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Mega Man RPG World Community

Community  »  General Discussion  »  Mikey's Ideas #4: Abilities November 2nd, 2014 at 9:29pm

541,618,343,272 BP
25 TP | 321 PP
Idea #1: Buster Shots of different types.

Not charged buster ones. That's why we have these things called ABILITIES that do different things.

I mean just Buster Shots. If I'm honest, though, this doesn't fit all 20 types. After all, I imagine that it'd be very hard to visually make an Impact Shot or a Cutter Shot or a Nature Shot.

Just types whose robots usually deal energy-based projectile attacks should apply for this one. That'd be Electric Shot, Flame Shot, Freeze Shot, Laser Shot, Neutral [Buster Shot], Shadow Shot, Space Shot, Time Shot, Water Shot, Wind Shot and MAYBE Copy Shot. Speaking of.....


Idea #2: Copy-type Abilities [and an alternate idea for Copy Shot].

Copy Shot--as it currently is--is potentially broken beyond belief. Copy Shot, currently the only Copy-type Ability in Prototype, allows you to instantly copy the target's last used Ability for instant and PERMANENT use for the user. If used on an unobtainable boss, it could be used to copy overpowered and broken Boss-only Abilities that weren't meant for use by us regular players, making the bosses look like dweebs.

So, I propose an alternate effect for Copy Shot; the user automatically switches their type to the target's type.

I also have 3 ideas for Copy Abilities:
Copy Shield [Copy/Shield; makes a shield of your current type]
Copy Bomb [Copy/Explode; Creates a slightly weaker Hyper Bomb attack of your type to unleash on your enemy]
Copy Beam [Copy/Laser; Fires a laser consisting of your current type]


Idea #3: Statuses.

Among the more dangerous gameplay bugs in Prototype concern Abilities which have a possibility of increasing a certain stat if they hit, mainly because, contrary to what the standard descriptions say, these attacks increase stats not based on the advertised value, but on how much DAMAGE that ability does. This is especially true of abilities such as Danger Bomb and Crash Bomber, where the damage done is way more than standardly advertised, and, of course, there's Fire Storm and Atomic Fire, where the 'stuck at 9999' bug can easily occur, especially if you've collected a large chunk of the Star Force.

I believe I've thought of a way to not only fix this problem, but, *POSSIBLY* make things easier on both Adrian, programming-wise, and the spriting team, with regard to certain Abilities in the future; instead of Setting abilities to increase stats by different percentages, why not have abilities give out Statuses?

With the Buster Charge Status, for instance, the spriters won't have to make sprite sets for every Buster attack that requires a charge; Just one will be needed [just the sprite set for the Buster Charge Status, itself].

So, here's a list of 50 possible Statuses--including the ones that are already in the game--that could be used in the game. Existing Abilities that I believe could utilize these Statuses are in brackets nest to the that Ability and it's description. Note that I say "a while" a lot. Abilities will be delivering statuses for 1 Turn, 2 Turns, 3 Turns...depends on the Ability. Statuses should be able to be extended [+3 Turns added to your Attack Down I status, for instance], but, not stacked [2 3-turn-long Attack Down I's at once]. Also, no Ability should be handing out any status more than 3 Turns at time, in my opinion.

