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Community  »  Roleplay Discussions  »  Dungeons and Robot Masters!(The Original Role-Play Thread!) August 20th, 2014 at 7:17pm

Even as Mega Man and his mechanical compatriots struggle to escape the Prototype and defeat the mysterious Slur, life goes on. Between battles, the Robot Masters and Mistresses can always find an unused field lying about to shoot the breeze and have a few E-Tanks. Necessary Requirement >You must ha… Read More
Dungeons and Robot Masters!(The Original Role-Play Thread!)
Posted by MegaBossMan on August 20th, 2014 at 7:17pm
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Posted on September 17th, 2014 at 5:56pm #151
@BtMan : Actually Btman, I would like to "reserve" Mega Man, in a way. Let's try to hold off on reviving him, for now please.
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Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on September 17th, 2014 at 5:59pm #152
Actually, Shadow Man just buried Mega Man's core, so I don't even think that will be possible for a while... at least until the end... maybe.
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880,181,037,303 BP
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Posted on September 17th, 2014 at 6:01pm #153
@BtMan : Yeah, fine. Let's just get it straight that you need both the Robot's data and their core to revive them, and considering Enker is in possession of his data...
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on September 18th, 2014 at 3:52pm #154 ( Edited : 2014/09/18 at 4:57pm )
skull-barrierskull-manskull-barrier                        bass-crushring-manbass-crush

*Ring Man scoffs as the dark humor in his eyes is replaced by pure malice* ring-man You've grown soft, Skully. *He effortlessly flicks a
Ring Boomerang that slams into Skull Man's barrier*

skull-man UMPH! How can he match Evil Energy!?
ring-man You forget, Skull Man, that Cossack only gave you as much as you could handle, which couldn't have been a lot; you're so frail it disgusts me.
*Ring Man creates two silver rings and rapidly swipes them through the air, which sends flurries of razor-sharp wind rings towards Skull Man*

*Skull Man raises his arms up in defense as the rings pelt him* skull-man Grrrrr....not....this time! *Skull Man throws the massive barrier at Ring Man
which absorbs the rings and crashes into Ring Man, sending him flying into a nearby machine and turning on a camera that was already linked to someone/somewhere...*

ring-man GYAAH!...Skull Man, we don't have to fight. Just...*winces* just let me destroy Mega Man-
skull-man Mega Man is like a cousin to us, Ring Man! Besides, if I let you destroy Mega Man, who's to say you'll stop there?
You're a robot of destruction, Ring Man.

ring-man You never accept me. You all never accepted me! How will I ever be good enough for you hypocrites!?
skull-man Hey, don't make this about us! You're the one who-
ring-man There you go again, making me the villain!
ring-man What do you want from me, huh? What could I possible do to make happy?
skull-man You know what? I'll completely accept you if you let Dr. Cossack reprogram you.
*Ring Man suddenly froze* ring-man Re-reprogram?...No I can't-I can't do that!
skull-man He was almost successful last time-
ring-man SHUT UP! *Ring Man grabbed his head in agony* Not back there! Not ever again!
On that operating table, I....lost my purpose, my IDENTITY! I could feel him stripping away EVERY. SINGLE. PIECE of who I was!!
And then....then it was like he was shoving in an entirely new robot into my head. It hurt so HURTS! I'LL NEVER GO BACK! *Ring Man looks up, his eyes
filled with more rage than before.* NEVER!!!!!

*Skull Man claps his hands together to generate another dark barrier* skull-man That's the biggest reason why I must do this, Ring Man;
not to save Mega Man from you, not even for the sake of our family. No, I must save you from yourself!

