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Community  »  Roleplay Discussions  »  Dungeons and Robot Masters!(The Original Role-Play Thread!) August 20th, 2014 at 7:17pm

Even as Mega Man and his mechanical compatriots struggle to escape the Prototype and defeat the mysterious Slur, life goes on. Between battles, the Robot Masters and Mistresses can always find an unused field lying about to shoot the breeze and have a few E-Tanks. Necessary Requirement >You must ha… Read More
Dungeons and Robot Masters!(The Original Role-Play Thread!)
Posted by MegaBossMan on August 20th, 2014 at 7:17pm
Viewed 62277 Times


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880,181,037,303 BP
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Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 3:37pm #31
Attacks are with this.
[ability:left:01] {fire-chaser}
01 refers to the frame.

^ Top
879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 3:43pm #32 ( Edited : 2014/11/16 at 9:29pm )
OOC: Btw, I foresee that this story is gonna get confusing with everyone posting lol.

skull-man Not a moment too soon, look down there, Dust Man!.....Dust Man?
dust-man I'm so hungry, Skully!
skull-man Maybe ya wouldn't be if you didn't vomit your junk all over me!...SHHH!

dive-man So you're the ones we've been ordered to sink! WELL THEN, SO BE IT!
drill-man I'll blow you to smithereens!
pharaoh-man The power of the gods are more than enough to finish you!
punk Heh! You brats don't know just who you're facing!
*Punk spins up punk
pharaoh-mandrill-mandive-man FOR COSSACK!
skull-man Not on my watch hehehe!

*The impact sends Skull Man flying across the site and out of sight*
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 4:26pm #33 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 4:36pm )
dr-wilyI can't believe all this mess that's been happening. Forced to help heroes...Peh!

stone-manDr. Wily! I'm back home!

dr-wilyBah, whatever! You all left in my time of need! At least I have HWN....Wait. Computer, where is HWN?!

HWN is currently not in the Castle.

dr-wilyThose Killers must have took him while I wasn't looking...Stone Man!

stone-manYeah, boss?

dr-wilyTell me, where are the other Robot Masters?!

stone-manI dunno, but Crash and Magnet Man told me they're going to Arcadia.

dr-wilyGet them right now! If HWN were to fall into the wrong hands....

stone-manI don't think your hands are exactly safe for a super weapon either.....

dr-wilyDid you find them yet?! Because if you didn't, you shouldn't be here!
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 4:41pm #34 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 9:06pm )
punk Grrr...Now I have to wait for my systems to cool down before I can pull that move again!
enker Calm yourself, Punk, and trust me. I'm not exactly helpless, you know. HIYAAH!


Just before Skull Man hits the ground, Dust Man teleports below him and, him up...

dust-man Oops. Forgot to spitcha out, huh?

Dust Man spits out Skull Man

skull-man I don't know if "Thanks" really expresses what I'm feeling right now, but-


elec-n You are trespassing! Prepare to be scraped!
skull-man No, really, that's cute. Show time, Dust Man!
dust-man Chow time!

A couple minutes later...

skull-man You okay, Dust Man?
dust-man *BUUUURP*
skull-man Dust Man, did you-?
dust-man You said "Chow time!", didn't you?
skull-man O_O.......*sigh* Let's see how our brothers are doing.
That Skull Barrier should've been enough to-WHAT!?

dust-man What's wrong, Skully?
skull-man All three of their transmitters have stopped! They were ALL defeated!
There's no way Punk or Enker was that strong in the past! Someone upgraded them!

dust-man Or someTHING...

Skull Man looks warily at Dust Man. He forgot that, occasionally, Dust Man was actually pretty smart.

skull-man You know what? I think you're onto something...
Let's go back to that base and see if we can learn anything.

