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Mega Man RPG World Community

Community  »  General Discussion  »  Official Chat Help and Guidelines April 12th, 2015 at 6:38pm

880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Official Chat Help and Guidelines

Well folks, we have a Chatroom now! A place to talk about whatever you desire! And yes, not just things like MMRPG! Literally anything that's on your thought process, disregarding taboo topics, can be talked about! Not even just MMRPG! Literature, games, life, other projects, humor, sports, anything!

Hello there, reader! As you might have noticed, a shiny and spiffy new chat has shown up, and boy does it have some things that you’re going to need to get used to. Granted, Good changes, but still changes to get used to. Thankfully for you, reader, BossMan is going to take you through a trip of chat-goodness! So, sit back, relax, and find out the wonders of this new Chat, with your host, The Law.quick-man


Your Local Moderators
These guys uphold the Chat around here, and they’ll enforce the law. Don’t worry though, they’re all nice guys, you just gotta be a nice guy yourself to see the nice side of these guys! Wow, was that a tongue twister….Anyway, here’s your list of mods!

Chat Administrator*Identified by red name color
Adrian Marceau

Chat Moderators*Identified by green name color


The Rules!
Yeah, I get it, Mr. Cool Kid. I know that since you think you’re so cool, you’re exempt from the laws of the Chat! I’m sorry, my friend, but that’s not how it works. A functional Chat has to have rules in place, and this one is no exception. Yeah, I get it, but a Chat with rules is even cooler! Yeah, I see you’re interested now :) So, how about we go over a few of them? Now, let us go on a magic carpet ride! Yippe!
*Breaking these rules could lead to a kick/ban, so don’t break em!

#1: Please keep the proper Chatting spirit when in Chat, please!
-At this point, it’s normal chat etiquette. Please, no cursing, don’t be a bad apple, don’t be a mean guy to other users….Just don’t do things you wouldn’t want other people to say to you! This Chat is family-friendly and safe for everyone, so please help us keep it that way. After all, that’s the best way you can help us with our Chat.


#2: Flooding constantly is no good and no fun!
-If you think the right thing to do is post random gibberish constantly and call it chatting, I would say you don’t know the definition of Chatting. Luckily for you, I do! Please, post something in an actual language and don’t speak in Gibberish every 1.5 seconds. I don’t understand if you’re trying to break some sort of world record, but don’t do in MMRPG Prototype, please!


#3: Be nice to your fellow MMRPGers!
-Let’s be honest, insulting other users just isn’t cool. You make yourself look like a pretty terrible person, and chances are you’re not doing to for any other reason just because. Do the right thing, chat with your fellow Chatters, and overall, don’t be a jerk. It just isn’t nice, pal. And I know you’re a good guy :)


#4: Political, Drug, Sexual, Religious or otherwise Discriminating discussions aren’t allowed in this Chat
-Look, things like this really cause some fire in the kitchen. Different types of people have different types of opinions, so please understand that. Either way, these discussions just really lead to some discomfort and tension in the Chat, so we prohibit discussions like this in the Chat. I’m sorry if you feel differently, but people just disagree with each other too much over this stuff. Please understand.
Oh, and this includes innuendos too. No loopholes.


#5: Don’t spam! Don’t you do it! You better not do it!
-Why why why why why why why...Ah geez, that was annoying! Look, spamming quickly gets on people’s nerves, so don’t spam! I’m looking at you, can of spam! Anyway, spamming of images, spamming of links, spamming of phrases, spamming of ANYTHING is annoying! Oh, and by the way, that dice I told you about earlier? It falls into this area as well. If you keep on spamming the dice, you’re going to annoy a lot of people, including me, so watch your die rolling. The dice is not as fun when you constantly spam it. Emojis are also subject to this rule, as while they display emotion, the Chat should not be filled to the brim with emojis. They're quite annoying if they're taking over the Chat, and that's no good. Like I said, anything being spammed is not fun.


#6: Images, and what you should do with them
-First off, if you don’t know how to post images, look at the guideline. If you have, continue reading. Now, like I said, don’t spam images. It’s cruel and not even the worst of people like spamming images. Also, another thing, but please don’t post large images in the Chat. It really slows everything down, and just clutters things. If you want to post large images, please post it as a link. Also, all .gifs should be linked regardless of size. Otherwise, don’t post it at all. Oh, and if you plan on posting negative or inappropriate things….Don’t. You should already know the consequences for things like that, so please don’t do such things. Instead, enjoy the Chat, smell the roses, take a walk on the beach….Just don’t mess around with bad images in the Chat. Alright? Ok then :)
[To give you an exact size, an image shouldn't exceed over 300 pixels on the X axis/height. I'm lenient on the width of the image, though.]