*Out of each of Ring Man's arms shoots out a long chain of large, white-hot rings. Skull Man grows two arms of darkness to grab Ring Man's flailing chains.
Skull Man keeps slamming Ring Man on the ground until the ring on Ring Man's head starts glowing golden orange. Ring Man throws the ring off his head; it shoots through the barrier and boomerangs back, slicing through Skull Man twice. As the ring, no longer glowing, returns to Ring Man's head, the barrier fades and Skull Man
collapses onto the floor.*

*music stops*
*Ring Man walks over to Skull Man*ring-man You'll never understand me. None of you EVER understood me and the pain I've endured from that day.
Ever since he tried to reprogram me, I've been ripped between two purposes, two beings. Two incompatible beings! No,
I myself am all I have left, me and my will to live:
to destroy Mega Man!

*Ring Man whirls around* ring-man WHAT!? How did-....when I flew into the machine! *he turns to Skull Man* ring-man This is YOUR FAULT!
*kicks Skull Man*

skull-man UMPH!...Huh? a....message? Maybe the video...sent to the DCNs?
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on September 18th, 2014 at 4:42pm #156 ( Edited : 2014/09/18 at 4:48pm )

*Ring Man walks over to the computer and opens up a satellite, searching for Mega Man's signal.* ring-man That's strange. I can't find his signal. Either he's underground or...he's already been...destroyed! He was mine to kill! MINE to defeat! My life purpose is gone! GRRRRAAAAAAA! *Ring Man looks over at Skull Man* ring-man You...
*He runs at Skull Man, two rings in hand.* ring-man I'LL KILL YOU, YOU TRAITOROUS SCRAP OF-
*Suddenly, something shoots through the ceiling straight through Ring Man and disappears underground*
ring-man GYAAAH! H-how did you.....AAAAAH! hit off part of my hurts.
robot You're the traitor, Ring Man, and I will stop you!
*The figure bursts from the ground, causing chunks of earth to fly everywhere. When the dust clears...*
skull-man                drill-man        ring-man
drill-man I was in the area and got the vid. I only got to see the first few seconds of you and Ring Man fighting, but that was all I needed.
skull-man No, I mean how did-NNGH *winces in pain* did you...survive?
drill-man Cossack reinforced my outer shell to withstand the Drill Nuke only once. After that, it falls off, revealing my second layer of armor.
A Cossack bot doesn't go down easy, my friend. However...*Drill Man glares at Ring Man* they aren't impossible to take down.

ring-man Another *winces* traitorous brother.
drill-man Call me what you want, psychopath. Say good night. *points Drill Bomb at Ring Man's chest*
ring-man We'll meet again. *With great effort, Ring Man hits a button on his arm and teleports out*
drill-man ......
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on September 18th, 2014 at 4:46pm #157 ( Edited : 2014/09/18 at 5:12pm )
turbo-manNough talk! Boys, rush em!
flash-manOf course.
stone-manWhy do we always lose?
snake-manThe name, maybe?
hard-manOr maybe because this group is so stupid....
crash-manThe only thing that can be worse than this is a Metal Blade...
metal-manReally? Well, your wish is my command! Hahahaha!
*The blade ripped through them all....
metal-manHahaha! You're done!
gravity-manYou have no idea how false your statement is.
flash-manWait, where was he the whole time?! I didn't see him!
*Gravity Man fixes all the robots with his gravity, and then....
gravity-manGot it! *Gravity Man brings them all together and fuses their busters to make one big cannon!*
turbo-manstone-mansnake-manhard-mancrash-manLET'S GO!!
stone-manWe did it!
flash-manNo, you didn't.
metal-manBut you did damage us enough to change us back! Haha!
snake-manYou jokester! You nearly gave me a heart-attack! If I had one!
turbo-manAnd now, we head to Cossack Citadel! To beat up Skull Man!
hard-manAre we sure he's the bad guy?
crash-manTHE MAN....WEARS....SKULLS!
gravity-manYou're right! Tally-ho!

