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Community  »  Roleplay Discussions  »  Dungeons and Robot Masters!(The Original Role-Play Thread!) August 20th, 2014 at 7:17pm

Even as Mega Man and his mechanical compatriots struggle to escape the Prototype and defeat the mysterious Slur, life goes on. Between battles, the Robot Masters and Mistresses can always find an unused field lying about to shoot the breeze and have a few E-Tanks. Necessary Requirement >You must ha… Read More
Dungeons and Robot Masters!(The Original Role-Play Thread!)
Posted by MegaBossMan on August 20th, 2014 at 7:17pm
Viewed 62281 Times


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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 10:08am #16 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 11:11am )
discoAre idiots just falling from the sky now? We have no business with any of you, tell us where Proto Man is.

star-manSo, can I just leave now or....

*mysterious figure falls from the sky

proto-manWhat's with all the gossip about me lately?

*Disco grabs Star Man and holds a Buster up to his head

discoAll of you, come along quietly and this fellow here doesn't get hurt.

star-manGo with her, please?! I really don't want to get disabled right now...

discoI won't just disable you, I'll delete you completely.

fire-manSo, should we stand down or? I can't have her stop the flames of justice, can I?
disco star-manproto-manfire-man
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661,728,607 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 11:04am #17 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 11:29am )
Meanwhile, at the Mega Man Killer's (And Quint's) secret hideout...
quint punk enker ballade dr-light mega-man

enker Mwha ha ha! Everything's going according to my brilliant plan!
quint Hey! It was my plan to begin with! You guys never would have been able to break into Light Labs without my knowledge of the security system!
punk Yeah, and we wouldn't have accidentally scrapped the wrong 'bot! So shut up, pogo-boy!
quint Pogo-boy?! Like you're any more dignified, you Sex Pistols reject!
enker Both of you, shut up! Ballade, how's your force field holding up?
ballade I don't have a lot of energy left. We might have to find some permenant holdings for our...guests. This construction site's pretty isolated, so there should be
plenty of good spots.
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 11:13am #18 ( Edited : 2015/01/06 at 3:35pm )
enkerGood, no one's likely to find us here.

balladeWe'll have Disco try to lure Proto Man here, then we'll team up on him!
*However, to their surprise, Mega Man has awoken....

mega-man Huh? What were you saying? What makes you think...Proto Man will lose?

quintWith your help, Past Trash. You are the hostage for Proto Man and the others.

mega-manWait, why do you....need Proto Man?

enkerBecause he has something we want. Something within him. Punk, knock him out, he knows too much.

*Punk knocks out Mega Man, but before he turns off, he sees a mysterious figure on a transmitter.

robotMake sure that you get Proto Man....
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 11:27am #19 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 11:35am )
OOC: How do you make that Megaman mugshot that MBM has on his last post?

skull-manLooks like the crazy chick hasn't seen me yet. Now's my chance.

*ambushes Disco*

skull-manWell, aren't you just a little ray of sunshine! What are you doing here? What do you want?
skull-man disco star-man proto-man fire-man
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 11:44am #20 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 3:16pm )

robotHow fun! You took care of Disco! The Master's not going to be happy with you!

fire-manNow, who are you?!

robotMe? I'm Boss Man! Although, Master ordered me to take her back, so thanks!

*Boss Man takes Disco and teleports away, although where is unknown

*The team inside hears the commotion, so they come out

ice-manWhat happened here?!

fire-manLong story short, we fought this robot called Disco but some other bot decided to take her. To where, the flames cannot tell.

dr-wilyDisco?! I haven't seen her in months! Strange, considering she was my most loyal bot....

cut-manWell, now we have no leads for Mr. Mega Man. Do you think Dr. Cossack knows where he is?

*A mysterious cloaked figure appears

robot They're getting ready to move, so I doubt you'll get there in time. You might find some clues though.

elec-manThank you, but why are you giving us this shocking information? Who are you and what do you have to do with any of them?

bassI'm helping you because I want to be the one to destroy Mega Man.
What I'm worried about though was the energy following Disco. It seems there was something....following her. Like a long-distance brain-washing.
I didn't get to track the exact location of it, but it seems not too far from here. About 20 miles west.

dr-wilyThank heavens no one saw my secret project under my castle....
Also, Doc, the template is [robot:right] {robot}
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 12:10pm #21 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 12:19pm )
Thanks. Just curious :).

