Yar har har, prepare for your vessel to be boarded with this robot on deck! His creator was a fugitive from the law, and to continue his life's work, he created Pirate Man to attack and steal from cargo vessels, being captured shortly after. At first, Pirate Man wandered aimlessly, but the second he "found" a suitable vessel, he began his work, with the help of the Remote Mine. Speaking of, it appears to be a small mine, but since it can be detonated remotely, it's taken over many a ship. After a while, Pirate Man began doubting his life style, but was invigorated when he joined King's army, plundering the sea like never before. In fact, it was speculated that many ship attacks during King's attack were led by Pirate Man. He's a fearless and ruthless captain, going at any means to get his goal, even if this means turning the odds in his favor. Pirate Man will also do anything to gain further profit, and quickly became known as "The Scourge of the Seven Seas." After King's defeat, he was confronted by Dive Man and his fleet. It was a long, drawn-out battle between the two, but Pirate Man eventually just gave up-Being a pirate just wasn't the way he wanted to live anymore. He now serves as a ship captain, sailing the seven seas he loves so vastly without the dangers of pirating. Despite giving up his scallywag life-style, he still fights like a pirate, so beware the Scourge of the Seven Seas! |