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Mega Man RPG World Community

Community  »  Roleplay Discussions  »  Make-A-Moveset: What If... August 4th, 2013 at 5:41pm

Anyone here ever heard of Make Your Move on the Smashboards? It's A sort of competition where the users there can create a Super Smash Bros. moveset for any character they can imagine, even if they aren't from Nintendo games, or video games in general! That's basically the premise here. You're task… Read More
Make-A-Moveset: What If...
Posted by Spinstrike on August 4th, 2013 at 5:41pm
Viewed 7012 Times


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Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on June 25th, 2015 at 10:45pm #151
Well, nothing seems to be happening... So let's change that, shall we? Here is my next DEN robot, Wire Man.

Name: Wire Man
Designation: DEN-005
Class: Power Generator Robot
Core: Electric

Weaknesses: Cutter
Resistances: Water
Immunities: None
Affinities: Electric

Energy: 100
Attack: 80
Defense: 70
Speed: 90

Start: "Alright, I'm all charged up and ready to go!"
Taunt: "You seem tired. Need a recharge?"
Victory: "That was fun! Don't worry about the damages, I'll recharge you."
Defeat: "Good to see your energized, Robot."

Signature Moves

Wire Spark
Learned at Level: Start
Power: 16
Accuracy: 90%
Speed: 2
Energy: 4
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: The user charges a spark with it's wires and shoots it towards the target.

Wire Whip
Learned at Level: 6
Power: 24
Accuracy: 85%
Speed: 4
Energy: 6
Range: Party Leader
Description: The user uses a wire like a whip and shocks the target on impact.

Description: Designed for acting like a generator for power, Wire Man likes to have fun and is also very helpful. Wire Man was once going to be called Generator Man when Dr. Emerald noticed he had two loose extra wires that comes from the holes in his hands that was supposed to be electricity, giving him the name Wire Man instead. His Wire Shock works like Spark Shock. However, it has a lower strength in order to charge up a robot instead of damaging it, but normally isn't used in battle. His Wire Whip, on the other hand, is an attack where he fully take out the loose wire in his hand and whips any enemy, damaging it on contact with electric- and impact-core damage. He is quick to recharge other robots, no matter who they are or what situation they are in, sometimes leading to trouble. He seems to also have made good friends with Spark Man. But be careful not to get too close to the loose wires!
^ Top
31,140,627 BP
0 TP | 131 PP
Posted on June 25th, 2015 at 11:23pm #152 ( Edited : 2015/06/26 at 7:49am )
Next on the list would be Plasma Man.

Name: Plasma Man
Number Designation: BRN-002
Class: Electro Harnessing Robot
Core: Laser

Weakness: ShadowCrystal
Resistances: ElectricLaser
Affinities: N/A
Immunities: N/A

Energy: 100
Attack: 87
Defense: 95
Speed: 120

Start: Robot! Begin the electrified duel!
Taunt: I am fully charged! Disappointing news to you, though.
Victory: And that was a negative charge.
Defeat: What shocking news...

Signature Attacks:

Learned at Start
Plasma Nova
Power: 18
Accuracy: 94%
Energy: 2
Description: Fires a sphere of highly electric gas at the target, dealing damage and reducing their defenses by 7%.

Learned at Level 6
Plasma Trail
Power: 10
Accuracy: 92%
Energy: 4
Description: Fires a bouncing trail of electricity that strikes the leader of the opponent's team and three other random robots.

Robot Bio: A robot first made for use in an electric power plant due to his immunity of being shocked. Plasma Man is a bit of a pun fan, always unable to resist saying a few puns when he's next to another Robot Master. That normally ends up badly if the other Robot that Plasma Man jokes about gets into an enrage, and thus he is on bad terms with almost every single Robot Master, especially Guts Man. Plasma Man, however, is rather undaunted by that, and he has even started trying out for stand-up comedies. The real joke, however, would be how odd he looks, all with that electricity flowing through his already translucent body. Overall, Plasma Man's a good Robot to be a friend of, but just don't let his puns annoy you.
^ Top
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2015 at 7:43am #153
@Brimstone : Isn't there already a Solar Man?
Yes, there IS already a Solar Man.
Change it to something else.
^ Top
31,140,627 BP
0 TP | 131 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2015 at 7:48am #154
@Bt Man : Oh, I didn't exactly notice that they actually made one. Well, back to the name thinking for me.
^ Top
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2015 at 7:57am #155
With that out of the way, I'm moving on to the next robot in my DEN Series, Axe Man.