skull-man Oh, shoot, I forgot about Dr. Cossack! I'll explain the situation to him right now...
dr-cossack....Yes, yes, who is it? I'm very busy!
skull-man Sorry to bother you, sir. This is Skull Man. We have a situation here at Wily Cas-
dr-cossack WILY!? You're helping that scoundrel? Why I never-
skull-man No no no it's not like that! Mega Man has been captured! According to B-I mean reliable sources, Mega Man is 20 miles west of Wily Castle.
dr-cossack I see...Alright, I'll send some robots to scout out the general area. Report to me if you receive an update. Also, I'm sending Dust Man to help you.
skull-man Roger tha-wait DUST MAN!? That blundering idiot can't do simple math, let alone help us in a search! Are you sure it has to be him?
dr-cossack *click*
skull-man GRRRRRRRRRRR..........*sigh* whatever.
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Retro Sneasel
8,249,269,260 BP
27 TP | 446 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 12:39pm #22 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 3:00pm )
After Retro Pikachu reaches Wily Castle B8

proto-man Man, after I get to the top of this castle, I'll get to start my mission, I guess I should ask Wily which bot I should-

Receiving signal; programming changed

proto-man AUGH!!!!.....

Red eyes in the dark

proto-man Hehehe... New orders; keep them from ending their plan!

*The Megaman Killers now have Retro Pikachu under control*
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661,728,607 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 1:05pm #23 ( Edited : 2014/08/30 at 8:44pm )
Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom the Killer's even more secret base...
punkenker  balladequintpicket-manmega-mandr-lightpicket-man-2

enker Alright, this looks like a decent spot. Quint, have you finished reprogramming those mining robots we found?
quint It might take a bit. I'm not exactly familiar with these models.
enker Damn, we're cutting it close! Mega Man's allies probably are on their way here by now.
Punk, follow me up to the surface. We need to contact the master, and the comm signal down here's garbage.
Ballade, you stay here and cover Quint until he can get those robots working.
ballade You got it, boss.
punk If we spot Mega-dweeb's looser friends, we'll bash their heads in!
enker: Eloquent as always, Punk. Now let's go, time is of the essence.
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 1:23pm #24 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 1:41pm )
Back at Cossack's lab, the doctor and his robots have gathered around a map...
dr-cossack You are to scout this general area for the kidnappers' base. Dive Man, you will check the underwater section over *here*
Drill Man, this open field right *here* is too suspicious to overlook. I want you to dig around down there and tell me what you find.
Lastly, Pharaoh Man, there are some ancient ruins over *here* that would make for an excellent hideout if one could take advantge of the traps.
I want you to use your excavation expertise to navigate these ruins and their potential traps to see if there is, indeed, something of interest there.
Report back to me with any findings post-haste. Dismissed!

dive-man ROGER THAT! *teleports*
drill-man Understood. *teleports*
pharaoh-man As you wish, Master. *teleports*

robot Why not send me too?....Master.
dr-cossack Because I don't trust you! The last time I sent you to aid Mega Man, you tried to kill him, even after I tried to change your programming!
I ought to shut you down right now!

ring-man Oh, come on, gramps! My programming may be stubborn, but you can't deny how valuable of an asset I am when it comes to combat.
After all, I was built to kill Mega Man.

dr-cossack You're guarding the lab with me, and that's final!
ring-man *to self* We'll see about that, doctor. You can't deny my programming what it wants.
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661,728,607 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 1:43pm #25 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 2:07pm )

enker The reception's still a tad spotty. Maybe if I hook up my Mirror Buster to the transceiver, we could use it as an antenna.
punk Blah, blah, blah! When do we get to kill those stupid Light 'bots?
enker All in due time, Punk. Now, help hold my lance straight while I adjust the signal
punk Whatever...
pyre-fly Haehaey! Hae!
punk Eh? What the bloody hell is that thing?
enker A Pyre Fly! We've been spotted!
pyre-fly Haeeeeey!
punk Think it's one of Light's?
enker No, the Pyre Fly is a Cossack model. Which can only mean that Cossack and his robots are looking for us as well.
punk Ha! More tin cans to crush!
enker This is serious, you nitwit! Looks like that Pyre Fly flew off while we were talking. It's probably reporting to Cossack right now.
Just help me set up the transmission, and then we'll rendezvous with the others.
punk Killjoy...
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 2:42pm #26 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 3:20pm )
dr-cossackHmm? What's this? That appears to be the Construction Site located near Monolopis City? I see! That is the Killer's location!
I must send this to Skull Man immediately! Hmm? Who's that? You're not allowed to be in here!
*Before being assaulted on by the intruder, Cossack manages to barely transmit the video tape to Skull Man.
robotGood, I have fulfilled my mission. Hopefully, the newly-awakened robot will take care of our loose ends...
mega-manAlright, are we ready to go?

