot master (as you mentioned with Bright and Ring) those two made sense, had their special weapon's second type match the stage, and - most importantly - did not duplicate field types found in the same game/cycle. This is important for balance, as each field I add into this game will dramatically alter the overall star force levels for represented types. Adding two of the same electric field types will overpower electric robots moving forward in the multiplayer - is that something we're okay with?

These are the things that cause the most mental anguish in my life now. Decisions about the elemental typings of a fan-made Mega Man RPG. I'm not sure how I feel about that. >_>"

-Guess who(Adrian)
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856,923,781,225 BP
17 TP | 356 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2014 at 6:35pm #71
I honestly think that having a Missile type field would be the best bet. Besides, we only got one Missile Field Star, so why not set up a second, but have electricity be a big factor on the field? To make things even more complicated about electricity, Magnet Man in MM3 is weak to the Spark Shock, so having electricity for him can actually be a bad thing. I think we should stick with the original plans for Magnet Man and make him like Dive Man in a sense.
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Icy Rshek
1,600 BP
1 TP | 48 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2014 at 6:50pm #72
Wow! Plenty of information! Personally, I don't mind if Magnet Man changes type as he's pretty cool by himself. Can't wait!
^ Top
52,544 BP
1 TP | 16 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2014 at 6:57pm #73
Posting fields, are you BossMan? Keeping secrets from us? Do you have Shadow Man's field up your sleeve ? XD

Anyway, super excited.
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2014 at 7:00pm #74
I don't know. You don't need to know anything! *Looks suspiciously across room* Who said Shadow Man even has a field?! *whispers* Elecspark, you can't foil my plans this time!

Nope. Just kidding. I actually do not have any more fields to show for now, nor do I have any info since last time. Anyway, can't wait. Everything that I have seen is making me more excited by the minute and I don't know if the Heart Attack in my chest can wait until then!
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on May 27th, 2014 at 8:32pm #75 ( Edited : 2014/05/27 at 8:37pm )
You know me so well.

"(Talking about Magnet Core-type) I've been describing my predicament to various people over the last few days but none of them have any idea what I'm talking about or just don't get it. It is a very specific, very complex and honestly quite silly problem, but it was driving me crazy not having anyone to get an opinion from because I love this game and this project so much and I want it to be the absolute best it can possibly be. *deep breath* So yeah, thank you - I think I can move forward now without so much dread and just do it. Some ability combos might be kind of weird, but we already have that in spades (Guts Man with Oil Slider anyone?) so it shouldn't be so bad. :)

Anyway, here's the next preview - Snake Man's stage - the "Serpent Column" is done!
You have no idea how tedious it was animating those coils... >_> (totally worth it though!)

Image Tooltip

Thanks again, we're almost there!"

I think I just found my favorite field.....
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