And with that, they both teleport to the construction site...
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661,728,607 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 8:42pm #35 ( Edited : 2014/08/21 at 8:43pm )
crash-man I can’t stand it! One stupid internet video and now everyone thinks I’m some kind of depraved weirdo!
magnet-man Come on, it’s not that bad. Lots of robot masters have stupid songs written about them.
crash-man Yeah, like you would know!
stone-man Crash! Magnet! Wait up!
magnet-man Stone Man? You’re back already?
stone-man Yeah. I kind of blew my vacation cashola on pay-per-view movies, and the hotel kicked me out. But that’s not the point! Dr. Wily has a mission for us!
crash-man A mission? What is it?
stone-man The Doc didn’t give me all the details but from what I can gather, those Mega Man Killer guys went berserk and ran off. Apparently they stole some kinda
super-prototype robot he was working on, and we need to get it back before they use it or whatever
magnet-man I never trusted those weirdoes. Something about ‘em just gives me the shivers.
crash-man How dare they betray Master Wily! Come on, you guys! Let’s scrap those traitors and get that robot back!
magnet-man You and Stone go on ahead. I’m gonna see if I can’t find any more Wily Numbers. We’ll need all the help we can get to take down the Killers.
stone-man Good idea! We’ll meet up at the construction site; that’s where they’re holed up.
crash-man Quit messin’ around! Let’s go! *teleports out*
stone-man I’m coming, I’m coming! Sheesh… *teleports out*
magnet-man Hmm…who should I go to first? *runs off*
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2014 at 8:44pm #36 ( Edited : 2014/11/16 at 9:32pm )
skull-man Do you have a clear shot to the entrance yet?
dust-man Huh? I thought we were scouting and not shooting anyone.
skull-man *controlling his anger* Can you see the entrance well enough to deploy your mechas?
dust-man Yep!
skull-man Okay, go for it!

skull-man.....Okay, we've got a clear feed! Looks like an underground chamber!
enker Now, Dr. Light, we need to get Proto Man ASAP, so could you please tell us where he is?
dr-light I'll never sell out Blues to evil robots like you!
enker Oh? Not even if we threatened to finish off Mega Man and destroy his remains? And after that, Roll's next!
dr-light No wait! Please, give me a moment, but don't hurt my children!
enker That's better! Hahahahaaah!

skull-man Dang it! We need to help right now, but there's no way we could win against a force like that! Think, Skull Man, think!

enker His brainwashing is breaking! Quickly, give him the sedative!
quint Right! *shoves chip into Ballade's head*
ballade Uuunnnngh......
enker He's been the most unstable ever since we began the operation! We need to find someway to control him, or else he could be the downfall of the operation.
skull-man Brainwashing, huh? There is DEFINITELY more here than meets the eye.
dust-man But that means it wasn't his fault! I won't let them be mean like that!

Dust Man jumps into the entrance, leaving Skull Man no choice but to follow.

dust-man I won't let you do this!
skull-man Uh-oh...

Dust Man focuses his vacuum and inhales Ballade and also sucks in Quint and Pharaoh Man.

dust-man Ugh. I'm you at base *teleports out*
skull-man Wait, what base?....UGH!
punk You think you'll get away with that, huh? TRY ME!

Punk cannonballs Skull Man out of the chamber, who wasn't badly damaged due to the Skull Barrier (and didn't go flying because it wasn't point-blank range)

punk Let's dance, bonebag!
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661,728,607 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on August 22nd, 2014 at 7:38am #37 ( Edited : 2014/09/02 at 6:32pm )
Meanwhile, at Top Man' groovalicious pad...
roll Thanks for letting us use your greenhouse to fix Sargent Man, Top Man. What with the lab being wrecked and all…
top-man No problemo! You guys can crash here as long as you like. So, is the Sarge fixed yet?
roll Not yet. We’re still recalibrating his CPU. Not to mention the wiring for his core, the Killers really did a number on it.
oil-man His leg suspension could use some lubricant, too.
jewel-man And all those dents and scorch marks! Absolutely hideous! Not to mention he’s in dire need of a polishing!
time-man Before we do anything, we should disarm his buster. That amount of munitions could blow everyone here to kingdom come!
top-man Right, right, good luck with that.
roll Good point, Time Man. Now, we have to be extremely careful not to-
jewel-man Erm…Roll?
roll Not now, Jewel Man. As I was saying, we have to avoid detonating the-
jewel-man Roll, I think you should see this…
roll I’m sure it can wait until later, Jewel Man. Hand me that laser scalpel, Time Man. This has to be a percison-
[jewel-man It can’t wait. Just look over here.
roll Jewel Man, if you want me to clean the oil stains off your armor again, I swear to Asimov I’ll-
[jewel-man Roll, you need to look at this. Now.
roll Fine, I’ll look! But next time, don’t expect me to-what the…get down!
danger-bombKA-BLAM!!! danger-bomb
roll Ugh…what was that?
oil-man I feel like the floor of a taxi cab…
jewel-man Oh, my beautiful armor! It’s ruined! *sob*
top-man I’m back! Sorry I took so long, Tama wanted some belly rubs and- sweet jumping Tezuka! Everything’s trashed! I leave you guys alone for five minutes and
this is what happens!?
time-man That looked like a missile. But who shot at us?
robot That would have been me.
top-man So you’re the one who wrecked all my stuff! Just who do you think you are?
robot My, my. I know I haven’t seen you in years, but I thought you would at least recognize me…
top-man …dear brother!
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on August 22nd, 2014 at 9:39pm #38 ( Edited : 2014/09/20 at 10:44pm )
Meanwhile, below the battleground taken hold by Punk and Skull Man...