Name: Axe Man
Designation: DEN-006
Class: Wood-Chopping Lumberjack Robot
Core: Cutter

Weaknesses: Water
Resistances: Cutter
Immunities: None
Affinities: None

Energy: 100
Attack: 90
Defense: 60
Speed: 80

Start: "What do you want, I'm busy here!"
Taunt: "You better stay out of the way, Robot."
Victory: "Finally, I can get back to work."
Defeat: "Great, now I need to get repaired before I head back!"

Signature Moves

Axe Chop
Learned at Level: Start
Power: 12
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 4
Range: Party Leader
Description: The user takes out an axe and chops the target with it.

Axe Blade
Learned at Level: 6
Power: 16
Accuracy: 86%
Speed: 4
Energy: 6
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: The user launches the blade of an axe at the target, acting like a boomerang.

Description: Designed for wood collecting, with the capability of replanting, Axe Man is always busy and hardly has time to relax, especially during the holidays. Being a lumberjack robot requires something sharp, and Axe Man's axe, as of the name "Axe Man", is his sharp something. His Axe Chop is a basic chop that he usually does on trees, but uses it in combat when needed. He also has the Axe Blade, a move in which he swings his axe and the blade comes off, being as strong as Metal Blade. It also acts like a boomerang, returning to the axe where it belongs after use. On the rare occasions when he's not busy, he relaxes for a bit, or sometimes he sharpens his axe to keep it from being dull. He also keeps it out of the rain due to the axe being easily rusted with water. He and Wood Man also seem to have a bit of hatred between each other, and when seen by other robots, he is usually called by the nickname "Lumberjack Man", based on his job and design. Make him take a break!
^ Top
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on June 28th, 2015 at 5:12pm #156
Next up on the list of Dr. Emerald's robots (As a reminder, Dr. Emerald is a custom doctor I made), Sailor Man!

Name: Sailor Man
Designation: DEN-007
Class: Boat's Captain Robot
Core: Water

Weaknesses: Earth*, Electric, and Freeze**
Resistances: Water
Immunities: None
Affinities: None

Energy: 100
Attack: 133
Defense: 60
Speed: 104

Start: "Alright, I'm ready to set sail!"
Taunt: "I can't let you on the cruise without a ticket!"
Victory: "I'd like to stick around, but I'm supposed to start the boat!"
Defeat: "I'd be angry now, but apparently a storm was going to delay the cruise anyways."

Signature Moves

Sailor Splash
Learned at Level: Start
Power: 16
Accuracy: 98%
Speed: 4
Energy: 4
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: The user splashes sea water at the target.

Sailor Anchor
Learned at Level: 6
Power: 20
Accuracy: 70%
Speed: 6
Energy: 6
Range: Party Leader
Description: The user throws a soaked, heavy anchor at the target, damaging on impact. However, due to it's heavy gravity, accuracy is very low compared to other attacks.

Description: Designed for being the captain of a cruise ship, Sailor Man is as much of a sailor than normal ones. Sailor Man, however, is not afraid to face any robots that tries to take it over. His Sailor Splash is a splash of Sea Water that he launches at his opponents. The move is similar to Salt Water, however has less capability to rust robots. He also has the Sailor Anchor, in which he throws a soaked anchor at the target, however with low accuracy due to it's heavy weight in which his ship, the S.S. Monsteropolis Sailing, is made of a surprisingly light, yet strong metal that can sustain attacks and the anchor, yet it is somehow weak to ice and has no mobility on land. He is also built with similar stats of Dive Man's, only with less defense. He doesn't seem to get along with Pirate Man, due to him always invading his ship to try to steal his loot, even though he told him many times that there isn't any treasure on his ship. He also dislikes robots like Toad Man and Cloud Man, due to them having the capabilities to cause storms, thus postponing cruises. He also teaches sailing lessons to humans and robots alike. He also seems to like the movie Titanic. Choose the right moves and this sailor will drop anchor!

