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Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

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12,765,754 BP
12 TP | 784 PP
Oh no! You, yes, you over there. You are part of a thing known as the Mega Man RPG Prototype. You know that the creator and leader of this buiseness is the one and only Adrian Marceau. But, wait, he's invited you to this odd, murky dungeon. With you and other people you may or may not know, you walk into the mansion. It's remarkable, it's beautiful, but, wait, something seems odd about it. The lights are turned off, and the curtains are pulled shut, there's a note on the ground:

Typical Ransom Note style, this "???" fellow seems new to this kind of thing

Wow, this "Fellow Program" seems to have kidnapped Adrian! Will you be the one to save Adrian? Or will you just be a big weenie and run away home

Now, onto the rules of this hot mess
1. Sign Ups: Okay, this'll be a bit harsh I guess, but I'm still enforcing it. Only characters based off the user, like if you're Ender, your character will be based off of you. BUT, also, you can also use characters from Web Comics/Fanfics floating around this site, as long as they aren't official Mega Man characters. For example, do you want to be Rhythm_BCA's Melodia? Perhaps you'd like being EEKADO from Beta and Mega's comic? What about the fabled Moonstone from MusicalKitty's Megabound? What about [REDACTED] from SSN's game? BUT(t) here's a twist! IF these projects use an official Mega Man character, but are able to make them different to the official character, you can choose them. Pun-Loving Cut's Corner Cut Man and Short Alien Megabound Slur are on the table, however, Super-Fighting Robot BCA/Beta and Mega Mega Man is not on the table. Also, I will deny Non-Project fan characters like Blaze Man or Ninja Man on sight, and likely Official MM Characters that aren't featured in any projects like Fan or Drill Man, unless if you provide a good spin on them, like Emotionless-Killer Fan, or Renowned Mathematician Drill Man.

As of now, I'm starting to consider the use of OCs as player options in Mystery Mansion. I will accept OC characters, but as long as you give them a proper bio and at least something about their personality. If you need help with developing a character's personality, I know how to help:
So, this is only one little thing, but it does go a very long way. Don't describe what the character is, but more what the character does. For example, instead of "She likes animals" you can say "She regularly holds bake sales in order to fund repopulation projects for her favorite endangered animals."
And if you even want, this article by TVtropes may or may not help you out with your bio

2. Sign Up Bios: You must provide information about your character. Their personality, motives, likes and dislikes are good. You may go into more descriptive if you want. I can understand if you pick a character from like Megabound and you cannot provide a really big bio because of the character or whatnot. As for official characters you are willing to take a spin on, I expect a descriptive bio, and at least so it doesn't seem like all you did was make Mega Man green and slightly shorter.

3. Combat-ish system: Along with the Roleplay itself, there will also be a combat-ish system I guess. In your character bio, specify whether your play-style is Aggressive Assertive or Passive and the combat-ish system will be ultra simplified:

-There will only be three stats: Health, Charisma, and Attack There is now five stats! And I've gone into much more detail about these stats as well!

Health is what keeps the player moving. Health, as in most games, is a value used to calculate how much a player can take before giving out. Every player starts at 20 Base Health, but there are many ways that Health can be boosted:
1.) Being hit by an attack that inflicts more than 1 point of damage will increase the player's Max Health by 1!

2.) Eating different foods. Luxurious or event foods will usually increase the player's health by 10-20. Some more common foods may only boost Health by 2-5.

3.) Quests/Dungeons will also occasionally increase Health when completed.

When a player's Health reaches 0, the player is taken to the entrance of the mansion with one of their items stolen by SSJ3 the moose. However, the player can always try and bribe or persuade him to give the item back.

Charisma, however, may be proven to be a bit more difficult to explain. Charisma is used for many things, such as:
1.) Interacting with enemies. Players may find themselves interacting and conversing with enemies. They might have an item a player is interested in, or the player may be trying to convince them not to attack. The general calculation for if an enemy will listen is usually Charisma = % Chance. Some more stubborn enemies may follow Charisma/2 = % Chance.