enkerThe Master wants me?! Immediately put the transmitter on! If I happen to screw up....

robotAh, Enker. Tell me, have you captured Proto Man yet?

enkerNot yet, but all is according to plan. Dr. Light is slowly cracking, and if Proto Man has truly changed, he'll rescue the hostages.

robotThat is the problem. Proto Man has something we want, but I can't put him under my control unless he's still holding an impure heart. Of course, we could always just force the squishy doctor to do it himself for me.

enkerIt shall all go out as planned. We are slowly reaching our goal, and Punk is handling an intruder.

robotUnless it's Proto Man, it's of no concern. What about Ballade and Quint? What are they doing?

enkerThey've been...kidnapped, so to speak. Our plan should...

robotIdiot! Ballade and Quint are important members of your team! I trusted you with them! Why did I upgrade them in the first place?!

enkerBut, I didn't mean to....

robotEnough excuses! You must pay!


robotHave you learned yet? If not for my brainwashing, this plan would fail. I have created an army from scratch, and each of them have found success.

enkerAlthough, without your guidance, failure would be had, right?

robotLook who's learning! Fix your mistakes, I expect the other members of your team to report by sundown.
You are the general of my vast army. Make sure my praise has fact to it! Ta-ta, I expect complete domination by the time I arrive!
*Transmission is finished and Enker mumbles...*
enkerI can't believe that terrifying power...Even with our upgrades, I'm nothing to the Master's power....
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661,728,607 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on August 23rd, 2014 at 6:53pm #40 ( Edited : 2014/08/23 at 9:06pm )
magnet-man mag-fly
magnet-man Star Man’s signal is coming from around here. Normally I wouldn’t trust him on this sort of operation, but it looks like he’s the only Wily ‘bot around.
magnet-man Light Labs? What would Star Man be doing there?
elec-manice-manfire-manbomb-manmega-manproto-mancut-manbassguts-manstar-man magnet-manmag-fly
magnet-man Star Man? You in here, buddy? The Doctor needs us to-holy scrap! This place is a mess! Star Man? Bass? The Light ‘bots? What happened here?
magnet-man An electromagnet blast, huh? Maybe another one would reboot their systems. Suppose it’s worth a shot.
thunder-beamBA-ZAP!!! thunder-beam
elec-manspark-shock ice-manspark-shock fire-manspark-shock bomb-manspark-shock mega-manspark-shock proto-manspark-shock cut-manspark-shock bassspark-shock guts-manspark-shock star-man spark-shock magnet-manmag-fly
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878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on August 23rd, 2014 at 9:45pm #41 ( Edited : 2014/08/25 at 5:40pm )
(meanwhile... at dr.wily's place...)
bassugh... whats new wily?
dr-wilybass, why are you so cocky?
basshere. take this.(throws E-tanks)energy-tankenergy-tank
dr-wilythanks. this will help me make a combined version of all of my past failures...
bassi can use this form for help.
[dr-wilyyes. these e-tanks will be used for 2 health bars. my newer robot masters, and
even you, will get this.]{attack_flame}
bassAwesome. but how can you use 2 E-tanks for at least 10 bosses?
dr-wilyi made a great item minipulation machine.
^ Top
661,728,607 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Posted on August 24th, 2014 at 5:33pm #42 ( Edited : 2014/09/03 at 5:25pm )
top-man Uh…do I know you? Are you one of those door-to-door salespeople?
top-man Don’t try to fool me! This time, I will prove that I am the superior clone!
top-man Clone? You’re not making any sense!
top-man Sense is for weak-willed fools who are ignorant of their genes!
top-man How can we have genes? We’re robots!
top-man Silence! The time for battle is now! Have at you, Spinstrike!
top-man Spinstrike? Listen, buddy, you’ve got the wrong guy! The name’s Top Man, alright? Top Man!
top-man Ha! Do you really think I’m that gullible? I know you went into retirement after our last battle, so I’ve been keeping tabs on you ever since!
top-man Doesn’t that count as stalking? I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.
