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Community  »  General Discussion  »  Robot Master Battle Cycle September 10th, 2014 at 9:16pm

Beta Man
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Want to beat a Mega Man game? Or defeat robot masters here with their weaknesses? This post is here to help. I shall start with the first game and it's remake.

Mega Man 1
guts-man super-arm-2 cut-man Guts Man can defeat Cut Man with the Super Arm.
mega-man buster-shot cut-man However, pathetically, he can be taken down easily with the Mega Buster, which helps out more when facing him first or fighting him in Wily Castle.
cut-man rolling-cutter elec-man The rolling cutter can beat Elec Man. BTW, did you know that this grid also helps with Mega Man Powered Up's Old Style Mode? Oh, and be careful... this tip on Copy Robot is also a pain in YOUR side, too...
elec-man thunder-beam mega-man Yep. Thunder Beam can take YOU down as well. Which is bad... unless you do this on Copy Robot.
elec-man thunder-beam ice-man Elec Man can beat Ice Man with the Thunder Beam, too.
ice-man ice-slasher fire-man Fire Man is weak to Ice Slasher. However, as our fellow user, Mikey76500 said...
ice-man ice-slasher mega-man Mega Man is also weak to Ice Slasher.
fire-man fire-chaser bomb-man And Bomb Man is weak to Fire Storm. What? Why is it shown as Fire Chaser? Well... that's basically what it is in the original game. Kinda.
bomb-man hyper-bomb guts-man Bomb Man can beat Guts Man with the Hyper Bomb. Which, of course, starts the cycle all over again.

Sadly, Mega Man Powered Up is different on New Style Mode...

guts-man super-arm-2 cut-man As always, it's Super Arm Cut Man in the face. Not sure if it's the same with the Mega Buster thing, though... maybe someone can test it out?
cut-man rolling-cutter bomb-man However, with Oil Man and Time Man added to the mix, most weaknesses are switched. For instance, you now can beat Bomb Man with the Rolling Cutter.
bomb-man hyper-bomb ice-man And our winter soldier goes down because of the Hyper Bomb.
ice-man ice-slasher fire-man Fire Man and Cut Man are the only ones to keep their weaknesses... Like Cut Man and Wood Man are secret bosses in a certain game... shh... no telling! While in secrets, Cut Man is also in Mega Man X8.
fire-man fire-chaser oil-man And the new guys come in here. Oil Man is weak to the Fire Storm... which still looks kinda like Fire Chaser.
oil-man oil-slider elec-man Elec Man is now weak to Oil Slider. However...
elec-man thunder-beam mega-man You're still weak to Thunder Beam. Luckily for you, that's not true! ...Only for Mega Man and Time Man...
elec-man thunder-beam time-man ...Yeah... That...
time-man time-slow guts-man Guts Man really wants to be done on time... which might explain this weakness.

This guide will come in handy for Mega Man 1 and it's remake, Mega Man Powered Up. ...Oh yeah, and the MM1 section of the Wily Wars for the Genesis...
time-man Time's up! We shall see you later for a guide on Mega Man 2.
For more information on the RPG weaknesses, check the database! Because this is manly for the normal games.
Robot Master Battle Cycle
Posted by Beta Man on September 10th, 2014 at 9:16pm
Viewed 16687 Times


