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Community  »  Roleplay Discussions  »  Dungeons and Robot Masters!(The Original Role-Play Thread!) August 20th, 2014 at 7:17pm

Even as Mega Man and his mechanical compatriots struggle to escape the Prototype and defeat the mysterious Slur, life goes on. Between battles, the Robot Masters and Mistresses can always find an unused field lying about to shoot the breeze and have a few E-Tanks. Necessary Requirement >You must ha… Read More
Dungeons and Robot Masters!(The Original Role-Play Thread!)
Posted by MegaBossMan on August 20th, 2014 at 7:17pm
Viewed 62282 Times


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880,181,037,303 BP
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Posted on August 26th, 2014 at 8:14pm #61 ( Edited : 2014/11/04 at 9:32pm )
turbo-manBoys, it's time for our first appearance in public. The babes will flock to us.

wave-manNo, they will not. I have things covered here, and you bunch just happened to ruin my cover. Please leave now.

gravity-manDon't worry, my patented chaos follower will tell us where chaos is happening! We'll truly stop crime!

snake-manI thought we were supposed to be hidden, like Teenage Ninja Snakes or something.

gravity-manLet's go!

top-man~alttime-manrollproto-manoil-manjewel-mantop-man air-manwood-mancrystal-mandiscometal-man
top-man(L) TOPHOUND…destroy these interlopers! They must not interfere with the master’s plan!
air-manwood-mancrystal-mandiscometal-man You got it, boss!

turbo-manNo, we need to be the only named group there.
turbo-manNah, too sentimental. Our show is supposed to be aired to children and young babes, people! Get it together.
skull-manWHY DID YOU DO IT?! WHY?!
*warps again...
elec-man ice-man fire-man bomb-man mega-man proto-man cut-man guts-man quick-boomerang star-man quick-boomerang magnet-man quick-boomerang mag-fly quick-boomerang bass

bass ...Mission Aborted. New mission: destroy all in way of Shadow Core Robot! QUICK BOOMERANG!
crash-man.....Here? Looks pretty dangerous.
turbo-manThere's already robot masters here to stop it....We can't have attention averted! I don't want spin-offs!
gravity-manNext time's the charm....
*warps again
concrete-manwily-buster }atomic-fireatomic-fireatomic-fireatomic-fireatomic-fireatomic-fireatomic-fireatomic-fire
turbo-manBingo! SOAKSTGR, roll out!
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Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on August 26th, 2014 at 9:35pm #62 ( Edited : 2014/08/27 at 7:03am )
bass ...Mission Aborted. New mission: destroy all in way of Shadow Core Robot! QUICK BOOMERANG!
elec-man ice-man fire-man bomb-man mega-man proto-man cut-man guts-man quick-boomerang star-man quick-boomerang magnet-man quick-boomerang mag-fly quick-boomerang bass

mega-man !!!
bass ...Anyone else? You can save yourself trouble by handing over the Shadow Core Robot, or telling me where to find a different one. But I suggest handing
over the Shadow Core Robot, since I'd just come back.

plug-man I wonder if Spark Man wants to hang out again...
blizzard-man I just wanna go to Arctic Jungle and train my skiing... I want to become a professional, ya know?
bubble-man Yeah, yeah... Toad Man, wanna go to Waterfall Institute and have a swimming race?
toad-man You're on.
Yamato Man, Bright Man, Spark Man, and Gyro Man teleports in.
gyro-man HWN 001 has escaped!
The Shadow Core Hunter? Interesting...
toad-man ...Shadow Man?

The robot masters move forwards and sees that Shadow Man was actually talking to Charge Man, Wind Man Flame Man, and Knight Man.
shadow-man So, tell me... which way did HWN 002 go exactly?
gyro-man ... (Facepalm)
wind-man I don't know where he went, but I sense another Shadow Core Robot about 15 miles from here. That is what my scanner says, at least...
shadow-man ...And how far are we from Dr. Wily's Castle?
flame-man I believe about 5 miles.
shadow-man ...We need to find and turn off HWN 002.
gyro-man Wait! The HWN bots are OUR responsibility, you know. And if you want to stop them... Then you have to come along with us!
shadow-man ...Agreed.
spark-man Yeah! That makes us a team!
plug-man What should we be called?
wind-man Oh! I know! The HWN Hunters!
gyro-man Ugh... we'll go with it IF you promise to focus, Spark Man.
spark-man I promise.

