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The Projects Thread

February 23rd, 2016 at 9:54pm
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
So, I have been noticing the flood with threads advertising the projects users are making. With the help of the Evil Geniuses known as MegaBossMan and Mikey, we have decided that it would be best if everyone can post many projects on one thread instead of having many threads for one project. So if you're making a video/webcomic/story, you can post it here, feedback to any of these projects is also welcome.

Also I'm writing a "Short" story called Megabound, so Shameless Advertising also congrats to me season 2 has officially started!
Chapter 1: Panic Button
Chapter 2: The Reveal
Chapter 3: The Ride to Portland
Chapter 4: Terri
Chapter 5: Mars and the Fusion
Chapter 6: Terri the Pacifist
Chapter 7: Apollo
Chapter 8: Plutus
Chapter 9: Apollo is a Bad Driver
Megabound Chapter 10 Special: Mikey the Evil Scientist
Chapter 11: Julian, the last Chosen One
Chapter 12: B-I-N-G-O
Chapter 13: Bethany the Pomeranian
Chapter 14: Strange Case of Dr. Athena and Mr. Hyde
Chapter 15: Allison
Chapter 16: Lunarside
Chapter 17: We Need to Talk
Chapter 18: The Donut-Copter
Chapter 19: Broken Reality
Chapter 20: The Penultimate Peril
Chapter 21 Finale: Slur, the Magnum Opus
Season Two Premeire: Serenity, aka FemaleForte
Chapter 2: The Fusion, the Fragments, and the Figure
Chapter 3: The Dogaphant in the Room
Chapter 4: Hiatus Over
Chapter 5: Pagnotte di Altamora
Chapter 6: Venicebound
Chapter 7: SS Machine
Chapter 8: Holy Hippopotamus MusicalKitty actually got off of her lazy bum and finally revived Megabound again. Let's hope she doesn't make us wait half of a month again, right?
Chapter 9: The Little Flaming Space Rock
Chapter 10a: Ketchup Starfish
Chapter 10b: Freaky Teleportation Camels
Chapter 11: Apollo Returns

Current Users that have appeared in Megabound (Chronologically)
BetaMan (Cameo)
Perfect Zero
BetaMan (Appearance)
Uraccountcrashed (finally)

If you'd want to be part of this ever-growing story, you may ask and I will NOT consider your role. Sorry, but if you wanted to be in, you should have asked when you had the chance.

Other Projects:

MusicalKitty's "Poor Napstablook" series
Chapter 1: Poor Napstablook
Chapter 2: Temmie's College

Uraccountcrashed's "Master Disaster" series
Chapter 1-10: Master Disaster

MegaBoy's "The MegaBoyical Charades" series
Chapter 0: Prelude
Chapter 1: Pure MegaBoymation

MusicalKitty's "Electric Love" bios
Bio Goals
Gemini Man

Ender's "MusicalKitty x MegaBoy" series
Part One
Part Two
Part Three

Rotom's "Data Cache" series
Chapter 1: The Cold
Chapter 2: The Hub

MusicalKitty's "Mega Manopoly" Game
Version 0.13
This version has:
-The addition of Roll, Cut Man, and Guts Man
-16 Upgrades
-10 Achievements
Also I'm not doing Mega Manopoly anymore, it was too much to jostle around that and Megabound, and was 60% responsible for the 2.2 week hiatus, sorry, but there's version 0.25, I may or may not link it for you though

Beta's "MegaTale" Series
Chapter 1: A Field of Flowers
Chapter 2: Your Best Friend (Genocide)
Chapter 2: Your Best Friend (Pacifst)
But No One Came...

Alto's "Alto takes Kalos" Series
Water Jokes

Musical's "Kanto Retold" series
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Projects Thread
Posted by Musical on February 23rd, 2016 at 9:54pm
Viewed 7395 Times
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on April 1st, 2017 at 9:16pm
Posted 2017/04/01 at 9:16pm
That ending summarized my style of ending complaints REALLY well. 10/10.

