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Mega Man RPG World Community

Community  »  Roleplay Discussions  »  the crossover battles of the joke types! September 7th, 2015 at 6:06pm

80,854,603 BP
13 TP | 155 PP
yes you heard right the legendary joke types are going to battle it off right her right now!
todays tournement


you get to pick any three robots to fight it off
but for this tournement we have one thing special
you have to pick one team related move!
for example
wafer rain and waffle flyer
and you have to pick ONE TEAM
each team cannot go over 5 poeple with three robots
and cannot go under 5 poeple with three robots
only one summon is allowed and it is not allowed to give the oppisite team a summon
however if you give one of your teammates that summon you cannot have any summon whatsoever

wafer side directed by matthew!!!
waffle side directed by ENDER!!!

oh and if you want to you can use the crystal to bring a net navi you gotten to life if you want!

the crossover battles of the joke types!
Posted by matthewftw123 on September 7th, 2015 at 6:06pm
Viewed 489 Times


80,854,603 BP
13 TP | 155 PP
Posted on September 7th, 2015 at 6:14pm #1 ( Edited : 2015/09/07 at 6:21pm )
my team:
[mega-manim very happy to be here with choco wafer tornado!]{explode type}
rhythmwell i dont see how you would like any of these dweebs without them having a wafer slash
metcut-man*tap tap tap*
[mega-manoh im sorry he dosnt speak...hes my mettool uh... he has wafer infused met shot]{explode type}

1. me matt
2.chibi girl mettool in his bot
^ Top
215,856,038 BP
4 TP | 44 PP
Posted on September 28th, 2015 at 6:50pm #2 ( Edited : 2015/10/11 at 6:10pm )
Oh? A three bot thing with WAFFLES in it? I'm goin' in with my team:
needle-man Ha! Really? This'll be simplistic!
gemini-man Come on now, you're expected a fight now, Balloon Man! You don't run off your mouth like that!
hard-man *Starts casting bad luck spell on Spiker Man* This'll teach HIM!

This is my team!

1. Balloon Man
2. Spiker Man
3. Necro Man

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80,854,603 BP
13 TP | 155 PP
Posted on September 28th, 2015 at 7:55pm #3
@T-RexNaffects : oh thank you competitor :D
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215,856,038 BP
4 TP | 44 PP
Posted on September 29th, 2015 at 8:35am #4 ( Edited : 2015/09/29 at 11:04pm )
hard-man Oh, it'll only effect him outside of battle. So don't think it'll effect him in battle. :P
^ Top
80,854,603 BP
13 TP | 155 PP
Posted on September 29th, 2015 at 2:57pm #5 ( Edited : 2015/09/29 at 3:04pm )
@T-RexNaffects : [rhythmwell obviously idiot]{recovery type}
[mega-manchibi be nice! hes my friend! either way i ment thank you for joining]{explode type}
^ Top
215,856,038 BP
4 TP | 44 PP
Posted on September 29th, 2015 at 11:41pm #6
hard-man *Sigh* We have agirl that acts like she is all high and mighty now. Great. Now I can have the oil of a brat hanging on my sythe.

^ Top
80,854,603 BP
13 TP | 155 PP
Posted on September 30th, 2015 at 2:59pm #7
[rhythmHEY I O-]{recovery type}
[mega-manchibi your only making him mad please stop]{explode type}
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