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Community  »  General Discussion  »  Official Question and Answer Thread January 14th, 2014 at 10:20pm

Use this thread for any and all questions that are easily answers in one post. Things like "where is X?" or "how do I unlock Y?" are appropriate for this thread, as are questions like "how does Z work?" and the like. What is not appropriate for this thread are questions like "what is your favourit… Read More
Official Question and Answer Thread
Posted by Adrian Marceau on January 14th, 2014 at 10:20pm
Viewed 9125 Times


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37,703,120 BP
3 TP | 138 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 10:08am #16
adrian, do you thought about a megaman x rpg prototype
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37,703,120 BP
3 TP | 138 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 12:48pm #17
and how do you have a cossack logo
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 1:41pm #18
Cause he is the creator the game. Either that or he has some sort of magic stuff.
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15,932,294 BP
7 TP | 121 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 2:08pm #19 ( Edited : 2014/01/19 at 2:26pm )
Hey, if I may, a series of questions about some weapons I see lying loose in the database:

> Why is Proto Shield classed as a Neutral ability instead of a Shield ability? Really can't understand the rationale behind that one.

> What the Yellow Devil was the purpose of Roll Swing? It consumes all the player's energy for an attack that has a lower accuracy and less damage than a Buster Shot.

> Is it safe to assume that the unused Sticky Bond and Sticky Shot abilities are remnants of a plan (That may or may not still be in effect) to add the MM1 Concept Robot, Bond-Man, to the game?

> Why is Ballade Cracker classed as Explode/Flame? I'm not familiar with any reason for it to be Flame-type.

> I'm mostly unfamiliar with MMV's weapons, but why is Grab Buster classed as Freeze/Crystal? The Crystal, I can understand, but why Freeze?

> Why is Magic Card classed as Shadow? Again, not very familiar with MM&B's weapons, but there's nothing about Magic Card that really screams shadows and darkness to me.

> Why is Black Hole Bomb/Galaxy Bomb classed as Space/Explode? I know, it's called Galaxy Bomb, but it doesn't seem to have much of an explosion factor to it. I would have classed it as Shadow/Space.

> In general, there seem to be very few weapons classed as Copy, Crystal, and Laser, in contrast to all the Flame weapons. So many flames...anyway, are there any efforts being taken to fix this, if you feel it needs fixing at all?

And one more, but it's got nothing to do with the Database:

> I'm told that the characters from Rockman Strategy (Apollo, Luna, and the Twelve Horoscopes) will not appear in this game, due to the fact that you're not fond of them. Is this true, and if so, why are you not fond of them?
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37,703,120 BP
3 TP | 138 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 2:15pm #20
adrian do you can answer my first quistion
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37,703,120 BP
3 TP | 138 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 2:19pm #21
i start to like you megabossman.i have the quistion you have the answer
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 2:29pm #22
Thank you! Although I'm not the know-it-all of the prototype, I can still answer a lot of questions. I like to help people out, since you know. I have a smile, you have a smile. This is a scientific process called mirror reflection when... excuse my rambling on. I went too far with the science stuff, didn't I?
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 3:16pm #23 ( Edited : 2014/04/04 at 3:19pm )
Here you go ChaosFantazy

Robots can only use weapons that have the same core type as them.

Already answered

It probably is since he is in the game

Probably from the flames of the blast and to make it more diverse.

Grab buster doesn"t really have a type so those two are closest things to it.

Magic Man might use dark magic or something. Hope it's cutter too.

Shadow doesn"t really fit with it and since it is a bomb......

I asked about this before and it depends really on robot master and since there are so many flame robots.

I told you that based in something I read from Adrian so I can"t answer that. I will say I don"t care for them.

Also Megaprotobassman, Adrian wants to make this a CLASSIC rpg, but he said he wouldn"t mind some secret boss fights from X series.
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 19th, 2014 at 11:29pm #24
@ChaosFantasy and @Retro Pikachu : You're both right, actually. :P I also made Roll weak to Freeze as a tribute to Ice Man's crush on her in the manga. ^_^ Also, Bass's two weapons the "Bass Crush" and Bass Baroque" are an homage to Bass and Treble's prototype name when they were still just concept artwork - Bass was called "Crush" and Treble was called "Baroque". ;)

To all the other questions, the answers are basically with MegabossMan said.
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15,932,294 BP
7 TP | 121 PP
Posted on January 20th, 2014 at 6:37am #26
Well, Magic-Man isn't themed off of "wands and wizardry" magic so much as he is stage magicians. He's more based off of sleight of hand and such. Considering Magic Card is the only other weapon that saps health, maybe it could share a Crystal typing with Grab Buster? I dunno, just thinking out loud here. Though Crystal/Cutter sounds pretty cool.