2.) Merchant Discounts. Most of the items bought in Mystery Mansion are through the merchants. Charisma will act as a percentage discount to these goods, the equation is (Charisma/10 = % Discount) although the cap for said discount is at 50%

3.) Enemy Drops. Enemies, when defeated, will usually have a small chance to drop an item. These item drops will have a base drop rate, but said rate will be increased by Charisma. The equation for said act is [BaseDrop * (Charisma/10)] = NewDrop. Most item drops will be simply healing items or other trinkets, but in the rare case that the enemy will drop a weapon, it will usually have a base of around 0.1%

4.) Entering Dungeons. Sure, being able to slaughter through anything possible is fun, but if you do not have enough Charisma, your options for dungeons are limited. However, there are always an assortment of quests in places like the Garden, Floor 4, Outside and the Chef's Room. As said earlier, quests are rather quick and give a well amount of money and Charisma.

There are many ways to gain Charisma as well. Many Luxurious foods will raise Charisma, doing quests will give around 5-20 Charisma per quest, and simply befriending an enemy in-battle nets a base amount of 5. Finishing dungeons will even raise the player's Charisma stat as well, although it is possible to lower your Charisma as well, although the only few recorded times it happened in Mystery Mansion were through less conventional means, so no need to worry about randomly losing 15 Charisma if you bump into an enemy on accident.

Attack is the stat used to determine the strength of attacks, as well as strength-based overworld actions (such as pushing a heavy rock, the equation for that would be Attack = % of success). The actual damage an attack will do is calculated by [Attack - Defense]. Defeating an enemy will always increase the player's attack, along with getting new weapons, and sometimes even eating Luxurious or event foods!

Immunity -Although players do not have the Immunity stat, some major enemies will have them. Immunity is simply just a defense stat for defense-piercing weapon-based attacks, no need to worry about the stat.

P.Defense stands for Player Defense, and is the defense stat used when attacked by player characters. This stat was mainly added in so players have a harder time with killing each other as easy as a 1000 C hot knife through soft butter. Player Defense can be increased by using items (such as the disposable equipment such as knives or ribbons that provide a +10 stat boost) and by getting hit by another player character as well will increase it by 5. Don't worry though, the mansion is a rather peaceful place and there will never be a 24/7 fear of being knocked out by other players.

N.Defense stands for eNcounter Defense, and is the defense stat used when attacked by enemies. N.Defense is a rather hard stat to upgrade, only really being able to be increased by high level merchants on the higher floors of the mansion, or taking up any quests that involve creating an armor.

I'll also explain the three Play styles as well:
Aggressive Starting stats: Attack: 85 Charisma: 35
A play style for those who don't really want to befriend any encounters in the mansion, and just fight them. I should note that just because you pick an Aggressive play style, you aren't prohibited from befriending encounters.

Assertive Starting stats: Attack: 60 Charisma: 60
A play style for those that cannot choose between Aggressive or Passive, or want to be able to have the options to effectively kill or befriend encounters.

Passive Starting stats: Attack: 35 Charisma: 85
A play style for those who want to befriend the encounters in the mansion. I shall note that I will try to make the three play styles as equal as possible in terms of difficulty

4. Literary Roleplaying- Yes, I know that this'll be hard for me to explain unless if I do this, so:
Case A: "He flirts with the encounter, attempting to compliment its looks
Case B: "*flirts with encounter*"
I'd rather you to do this in the style of Case A. Write this as if you are writing a story, and please make your posts longer than three words.

Okay, I think that's it. If you do indeed have questions, I will answer them. This roleplay will start when at least two people join and are accepted, but you could join any time you want

Sign Ups
?/? People

I don't care, you can join when you want to, I don't mind

(Sign Ups end 10/31/4016)
By the way, Mystery Mansion has its own Discord chat now.
check out the thing

The Discord server is great for players that want to improve their characters and get feedback on them, or give feedback about Mystery Mansion itself. Don't be afraid to check it out; I'm the only moderator and the server itself doesn't have any rules beyond "Don't be r00d and don't ruin the servers vibes"
First to hit 700 Comments- 11/27/16
First to hit 800 Comments- 12/24/16
First to hit 900 Comments- 1/13/17
First to hit 1000 Comments- 1/30/17 (Woo!)