[OOC: None of these guys are reserved.]
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on September 18th, 2014 at 8:54pm #158 ( Edited : 2014/09/18 at 9:46pm )
Meanwhile, back at Bass and Enker's location....

bassSo, tell me before your destruction....Why does your Master want Proto Man so much, when there are much superior beings out there, like myself.
[enkerOh boy, have you got the facts mixed up....But I suppose I can't deny a last wish like that. You see, first Proto Man's Proto Strike can negate the mind control the Master uses. However, that is not the main reason! You see, the Master is dying, plain and simple.]{defense_shadow}
[ The reason for this being is because the Master contains so much power, not even he can contain it! Of course, nobody wants to die from being too powerful! The Master looked far and wide for a suitable being, and found Proto Man. While Proto Man's core is slowly killing him, the Master would actually continue to live from his nuclear core, because of his advanced design! He wants us to take him, in which he will use his advanced machinery to fuse with Proto Man, thus taking his core!. Proto Man's soul will die in the process, but it's one simple death, who cares? The Master will change cores with Proto Man, and immortal life will be his! Not only that, but the Master will be able to hold as much power as he needs, thus becoming invincible and unrivaled in power! Hahaha! Now, that is why we want Proto Man, not someone as basic as yourself!]{defense_shadow}
bassBasic? Listen pal, I don't care about that. I'll just prove my power by defeating you, and this "Master"! You're pretty stupid too, because I've been videotaping all that, and I'm going to send it to all my allies once this is done!
[enkerAfter this battle? I'm afraid, Bass, that there is nothing after this battle for you. Now, prepare yourself, for a horror beyond hell!]{defense_shadow}
bassReally? You and what army?
[enkerFunny you should say....I can use other people's techniques, but I can modify them too! For example.....Gemini Split!]{defense_shadow}
enkerenker                  bass                    enkerenker
[enkerenkerNow then, Bass....Prepare for your worst nightmare!enkerenker]{defense_shadow}
bassYou think this will be the thing to finally subdue me?! Ha! Enough of your silly lies Enker, feel the power of the ultimate robot!
enkerenker bass                     enker enker

In another place....
dark-man-1WHERE DID EVERYONE GO?! THEY JUST TELEPORTED AND LEFT ME! Why don't I have a teleporter again? Whatever....They're probably fighting some super being or something. *Beep* Nearby power? Hey, it looks like some of the Light bots! Hey, guys!
Guts Man, Fire Man, and Elec Man's body are nearby.
guts-manHey, it's that one dark dude. I'm pretty sure you aren't our worst threat, so don't do anything or I'll punch you.
fire-manWe're heading back to Light's lab to rebuild it with Auto, so we can repair ourselves, especially Elec Man, he's knocked out cold.
dark-man-1Me being a Wily bot, I would normally try to destroy you, but due to the situation that's been going on....
guts-manWhatever. Let's just go.

And so, these 4 robots headed off to Light Labs, in hopes of repairing the broken building with Auto.

[OOC: I'd like to get it out that I want this saga finished soon, so we can go into the next one I have planned. Please try to wrap up all your side-stories please.

And also, I'd like to say that the Master will not be seen this season nor the next, as I want to save using the reveal until after next season, if not after.]
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on September 20th, 2014 at 8:40pm #159 ( Edited : 2014/09/20 at 9:18pm )
Meanwhile, Bass is getting kicked around like a ragdoll.
bassGah! Stop teaming up on me and fight one-on-one!
[enkerOh well.*Enker splits back into one being* You know Bass, pride has always been the downfall of the weak.]{defense_shadow}
bassYeah? Well, I'm not exactly weak!
[enkerAu contraire Bass, that's very arguable.]{defense_shadow}
bassNo it isn't! Whatever, tell me Enker...You've never been good with orders-
enkerBetter than you.
bassThat's beside the point. So, tell me because it seems you're the only one with free-will in your group, why do you serve this master?
[enker......Alright, it seems we're not being watched. Tell me Bass, why else am I looking for all this power in the world? Aren't I already powerful enough?]{defense_shadow}
bassSo, you're on our side?
[enkerNo, I'm still evil. I'm just questioning orders. The only thing I care for is my brothers, despite how annoying they are. Especially Quint.]{defense_shadow}
bassTrue that, Mega Man IS especially annoying. Err..I mean Quint.
[enkerNo, that's not the same one, it's Rock Man Shadow. He just calls himself that.]{defense_shadow}
bass....Join me Enker. Together, we can be the most powerful duo in the universe!
enkerExcept you're lying. Listen, I have someone to find, so I'll have to end this. Hiya!
bassGah! I can't take this anymore....
[enkerGood. Now, to convince my good friend....]{defense_shadow}
*Enker teleports to an undisclosed location.*
A tattered Dr. Light is on the floor.