*Based on how ships and boats can only move on it's own in the water and is useless on land unless dragged by a car.
**Sorry, just had to make one of his weaknesses based on the Titanic. Hopefully nobody's mad at me about it.
^ Top
31,140,627 BP
0 TP | 131 PP
Posted on July 4th, 2015 at 10:58pm #157 ( Edited : 2015/07/04 at 11:52pm )
Nothing seems to be happening apparently, so time to put in one robot for now.

Name: Pendulum Man
Number Designation: BRN-003
Class: Gravitational Hypnotist Robot
Core: Time

Energy: 100
Attack: 117
Defense: 112
Speed: 79

Weaknesses: FlameWind
Resistances: Impact
Immunities: Time

Start: "I see your future. It involves pain."
Taunt: "My programming grants me brains and brawn. You?"
Victory: "My forecast was correct! Screws, please."
Defeat: "Back to controlling a demolition crane..."

Signature Attacks.

Hypnotize Pendulum
Learned at Start
Power: 20
Accuracy: 86%
Speed: 3
Energy: 3
Range: Anybody in Opponent's Team
Description: Swings a heavy pendulum around and tosses it at an opponent, dealing damage and having a 20% chance of confusing the target, causing it to attack its own party.

Morning-star Mash
Learned at Level 8
Power: 52
Accuracy: 72%
Speed: 3
Energy: 5
Range: Team Leader
Description: Sends a huge flail crashing down onto the opponent, dealing massive damage and occasionally reducing an overpowered stat by 5%. The user of the move gets a defense reduction by 15% for some turns, though, so use it with caution.

Description: Previously a robot working on construction sites with Guts Man and Bomb Man, Pendulum Man got slightly bored of swinging his pendulum around to destroy buildings, so he headed off and joined forces with Crystal Man to make a fortune telling business. Both of them are really horrible at predicting the future, though, and he doesn't get many screws for his fortune telling job, so he ends up having to take on two different occupations. Pendulum Man's design is heavily based on Knight Man, but Pendulum Man has higher damaging capacity at the cost of lower defenses. He gets along quite well with Guts Man and Crystal Man, but dislikes Knight Man, due to both of them having quite different styles of fighting, with Pendulum Man just distracting opponents from far, while Knight Man likes to fight in close combat. Just be careful around him, because his pendulum may end up causing you to be under his command!
^ Top
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on July 9th, 2015 at 12:20pm #158
Well, This has been long overdue. Thus, here is the next Robot Master in my DEN Series, Snow Man

Name: Snow Man
Designation: DEN-008
Class: Snow Controlling Robot
Core: Freeze

Weaknesses: Crystal and Flame
Resistances: None
Immunities: Water
Affinities: Freeze

Energy: 100
Attack: 98
Defense: 80
Speed: 99

Start: "Alright, let's have a little fun!"
Taunt: "You stand no chance!"
Victory: "Looks like I win!"
Defeat: "Hey, I was distracted!"

Signature Moves

Snow Ball
Learned at Level: Start
Power: 28
Accuracy: 96%
Speed: 4
Energy: 4
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: The user launches a big Snowball at the opponent to inflict damage.

Snow Fort
Learned at Level: 6
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: -
Energy: 6
Range: Self
Description: The user creates a shield made of snow to halfen damage from all attacks. The shield is destroyed, however, by flame- and impact-core attacks.

Description: Designed for helping plowers remove snow from the driveways, Snow Man has the power to control and generate snow. This doesn't mean he doesn't like to have fun with it, though. His Snow Ball is, obviously, and attack in which he throws a snowball, which is actually as big as the bubble lead. His Snow Fort is also obvious in the name, a snow fort in which weaken the power of attacks. However, while it still weakens them, Flame-core and Impact-core attacks can instantly destroy the fort, since it is made of snow. Snow Man has a crippling weakness to fire and a strange weakness to shiny things, due to him being so distracted by shiny things, it lowers his defense for some reason. This weakness/distraction is the reason why he is sometimes around Freeze Man, however he likes to hang around all other freeze-core robots. Despite his strange weakness, he has a really good aim, so take caution when battling him!

