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Mega Man RPG Prototype Roleplay & Games

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Mega Man SRPG: The Four Emblems -Dead...?-

September 5th, 2016 at 8:55pm
658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
In the year 20XX...

Four A.Is with intelligence beyond any other at the time, dubbed the "Master Programs", were created for the benefit of man and machine kind. However, the four of their anonymous creators shared differing opinions, and thus, their biases were carried on to their creations. It is up to you, the leader of your own faction of four generic-model robots to pick a side and work to make your team the strongest in the lands. So... Who's side are you on?


Team Star
Master Program: Astraea
Belief: The key to victory is strategy. Going after your problems haphazardly would end in an inevitable failure...
Primary Leader: StupidStudiosN2
Faction Leaders: U.S.O (Currently Accepting Players)
Team Bonus: +5 M.Attack and M.Defense when on your land

Team Heart
Master Program: Hestia
Belief: A strong defense can make a good offense. Wait for your enemies to come after you, and strike them down when the time is right.
Primary Leader: Fan
Faction Leaders: [None] (Currently Accepting Players)
Team Bonus: +5 Defense when on your land

Team Club
Master Program: Cetarus
Belief: If even a flicker of opposition is detected, find the one responsible, and crush them as soon as possible.
Primary Leader: Proto Man MKII
Faction Leaders: Retro, Reaper Man (Currently Not Accepting Players)
Team Bonus: +5 Attack when on another team's land

Team Diamond
Master Program: Diamanta
Belief: A nimble foot and decent defense makes for a great way to lure foes into traps. Then, once the foes have been cornered, swift victory will soon be at hand.
Primary Leader: NiceIce
Faction Leaders: Ender Man, MegaBoy (Currently Not Accepting Players)
Team Bonus: +5 Speed and +1 Movement when on your land

Now then, to apply for the game, there will be a template below for two different applications (One for Ground Units and one for Airborne Units). Just put down what you want your faction leader (Primary Leader, if the team your applying for doesn't have one) to be named, distribute the stats however you want (All stats cost 1 Point, with the exception of Movement, which costs 6 Points), pick from your selection of skins to determine what you want your character to look like, and pick which weapon type you want to specialize in (Choosing which weapon you have a boosted proficiency in), being Melee Weapons, Ranged Weapons, and Thrown Weapons (More Information on Weapons, Elements, Unit Types, Turns, Actions, and Tiles below the applications). Afterwards, just pick 4 generic units to also control (Personal suggestion, but you should probably have at least 1 airborne unit), and you're good to go (You can name your generic units too, if you're so inclined).

(Ground Unit Application | Points To Spend: 220 (Faction Leader)/240 (Primary Leader))

Unit Type: Ground
Character Skin:
Most Proficient Weapon Type:
Generic Units:


(Airborne Unit Application | Points To Spend: 200 (Faction Leader)/ 220 (Primary Leader))

Unit Type: Airborne
Character Skin:
Most Proficient Weapon Type:
Generic Units:


Generic Units To Choose From: Drill Man, Quick Man, Guts Man, Gyro Man, Tornado Man, Tengu Man, Elec Man, Flash Man, Spark Man, Metal Man, Tomahawk Man, Knight Man, Yamato Man, Crystal Man, Magnet Man, Roll, Eddie

Generic Units Base Stats

Now then, time to explain the weapons. Weapons come in 3 different flavors, which are Melee, Ranged, and Thrown. Now, while the tile distance varies from weapon to weapon, more often than not, Melee weapons can only be used on foes directly adjacent to your unit, Ranged weapons can be used both adjacent to your unit and across, and Thrown weapons can only be used across from your unit, but not adjacent.There are 5 elements in the game, being Null, Fire, Wood, Elec, and Aqua. When a unit attacks a foe with a weapon type weak to their's, they take an added +5 damage, but if a unit attacks a foe resistant to their weapon, they take -5 damage. As for the weakness order, Fire beats Wood, Wood beats Elec, Elec beats Aqua, Aqua beats Fire, and Null isn't weak or resistant to any weapon type.

