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Mega Man RPG World Community

Community  »  Roleplay Discussions  »  Tobyjoey's Home for Imaginary Robot Masters July 21st, 2015 at 3:51pm

875,792,335,902 BP
5 TP | 331 PP
Hello everyone! Rather than being a game or an on going narrative, this is a file for storing fan made robot masters. Say you want to be able to show your robot to everyone at once, or you want to have an easy way to organize your robot's stats. Due to the fact this is made to be a tool other Role Playing Games, there are a few rules.

1. You cannot try to claim or enter a standard robot master, such as Wood Man or Tornado Man, whether they have sprites or not.
2. The Base Stat Total of your robot's stats must be 400.
3. Your robot may either have 1 or 2 main core. No more, no less.
4. This is just a catalog. Not a place to do fights.
5. Everything is Classic-series related. Nothing like Flame Stag, Guts Man.exe, or even outside franchises, like Samus Aran or Mario.
6. The best place for a detailed origin story is Bt's backstory thread, but if it is crucial to the character, an abridged version may be placed here.
7. Weakness, Resistances, Immunities, Affinities, and Abilities/Moves may be added.

As one final thing to note, while robots are posted down below, I will be updating this main intro comment to include accepted robot masters so you don't have to go searching for a specific post.

Brimstone's Robots
top-man Forest Man
Core: Earth and Nature
Energy: 100
Attack: 112
Defense: 82
Speed: 106

napalm-man Incendiary Man
Core: Flame and Missile
Energy: 110
Attack: 150
Defense: 56
Speed: 84
Weak: Shadow and Water
Resist: Explode and Missile
Immunity: None
Affinity: Flame
Weaponry: Blaze Rocket, Fire Wall, Overheat Flamethrower

stone-man Catacomb Man
Core: Shadow and Earth
Energy: 121
Attack: 99
Defense: 120
Speed: 60
Weak: Flame and Swift
Resist: Shadow
Immunity: None
Affinity: Earth
Weaponry: Labyrinth Crush, [Blindness Gem]{shadow_null}, Scrap Summon

gemini-man Diamond Man
Core: Crystal and Shield
Energy: 102
Attack: 87
Defense: 116
Speed: 95
Weak: Shadow and Earth
Resist: Impact and Shield
Immunity: Crystal
Affinity: None
Weaponry: Gem Charger, Diamond Aura, Gem Ray

MegaBoyX7's Robots
mega-man Core Man
Core: Copy
Energy: 60
Attack: 120
Defense: 90
Speed: 130

Meta's Robots
bass Meta
Core: Copy and Water
Energy: 100
Attack: 105
Defense: 95
Speed: 100

Retro Pikachu's Robots:
proto-man Symphony RPN-001
Core: Copy
Energy: 80
Attack: 120
Defense: 50
Speed: 150
Weaponry: Symphony Rod, Elemental Trigger, Plasma Barrier

shadow-man Assassin Man RPN-002
Core: Cutter
Energy: 70
Attack: 150
Defense: 30
Speed: 150
Weaponry: Shadow Katana, Invis Cloak

star-man Mirror Man RPN-003
Core: Crystal
Energy: 100
Attack: 92
Defense: 138
Speed: 70
Weaponry: Mirror Shot, Reflecting Shield, Mirror Laser

pharaoh-man Mage Man RPN-004
Core: Copy
Core Via Ability: Flame, Freeze, Electric, Laser, Nature, Wind, Earth, or Shadow
Energy: 100
Attack: 105
Defense: 100
Speed: 95
Weaponry: Mage Trigger

snake-man Wyvern Man RPN-005
Core: Flame
Energy: 100
Attack: 107
Defense: 104
Speed: 89
Weaponry: [Wyvern Claws]{flame_speed}, Wyvern Breath, [Tough "Skin"]{speed_nature}, Flight

StupidStudiosN's Robots
proto-man Phantom Man
Core: Shadow and Copy
Energy: 70
Attack: 95
Defense: 105
Speed: 130