dr-lightIt's you. I won't do your will Enker, not as long as Mega Man is still out there, fighting for me.
[enkerOh? Trust me, Mega Man is on our side, Dr. Light.]{defense_shadow}
*Mega Man's voice is heard.
[enkermega-manDr. Light, it's for the good of mankind! Please dad, you have to help!]{defense_shadow}
dr-lightAn obvious lie. Give it up, Enker.
[enkerBah! You'll build the core-fusing device doctor, whether you like it or not....I'm leaving to find my brothers. Perhaps more torture would help change your mind while I'm gone?]{defense_shadow}
dr-lightNo, please!
proto-manIf what Tails told me is true, there's some starforce around here.
spring-headActually, you can't claim that.
proto-manOh? Please tell me why not.
robotBecause of me, buster! Haha! I'll kill two birds with one stone! Proto Man and some extra starforce! Screw Crusher!
proto-manOf course....Punk.
punkRight you are! Now, hold still for my charged Screw Crusher, Spring will take you back, and I'll get that Drill head and that Skull guy!
proto-manI'll need to use my Big Bang Strike to change him back, but I need time to charge...
robotNot so fast, scum!
That familiar music.....
robotIntroducing, the grandest fighting team in the universe!
robotWhether you like it or not, it's there, like a F in your permanent record!
robotThe last piece of bacon in the fridge, for all the starving beings out there!
robotThey have plenty of fans throughout the world!(Well, at least me...)And plenty of criminals who fear them as well!(Except Wily, he does not count!)
robot (This is stupid) When your grandmother is out there, getting her purse taken, this legendary group will save that purse!(With a finder's fee of 20 dollars, of course.)
stone-manStone! Haha!
turbo-manstone-mansnake-manhard-mancrash-manTogether we are, SOAKSTGR! Fighting in the name of Wily and charisma!
turbo-manWe'll hold him off while you charge! Charge!
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on September 20th, 2014 at 11:04pm #160 ( Edited : 2014/09/20 at 11:28pm )
skull-manenergy-tank      drill-man