Positive Statuses
Attack Up I: The Robot's Attack stat is increased by 10% for a while. [Bubble Bomb, 1 Turn; Atomic Fire, Thunder Beam and Wily Buster, 2 Turns; Bass Buster, 3 Turns]
Attack Up II: The Robot's Attack stat is increased by 25% for a while.
Attack Up III: The Robot's Attack stat is increased by 50% for a while.
Attack Up IV: The Robot's Attack stat is increased by double for a while.
Blocking: The robot defends itself by parrying oncoming attacks. all non-super effective offensive Abilities do 1 damage for a while.
Buster Charge: The Robot charges it's power for an upcoming Buster attack. Buster Shot does double damage for a while. [Cossack, Light and Wily Busters, 1 Turn; Bass, Mega and Proto Busters, 2 Turns; Disco, Rhythm and Roll Busters, 3 Turns]
Charging: The Robot withholds it's attack and charges it's power for a while to get ready to perform an upcoming and more powerful ability. [Pharaoh Shot]
Counter: The Robot readies to defend itself, and--for a while--will instantly nullify direct attacks and do a percentage of damage back all in one go.
Defense Up I: The Robot's Defense stat is increased by 10% for a while. [Fire Storm and Light Buster, 2 Turns; Mega Buster, 3 Turns;]
Defense Up II: The Robot's Defense stat is increased by 25% for a while. [Leaf Shield, for as long as it remains]
Defense Up III: The Robot's Defense stat is increased by 50% for a while. [Proto Shield, 3 Turns]
Defense Up IV: The Robot's Defense stat is increased by double for a while. [Skull Barrier; 2 Turns; Super Arm, until the block is thrown]
Elude: The Robot senses and prepares for incoming attacks. The Robot's chances of avoiding enemy Abilities increases to 60% for a while.
Evade: The Robot heightens it's senses, allowing it to avoid attacks. The Robot's chances of avoiding enemy Abilities increases to 30% for a while.
Hyper I: The Robot's Attack, Defense and Speed are increased by 10% each for a while.
Hyper II: The Robot's Attack, Defense and Speed are increased by 25% each for a while.
Hyper III: The Robot's Attack, Defense and Speed are increased by 50% each for a while.
Immunity: The robot is immune to all damage for a while.
Lock-on: The Robot focuses it's aim, making sure that offensive Abilities can't miss for a while.
Phase: The Robot warps time and space around it to increase it's chances of avoiding enemy attacks to 90% for a while.
Regenerate I: The Robot repairs itself, and will regain 10% of it's max HP after every Ability it performs for a while. [Disco, Rhythm and Roll Busters, 3 Turns]
Regenerate II: The Robot repairs itself, and will regain 20% of it's max HP after every Ability it performs for a while.
Regenerate III: The Robot repairs itself, and will regain 30% of it's max HP after every Ability it performs for a while.
Shields Up: The Robot puts up seemingly impregnable defenses. All offensive Abilities do 1 damage for a while.
Speed Demon: The Robot MASSIVELY increases it's acceleration, allowing it to use 3 Abilities per Turn for a while.
Speed Up I: The Robot's Speed stat is increased by 10% for a while. [Oil Slider, 1 Turn; Cossack Buster, 2 Turns; Proto Buster, 3 Turns;]
Speed Up II: The Robot's Speed stat is increased by 25% for a while.
Speed Up III: The Robot's Speed stat is increased by 50% for a while.
Speed Up IV: The Robot's Speed stat is increased by double for a while.
Speedster: The Robot increases it's acceleration, allowing it to use 2 Abilities per Turn for a while.

Negative Statuses
Attack Down I: The Robot's Attack stat is decreased by 10% for a while.
Attack Down II: The Robot's Attack stat is decreased by 25% for a while. [Disco Buster, 3 Turns.]
Attack Down III: The Robot's Attack stat is decreased by half for a while.
Attack Down IV: The Robot's Attack stat is decreased to 1 for a while.
Bubbled: The Robot is coated in viscous bubbles and takes double damage from offensive Electric-type Abilities for a while. [Bubble Spray, 1 Turn]
Defense Down I: The Robot's Defense stat is decreased by 10% for a while. [Bright Burst, Hard Knuckle and Spark Shock, 2 Turns]
Defense Down II: The Robot's Defense stat is decreased by 25% for a while. [Roll Buster, 3 Turns]
Defense Down III: The Robot's Defense stat is decreased by half for a while. [Bass Crush, 3 Turns]
Defense Down IV: The Robot's Defense stat is decreased to 1 for a while.
Disabled: The Robot will be unable to use one of it's abilities for a while.
Doomed: The Robot--regardless of remaining health, safeguards, statuses and conditions--will instantly drop where it stands in a while.
Frozen: The Robot is Frozen to the ground and can't switch out for a while. [Ice Breath, 1 Turn]
Oiled: The Robot is covered in oil and will be twice as weak against offensive Fire-type Abilities for a while. [Oil Shooter, 2 Turns]
Panicked: The Robot panics and hears what it wants to hear in it's panicked state. It won't obey commands, and will use moves randomly for a while.
Speed Down I: The Robot's Speed stat is decreased by 10% for a while. [Ice Slasher, 2 Turns]
Speed Down II: The Robot's Speed stat is decreased by 25% for a while. [Rhythm Buster, 3 Turns]
Speed Down III: The Robot's Speed stat is decreased by half for a while. [Time Slow, 3 Turns]
Speed Down IV: The Robot's Speed stat is decreased to 1 for a while.
Stunned: The Robot is paralyzed and and cannot use it's Abilities for a while.

