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Mega Man RPG World Community

Community  »  Game Development  »  Prototype Devroom : Sunday Night Chatroom July 4th, 2014 at 11:34pm

So I guess we're going to have Friday Sunday night chatroom sessions now (referred to as SNC withing the community). I will try to post a transcript of our chats once a week, but if someone else gets to it first that's even better. For those interested in attending future chats, we generally meet in… Read More
Prototype Devroom : Sunday Night Chatroom
Posted by Adrian Marceau on July 4th, 2014 at 11:34pm
Viewed 11383 Times


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541,618,343,272 BP
25 TP | 321 PP
Posted on November 7th, 2014 at 9:27pm #151
Many, many, MANY thank yous to all those who were able to attend this week's chat for my storyline idea: It went very well. So well in fact, that, uhh..... you could say that a trip to the movies took place during it.

Enjoy. Friday Night Chatroom 2014/11/7
^ Top
856,923,781,225 BP
17 TP | 356 PP
Posted on November 13th, 2014 at 10:46pm #152 ( Edited : 2014/11/13 at 10:48pm )
gemini-man ...All right, so I'm just posting here to remind myself to make sure I at least attempt to make it to the Friday Night session. I cannot say for sure I will get called to dinner around the time of the session, but I will at least appear in the chat before the session starts. ring-ring
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on November 13th, 2014 at 10:52pm #153 ( Edited : 2014/11/13 at 10:54pm )
I look forward to that momentary glimpse of your glory, Tails!

Are there any particular plans for this upcoming chat session? And has there been any progress made in switching the date of the chat?
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266,562,644,975 BP
6 TP | 293 PP
Posted on November 14th, 2014 at 2:53pm #154
@ThatGuyNamedMikey Hey mikey I (hopefully) should be at the chat the reason I could not go last time because I forgot that my dad was come back from texas for week so we had to pick him up and yeah. .-. BUT this time I am sure that nothing is happening tonight so I should be there :-P (also I max stated my ring man which is the 1st full 9999 stat robot so there is that...)
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on November 14th, 2014 at 9:15pm #155 ( Edited : 2014/11/14 at 9:20pm )
Hi. I got something for you :)
Friday Night Chatroom 2014/11/14

Good ideas presented. There was some content edited out however, because pee jokes are never funny.

The Friday Chat is now the Sunday Chay! It will be on 6 est time! It will stay this way forever{maybe, for now}!
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541,618,343,272 BP
25 TP | 321 PP
Posted on November 14th, 2014 at 10:52pm #156
You forgot to put November 7's chat up there, Boss. Post #151 has the link.

Also, to explain further, people are generally busy Friday nights at 7 PM eastern, what with homework and dinner, so, to accommodate, Boss and I took a vote after today's Legacy Chat and found that Sundays at 6 PM may be best.

So, OFFICIALLY, the next Legacy Chat meeting will be Sunday, November 23, at 6:00 PM eastern. Mark your calendars.
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878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on November 15th, 2014 at 10:24am #157 ( Edited : 2014/11/15 at 10:26am )
@ThatGuyNamedMikey : which i wont care... though i do have Nov.21st(after getting home) through Nov.30th for thanksgiving. I CANT DEFEAT AIR MAN! :PP
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on November 23rd, 2014 at 9:15pm #158
Next pastebin! So much arguing! Not enough space! Wait no, we got a good amount of space.
I can't come up with stuff, gimme a break.
Sunday Night Chatroom 2014/11/23

I can't come up with endings as well.
Jay Leno.
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on November 23rd, 2014 at 9:24pm #159
I just noticed that the countdown on the title post is set for Friday...
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on November 30th, 2014 at 11:00am #160 ( Edited : 2014/11/30 at 1:35pm )
I suppose I should get this out of the way, before anyone decides to forget.

We're having another chat meeting today, 6 o'clock EST time. Anyone living in the Pacific time region, that should be 3 o'clock for you. If you live in a different time zone and don't know when 6 is your time, please PM me and I'll have the answer for you.

Now, I'd like to ask anyone who's attending this meeting to NOT goof off. We have a "guest", some of you probably know him, and he's asked that we hold off the goofing to a minimum and we get straight to business. Also, he only has time to be there for an hour or so, so keep that in mind.

If you're the type of person who doesn't really care about development and will just dilly-dally, please don't show up to the Legacy Chat. That's why we have the casual chat. You can always just read the pastebin I make later.

I hope to see the people who have ideas to suggest or/and is interested in the development of the game. In fact, our "guest" might even show a few things off, who knows?

Important Note: This isn't guaranteed, however. So, don't get your hopes up please.
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on November 30th, 2014 at 1:56pm #161 ( Edited : 2014/11/30 at 1:57pm )
AWWWWWWWWW out of all the times I'm unable to make the chat.....*sigh*

Well, since Thanksgiving break is over here, I'm moving back to my dorm, but I'm literally leaving the house RIGHT at 6 PM, so yea....anyways, say hi to Adrian the guest for me!
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878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on November 30th, 2014 at 2:50pm #162
Ok. im NOT going. that means 0 appearances. and i go back to school tomorrow.
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856,923,781,225 BP
17 TP | 356 PP
Posted on November 30th, 2014 at 5:27pm #163
gemini-man ...I won't be able to make it tonight, as I do actually have to leave in a few minutes to head out to a movie with my family. Hope the meeting goes well regardless! ring-ring
^ Top
875,792,335,902 BP
5 TP | 331 PP
Posted on November 30th, 2014 at 5:45pm #164
@MegaBossMan : Sorry I buzzed out last week, had something to work on. I will try to come in today and keep the movie jokes to a zero.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on November 30th, 2014 at 7:04pm #165 ( Edited : 2014/11/30 at 7:58pm )
Chat still in progress, but here's part 1:
Sunday Night Chatroom 2014/11/30
and part 2:
Sunday Night Chatroom 2014/11/30 #2
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