Black holes are called black holes because not even light can escape them; thus, when you shine light on them, nothing returns. This makes them pretty shadow-oriented by default. In fairness, though, Space/Explode and Space/Shadow are both two typings that don't appear anywhere else in the game...

And that's great and all, but it doesn't answer the question of why you don't like the Constellations. I mean, I can understand feeling like Apollo was kind of SunStar over again, and even I think Luna looks stupid, but the rest of 'em? Come on, they're cool.
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37,703,120 BP
3 TP | 138 PP
Posted on January 20th, 2014 at 11:39am #27
adrian do you thought about a megaman x rpg prototype
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37,703,120 BP
3 TP | 138 PP
Posted on January 20th, 2014 at 12:48pm #28
why there is a slur spirit but you dont fight against him
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Adrian Marceau
50,544,133 BP
194 TP | 476 PP
Posted on January 20th, 2014 at 12:52pm #29

When deciding on the typing for robot masters and their abilities, there are a few things I need to consider. Firstly, it cannot be the same type as any other robot in their game else it would break the weakness cycle. Secondly, no robot master can be Neutral type as, again, it would break the weakness cycle. Lastly, and this is mostly subjective, sometimes I force a type on a robot masters simply because they don't comfortably fit into any other category and/or the game needs another one of those types for balance. For the most part these are justifiable but sometimes they end up feeling a little weird.

Crystal/Cutter does sound like a cool typing, but it's hard for me to justify a magic card being part crystal type. I went with Shadow in the end because I feel like Magic Man learning other dark-themed moves was more appropriate than learning other crystal themed-moves. This may be changed in the future if I feel like it makes sense, but for the most part I'm happy with Magic Man's typing. Oh, and I am fully aware of how underutilized the Crystal and Laser type is, but I plan to remedy that in other ways. In the same way that there were few Dragon types in Gen I of Pokémon but they still managed to be incredibly useful, so too will the Crystal / Laser core robots when they're added to the game.

Black Hole bomb and a lot of the other space-type abilities were difficult for me to come up with, especially given how strange some of them are. In the end I tried to go with a blend of making-sense where I could and simply promoting cool type combinations where I couldn't. Grab Buster is a perfect exactly of this - I get the impression it's made out of the element Mercury but what type would that be? It can't be Earth because two other Stardroids already have Earth in their attack typing and that would be boring, but there aren't many other options you could use that aren't duplicated multiple times elsewhere. Another difficulty I had was differentiating between GalaxyMan's Black Hole Bomb and Saturn's Black Hole - I decided to throw canon to the wind and switch up their typing and use a bit.

I know it doesn't always make sense, but everything is constantly changing and being added to and at the end of the day I just want things to be fun, interesting, and relatively balanced. Sorry for all the oddities that come out of this approach.

Oh, and the Constellations are not in the card yet because I don't like them, but neither are the Dimensions even though I do. Just like the PC Mega Man games, the canon of those robots is questionable and their priority is therefore really, really low. Also, do we need any more Space robots in the game? It's getting pretty hard to justify the including of all the others already, so if I ever do add characters from questionable games like this is will be very far off and likely not as part of the story. Sorry if that seems unfair... Also, the Constellation's designs are pretty bad and don't appear to add anything interesting to the story. :| Correct me if I'm wrong though.

(!) Before anyone comments about the clearly-not-canon robots at the end of the database (Blossom Woman, Shark Man, etc.), I have to make an exception for them. This is my fangame, they are my designs, and I have a very specific plan for them as far as the story is concerned. Sorry!

@megaprotobassman : Slur is going to be an important part of the story, but she's not done yet. That is why she does not appear in the game at this point. When she is ready, you'll know it. :)
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37,703,120 BP
3 TP | 138 PP
Posted on January 20th, 2014 at 1:01pm #30
adrian do you thought about unlocking the robot masters from mm3 and mm5
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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)