...Well, it was rather this or Shovel Man, which I would've made him a little like Shovel Knight, so I'd rather not.
^ Top
31,140,627 BP
0 TP | 131 PP
Posted on July 10th, 2015 at 6:35am #159
@Bt Man : Are we seriously the only two lads posting actively on this? xD

Back to the BRNs, I present Plague Man, based on Plague Knight!

Name: Plague Man
Number Designation: BRN-004
Class: Doctor Cosplayer Robot
Core: Earth

Weaknesses: Flame
Resistances: NatureShadow
Affinities: None
Immunities: None

Energy: 100
Attack: 85
Defense: 102
Speed: 110

Start: "Evening, I say, Robot."
Taunt: "Suffering from Roboenza? Have some poison!"
Victory: "Told you my treatment worked."
Defeat: "Another failed case again?"

Signature Moves
Poison Orb
Power: 10
Accuracy: 90%
Speed: 3
Energy: 4
Range: Opponent Team Leader
Description: Tosses an orb of poison at the target, causing them to take damage continuously for 3 turns.

Plague Antidote
Power: 10% Damage, 30% Recovery
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 4
Range: Anyone in Player's Team
Description: Gives the target an antidote, healing their energy by 30% of its base value, but decreases their defense and attack by 10%.

Description: First created by Dr. Cossack to research the Roboenza virus, but Plague Man himself got infected with Roboenza trying to treat a patient, causing him to grow incredibly rebellious. Plague Man, after being infected, decided that he would go help Dr. Wily poison and infect every single robot, but he didn't really want to be caught, so he went off to steal a robe and a bird mask to hide himself. Soon enough, after managing to infect various robots, Dr. Wily promoted him, and reprogrammed Plague Man so that he would be able to launch an arsenal of poison orbs, and also gave him the ability to heal himself. Plague Man, being a sadistic and silent bot, due to him still being slightly infected by Roboenza, likes Skull Man, as both of them have quite similar personalities. He also hangs about near Shade Man and Metal Man. However, he hates the light, and thus, doesn't prefer being near Jewel Man, Gemini Man and Crystal Man. Despite him being a medical bot, he has large canisters of viruses ready to throw at you, so watch out when nearby him!
^ Top
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on July 10th, 2015 at 8:53am #160
@Brimstone : Seems like it by far. But who knows what will happen in the future.

Anyways, I bring to you, the next robot in the DEN series, the Super Fighting Robot of the group, Cleft. ...What? EVERY lab assistant/fighting robot has a musical name, and this was all I came up with.

Name: Cleft
Designation: DEN-009
Class: Ultimate Defense Robot
Core: Copy

Weaknesses: Crystal and Water
Resistances: Electric
Immunities: None
Affinities: None

Energy: 100
Attack: 105
Defense: 100
Speed: 95

Start: "Alright, I'm ready! Let's do this!"
Taunt: "You fight strong, but not strong enough!"
Victory: "Mission completed! Time for me to head back to the base!"
Defeat: "I'm sorry, Doctor, but the mission went unsuccessful."

Signature Moves

Cleft Buster
Learned at Level: 2
Power: 35
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Range: Party Leader
Description: The user charges on the first turn to build power and raise a random stat by 10%, then releases a powerful energy shot on the second to inflict massive damage!

Cleft Boots
Learned at Level: 12
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: -
Energy: 4
Range: Self
Description: The user temporarily speeds itself up in order to have a higher chance of being first to attack, despite how much higher the opponent's speed stat is.

Cleft Clock
Learned at Level: 20
Power: -
Accuracy: 90%
Speed: -
Energy: 6
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: The user slows down the target's speed temporarily.

Description: Designed to be the basic robot sent for any mission, whether it being for protecting the lab or just plain research, Cleft is Dr. Emerald's fighting robot designed to help Dr. Emerald with any task necessary. His design comes with the few basics of all copy-core robots: his own buster and a weapon copy system, as well as a very special pair of boots that he can use to change the game up a bit. Called the Cleft Boots, these boots give him the ability to make him faster any time he wants. He also has an add-on to them called the Cleft Clock, which lowers the opponent's speed. However, both of these effects only last a while. When stuck in a situation, he could always count on his friends and allies to assist him, including the other Emerald-Bots. Whenever in a battle, though, he is always fast on his feet!
^ Top
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on July 11th, 2015 at 12:45pm #161
Well, it's time to put an end to my DEN robots. And the last one, the final requirement of the Robot-Making Doctor Starter Set (Lol, I just had to), the lab assistant of Dr. Emerald, Note.