The two unit types, Ground Units and Airborne Units differ for one reason, being that Airborne units have the ability to pass through tiles with an "Impassible" border, and they have lowered point cost for adding to the Movement stat, however, Ground Units have more skill points to put into their stats.

In the game, the teams perform actions each turn, with the turns going in the order of Team Star, then Team Heart, then Team Club, then Team Diamond, and then back to Team Star. You will receive a private message from me when it's your team's turn to move. If a reply is not received in 1 hour from receiving the message, you will be considered inactive, and won't move for that turn. If you feel like you will be inactive for a while, loan your units to a trusted team member (both of the people must message me to inform me about the transaction), and let them control your units until you return. You can't, however, let your units stay in the care of another player for a week. After that, you will be kicked from the game, and your equipment will be put in your team's storage. I will PM you when it's your turn, and you just need to PM me back with your movements for me to update the map. Each turn, you will be given a selection of actions to choose from.

-Move (Can be used after a "Warp" command): Lets you move North, South, East, and/or West to another tile. Your movement stat is the number of tiles your allowed to move per turn. You also can't move through enemy units, and you can't stand on the same space as an allied unit. (>Move (Up, Down, Left, or Right) (Number of Spaces))

-Attack (Can Be Used After Move): Lets you attack an opponent by selecting a weapon and foe on the battlefield that's in your range. (>Attack (Up, Down, Left, or Right) (Number of Spaces))

-Heal (Can Be Used After Move) (Exclusive to Healer Units): Lets you select an ally within range to heal (>Heal (Up, Down, Left, or Right) (Number of Spaces))

-Carry (Can Be Used After Move): When adjacent to one of your units, or a disabled enemy/ally unit, you can have them carried by your active unit. Reduces the Movement stat by 1 while carrying. (>Carry (Up, Down, Left, or Right))

-Drop (Can Be Used After Move) (Can Be Used After Carry) (Can only be used while carrying someone): Drops a disabled unit on a tile adjacent to the one your active unit is standing on. (>Drop (Up, Down, Left, or Right))

-Training (Can Be Used After Move): Lets a unit spend a turn to train his stats. The stats increased are random, and the amount in which they increase are also random. (>Train)

-Data Mine (Can Be Used After Move): Lets a unit spend a turn decoding data, which can be used to craft items. What you find from data-mining is dependent on the biome of the area you're in. (>Data Mine) TO BE IMPLEMENTED AT A LATER DATE

-Craft (Can Be Used After Move): Lets a unit spend a turn crafting an item/weapon from decoded data. (>Craft "Item Name")

-Shop (Can Be Used After Move) (Can Be Used After Warp (Storage)) (Can Only Be Used In The Storage Room): Lets a unit buy items/weapons and/or sell items/weapons for Zenny. (>Shop)

-Trade (Can Be Used After Move) (Can Be Used After Shop): Allows your unit to trade items, weapons, and Zenny with a unit on the same map as your's. Trading between units of different teams is allowed. To confirm the trade, both participating parties are required to message me with the results. If the units you wish to trade with are your Generic Units/Faction Leaders, trading will only take one turn, and you can trade with multiple of those units (As long as there in your current area). (>Trade: "Player Name" (Item: ____))

-Access (Can Be Used After Move) (Can Only Be Used When Right Next To A Gold Border): Allows your unit to access a storage pile, where they can put items into the inventory or take items out.

-Warp (Storage) (Can Be Used After Trade) (Can only be used in your team's map): Allows your unit to teleport to a random tile in your team's storage room.

-Warp (Castle) (Can Be Used After Trade) (Can only be used in your team's map): Allows your unit to teleport to a random tile in your team's castle.