drill-man So what were you doing here?
skull-man *takes a swig* Well, when we went to check inside the hideout that Cossack pinpointed, he was nowhere to be found. Curious, I came over here to the lab to find clues, and sure enough Ring Man was there, along with.... *Skull Man motions behind Drill Man.*
*Drill Man turns around and his eyes widen.* drill-man Is he alive!?
skull-man Just unconscious. Ring Man isn't really one for compassion, so Cossack must've managed to establish code in Ring Man to not allow him to kill his father. I wonder why he didn't put the same thing in for his brothers....*sips*
drill-man....Wait, you don't think-
skull-man There's no way to be sure, but he trusted me enough to host the Evil Energy, so I doubt he didn't trust US.
drill-man He gave you WHAT!?
skull-man He didn't tell you? Huh.
drill-man And he didn't tell you about my Nuke Armor...How many secrets is that man hiding?
skull-man It's ironic, really. He's basically the underdog of robotics, but in this time of crisis with Light gone and Wily doing who-knows-what, Cossack might be the wild card needed to turn the tides...Still, I just can't wrap my head around him not trusting us. I think there's more here than meets the eye.
drill-man Agreed. Before investigating, though, we gotta take care of Cossack and these bots. I think I have some energy pellets...
skull-man No, these guys are busted. The only way to revive them would be an Extra Life. I heard that there was an idea for something called a Boot Disk, but the plan was never put into action because the head developer was and is on hiatus. As much as it pains me, we can't do anything for a human, so Cossack's just going to have to recover normally. Let's look around and see what we can find-
dr-cossack S....Skull....Man?
skull-man Doctor!?
skull-man  dr-cossack  drill-man
dr-cossack Oh, my head...
drill-man Let's start with what you can remember, sir.
dr-cossack Dri....Drill Man? Is that you? Why...why are you....Oh yes! Your Beta layer! That means you used the Drill Nuke. Things must be desperate indeed.
drill-man Sir, what can you remember about the attack?
dr-cossack I was investigating the hideout- YES! Did you find anything in the hideout?
skull-man No, doctor. Please try and focus; this could be very important.
dr-cossack *grumbles* Very well. I had sent the information when all of a sudden I remember seeing a robot in the shadows. I tried to keep my composure and told him that he didn't belong in my lab when he suddenly charged me and knocked me out. Right before he struck, I remember his face, but I can't recall ever seeing a robot like that...
skull-man You've forgotten what Ring Man looks like?
dr-cossack RING MAN!? I should think not!
*the plot thickens* (Btw, I love AA music so if you see a lot of that on my posts, that's why.)
skull-man Wait....IT WASN'T RING MAN!?
drill-man But who else? Who else could've done this? Who else would WANT to?
dr-cossack That's what I'm trying to tell you! I don't know! It was the face of a robot that I don't recall seeing!
skull-man But Ring Man said-....Wait...*flashback*
ring-man "Oh, he was like this when I found hi-PFFFFFFFF HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA! I can't do this!
I can't keep a straight face at that glare! Oh, man, you're killing me."

skull-man He was telling the truth....I can't believe it.
dr-cossack Well, Ring Man couldn't have harmed me anyways; it's in the Robot Laws.
drill-man I recall something like that....Wait a second...robots can't harm humans!
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Posted on September 20th, 2014 at 11:20pm #162 ( Edited : 2014/09/21 at 12:43am )