Name: Note
Designation: DEN-010
Class: Doctor's Helper Robot
Core: Neutral

Weaknesses: Electric and Laser
Resistances: Freeze
Immunities: None
Affinities: None

Energy: 150
Attack: 80
Defense: 80
Speed: 80

Start: "I'm here to help, Doctor!"
Taunt: "We may win this one!"
Victory: "I doubted this mission would be a failure!"
Defeat: "What!? The mission was a failure!?"

Signature Moves

Note Buster
Learned at Level: 2
Power: 36%
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Range: Party Leader
Description: The user charges on the first turn to build power and recover life energy by 10%, then releases a powerful shot on the second to inflict 36% damage to a random system!*

Attack Mixer
Learned at Level: 4
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: The user swaps the target's attack stats with another one of it's stats!

Defense Mixer
Learned at Level: 6
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: The user switches the target's defense stats with another one of it's stats!

Speed Mixer
Learned at Level: 8
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: The user switches the target's speed stats with another one of it's stats!

Energy Mixer
Learned at Level: 10
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party and a random person in the Opponent's Party
Description: The user switches the target's energy with the energy of another random robot in the same party as the target.**

Attack Blender
Learned at Level: 12
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 2
Energy: 4
Range: Opponent's Party
Description: The user switches the attack stats of everyone in the opponent's party!***

Defense Blender
Learned at Level: 14
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 2
Energy: 4
Range: Opponent's Party
Description: The user switches the defense stats of everyone in the opponent's party!***

Speed Blender
Learned at Level: 16
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 2
Energy: 4
Range: Opponent's Party
Description: The user switches the speed stats of everyone in the opponent's party!***

Energy Blender
Learned at Level: 18
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 2
Energy: 4
Range: Opponent's Party
Description: The user switches the energy of everyone in the opponent's party!***


*Never deals energy damage, however.
**I know, it's different than the others, but do it the same as the others, and the attack becomes too OP.
***In other words, it takes all of a specific stat (or all of the energy) in the opponent's party and hands it back, but to a different robot for each stat/energy.
^ Top
31,140,627 BP
0 TP | 131 PP
Posted on July 15th, 2015 at 9:32am #162
If Bt Man's no longer posting stuff here, I guess it's my turn to continue on.

Name: Firework Man
Number Designation: BRN-005
Class: Firework Display Robot
Core: Flame

Weaknesses: WaterExplode
Resistances: Missile
Affinities: None
Immunities: Flame

Energy: 100
Attack: 140
Defense: 78
Speed: 74

Start: "We gotta burn this thing down! NOW!"
Taunt: "Look at the art I make! Pretty cool, right? RIGHT?!"
Victory: "A horrible show! Boo! Boo!"
Defeat: "Is it true? There's a better firecracker out there?"

Signature Moves
Spark Rain
Power: 10
Accuracy: 80%
Speed: 2
Energy: 4
Range: Up to half of the Opponent Team.
Description: Lobs several firecrackers into the air that rain down as sparks, hitting up to half of the opposing team!

Blazing Firework
Learnt at Level 10
Power: 30
Accuracy: 95%
Speed: 5
Energy: 2
Range: Opponent Team Leader
Description: Fires a rocket at the target, dealing massive damage and occasionally lowering their shields by 5%.