And so, Gyro Man, Spark Man, Bright Man, Yamato Man, Plug Man, Blizzard Man, Bubble Man, Toad Man, Shadow Man, Knight Man, Charge Man, Wind Man, Knight Man, and Flame Man became THE HWN HUNTERS! (I'd like to own these. At least until after HWN 001 and HWN 002 is beaten) Go, HWN Hunters! Stop Retro Pikachu and Ninja Man...

[star-man magnet-man mag-fly Before it's too late...]{attack_swift}
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Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2014 at 3:28pm #64
...Oh. Sorry. I thought he was available.
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878,029,450,273 BP
47 TP | 1504 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2014 at 4:28pm #65
metmet YAY! We Have A use!
^ Top
879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2014 at 4:38pm #66 ( Edited : 2014/08/27 at 4:45pm )
Well, holy crap. If everyone is just going to reserve a entire game of RMs each, then I call all the MM4 bots and Ballade and Quint...and Punk (since he survived). I wanna do some things with Punk :) I would reserve Enker, but he's the main antagonist (SO FAR MWAHAHAHAHA).

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Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2014 at 4:59pm #67
Actually the main antagonist is the mysterious master guy...
^ Top
879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2014 at 6:07pm #68 ( Edited : 2014/08/27 at 6:46pm )
That's why I said "so far".

dust-man *retches*.....*VOMITS* Welcome home! Wait, who are YOU guys?

quint You...swallowed me! You disgusting bucket of scrap!
dust-man Actually, I'm a vacuum :)
ballade Oh, my head...I had the strangest dream...
quint Wait a second, a dream?
ballade I felt like someone was controlling my body for me! I was serving Enker for some reason.
I fought against the force controlling me and then I woke up!

quint Controlling you? What are you talking about? We have always served the master!
ballade No, Quint, you're wrong! The only one who's actually aware of what he's doing is Enker!
The rest of us were being controlled and ordered around by him!

quint Stop talking nonsense!-AAAAAAUGH!
ballade Fight it, Quint!!
dust-man What's wrong?
ballade .......*sigh* He's losing the battle. Stand back, Dust Man.
*cue ballade music*
quint It's looks like you'll have to be eliminated, Ballade HAHAHAHAA!
You could never defeat Mega Man, so why do you think you can defeat me, The new and improved Mega Man!?

ballade *smirks* Because I'm different then I was before I saved Mega Man. I fight for justice now!
Let's see just how strong you are!

^ Top
880,181,037,303 BP
43 TP | 1425 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2014 at 8:13pm #69 ( Edited : 2014/11/04 at 9:34pm )
Holy bajjabers, this reserve list is going WAY too high! Look, I know everyone has plans for these groups and all, but this is growing out of control. The only group available now is the first line now.....This is crazy. Can everyone just hold off the reserving for a bit? I didn't want everyone to reserve lines of robots, because new-comers now have VERY limited options.......

stone-manTake this! A little present for you!
concrete-manI don't feel all right.....
turbo-manYou were supposed to wait for our final-teamwork attack, but good job. Share the attack next time though. Gravity Man, send him to Bonus Field.

stone-manYeah, got it. Wait, who made you the leader? Wily appointed me the boss!
hard-manWait, we were supposed to find HWN! Ah man, Wily's going to disable us!
stone-manNo, another team has transmitted that they got it...HWN Killers or Hunters of something.
crash-manEnough of that! Doesn't anyone else feel that ungodly power coming towards us?!
robotAll of you....Everyone else too. You twisted my brothers.....Don't you see I'm trying to save everyone?
snake-manWho is that?! Ssshow yourssself coward!
enkerI'm not a complete bad guy.....Had we got Proto Man, we would've saved everyone...At least ourselves.
enkerI'll make you all die a slow painful death, then I'll find Proto Man by myself!