In order to use these commands, in the PM between myself and you, just type in the actions you wish to perform.
>Move (Up 3, Left 4)
>Attack (Unit: Up 3)
-This command moves a unit up 3 spaces, left 4 spaces, and attacks an enemy unit 3 spaces up.-

>Move (Down 4)
>Carry (Left)
-This command moves a unit down 4 spaces, and has them carry a unit adjacent to them on the left.-

Next, there's tiles to talk about. Each tile has a border. White borders can be passed through, red borders can't be passed through by Ground Units, cyan borders can only be passed through the North, magenta borders can only be passed through the south, green borders take you to a new area, lime borders damage you for -3 HP when passed over, maroon borders are tiles that are impassable by all units, gold borders that, when adjacent to one, you can access the storage unit inside, where you can store items/take items out, and lastly, purple borders are thrones, which give the Primary Leader unit for that team a +5 HP regeneration effect when on that tile (When an enemy unit stands on the tile surrounded by purple borders on 3 sides, they get to take 3 items from that team's storage, 1,000 Zenny, and get sent back to the first area of their team's map). As for tiles with a dark tint to them, they make all enemy units invisible, unless a unit from your team is standing adjacent to the enemy.

Tile Borders/Effects

Now, another major aspect of this game is roleplay, naturally. This is where the forum thread comes into play. Here, you'll be able to voice the story of your characters and their quests throughout the world. So, hey! If you're interested in being more than a mute soldier, there's that option.

And, that's all I have to say here. If you guys have any questions, post it in the comments, and I'll be sure to reply.
Mega Man SRPG: The Four Emblems -Dead...?-
Posted by 2018StudiosN on September 5th, 2016 at 8:55pm
Viewed 1502 Times
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on September 5th, 2016 at 8:58pm Edited on 2016/09/05 at 9:17pm
Posted 2016/09/05 at 8:58pm Edited 2016/09/05 at 9:17pm
Yes, I'm joining as the Team Heart Primary Leader!
And my unit will only be Me! Fan!

Name: Fan
Unit Type: Ground
HP: 50
Attack: 60
Defense: 35
M.Attack: 12
M.Defense: 35
Speed: 20
Movement: 4
Character Skin: 12, #ff66ff, #ffffff
Most Proficient Weapon Type: Melee
Generic Units: Flash Man, Roll, Knight Man, Tengu Man
^ Top
451,289 BP
0 TP | 1 PP
Posted on September 5th, 2016 at 8:59pm Edited on 2016/09/05 at 10:23pm
Posted 2016/09/05 at 8:59pm Edited 2016/09/05 at 10:23pm
(Team Star Primary Leader)

Name: SSN2
Unit Type: Airborne
HP: 70
Attack: 50
Defense: 20
M.Attack: 30
M.Defense: 13
Speed: 1
Movement: 6
Character Skin: 2, #66b3ff, #ff0000
Most Proficient Weapon Type: Melee
Generic units: Quick Man, Guts Man, Tornado Man, Spark Man
^ Top
13,580,823 BP
3 TP | 188 PP
Posted on September 5th, 2016 at 9:10pm Edited on 2016/09/08 at 8:55pm
Posted 2016/09/05 at 9:10pm Edited 2016/09/08 at 8:55pm
Name: Proto Man MKII
Unit type: Ground
HP: 84
Attack: 30
Defense: 20
M.Attack: 25
M.Defense; 10
Speed: 35
Movement: 6
Most Proficient Weapon Type: Range
Character Skin: 2, #800000, #DC143C
Generic Units: Metal Man, Magnet Man, Knight Man, Guts Man

(Team Club Primary Leader)
^ Top
770,544,761 BP
8 TP | 730 PP
Posted on September 5th, 2016 at 9:32pm Edited on 2016/09/05 at 10:16pm
Posted 2016/09/05 at 9:32pm Edited 2016/09/05 at 10:16pm
Team Diamond Primary Leader baby!