Description: Created initially to perform firework displays for the city. However, Dr. Wily noticed the huge amounts of arsenal on Firework Man, and decided to infect him with Roboenza. The effects however, didn't work, but much worse. It changed his entire programming code, causing Firework Man to go into fits of enragement every now and then. Soon enough, Firework Man managed to be cured by Dr. Light, but the portion in his robotic brain that makes him angry couldn't be replaced with something else, so Dr. Light had to leave him harmless by taking a few of his combat fireworks out instead. However, Firework Man ignored it, as usual, and managed to befriend Crash Man and Burner Man. Now, what happens when a Robot with anger fits meet two other Robots with powerful weapons and anger problems as well? Normally, it ends up with all 3 of them fighting each other, but Firework Man decided to take revenge on every Light robot, because reasons. So, he managed to get his fireworks burnt up after being taught by Burner Man, and Crash Man made his fireworks extra-explody. So technically, Firework Man is a combination of three feared Robot Masters! No wonder others tend to stay away from him...
^ Top
31,140,627 BP
0 TP | 131 PP
Posted on July 18th, 2015 at 4:05am #163
Yet again, lads.

Name: Barracuda Man
Number Designation: BRN-006
Class: Predator Shark Robot
Core: Water

Weaknesses: EarthFlame
Resistances: Missile
Affinities: None
Immunities: Water

Energy: 100
Attack: 91
Defense: 92
Speed: 110

Start: "Time to be plundered by the scavenger!"
Taunt: "Get spooked by me!"
Victory: "Fresh scraps! Yummy."
Defeat: "I gotta swim out of 'ere!"

Signature Moves
Barracuda Charge
Power: 15
Accuracy: 82%
Speed: 4
Energy: 3
Target: Any Opponent
Description: Charges straight at the target, dealing decreasing damage up to 5 times!

Tidal Change
Power: 28
Accuracy: 90%
Speed: 3
Energy: 2
Target: Opponent Party Leader
Description: Charges up on the first turn, then releases a tsunami wave that deals massive damage and occasionally decreases all of the target's stats by 3%!

Description: Initially created as a robotic guard of a coastal fortress. However, when that fortress was overwhelmed by Dr. Wily's robotic forces so that he could show the world his potential, Barracuda Man was captured and remodeled from a fish-shaped robot into a long, thin and slender shark-like bot with a knack for charging straight at innocent bystanders. Out of all of the BRNs, Barracuda Man has the most sense of humor, constantly using his shark-like appearance to scare others that are simply unfortunate to be the victims of his pranks. Pirate Man, in specific, has a disdain for him, as the barrels that Barracuda Man throw are normally Pirate Man's. Splash Woman also dislikes Barracuda Man, as Barracuda Man hates mermaids, and he also "looks scary" to her. Don't feel so sorry for Barracuda Man, even though he knows quite a bunch of Robot Masters dislike him in general, he ignores it and just cares for the pranks.

Arena: Coast Ruins
Primary Core: Water
Multipliers: Water x 1.5 Missile x 1.2 Flame x 0.5
Description: The old ruins of that one castle Barracuda Man used to guard. Now that Dr. Wily seemed to have disappeared, Barracuda Man spends most of his time swimming around and scaring people that decide to tour the castle.

Mecha Support: Irukandji
Number Designation: CGN-001/2/3 (Coast Guard Number)
Class: Stinging Jellyfish Bot
Core: Water

Energy: 40 / 50 / 75
Attack: 65 / 80 / 100
Defense: 20 / 30 / 45
Speed: 50 / 65 / 80

Weaknesses: FlameMissileEarth
Resistances: Water
Affinities: Electric
Immunities: None

Start: "Iru-tick-tock-tick-tock!"
Taunt: "Tick-tock..."
Victory: "Kan-kan-ji!"
Defeat: "Ru-kanji-tock..."

Signature Moves:
Irukandji Sting
Power: 15
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 3
Energy: 0
Target: Any Enemy
Description: Stings the target, dealing damage.

Description: A small jellyfish-like mecha that was initially created to serve as water E.M.Ps. When they were discovered to be highly hazardous in open seas, however, their electric discharge was greatly diminished, and now they're only deployed near the land, away from drinking water. Many of these help Barracuda Man to guard the underwater base near the Coast Ruins. But that's a secret.
^ Top
Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on July 20th, 2015 at 11:11am #164
Now for Robot Masters based on Street Fighter X Mega Man. First up is Ryu

Name: Ryu
Designation: SFN-001 (Street Fighter Number)
Class: Challenge Seeking Fighter
Core: Impact

Weaknesses: Shield
Resistances: Impact
Immunities: None
Affinities: None

Energy: 100
Attack: 95
Defense: 90
Speed: 80

Start: "Let's see how much of a challenge you are, Robot."
Taunt: "This isn't the challenge I'm looking for. This is too easy."
Victory: "Looks like you need a lot more training."
Defeat: "I'll admit it. You proven yourself a strong challenger."