dr-cossack Precisely! It's embedded into all robots: Light's bots, my bots, and even Wily's! Over the years, Wily has threatened the world time after time with destruction and chaos, but never could he demand a bot to physically harm a human. If this robot could harm me...
*Skull Man banged his fist against the wall.* skull-man Then it can harm others, including Dr. Light. This is a SERIOUS problem.
dr-cossack It's become a law of nature that robots cannot harm humans. This robot is either incredibly strong or is controlled by one who's will is strong enough to counteract the Robot Laws!
drill-man We need to take action and find these guys ASAP.
skull-man Hmmmm....Wait, Dive Man was there!
drill-man And if his CPU is still functioning, we can track him!
*Cossack goes to his massive computer.* dr-cossack *quickly types* ....His GPS is fully functional! I'm sending the location to you now.
drill-man Excellent. Doc, can you refit me? I'm gonna need it.
dr-cossack I will do so post-haste, but I must remind you that the Alpha Armor doesn't give you extra protection to anything except explosions and fire; it was meant only to protect you from the conditions of the Drill Nuke.
*Drill Man nods* drill-man Understood.
*Turns to Skull Man* dr-cossack Skull Man, or should I call you Skully as your brothers so affectionately call you? *chuckles*
skull-man That....won't be necessary, sir.
*Cossack laughs a hearty laugh.* dr-cossack Well, I must first congratulate you. If it's true that you encountered Ring Man, then I know it wasn't easy controlling the Evil Energy and fighting him simultaneously. I will refill your Evil Energy stores to its original state, but I cannot stress this enough. *Cossack's face darkens* Evil Energy is a living thing. It not only has the determination to overthrow your mind, but it also learns from its host. If you stumble, it will take the opportunity to consume you; do not let it. Alternatively, if you trick it into releasing its full power while you still have the power to control it, you will wield immense power. I have faith in you, Skull Man.
*Skull Man hesitates for a moment, then chuckles.*skull-man I'm gonna enjoy this. Load me up, doc.
*music stops*
dr-cossack                                        skull-man      drill-man
dr-cossack The key to victory is finding the balance between power and wit. Use this against the opponents who let their power go to their head, and don't let the same happen to you yourselves. Fight well! You make me....proud. *Dr. Cossack smiles*
drill-manskull-man Roger! *They teleport to Dive Man's location...*
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on September 21st, 2014 at 11:23am #163 ( Edited : 2014/09/21 at 11:55am )
At Proto Man's area, where he seems to be charging for the Big Bang Strike, and SOAKSTGR are taking a detour from Skull Man to fight Punk.
turbo-manHold your ground, boys! We need to let Proto Man charge up!
punkThis is getting boring. Oh well....punk
turbo-manOops! Sorry, Proto-ster! We're done!
stone-manLooks like SOAKSTGR is blasting off again!
punkWell now, it's you and me Proto Man!
spring-headAnd me too, sir....
proto-manActually, this is all about to be over! BIG BANG STRIKE!
*A mysterious figure rises from the ground, much like a shadow.*
proto-manSo, we finally meet. You're the Master, or rather, the Master's Shadow.
robotAh, I'm surprised you could tell this isn't my true form! This is my shadow, but it can only exits with the help of a link, AKA Punk. My shadow can only travel to Links, and it can't fight. The only person I can affect is the Link, which usually isn't all that helpful. As for my link, it seems you're trying to break my chain to Punk. I suppose this means I have to amplify his hatred enough to retrieve him!
proto-manWait, why do you need his hatred?
robotMy mind-control can't work on pure-hearted beings, like Mega Man and Dr. Light. However, beings with a lot of evil in their hearts, like Punk, I can manipulate and take over their minds to make them a link. Beings like Tails, are harder to control because they're mostly pure-hearted, but his trait of always trying to become the strongest was a emotion that I amplified to make him a link. However, he was extremely difficult to control, due to having mostly pure traits. Anyway, it seems you're breaking Punk, so I'll have to amplify his sinful traits to the maximum level!
proto-manAnd he's leaving....
robot.....A minor setback. Know Proto Man, this will not be the last time we meet. I will have your core, no matter what.
proto-manWait, what?!
*The master slowly disappears.....
spring-headWait for me, Lord Punk!
proto-manI should follow them....But I need to find that starforce.
guts-manHey, Auto! Are you done repairing the lab?
*Auto will be represented by Quint
quint(A)Oh, how's it going, whippersnappers? I'm almost done repairing the lab and all, and.....You do realize there's a Wily bot behind you?
fire-manWe have a lot of explaining to do....
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Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on September 21st, 2014 at 8:15pm #164 ( Edited : 2014/09/22 at 3:35pm )
mega-man Where did Guts Man go?
proto-man Does not matter. We have business elsewhere. Gyro Man, can you guys here handle things?
gyro-man Gladly.
bass Meanwhile, we have to find Enker. The others with Quint and Ballade can handle it. Let's search for more help to stop Enker. He may be the hardest of ALL the robot masters that paired with the master. Let's see... The last available Robot Masters are... ? None left!? There can't be none left! ...No matter. We are strong. It'll be... 4 on 4? Seems like Bass is already facing Enker... and clones of him, apparently. Which leaves... nobody?
mega-man If Bass' energy fades on your scanner, tell us so we can see if he need assistance. Until then, let's go to Light's Laboratory, see how things are in there.
bass Actually, I'm gonna catch a well-needed break at Wily Castle. I'll inform you by communicator. (Teleports out)
mega-man (Teleports out to Light Labs with Sargent Man)
So, Ninja Man won't appear unless Bass gets in trouble. And BtMan and Sargent Man are in lack of use, so I'm open for options. And the HWN hunters will face TOPHOUND and will disband afterwards, so I'm opening them for use again.
While I wait for more posts, I suggest looking at my new roleplay. The reason why I did this is so I don't have to span just go get a roleplay going. I mean, seriously. Why can't people just post a part of the roleplay or something related to it to avoid spam? I mean, come on! Not to be mean or anything, but spamming just to get a roleplay going just makes no sense.
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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)