#7: Keep your topics in their respective zone
If you want to role-play, do it in the Role-Play channel. If you want to discuss things heavily and in-depth, do it on the Development channel on Sundays. If you want to talk casually, do it in the casusual channel! It’s not hard to understand, right? If you’re RPing in a SNC, you should know to move it to the RP Channel. You think you can do that, buddy? Thanks! Keep on following the rules!


#8: No illegal or inappropriate links in the Chat
The first part would obviously be things like ROMS, or any sort of Emulation program link-sharing. Sorry, but things like this are practically just one big legal question mark, so none of this in the Chat. The second is obvious, no links that showcase something that would be considered inappropriate or just a topic that displays something that breaks Rule #4. Please understand.
Disclaimer!: If you happen to need to post a link that contains cursing, please put a disclaimer or "NSFW" before.


#9: Let's try to keep it in a language we can all talk in
As entertaining as it is to share your knowledge of another language, let's try to refrain from having entire conversations in anything besides English. After all, it does seclude quite a part of the Chat from joining a conversation. Of course, using short phrases is fine, and it's understandable if there's a foreign user who doesn't necessarily know English, but besides that, we should try to keep it as a mainly English chat.
[These new rules are subject to change at any time, and even more new rules will be added as time goes on.]


>What?! The Legacy Chat and the Xat is gone?! Where are we hosting Sunday Night Chat?!
-On Sundays, and only on Sundays, there will be a channel specifically designed for Sunday Night Chatrooms. It’s labeled Developers, and this is where we’ll hold our talks :)

>Rewind a bit, BossMan! What’s a channel?!
-This picture takes place slightly above the Chat. As you can see, there’s a channel option there, but experiment a bit on Sundays and click Players? Bam, you’ll end up with an option sprouting out, labeled Developers. Click the Developers option, and you’ll be taken to a different section of the Chat. No tomfoolery here folks, so if you want to chat casually, Developers isn’t the option for you. Please understand.
*As mentioned, Developers Channel will only show up only on Sundays

>That’s cool and all, but where’s my avatar?
-Sorry, but for this Chat, sacrifices had to be made. Don’t worry, the pros easily out-weigh the cons, I promise :)

>Alright...So can I still post images?
-Why, yes you can! In fact, through the use of the buttons below the Emoji labeled Image, Quote, Link, you can do tons of options! In fact, images even show up! However, there are rules for image-posting, down below.

>So, what was with all that other stuff? Links and the like?
-By clicking on these buttons, you can do a variety of options! Simply click it, put your whatever between the formatting options{like in Prototype}, and watch as it unfolds! You can link things, bold things, or even quote a person in the Chat! Isn’t that dandy?

>So, some guys have colored words? Are they hacking? I call hacks!
See here?
-No need for a riot! See this screenshot here? It’s at the bottom-right of the Chat, and there’s a tiny little wrench there! What happens if you click it though?
[What is this?! It’s the settings tab! If you wish to get rid of it, click on the wrench again. If you want font though, click on “Persist Font Color”. Good? Now, remember that place with the URL stuff? Yeah, near it, there’s something called “font”. What’s that? Well, don’t ask me, try clicking it! Colors will pop out, and from there, you choose the color you like. Good?.....Alright, good.[/i]

>How do I PM people, then?
-You know on the side, how there’s a list of people in the Chat? Click on one of their names, and a few options will pop up. The first option that shows up is “Send Private Message”. Put your text through the format that shows up, much like URL and images, and bingo! You just told a secret! Don’t tell anyone…
PMing in progress

>This Chat looks a bit drab to me…
-Not to worry! Next to the Channel option is “Style”, where you can change what the Chat looks like! Look through em all and choose your favorite! I won’t judge!

Can I play games on here?
-Uh….Clicking on your name will give you a roll dice option! Fair Warning: Spamming of dice WILL result in a kick or even possibly a ban. Please use your games fairly.

Uh...The sound is getting to me. Can I mute it?
-Near the wrench, the little microphone option. Simply turn it off and on. While I’m here, the button next to it allows you to turn off automoving when someone posts something. Don’t know why you’d click it though.

How do I log in? It asks me to give a username/password
-Sign in with your MMRPG username and password. Yes, it works.