Signature Moves

Learned at Level: Start
Power: 18
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Range: Anyone in opponent's party
Description: The user charges up energy on the first turn, and then launches it at the target to deal damage!

Learned at Level: 6
Power: 20
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 4
Range: Party Leader
Description: The user uppercuts the target to inflict massive damage!

Learned at Level: 8
Power: 20
Accuracy: 70%
Speed: 2
Energy: 6
Range: Party Leader
Description: The user spins around kicking the target multiple times until it misses!

Metsu Hadouken
Learned at Level: 10
Power: 20
Accuracy: 80%
Speed: 4
Energy: 6
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: The user charges on the first turn and launches a blast of burning energy that can hit up to 3 times without missing!

Description: Ryu is a strong opponent from Street Fighter. He is always looking for a new challenge. He is well known for his attacks, such as Shoryuken, Tatsumaki, and the famous Hadouken, as well as it's burning version, the Metsu Hadouken. Give him the challenge he is looking for!
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31,140,627 BP
0 TP | 131 PP
Posted on July 30th, 2015 at 4:08am #165
I'm reviving this again.

Name: Turbine Man
Designation: BRN-007
Class: Windmill Operating Robot
Core: Wind

Weaknesses: Time Flame
Resistances: Freeze Electric
Immunities: Water
Affinities: None

Energy: 100
Attack: 112
Defense: 73
Speed: 115


Start: "Today I'm forecasting a breeze!"
Taunt: "Blow me away, you scrap metal!"
Victory: "Well, I win-d!"
Defeat: "Not another tornado..."

Signature Moves:
Gust Barrier
Learned at Level: Start
Power: 25
Accuracy: 90%
Speed: 3
Energy: 2
Target: Opponent Party Leader
Description: The user creates a barrier that decreases damage taken by 50%. The barrier can also be thrown straight at the enemy, but its effects are negated easily by Flame attacks...

Flurry Force
Learned at Level: 6
Power: 18
Accuracy: 86%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Target: Opponent Party Leader
Description: Sends a howling wind of snow at the opponent, causing the target to take double damage from the next Water-type move that strikes them!

Description: A robot stationed at a windmill and wind turbine field to inspect the perimeter. When Wily began his schemes of domination, however, Turbine Man was captured, and Wily gave him a powerful buster that can send gusts of wind at his opponents, and various propellers around him, but that's just because Wily was out of money, and Crystal Man couldn't help him. Turbine Man, in his free time after he was saved by Wily, likes to visit Air Man, Gyro Man and Tornado Man to talk to them about the weather. Turbine Man also has a friendly rivalry with them, racing with them every so or now. However, all of them do agree that Toad Man can be a pain if he decides to make a downfall of heavy rain.

Arena: Turbine Tower
Primary Core: Wind
Multipliers: Wind x1.8, Freeze x1.2, Water x1.1, Flame x0.3
Description: A tall wind turbine with several other smaller turbines protruding out of it. Snow and rain can be present at several areas of the tower, and the tower itself contains huge amounts of electric generators. The Fan Joes protect the area from intruders.

Mecha Support: Fan Joe
Designation: TTN-001/2/3 (Turbine Tower Number)
Class: Wind Generating Mecha
Core: Wind

Weaknesses: Freeze Flame Water
Resistances: Electric
Immunities: None
Affinities: Wind

Energy: 50 / 70 / 95
Attack: 50 / 85 / 105
Defense: 45 / 65 / 90
Speed: 55 / 80 / 110

Start: No trespassers...
Taunt: I am...superior!
Victory: Well played...
Defeat: Malfunctioned...ack!

Signature Moves:
Knockback Blast
Power: 12
Accuracy: 84%
Speed: 4
Target: Opponent Party Leader
Description: The user fires a gust of wind that deals massive damage, occasionally having a 20% chance to knock the target back to the bench!

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)