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Mega Man RPG World Community

Community  »  General Discussion  »  New character, try to find him! April 1st, 2014 at 6:41pm

880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Everybody, Adrian just sent me a message! A new character has been added! Adrian said there's a .0000001% chance of him appearing in a certain level. If you replay the met mission multiple times, you might find him. I know who it is, but can you find him? Trust me, it's worth it. He'll also be carrying code for the next update, in which you gain 500 bolts and a legendary heart tank! Good luck trying to find him! I know I'll try! Trust me, you'll know him when you see him.

P.S: By the way, the reason why it doesn't' say the game's been updated is because it was minor. He will be available until the end of next month! Good luck! Later I will reveal the character.....Try to find him!

Also, I decided to post this in general because it is a minor edit to the game. Nothing too big.

EDIT: Late April Fools!

New character, try to find him!
Posted by MegaBossMan on April 1st, 2014 at 6:41pm
Viewed 1546 Times


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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on April 1st, 2014 at 6:51pm #1
I'll be giving hints on who he is. It's a he......
^ Top
880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on April 1st, 2014 at 7:40pm #2 ( Edited : 2014/04/01 at 7:41pm )
Ok, maybe the title's misleading.......

He's green and his time is now!

At the end of the week, you'll know who he is........
^ Top
Retro Sneasel
8,249,269,260 BP
27 TP | 446 PP
Posted on April 1st, 2014 at 8:13pm #3 ( Edited : 2014/04/01 at 10:02pm )
Is it Slur? I'm not sure if "it" is a he or she.

EDIT: Rhythm from the BCA?

EDIT 2: Is this an April Fools or not? (Read below comment)

EDIT 2/3: Look at my Thread count and my Post Count. I feel special :D
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Retro Sneasel
8,249,269,260 BP
27 TP | 446 PP
Posted on April 1st, 2014 at 8:27pm #5 ( Edited : 2014/04/01 at 8:50pm )
Wow, can't wait to see if I can find him ^_^! Great distraction from getting all the Star Forces... Also, 000000.1%? Shouldn't it be 0.000001% or 0.1%?

EDIT: I'm going to hibernate 'till next week. I can't wait :D!

EDIT 2: 1000 Players?!

^ Top
880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on April 1st, 2014 at 8:30pm #6 ( Edited : 2014/04/01 at 8:33pm )
He did send me gameplay pictures, but that's going to spoil the fun!
Also, he told me to wait till the end of the week.

He said the main reason was because of the 1000 player mark. He believes it calls for a new character.

EDIT: The first one. He wants it to be a "special" occasion for finding him.

HINT: It's going to be support-type!
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910,033,180 BP
13 TP | 174 PP
Posted on April 1st, 2014 at 10:05pm #9
Ok, I've gotta admit you got me, and I just spent my last 10-something minutes battling mets. YOU WIN THIS TIME, MEGABOSSMAN.
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Icy Rshek
1,600 BP
1 TP | 48 PP
Posted on April 2nd, 2014 at 5:33pm #13
I will find him! I'll post when I get him!
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