Alright, last question. Why aren’t you making Mega Man 5 playable?
-..........Wha-You do realize these questions are about Chat, right?

Section 9001B: Anyone who destroys the chat must give a cuukee, or else the person will be shunned.

If you need further frame of reference, check out the previous chat help guide.


So, there’s all you need to know for chatting in this wondrous new chat! Enjoy it, and be a good apple! Go through the world with your new skills, learn even more, save the princess from the evil dragon-king, and of course, just chat with buddies! That was the point of this entire thing! You realized that by now, right?......Wait, I can’t hear your answer. Anyway, be a good apple, and chat with your buddies!

click this to go to the embedded AJAX Chat on the MMRPG Chat page

or, click this to go to the AJAX Chat's full page.

Official Chat Help and Guidelines
Posted by MegaBossMan on April 12th, 2015 at 6:38pm
Viewed 1145 Times


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541,618,343,272 BP
25 TP | 321 PP
Posted on April 12th, 2015 at 6:53pm #1
You forgot to mention that new rules are subject to be added at any time, and that it's our responsibility to keep up with them [you'll also need to bump whenever a new rule is posted, too].
^ Top
879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on April 12th, 2015 at 8:26pm #2
I think there's also a Roleplay channel last I checked, which means that there should be NO Roleplay in other channels.
^ Top
856,923,781,225 BP
17 TP | 356 PP
Posted on April 13th, 2015 at 12:08pm #3
gemini-man ...Once again, I have problems staying in the chat while at yeah, if I'm online on here during the day, but not in the chatroom, it means I'm at school. I would instead be hanging out in the legacy chat, but I think we've already retired it at this point. ring-ring
^ Top
878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on April 13th, 2015 at 4:21pm #4
Ok... Well, I'm in the chat with ender...
^ Top
541,618,343,272 BP
25 TP | 321 PP
Posted on April 13th, 2015 at 10:53pm #5
There's a Rule #8, now. I'm pretty much completely responsible for it. Sorry.
^ Top
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on April 14th, 2015 at 7:06am #6
I read all this. I laughed at the last question.
^ Top
878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on April 14th, 2015 at 5:51pm #7
Me and a few others are chatting. (Toby. Go in NOW!) But eh. I'm still grinding, Toby... I will Get you, Find your Lair, Eat your food, Beat your game, Then I'll get YOU! MWAHAHAHA! (I'm JK, But Seriously... Raise those stars.)
^ Top
878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on April 15th, 2015 at 4:27pm #8
Gonna be in the chat. According to mikey, top 10= Demigod Category. I Litterally remember him saying: "I Can't Believe a 10.75 Year old Being a Demigod"... But eh. (Top 5 is God, i guess top 20 is The Celebrity and top 15 are the Epics)... I'm Gaining a Lot of BP And stars.
^ Top
25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on April 15th, 2015 at 5:00pm #9
Hmmm i see so chat needs an login account quite improving do i have use my prototype username and passwrod or i need to make an account so if any moderator could expalin this to me now i will be painted an wait so please explain to me with the new chat thingy
^ Top
878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on April 15th, 2015 at 5:03pm #10
@ShadowGengar : I'm not a mod, But adrian told me you log in with your MMRPG Log In Name and Pass. So Yea.
^ Top
25,617,602,425 BP
9 TP | 380 PP
Posted on April 15th, 2015 at 5:05pm #11
Well i tried but dosent work and idk why did the chat changed it was xat but i gived my try and it said invalid username i tried my currect name same thing it was directing me to bkueprint site idk what it ist but so much new thing are happening on the prototype site
^ Top
878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on April 15th, 2015 at 5:08pm #12
@ShadowGengar : On your profile, the URL (Link at the top) Says your username. (Above your MMRPG Name it should be, Below the tabs but above The Bookmarks bar)
^ Top
1,038,007,472 BP
2 TP | 21 PP
Posted on April 15th, 2015 at 9:07pm #13
I personally think Xat, Legacy, and AJAX should be useable. Sure, they might not be as good, but hey, at least you'd have an option!
^ Top
878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on April 17th, 2015 at 7:13pm #14
Just wanted to note, But, Me and 4 others (Plus Adri and MBM But they're private chatting about who knows what), are on. Also, I'm grinding stats.
^ Top
878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on April 19th, 2015 at 9:34am #15
(We have a new chat update, you can see the people on right next to the chat. right now it's chat[2]. Want more, but come if you want)
^ Top
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Mega Man and all related names and characters are © Capcom 1986 - 2024.
This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)