hard-manSince when...did he know....Gemini.La....
*entire team faints

A few hours later
robotThey've struck again....It must be Enker. I'm tired of this. If he wants me, he'll get me.
robotYeah, but if he did this, that must mean we can raid their fortress without any problems to stop us!
robotYou're right! We can save Mega Man and Dr. Light without any problems. Cut Man, Bomb Man, Ice Man, take these guys back to Dr. Cossack's.
cut-manI swear, Skull Man told me something about Mr. Cossack earlier....I'm sure it's nothing!
proto-manGo then. Me and Elec Man will head to their castle, and everyone else will help Btman with the Shadow-Core hunter.
guts-manGot it! Wait, isn't that happening now?
proto-manNo, this is after. My internal memory must have screwed up though, cause I don't remember anything about that encounter.
proto-manWait, where's Bass?
fire-manKnowing him, he'll show up when we need it the most....Either against us or with us.

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Beta Man
167,684,436 BP
32 TP | 930 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2014 at 9:07pm #71 ( Edited : 2014/08/27 at 9:54pm )
bass This gone on long enough! I will destroy you, Sha-
mega-man Stop calling me that! Look, my name is BtMan. Calling me "Shadow Core Robot" is just lame, OK? Now, how about you disable YOURSELF, we're busy.
bass SCILENCE! I will make sure you're done with you're chore... PERMINATELY! Qui-
(From far away) Bright...
bass What was-
bright-man FLASH!
elec-man mega-man proto-man star-man magnet-man mag-fly bright-man bright-burst bass bright-burst

bass AH! I CAN'T SEE!
bright-man Yamato Man! Now!
yamato-man Yamatosupia! (Yamato Spear!)
elec-man mega-man proto-man star-man magnet-man mag-fly bright-man bass yamato-man

(Gyro Man and Spark Man teleports in)
bright-man (turns on communicator) *Shadow Man/Shadow Man 2*, can you read me? How's the search going?
shadow-man We have found Retro Pikachu. However, he's with Enker, Dr. Light, and Mega Man. Hurry up over there, before Retro Pikachu knows the Light Bots are up.
mega-man What are you guys planning?
bright-man I'll tell you.
What you saw there was a part of the plan. I used Bright Flash to blind Ninja Man, allowing Yamato Man to use Yamato Spear, disabling him.
Gyro Man and Spark Man is here to help, as will I. I will fix up Star Man, Magnet Man, and the Mag Fly.
Yamato Man is to take Ninja Man back to Wily Castle.
Meanwhile, *Shadow Man/Shadow Man 2* is leading Plug Man, Bubble Man, Toad Man, Blizzard Man, Charge Man, Knight Man, Charge Man, Wind Man, and
Flame Man.
They are to find and disable Retro Pikachu. But because of some setbacks, we will have to defeat Enker while they do the rest.
The rest of our plan is based upon Elec Man's plan.
^ Top
856,923,781,225 BP
17 TP | 356 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2014 at 9:24pm #72 ( Edited : 2014/09/01 at 1:59am )
(Extending the Enker bit some more with MBM's permission)

gemini-man ...Those other guys were just at a standstill anyway...I guess I'll check out Cut Man's old area next.

(fast-forwarding to the Enker portion)

gemini-man ...How did you know that move?
enker Huh, who's there?


enker ...Gemini Man? Haven't heard from you in a while.
gemini-man (T) ...I'm afraid you have me mistaken for someone else. I am TailsMK4, and I wish to challenge you to a battle, seeing you destroy all of those robots in one blow.
enker I don't have much time, so I'll just take care of you quickly...seeing as you are based off of Gemini Man's design, this should be your weakness!


enker What? No damage at all? This might actually be interesting...
gemini-man (T) ...Guess it's my turn, then.


gemini-man (T) ...What?! That should have been enough to overcome your defense!
enker That was quite a blow, but not enough to take me out!