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Posted on September 10th, 2014 at 10:32pm #1
You forgot about Ice Man >>>>> Mega Man; Ice Slasher hurts just as bad as the Thunder Beam the ORIGINAL MM1, that is.
^ Top
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on September 11th, 2014 at 7:02am #2
Really? I did not know that.
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541,618,343,272 BP
25 TP | 321 PP
Posted on September 11th, 2014 at 7:15am #3
Does 10 damage a pop just like the Thunder Beam does. Literally making both him and Elec Man '3 strikes and you're out' fights, what with Mega only having 28 HP.
^ Top
51,978,145 BP
8 TP | 310 PP
Posted on September 11th, 2014 at 11:16am #4
I usually start with Bomb Man, myself. I remember in one Mega Man, maybe a romhack, you can pattern lock him into just jumping over you.
^ Top
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on September 11th, 2014 at 3:32pm #5 ( Edited : 2014/10/06 at 7:14pm )
I added the MM1 Ice Slasher weakness to the MM1 cycle.
Here's a cycle for Mega Man 2:
quick-man quick-boomerang metal-man Metal Man is weak to the Quick Boomerang...
metal-man And surprisingly himself.
mega-man mega-buster metal-man But I heard on the MMKB (Mega Man Knowledge Base) that he's also weak to the Mega Buster.
metal-man metal-blade bubble-man The man who sends people to Davy Jones Locker can be sent to Davy Jones Locker himself with the Metal Blade.
bubble-man bubble-lead heat-man And hit Heat Man with the Bubble Lead and your good.
heat-man atomic-fire wood-man And the Wrath of Mother Nature is weak to Atomic Fire.
metal-man metal-blade wood-man And according to a certain picture on Google Images, which shows up when searching Mega Man 2 Weaknesses on Google images, Wood Man is also beaten by Metal Blade. Which marks the 3rd robot master with a Metal Blade weakness.
wood-man leaf-shield air-man And Air Man is beaten by Leaf Shield. Why would someone that looks so intimidating weak to puny leaves? Well, it's because they jam the fan.
air-man air-shooter crash-man Crash Man is weak to air shooter.
crash-man crash-bomber flash-man The annoying Time Stopper can be Time Stopped by the Crash Bomber.
metal-man metal-blade flash-man Of course, the MMKB says that he is also weak to the Metal Blade, making it the 4th and (finally) last robot master to be weak to the Metal Blade.
flash-man flash-stopper quick-man And the first ever swift-type robot master is weak to Flash Stopper.
crash-man crash-bomber quick-man However, with it's short time of damage, you'll need a plan b, right? That's where the Crash Bombers come in again, for it is Quick Man's second weakness. And with that, our cycle starts again.

What's that? Crash Man has a shield-type weakness? I think that only goes for this game. Well, that's a wrap.

Edit: More accurate look. (See Flash Man vs. Quick Man)
^ Top
541,618,343,272 BP
25 TP | 321 PP
Posted on September 13th, 2014 at 1:25am #6 ( Edited : 2014/09/13 at 7:50am )
*thumbs up*

Worth mentioning that, no matter what you do, Flash Stopper will always only eliminate a maximum of 14 of Quick's 28 HP.
^ Top
51,978,145 BP
8 TP | 310 PP
Posted on September 13th, 2014 at 7:34am #7
Going in weakness order from Metal Man leaves you without Item 2 for Heat Man though, so I usually start at Air Man.
^ Top
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on September 14th, 2014 at 9:47pm #8 ( Edited : 2014/10/06 at 9:43pm )
Well, IDK how you could beat Air Man with only a Mega Buster, but it's fine as long as you follow these weakness tips.
Or not. I am just sharing tips. It doesn't mean you HAVE to do this.
However, these cycles are mainly based on the rpg game, so I may be inaccurate from time to time. Oh, and the full Smash Bros. 4 roster isn't really a lie. Don't believe me? Look at Smash Bros. 4-based areas EVERYWHERE!
Now, without a moment to do... A MM3 cycle! ...Er... my opinion of one base on the RPG, but I think it's kinda accurate. And if it's not, blame me if you want, but this place is my source. And the MMKB.
gemini-man gemini-laser needle-man Well, Needle Man shouldn't be messing with Gemini Man's lasers, that's for sure.
needle-man needle-cannon magnet-man Well, Magnet Man sure will get the point.
magnet-man magnet-missile hard-man Magnetic force!
hard-man Hard Man also beats himself. This'll help with the rematch... maybe.
hard-man hard-knuckle top-man Hard Knuckle on Top Man.
top-man top-spin shadow-man Shadow Man is weak to Top Spin.
shadow-man shadow-blade spark-man I forgot Spark Man's weakness... problem solved.
spark-man spark-shock snake-man I'm getting this from the rpg. You are free to correct me, all will be fixed for corrections.
Blah bah blah, mistakes, blah blah blah...
mega-man Magnet Man's cutter weakness came from the SHADOW BLADE, not the Needle Cannon!
needle-man It works for the Game Boy.
Blah blah blah...
proto-man EVERYONE JUST CALM DOWN! We need to hurry here! We have already expanded the Robot Masters because of Doc Robot!
mega-man ...Your right. We need to move along, and fast!
snake-man search-snake gemini-man Search Snake > Gemini Man
Cycle starts again.
Doc Bots!
magnet-man hard-man magnet-missile hard-knuckle metal-man Hard Knuckle+Magnet Missile > Metal Man+Doc Robot
gemini-man snake-man gemini-laser search-snake quick-man Gemini Laser+Search Snake > Quick Man+Doc Robot
magnet-man spark-man magnet-missile spark-shock air-man Spark Shock+Magnet Missile > Air Man+Doc Robot
top-man hard-man top-spin hard-knuckle crash-man Hard Knuckle+Top Spin > Crash Man+Doc Robot
needle-man gemini-man needle-cannon gemini-laser flash-man Needle Cannon+Gemini Laser > Flash Man+Doc Robot
spark-man shadow-man spark-shock shadow-blade bubble-man Spark Shock+Shadow Blade > Bubble Man+Doc Robot
needle-man snake-man needle-cannon search-snake wood-man Needle Cannon+Search Snake > Wood Man+Doc Robot (Mistaken for Flash Man. Fixed.)
shadow-man top-man shadow-blade top-spin heat-man Shadow Blade+Top Spin > Heat Man+Doc Robot