Name: Nice Ice (Ice Cream jet!)
Skin: Jupiter, #66ffcc and #2d5986
Unit Type: Flying
Best Weapon Type: Ranged
HP: 60

Attack: 30

Defense: 20

M Attack: 20

M.DEF: 15

Speed: 20

Movement: 10

Generic Units: Roll Yamato Man Crystal Man Drill Man
^ Top
Retro Pikachu
3,561,826,418 BP
30 TP | 621 PP
Posted on September 5th, 2016 at 9:48pm Edited on 2016/09/09 at 12:12am
Posted 2016/09/05 at 9:48pm Edited 2016/09/09 at 12:12am
Team Club Faction Leader

Name: Retro
Unit Type: Ground
HP: 82
Attack: 35
Defense: 33
M.Attack: 0
M.Defense: 30
Speed: 10
Movement: 5
Character Skin: 10, #ff0000, #db6d00
Most Proficient Weapon Type: Ranged
Generic Units: Tornado Man, Knight Man, Roll, Guts Man

(MODIFIED 9/8/2016)
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on September 5th, 2016 at 10:01pm Edited on 2016/09/05 at 11:05pm
Posted 2016/09/05 at 10:01pm Edited 2016/09/05 at 11:05pm
Team Diamond faction leader of...MAGIC! (kuku!)

Name: ring-man Ender Man
Unit Type: Ground
HP: 45
Attack: 30
Defense: 20
M.Attack: 40
M.Defense: 25
Movement: 5
Character Skin: Ring Man, #0000CC, #666699
Most Proficient Weapon Type: Thrown
Generic Units: Tomahawk Man, Flash Man, Tengu Man, Guts Man
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on September 6th, 2016 at 9:31am Edited on 2016/09/07 at 8:31am
Posted 2016/09/06 at 9:31am Edited 2016/09/07 at 8:31am

Name: skull-man Reaper Man
Unit Type: Ground
HP: 55
Attack: 50
Defense: 25
M.Attack: 10
M.Defense: 15
Speed: 25
Movement: 5
Character Skin: Quint, #2B0606, #614B4B, #D94343
Most Proficient Weapon Type: Melee
Generic Units: Knight Man, Yamato Man, Elec Man, Gyro Man
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on September 6th, 2016 at 3:46pm Edited on 2016/09/06 at 3:55pm
Posted 2016/09/06 at 3:46pm Edited 2016/09/06 at 3:55pm
Joining as a Member of Ender's Faction

Name: quintMegaBoy
Unit Type: Ground
HP: 60
Attack: 60
Defense: 35
M.Attack: 35
M.Defense: 20
Speed: 45
Movement: 50
Character Skin: 4
Most Proficient Weapon Type: Buster
Generic Units: Quint, Gemini Man, Jupiter and Galaxy Man
^ Top
658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
Posted on September 6th, 2016 at 5:22pm Edited on 2016/09/06 at 5:35pm
Posted 2016/09/06 at 5:22pm Edited 2016/09/06 at 5:35pm
@MoogerBoi : You probably should have read the rules concerning character creation. In order to increase the Movement stat, you are required to put in 6 points, as opposed to 1 (Oh, and in total, you've spent 335 points over the limit). Buster is not a weapon type. You have to chose from "Melee, Ranged, and Thrown". Quint, Gemini Man, Jupiter, and Galaxy Man aren't generic units, and you forgot to put down the colors (3 in this case) for your character skin (In hex code).

(Also, you can't join someone's faction, but the team itself. Not a big issue though, as I'll just assume that you're joining Team Diamond)

@Brimstone : Oh, and this is a minor thing, but you forgot the 3rd color for your character skin. Just fix that, and you're good to go.
^ Top
770,544,761 BP
8 TP | 730 PP
Posted on September 6th, 2016 at 5:46pm Edited on 2016/09/10 at 2:37pm
Posted 2016/09/06 at 5:46pm Edited 2016/09/10 at 2:37pm
Doing this for megaboy.

Name: Megaboy

Skin: Quint, #ff1a1a , #cccc00 , #800000 .
Unit Type: Ground

Best Weapon Type: Melee

HP: 90

Attack: 30

Defense: 25

M.atk: 0

M Def: 18

Speed: 15

Movement: 7

Generics: Guts Man Quick Man Elec Man Tengu Man
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 7th, 2016 at 3:08am Edited on 2016/09/07 at 5:10pm
Posted 2016/09/07 at 3:08am Edited 2016/09/07 at 5:10pm
I'll give this a try, but do keep in mind I do have an unusual schedule for the semester (aka I'm usually unavailable until late night half of the week, so I might have issues with the hour time limit). I'm applying to be a faction leader of Team Star.