cut-manYeah, hopefully this time you stick to the plan?

elec-manHere's how it goes. Me, Ice Man, Fire Man, Skull Man, Dust Man and Bomb Man will launch a full assault on the locations Cossack's given to us.
While we're distracting their main defenses, Btman, Proto Man and Cut Man will sneak in and find Dr. Light and Mega Man.
Dr. Wily will then come with the Wily Capsule and provide a mode of escape for us. Bass, Guts Man and Star Man will cover us.
Roll, Top Man, Oil Man, Time Man and Jewel Man are currently trying to repair Sargent Man, but progress seems slow.
On Wily's orders, we also have to try to rescue Disco as well and try to find out their plans.
If you see any of the Killers or that mysterious Boss Man robot, don't fight by yourself. Send transmissions to all of us to help you out.
If everyone understands, let's roll out!

proto-man Not so fast meddlesome robots! I have specific orders to take care of you! Our plan will go perfectly!
balladeHey Quint, are you sure we're doing the right thing? I mean, we hate Mega Man, but to bring others into this?

quintOf course, Master has specific orders to take over this world. Are you betraying us?

balladeWell, I'm just.
*Ballade is seen clenching his head and screaming in pain*
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 3:01pm #27 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 3:22pm )
Meanwhile, Dust Man had arrived. Oh boy...

skull-man Please...make it stop...
dust-man Make what stop, Skully?...Aah...AAAHCHOO!
*A Dust Crusher shoots out of Dust Man's vacuum and hits Skull Man*
skull-man Message from Dr. Cossack: "Skull Man, I thought you might find this surveillance footage useful. -Cossack"
I kinda wish he'd realize he doesn't have to end every message with -Cossack. Anyways...

*plays video*
dr-cossackHmm? What's this? That appears to be the Construction Site located near Monolopis City? I see! That is the Killer's location!
I must send this to Skull Man immediately! Hmm? Who's that? You're not allowed to be in here!

*static* *beep*
skull-man This can't be good. All dispatched robots, report. The kidnappers' location has been confirmed. Dust Man and I are moving to intercept.
I'm sending you the video of the location. Dust Man, you ready to kick some robot butt?

dust-man Hey, Skully, did you know you have no nose?
skull-man Yea I do! It's right he-*feels face*

dust-man Hey, wait up! *teleports*
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Retro Sneasel
8,249,269,260 BP
27 TP | 446 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 3:17pm #28 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 3:40pm )
proto-man Eat this! RETRO PROTO STRIKE!

proto-man That was simple enough *teleports out*
By the way, how do you add the attacks?
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 3:21pm #29 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 4:24pm )
Meanwhile, Cossack's robots are examining ruins nearby the location of the Killers....
pharaoh-manHello, is anyone reading me?
dive-manI'm reading you loud and clear good buddy, over.
drill-man10-4, roger that. Over.
pharaoh-manRight, well it seems I've found some ancient text. It'll take me a few minutes for a rough translation, but it should clear some things.
*few minutes passed*
pharaoh-manAlright, it roughly translates to....

"When the visitors arrive, the world will know chaos.
Killers will rampage the land, friends will turn foes and vice-versa.
The Blue will know the secret, but not until after, I suppose
This is only the beginning of the world-wide panic, even your average heroes will fail.
Sisters and brothers will fight, families will fall. When victory is assured, it will be lost.
The one who seems least helpful will secure the course and if he fails, the world turns to smoke.
The insane one will change and start the revolution, and the doctor's plans will turn against him.
If combined effort is applied, they will be driven away until another day.
Brother and father will be trapped, but who knows what might be under the eyes of the mat?
The world will fall into chaos, but Destiny is not assured....."

dive-manThat was.....cryptic to say the least.
pharaoh-manNot all of that may be right, but it could help to say the least.
drill-manI dunno, there's more to this than what we know...
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 3:25pm #30
OOC: Wait I thought Skull Man and Dust Man were outside while all the others were inside, which means Skull and Dust teleported away safely.
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