top-man What? N-no! This is completely-aurgh, you’re trying to distract me! Enough pointless blabbering! Prepare to meet our father…in hell!
roll Not so fast, buster! If you wanna get to Top Man, you’ll have to get through us first!
top-man Indignant brat! You dare to defy the mighty Liquid Spinstrike?
oil-man You got it! If you think a missile’s enough to stop us, you’re dreaming!
time-man The odds of your victory are 3,720 to one. Surrender while you still have time.
jewel-man And while you’re at it, change out of that gaudy outfit! Trench coats are so last season!
top-man “Liquid Spinstrike”? Where’s “Bose-Einstein Condensate Spinstrike”, eh?
top-man Five against one? That’s far from far, brother. Allow me to even the odds.
Five familiar robots teleport in…
top-mantime-manrollproto-manoil-manjewel-mantop-man air-manwood-mancrystal-mandiscometal-needle
top-man TOPHOUND…destroy these interlopers! They must not interfere with the master’s plan!
air-manwood-mancrystal-mandisconeedle-man You got it, boss!
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Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on August 24th, 2014 at 8:36pm #43
mega-man OW! Thank you, but... OW. We need to hurry. What's the next plan?
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879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on August 24th, 2014 at 8:48pm #44
@MBM Could you not use Skull Man and Dust Man? Thank you.
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880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on August 24th, 2014 at 10:01pm #45 ( Edited : 2014/08/30 at 2:15pm )
@TheDoc : Oops, sorry! I was just trying to develop the story further, but I admit it was rather rude of me to just go on your story. Consider my post non-canon(I kinda want to see Quint be roomies with Dust Man once again in the future though....)Although, can we make a list of reserved characters? It's hard to tell which stories you can develop and which only certain people can use. I'd like to tell everyone you can't reserve characters like Mega Man and Dr. Light, because those characters are open for everyone. Anyway, in a desolated land.....

stone-manIt's so hot here....Crash Man, where do we go now?

crash-manShut up already! Every two seconds, you're asking me that exact same question, and I tell you the same answer!

stone-manRight, so you said Hard Man and Air Man were taking a vacation here?

*On a cliff above*
snake-manIt'ssss not my fault Air Man left! If anything, all your rulessss ran him off!

hard-manThe only reason you have a say in this is because Air Man was the one who invited you here. Honestly, I didn't want you to come!

snake-manThe only reason you're here is because this is your place! Air Man doesn't even like you all that much!

crash-manListen up, you two bums! We traveled for days to find you because Wily has a job for us! Either you come or you tell us where the others are!

snake-manThen there'ssss thisss buffoon to interrupt!

hard-manI'm glad they're here. I'm better off working with them than vacationing with YOU.

stone-manNope, Snake Man's coming too. we need all the robots we can. Come on now.

robotWoah, baby! A job! Where do I come into play?

stone-manTurbo Man, feel free to come. Dr. Wily did say all Robot Masters.

turbo-manLet's head off to adventure then! We'll go beat up Mega Man, then find the chicks and babes!

crash-manNo, we're trying to rescue Mega Man this time. Bit of a change, but no different then saving Wily, right?

hard-manAt least Mega Man would thank us....

turbo-manNough talk boys, it's time to find Rock! Roll out, Master-Bots!

turbo-manToday is the birthdate of the Super-Omega-Alpha-Kamen-Sentai-Transforming-Ginyu-Rangers! SOAKSTGR for short, babes!
gravity-manWait, guys! I wanna join too!

And so, our unlikely "heroes" went off on their own quest to find this secret weapon and beat up save Mega Man. Go SOAKSTGR, preserve justice in the name of Wily! That's it, I can't get paid enough to narrate this. I'm out of here, send my paycheck in the morning!
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