ThatOneEnderMan's Robots
ring-man Ender Man
Core: Earth and Cutter
Energy: 85
Attack: 140
Defense: 100
Speed: 75
Weak: Cutter, Flame, Water
Resist: Earth, Space
Immunity: None
Affinity: None
Weaponry: Crystal Slash, TNT Rain, Block Throw, Block Earthquake

skull-man Skeleton Man
Core: Swift and Shadow
Energy: 80
Attack: 75
Defense: 110
Speed: 135
Weak: Time, Flame, Impact
Resist: Water, Earth
Immunity: Shadow
Affinity: None
Weaponry: Flame Arrow, Giga Arrow, [Ice Arrow]{ice_swift}, Bomb Arrow, Shadow Arrow, Triple Arrow

heat-man Blaze Man
Core: Flame and Wind
Energy: 100
Attack: 110
Defense: 120
Speed: 70
Weak: Water, Explode, Freeze
Resist: Impact, Earth
Immunity: None
Affinity: Flame
Weapomry: Magma Ball, Rod Throw, Flame Body, Hover

Tobyjoey's Robots:
hard-man Artillery Man
Core: Explode and Missile
Energy: 110
Attack: 120
Defense: 79
Speed: 91
Weak: Shield and Time
Resist: Electric and Flame
Immunity: None
Affinity: None

flash-man Flare Man
Core: Flame
Energy: 84
Attack: 98
Defense: 103
Speed: 115
Weak: Shadow and Laser
Resist: Flame
Immunity: Wind
Affinity: None

drill-man Rocket Man
Core: Wind
Energy: 90
Attack: 107
Defense: 102
Speed: 101
Weak: Flame and Space
Resist: Nature
Immunity: Earth
Affinity: None
Tobyjoey's Home for Imaginary Robot Masters
Posted by Tobyjoey on July 21st, 2015 at 3:51pm
Viewed 1955 Times


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875,792,335,902 BP
5 TP | 331 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2015 at 4:04pm #1 ( Edited : 2015/07/27 at 10:16pm )
To start us off, Artillery Man!
hard-man Artillery Man
Core: Explode and Missile
Energy: 110
Attack: 120
Defense: 79
Speed: 91

Weak: Shield and Time
Resist: Electric and Flame
Immunity: None
Affinity: None
^ Top
266,562,644,975 BP
6 TP | 293 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2015 at 4:23pm #2 ( Edited : 2015/07/21 at 4:37pm )
Well, might as well do this.
ring-man Ender Man
Core: Earth/Cutter
Energy: 85
Attack: 140
Defense: 100
Speed: 75
^ Top
3,969,566 BP
13 TP | 203 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2015 at 7:18pm #3 ( Edited : 2015/07/25 at 8:44am )
Well I have a good Robot Master I can put in

mega-manCore Man MBN-005
Core: copy
Energy : 66
Attack: 120
Defense : 90
Speed: 130
MegaBoy's theme
^ Top
Retro Sneasel
8,249,269,260 BP
27 TP | 446 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2015 at 10:21pm #4 ( Edited : 2015/07/24 at 11:41pm )
Database updates whenever

RPN-001: Symphony
Icon: proto-man
Core: Copy
Stats: Energy: 80,Attack: 120,Defense: 50,Speed: 150
Weaponry: Symphony Rod, Elemental Trigger, Plasma Barrier

RPN-002: Assassin Man
Icon: shadow-man
Core: Cutter
Stats: Energy: 70, Attack: 150, Defense: 30, Speed: 150
Weaponry: Assassin Blade, Invis Cloak

RPN-003: Mirror Man
Icon: star-man
Core: Crystal
Stats: Energy: 100, Attack: 92, Defense: 138, Speed: 70
Weaponry: Mirror Shot, Reflecting Shield, Mirror Laser

RPN-004: Mage Man
Icon: pharaoh-man
Core: Copy (Changable to Flame, Freeze, Electric, Laser, Nature, Wind, Earth, and Shadow)
Stats: Energy: 100, Attack: 105, Defense: 100, Speed: 95
Weaponry: Mage Trigger
^ Top
875,792,335,902 BP
5 TP | 331 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2015 at 10:53pm #5 ( Edited : 2015/07/21 at 11:03pm )
@ThatOneEnderMan : Ender Man has been entered!

