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Mega Man RPG World Community

Community  »  Game Development  »  Spring Update Preview : Mega Man Goes Shopping March 26th, 2014 at 9:50pm

880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Hello everyone! I've got some pictures from Adrian about the next update! It seems that we might have a shop now! Why else would there be screws in the Item Database?

ADRIAN EDIT : Sorry! I should have given you a rundown of how to host and post images. XD I've uploaded all the screenshots I sent you to the website's preview folder. Sorry for the trouble!

As far as that screenshot goes, yes - I am trying to add the shop in this update. Or at least something resembling one. I'd like to keep the exact mechanics a secret right now while I finalize details, but I think it will add a very fun layer to the game and make much use of all those extra Energy Pellets and Weapon Pellets you have laying around in your inventory. :P Oh, and before you get too excited the star-shaped item is just a Field Star (which are items as far as the programming is concerned).

MEGABOSSMAN EDIT: Yes, the so much asked for Mega Man 3 bots are finally arriving! Bash through your enemies with these newly-added Robot Master!....And their Mechas!
Spring Update Preview : Mega Man Goes Shopping
Posted by MegaBossMan on March 26th, 2014 at 9:50pm
Viewed 5834 Times


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1,967,203 BP
3 TP | 23 PP
Posted on March 26th, 2014 at 9:58pm #2
The link just takes me to a gmail page that tells me to sign up.
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Retro Sneasel
8,249,269,260 BP
27 TP | 446 PP
Posted on March 26th, 2014 at 9:58pm #4
Doesn't work, put it on an image sharing site such as imgur
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193,757 BP
0 TP | 28 PP
Posted on March 26th, 2014 at 10:31pm #6
@MegaBossMan : Thank you for trying to post it. I fixed up your formatting the first post and uploaded the rest of the preview screenshots to the website's preview folder. :P

Now, I'm going to copy/paste some of the stuff I told MegaBossMan about in our email conversation. First off the credits section will now be synced with profile backgrounds and you'll be able to edit your own link and bio!

^ Top
193,757 BP
0 TP | 28 PP
Posted on March 26th, 2014 at 10:37pm #7 ( Edited : 2014/03/26 at 11:01pm )
The leaderboard is also getting a slight makeover, and I do mean slight. The data has been rearranged and now each tab loads on a separate page to prevent memory overloads. But you'll also notice extra stats on the main page and a new "likes" feature I'm in the process of programming. The Star Force tab has also been updated so that the stars don't get crammed together and instead separate into pages. They'll also be sorted by the current "top elements" according to your star force chart on the left, so it looks pretty cool going from page to page and seeing all the colours. :P

Leaderboard Updates 1 Leaderboard Updates 2
^ Top
193,757 BP
0 TP | 28 PP
Posted on March 26th, 2014 at 10:38pm #8 ( Edited : 2014/03/26 at 10:42pm )
The community forum itself has been updated with a few new features as well. Threads and posts will now show the users's battle points as well as the thread and post count underneath (shown as TP and PP respectively). Right now TP and PP are just a representation of how active you are in the community, but maybe one day they'll unlock something of have some other benefit. Not sure... Anyway, the @Reply buttons actually do something now, automatically scrolling to the text area and putting preformatted reply text for you. So if I clicked on my name it would add @ [ Ageman20XX ] { flame } : to the form for you (but without the spaces of course). It's pretty awesome, actually. Also, special users will now have icons by their avatar. Developers (me) will have a Yashichi, and all Contributors (MMX100, MetalMan, Brorman, etc.) will have an Energy Capsule. This will let new users know who they can trust and ask questions in the future.

I haven't finished programming it yet, but I'm also planning on making all contributor accounts also able to act as moderators on the community. This will allow you guys to create stickies, delete comments, lock threads, and all the other fun stuff that I currently have to do on my own. >_> This should make the entire moderation process of the game and website easier as I'm clearly not able to be around all the time and you all have proven yourself to be great players and incredibly helpful, reasonable people. :)

Community Update
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Retro Sneasel
8,249,269,260 BP
27 TP | 446 PP
Posted on March 26th, 2014 at 10:52pm #9
Wow, this new update looks pretty nice! Can't wait for it :D
^ Top
880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on March 27th, 2014 at 9:08am #10 ( Edited : 2014/03/27 at 9:52am )
Speculation device, tell us what hidden details lie within the page......

Speculation Device: I shall grant your wish, mortal! Now let's see *puts on reading glasses*

The first picture!(Not the one MBM did). The credits have been updated! Instead of a link to click on to contact one of the special users, it tells you....the website! Everything else has been said!

The second picture! View profile is an option! Is Tom Hanks MegaBossMan? Find out on the next episode of something!

The third picture! There are pages!

MegaBossMan: Didn't Adrian already say that?

Speculation Machine: Maybe! How would you know?!

The last! It shows someone's points, their comments, and threads! Also, little markers to show someone's status in the game, I believe Energy Capsule for someone like MegaBossMan, and Yashichi for a user like Adrian.

I have granted all your questions, I shall take my leave. Farewell!

MegaBossMan: I could have said all that.......

MegaBossMan: *reading newspaper* Hello?

Speculation Device: Wait, I forget something. There's a heart on the item shop. Temporary health boost?
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on March 27th, 2014 at 11:13am #12
For the other pictures within the folder, nothing much has changed except visual effects and now there's ring throw. Also, how did Chill Penguin message you? Is Chill Penguin Adrian? Who knows?
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Icy Rshek
1,600 BP
1 TP | 48 PP
Posted on March 28th, 2014 at 1:13pm #13
Quite excited. It would be pretty cool if the shop was run by Auto and Eddie.
^ Top
661,728,607 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on March 28th, 2014 at 3:05pm #14
Maybe we could have different shops for each character; Auto for Dr. Light, Reggae for Dr. Wily, and Kalinkia for Dr. Cossack.
^ Top
25,201,694,123 BP
0 TP | 47 PP
Posted on March 28th, 2014 at 6:30pm #15 ( Edited : 2014/03/28 at 6:50pm )
I think Eddie would be more fitting for Cossack because Eddie was built by him and Eddie dispenses items.
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Mega Man and all related names and characters are © Capcom 1986 - 2024.
This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)