Name: U.S.O. (Unknown Space Officer)
Unit Type: Airborne
HP: 70
Attack: 25
Defense: 20
M.Attack: 25
M.Defense: 20
Speed: 10
Movement: 5
Character Skin: 8, #4B4B4B, #868686, #DDDDDD (just a darker version of the default set will do so the robot looks metalic)
Most Proficient Weapon Type: Ranged
Generic Units: Elec Man, Knight Man, Tomahawk Man, Roll
^ Top
658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
Posted on September 7th, 2016 at 7:02am Edited on 2016/09/07 at 7:06am
Posted 2016/09/07 at 7:02am Edited 2016/09/07 at 7:06am
@TailsMK4Omega : After calculating the stats to make sure everything checked out, I found that you're using the stat total for a Primary Leader (Ground), which is 240. The stat total for a Faction Leader (Airborne) is 200. Other than that, everything checks out, so just have that little detail fixed, and you're good to go. (Oh, and regarding your schedule, as stated in the master-post, if you feel like you'll be absent during your team's turn, feel free to message me, and we can work something out for those times)

@Everyone : To make things a bit more simple for you guys, I've added in two commands, being "Warp (Storage)" and "Warp (Castle)". While the commands should be self-explanatory, feel free to check the master post for more details. Oh, and Team Star's first turn is over, so once at least one member of Team Heart (Musical) is online, I will commence with their turn.
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 7th, 2016 at 12:22pm Edited on 2016/09/07 at 12:51pm
Posted 2016/09/07 at 12:22pm Edited 2016/09/07 at 12:51pm
I calculated 200 stat points exactly (even using a calculator to be sure). Am I missing something here, like is a certain point value actually worth more than others?
^ Top
658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
Posted on September 7th, 2016 at 4:06pm Edited on 2016/09/07 at 4:10pm
Posted 2016/09/07 at 4:06pm Edited 2016/09/07 at 4:10pm
@TailsMK4Omega : Ah, I think I know what's going on. You probably didn't notice the part where in order to increase the Movement stat by 1, you have to spend 6 points.
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on September 7th, 2016 at 4:57pm
Posted 2016/09/07 at 4:57pm
So in this case, 5 Movement = 30 points, right? If so, I think I got it fixed now.
^ Top
658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
Posted on September 7th, 2016 at 5:31pm
Posted 2016/09/07 at 5:31pm
@TailsMK4Omega : Yep. After making the calculations once more, everything checks out. You're all good to go.
^ Top
658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
Posted on September 8th, 2016 at 8:16am Edited on 2016/09/08 at 8:24am
Posted 2016/09/08 at 8:16am Edited 2016/09/08 at 8:24am
@Proto Man MKII : Waitaminute. I just realized that you listed "Bomb Man" as one of your generic units. If you would, please change that to a valid generic unit, so the game can progress. (If it's not fixed by later today, when it's Team Club's turn to move, you'll be removed from the game, and required to fill in a Faction Leader application to return. The position for "Primary Leader" will also be up for the taking, at that point.)
^ Top
658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
Posted on September 8th, 2016 at 8:27pm Edited on 2016/09/08 at 8:58pm
Posted 2016/09/08 at 8:27pm Edited 2016/09/08 at 8:58pm
@Retro Pikachu : Just saying, but you have 8 points remaining to spend (For a Ground-Based Faction Leader, that is) on your character.
^ Top
13,580,823 BP
3 TP | 188 PP
Posted on September 8th, 2016 at 8:56pm
Posted 2016/09/08 at 8:56pm
@StupidStudiosN : Edited. I'm not letting anyone steal my thunder.
^ Top
658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
Posted on September 8th, 2016 at 8:58pm Edited on 2016/09/08 at 8:59pm
Posted 2016/09/08 at 8:58pm Edited 2016/09/08 at 8:59pm
@Proto Man MKII : Impeccable timing, Proto. Alright. Your position is safe. :P

(Oh, and expect a message soon featuring your team's first turn)
^ Top

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