Also Dan Hibiki jokes FTW. Not only that, but the thing actually LAMPSHADES the fact that it was made on April 1st.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on June 30th, 2017 at 1:00am Edited on 2017/07/04 at 1:55am
Posted 2017/06/30 at 1:00am Edited 2017/07/04 at 1:55am
Look what I brought back:

Chapter 10 (Pacifist): Beta
Chapter 10 (Genocide): Beta

So yeah, now that I have successfully (hopefully) figured out all the roles I wanted to put into consideration, I'll be able to continue the story more often. (Robot puns were a pain to do, though. Couldn't figure out the third one.)
Here are some new ones.

Chapter 11- BOOYAH!
Chapter 12- Arctic Jungle
Chapter 13- Puzzles and DETERMINATION

Chapter 11- BOOYAH!
Chapter 12- Arctic Jungle

I removed "Puzzles" from Chapter 13's Genocide title because let's face it, Genocide!Rock doesn't really care about a lot of things. We all should know this by now.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2017 at 5:13am
Posted 2017/07/12 at 5:13am
Here's another MegaTale update! I can't believe I was up all night doing this. Pacifist is a long one, but that's because I wanted to squeeze in the last of the Royal Guards in this one part!

As for Genocide's name, I was unable to call it "But Nobody Came" because it was already the name of a bonus chapter SSN made on trying to call the first fallen child ("Rhythm") REDACTED. Thus, I had to improvise.

Finally, I also made a Bonus Chapter that consists on one of MegaTale's Neutral Endings. In this particular Neutral Ending, the last two main characters remaining are Beta and Adrian. I will also make Neutral Endings after each main boss (up until Omega Retro) based on which boss is faced! (Next neutral ending will be based on MEGABOY becoming the only survivor.)

Part 14 (Pacifist)- WARNING!
Part 14 (Genocide)- But Nothing Was There
Neutral Ending- Never Come Back

Also, I now have an official MegaTale archive! It's not a thread, no, but it does contain all MegaTale Chapters, INCLUDING the bonus ones made by me as WELL as the two made by SSN and Rotom. Be sure to check it out in my profile, while I shall link right here!
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on July 13th, 2017 at 4:57pm
Posted 2017/07/13 at 4:57pm
(Reaction to Psion Man and Baka being in megatale)

Heck yes.
ALL of my yes.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on July 24th, 2017 at 7:34pm Edited on 2017/07/27 at 1:32am
Posted 2017/07/24 at 7:34pm Edited 2017/07/27 at 1:32am
Ok, I PROMISE you, I shall continue MegaTale as SOON as I can. But there is something I need to be done first before I can begin working on it.

So with that out of the way, I am actually going to announce that I have made yet ANOTHER comic. And to make the matters of this better or worse- depending on your view- it's a tournament-themed comic. YAY.

But in all seriousness, this is a bit of an experimental comic that, if successful, will continue beyond the first tournament/chapter. Though, if this thing makes NO progress whatsoever, I promise I'll get this thing out of your sights. But in the end, that depends on how far this thing can get.

Here's the first page, and the only page in which you will see this thing in this thread.
Ok, now that everything is settled, MegaTale has been continued! In these next two episodes, both Rocks confront MegaBoy. This ends our Arctic Jungle adventures in terms of Genocide, but with Pacifist!Rock going over to hang out with MegaBoy, we aren't done yet! But meanwhile, in a separate timeline's future, another Neutral Ending takes place!

Pacifist Part 16- Bizarre Confrontation
Genocide Part 16- The Grand Struggle
Bonus Chapter- Neutral Ending 2: The King of Memes

So yeah, now Genocide and Pacifist will no longer match up in terms of part numbers, but let's face it, we all knew Genocide was going to be the shorter of the two.
^ Top

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