Edit: I combined and shortened the cycle and doc robot posts.
^ Top
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541,618,343,272 BP
25 TP | 321 PP
Posted on September 14th, 2014 at 11:48pm #10 ( Edited : 2014/09/14 at 11:49pm )
^ The Doc Robots alone killed any fun MM3 would've been for me; They're hard in all the wrong ways for all the WRONG reasons.

IMO, 8 > 4 >> 5 >> 1 >>> 6 >>>> 7 >>>>> 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3
^ Top
51,978,145 BP
8 TP | 310 PP
Posted on September 15th, 2014 at 6:48am #11
Still better than X6 though.

And yea, the Doc Robot stages go on way too long.
^ Top
541,618,343,272 BP
25 TP | 321 PP
Posted on September 15th, 2014 at 6:57am #12
***DON'T*** get me started on Mega Man X6. I've had a love/hate relationship with THAT one for YEARS.

And the Doc Stages aren't NEARLY as annoying as the Docs, themselves. I've always told people that if they wanted to bring back the MM2 RM's, they should've just brought them back instead of squeezing them all into the same stupid, tall-***, nearly-impossible-to-jump-over, cheese-infested fool.

^ Top
880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on September 15th, 2014 at 3:48pm #13
@Mikey76500 : I noticed that Mega Man 8 is your favorite game....We're not ever going to agree on that.

But hey, we can agree that Mega Mann X6 is a bane to the world.

And just to say, I like Mega Man 3. Good Robot Masters, introduced the slide, Proto Man, and Rush, and a rocking soundtrack. I just skip the Doc stages, but sometimes I play against them, just because I like the idea...Kinda.
^ Top
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on September 15th, 2014 at 3:51pm #14 ( Edited : 2014/09/15 at 4:34pm )
Can we agree that Mega Man 3's Cycle is a train wreck? Hopefully, the same won't be for Mega Man 4...
pharaoh-man pharaoh-shot ring-man As always, I start with a Cutter-type's weakness, such as the Pharaoh Shot is stronger than Ring Man.
ring-man ring-boomerang dust-man Dust Man is weak to Ring Boomerang.
mega-man mega-buster dust-man But, making him a good start if you want, he is also weak to a charged Mega Buster.
dust-man dust-crusher skull-man Dust Crusher is the way to go against Skull Man.
ring-man toad-man ring-boomerang rain-flush skull-barrier But if you want through the Skull Barrier, use the Ring Boomerang or Rain Flush on it and THEN launch the Dust Crushers.
skull-man skull-barrier dive-man Dive Man is weak to Skull Barrier...
dust-man dust-crusher dive-man ...And Dust Crusher. (And Thunder Beam in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters)
dive-man dive-torpedo drill-man And you can use the Dive Torpedos on Drill Man.
drill-man drill-blitz toad-man Toad Man is weak to Drill Bomb. (Drill Blitz in the RPG, but I think that will become a weapon itself some time)
toad-man rain-flush bright-man Bright Man is weak to Rain Flush.
mega-man buster-shot bright-man But before that, hit him once with the Mega Buster.
bright-man bright-burst pharaoh-man And to end the cycle, use the Bright Burst. Think it's name is incorrect? Look how incorrect the name the MMKB gave it.
Well, I'm glad this wasn't as much of a train wreck than Mega Man 3...
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541,618,343,272 BP
25 TP | 321 PP
Posted on September 15th, 2014 at 3:58pm #15 ( Edited : 2014/09/15 at 4:20pm )
Oh, no, don't get me wrong. Mega Man 3's Doc falls into the same category as Mega Man Battle Network 5's Liberation Missions to me; there's that ONE thing that ruins the whole experience in what would otherwise be a pretty good MM game.

And, by the way, Mega Man 8? Robot Masters that talk, have a personality, are a genuine challenge, and--no offense, Adrian--are in graphics better than 8-bit. 'nuff said.
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