(Pretend that Spark Shock is actually a super-charged Mirror Buster shot)


gemini-man (T) ...Wow...sometimes I underestimate my own power...
enker Hmph, at least you lasted longer than all the other robots I've fought. You might be worth keeping alive...for now. I think my master might have a use for you...

(Enker then disappears)

gemini-man (T) ...I greatly underestimated his power. How did he get so strong? I must find out more about this so-called "master". Guess I'll keep looking around...
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856,923,781,225 BP
17 TP | 356 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2014 at 11:05pm #73 ( Edited : 2014/09/01 at 1:58am )
(having to double post since this new side story is pretty long...)

(also Wily's Castle)

gemini-man ...Well, Enker was designed by Wily, so maybe I'll get some answers straight from the doctor himself...

gemini-man ...Hey, I just want to talk to Wily. I need some answers.
dr-wily *by speaker* What is going on?! Who is the intruder? Speak up!
gemini-man ...Wily, I just want some answers. Have you had anything to do with Enker recently?
dr-wily *by speaker* No, I haven't even heard from Enker or the other Killers for a while now. Why?
gemini-man ...I just saw him destroy a bunch of your robots with a Gemini Laser. I'm wondering how he can even use that move.
dr-wily *by speaker* ...Stone Man wasn't one of them, was he?
gemini-man ...Stone, Turbo, Snake, Hard, Crash, and Gravity Man were destroyed in one shot. I didn't check to see if they still were alive...I was badly damaged myself fighting Enker.
dr-wily *by speaker* Ugh, why can't my robots do ANYTHING right? All I asked them to do was track down a missing robot of mine. But this is the first I've heard of Enker in a while. Why did Enker destroy my robots?
gemini-man ...I don't know exactly what's going on, but when Enker spared me for some reason, he referred to a "master". I thought he meant you, but seeing as you're just as confused as I am, I guess Enker wasn't talking about you...
dr-wily *by speaker* The nerve of that robot. Disobeying my orders to follow someone else's? When I get my hands on that robot...whoever you are, I thank you for this information.
gemini-man ...May I ask what was this robot you had your robots search for?
dr-wily *by speaker* ...Knowing the fact you just gave me some valuable information regarding my robots, I suppose the least I can do is tell you about the robot.
Retro Pikachu came to me quite some time ago asking if it was possible for him to get upgrades to his abilities. I agreed to do so, but Disco went missing at the time I finished his upgrades!

gemini-man ...Retro Pikachu huh? Seems like quite a lot of things have happened since I was away training as hard as I possibly could. I'm one of the strongest robots in the Robot Data Stadium now. Retro must have thought he could get further by seeking assistance from you.
dr-wily *by speaker* ...TailsMK4? Perhaps what I ask of you should be of no difficulty for a robot like you. In exchange for any information you want, I want you to find either Retro Pikachu or any of the Killers and bring them back here! I need to control the chaos caused by those two somehow. Please, I beg you! Those robots are ruining the good reputation I'm trying to set now!
gemini-man ...I suppose that's fair. I do want my rematch with Enker, after all...

*leaves the castle in search of the missing robots*
^ Top
879,149,490,028 BP
3 TP | 461 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2014 at 11:18pm #74 ( Edited : 2014/11/16 at 9:43pm )
@MBM I completely agree! That's why I only reserved the three robots that I did! My proposition is that from now on, you should only be allowed five robots (and no, you can't keep constantly changing them to conveniently fit your idea). Mine would be Skull Man, Dust Man, Napalm Man, Ballade, and Punk. I wish I could add in Quint (we're kinda in the middle of something) but yea...Does that work for you, Mega B?
^ Top
51,978,145 BP
8 TP | 310 PP
Posted on August 27th, 2014 at 11:35pm #75
I think reserving up to two or three would be best for now, with everyone else getting to use them if you say it's cool.

'scuse me back to hiding in terror.
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