Double-edged statuses
Berserk: The Robot becomes enraged for a while; during this time, it's Defense stat is cut in half, and it's Attack stat increases by triple.


Idea #4: Robots' main abilities should be theirs alone.

Why? More diversity. Plus, MM, Roll, Bass, Disco, Proto Man and Rhythm have their own abilities, too.

To be clear, I mean the abilities that MM collected in the games; Rolling Cutter should be Cut's alone. Super Arm Should be Guts's alone. Ice Slasher should be Ice's alone, Hyper Bomb should be Bomb's alone, etc.


Idea #5: MM5 abilities.

Gravity Hold [Space/Electric]; Intensifies the gravity of the stage, forcing ALL non-Space and non-Electric robots on the field [even those on the user's team] to suffer from the Speed Down II status for 2 Turns each.
Water Wave [Water]; Attacks the user with a water geyser that's difficult to attack through, doing water damage, and giving the Defense Up I Status to the user for 2 Turns.
Power Stone [Earth/Impact]; Randomly attacks any 2 enemy robots for heavy Earth/Impact Damage.
Gyro Attack [Wind/Cutter]; Hits once for Wind-type robots, twice for all others. Wind- and Cutter-type damage.
Star Crash [Space/Shield]; Increases the Space Multiplier by +.2x, and gives the Defense Up II status for as long as the shield exists. Can be thrown at any time for Space- and Shield-type damage.
Charge Kick [Swift/Impact]; Performs a high-damage slide against a target for Swift and Impact-type damage. 5% recoil damage to the user.
Napalm Bomb [Explode]; Fires 2 bombs that attack both the target and [randomly] 1 of it's allies for Explode damage.
Crystal Eye [Crystal]; Randomly attacks any 4 enemy robots for Crystal damage.


Idea #6: 6 more ability ideas:

STATIC Defense-piercing Abilities: Abilities that pierce defense, like Needle Cannon, but, deal static damage numbers, so as to not be broken.

HP Panic Abilities: Abilities whose power increases as the user loses HP.

Status Panic Abilities: Abilities which power up if the user is suffering a negative status.

Weapon Energy Panic Abilities: Abilities which power up as the user loses Weapon Energy.

2-part Abilities: Using Ability A, and Ability B, in that order, releases a super powerful attack.

3-part Abilities: Using Ability X, Ability Y and Ability Z, in that order, releases a super-powerful attack that hits all enemies at once.


[Tails's] Bonus Idea: Unobtainables should have their own section in the Database.

Self-explanatory. Tails actually mentioned that the website's database actually lists all the robots in it as unlockable, and he's right. Mega Man S, Proto Man S and Bass S, for instance, are missing from the database, entirely, and also, there's your mini-bosses and Bosses, which will be unobtainable, themselves. There should really be Database sections for Robots and abilities which WON'T be able to be collected or obtained at all.
Mikey's Ideas #4: Abilities
Posted by ThatGuyNamedMikey on November 2nd, 2014 at 9:29pm
Viewed 481 Times


Retro Sneasel
8,249,269,260 BP
27 TP | 446 PP
Posted on November 2nd, 2014 at 11:45pm #1
I'd just like to make a point on idea #2:

Sure, it has the potential of copying broken boss-only abilities, but that can easily be fixed. It may be a little hard, but Adrian could classify the boss-only abilities as non-copy-able abilities, it's possible, just look at the mecha's abilities. Not to mention, for a while, the only way to get the MM3 abilities was to use the Copy Shot. Who knows, maybe when the game is complete, there could be some abilities that could only be obtained via Copy Shot. It doesn't need to get completely reworked or destroyed.
^ Top
266,562,644,975 BP
6 TP | 293 PP
Posted on November 3rd, 2014 at 5:40pm #2
I love your ideas with the Mega Man 5 weapons...besides Gravity Hold which I think should have 15 base damage as a small and also I think that Water Wave should be impossible to hit Wind Core robots. Anyways love all the suggestions too :-) .
^ Top

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