@MegaBoyX7 : Core Man MBS-005 has a base stat total of 366. Are you sure about this?

^ Top
31,140,627 BP
0 TP | 131 PP
Posted on July 22nd, 2015 at 12:57am #6
Might as well put this guy in.

top-man  top-man  Forest Man
Core: Earth and Nature
Energy: 100
Attack: 112
Defense: 82
Speed: 106
^ Top
878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on July 22nd, 2015 at 9:31am #7
bass Well well.... If we can accept our Fighting/Main Character In...
bass Meta!
Core: Water and Copy
Energy: 100
Attack: 105
Defense: 95
Speed: 100
^ Top
3,969,566 BP
13 TP | 203 PP
Posted on July 22nd, 2015 at 11:09am #8
@Tobyjoey : Yes
^ Top
130,621,746,063 BP
3 TP | 137 PP
Posted on July 22nd, 2015 at 11:27am #9
I'm probably going to bring more here, but for now, here's my main RM.
proto-manproto-man Phantom Man
Core: Shadow and Copy
Energy: 70
Attack: 95
Defense: 105
Speed: 130
^ Top
266,562,644,975 BP
6 TP | 293 PP
Posted on July 22nd, 2015 at 11:55am #10
Might as well add my other two robots.

skull-man Skeleton Man
Core: Swift/Shadow
Energy: 80
Attack: 75
Defence: 110
Speed: 135

heat-man Blaze Man
Core: Flame/Wind
Energy: 100
Attack: 110
Defence: 120
Speed: 70
^ Top
31,140,627 BP
0 TP | 131 PP
Posted on July 23rd, 2015 at 6:14am #11
napalm-man  napalm-man    Incendiary Man
Core: Flame and Missile

Energy: 110
Attack: 150
Defense: 56
Speed: 84

Weaknesses: ShadowWater
Resistances: ExplodeMissile
Affinities: Flame
Immunities: None

Abilities: Blaze Rocket, Fire Wall, Overheat Flamethrower
^ Top
266,562,644,975 BP
6 TP | 293 PP
Posted on July 24th, 2015 at 10:03am #12
Wait, I can add Weakness, resistances, etc? And abilities too?


Ender Man

Weaknesses: Cutter, Flame, Water
Resistances: Earth, Space
Affinities: None
Immunities: None

Abilities: Crystal Slash, Tnt Rain, Block Throw, Block Earthquake

^ Top
875,792,335,902 BP
5 TP | 331 PP
Posted on July 24th, 2015 at 9:45pm #13
@Retro Pikachu : 3 things.
1. Adding themes is a GREAT idea. :D
2. In the future, could you add extra info/robots in different posts? It makes it easier to track.
3. Mirror Man's BST is currently 394. Is this okay?

And with this, all robots so far have been updated!
^ Top
Retro Sneasel
8,249,269,260 BP
27 TP | 446 PP
Posted on July 25th, 2015 at 12:09am #14
@Tobyjoey :
1. Thanks.
2. Sure.
3. Mirror Man's Base Defense has been updated from 132 to 138. Thanks for letting me know!

RPN-005: Wyvern Man
Icon: snake-man
Core: Flame
Stats: Energy: 100 Attack: 107 Defense: 104 Speed: 89
Weaponry: Wyvern Talons, Wyvern Breath, Tough "Skin", Flight
^ Top
266,562,644,975 BP
6 TP | 293 PP
Posted on July 25th, 2015 at 3:44pm #15 ( Edited : 2015/07/25 at 4:06pm )
Time to add some more to my other two robots.

Blaze Man

Weaknesses: Water, Explode, Freeze
Resistances: Impact, Earth
Affinities: Flame
Immunities: None

Abilities: Magma Ball Rod Throw Flame Body Hover

Skeleton Man
Weaknesses: Time, Flame, Impact
Resistances: Water, Earth
Affinities: None
Immunities: Shadow
Abilities: Flame Arrow Giga Arrow Ice Arrow Bomb Arrow Shadow Arrow Triple Arrows

And Ender Man's theme:
^ Top
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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)