EDIT: hah dead thread
Adrian's Mansion (The Dramatic Mansion Mystery)
Posted by Musical on July 20th, 2016 at 10:55pm
Viewed 33863 Times
5,425,532 BP
8 TP | 732 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 2:45am
Posted 2016/07/21 at 2:45am
@MegaBossMan : *Join in on the dancing as well, could be a little more charismatic eh?*
^ Top
17,596,770 BP
12 TP | 703 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 3:21am
Posted 2016/07/21 at 3:21am
Well, I'll try to do this then. I'm not the best at writing but hey, oh well.

While not the best robot around, he tries to get the job done. Ender Man can be found doing a few things, such as working in the lab with Blaze and trying to just have a little fun. Often is the last one to show up for a fight, or even just a little late. The night the ransom was released was a pretty average night, as Ender was doing his weekly trainimg with Skeleton. He soon git a call from Gigavolt saying how someone was kidnapped...or something like that, he wasn't sure himself. So, after a quick teleport, Ender is a the front of the mansion.

*Play style: Assertive*
^ Top
12,765,754 BP
12 TP | 784 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 1:40pm Edited on 2016/07/21 at 1:46pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 1:40pm Edited 2016/07/21 at 1:46pm
@ThatOneEnderMan : Accepted! You are currently in the same room as Cut Man and NiceIce by the way.
The Red Slime dances even faster as Cut Man and NiceIce join.
The Ghosts in the room twirl around the Red Slime, along with the players.
The music intensifies by the second, going from soft Classical to that of Electric Swing

Red Slime:
Health: 150/150
Defense: 30
Attack: 10
>Pat >Flirt >Threaten
>Dance >Fight

NiceIce has Expensive Wineglass and Deviled Egg
Cut Man has nothing
Ender has nothing
NiceIce: 105 Charisma, 20 Attack, 19/20 Health
Cut Man: 100 Charisma, 20 Attack, 20/20 Health
Ender: 60 Charisma, 60 Attack, 20/20 Health
^ Top
5,425,532 BP
8 TP | 732 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 2:59pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 2:59pm
*Dance even diddly darn faster. MUST. BE. FASTEST. DANCER.*
^ Top
53,376,288 BP
55 TP | 1808 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 3:10pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 3:10pm
While Cut Man was about to drop out of the dancing, he notices Nice Ice attempting to be the fastest dancer here. Clearly the fastest is the bestest, so Cut Man attempts to out-speed even Nice Ice in his dancing.
^ Top
17,596,770 BP
12 TP | 703 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 3:12pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 3:12pm
*Well, it seems everyone is dancing now. Ender never has been a good dancer, so he lightly pats the slime.*
^ Top
5,425,532 BP
8 TP | 732 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 3:12pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 3:12pm
^ Top
12,765,754 BP
12 TP | 784 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 3:14pm Edited on 2016/07/21 at 3:22pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 3:14pm Edited 2016/07/21 at 3:22pm
@MegaBossMan, also Ender and NiceIce I guess :
The Red Slime didn't react to Ender, as he was involved in being the fastest dancer. The slime seemed to be dancing at a violent speed, and eventually, everyone in the room (save for Ender) was dancing at high and unsafe speeds. Colorful lights started flashing, then the Red Slime exploded into many tiny Slimes, all going off to hide in the crevices of the room. In front of the players, was a key, likely the slime's core.

Ender, Cut Man, and NiceIce befriended Red Slime

NiceIce has Key, Expensive Wineglass and Deviled Egg
Cut Man has Key
Ender has Key
NiceIce: 110 Charisma, 20 Attack, 19/20 Health
Cut Man: 105 Charisma, 20 Attack, 20/20 Health
Ender: 65 Charisma, 60 Attack, 20/20 Health
^ Top
17,596,770 BP
12 TP | 703 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 3:20pm Edited on 2016/07/21 at 3:27pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 3:20pm Edited 2016/07/21 at 3:27pm
...Well then. That...worked?

*Ender Man goes up the stairs, since Adrian is in the master bedroom, and the master bedroom is upstairs. Not much reasoning other than that.*
^ Top
5,425,532 BP
8 TP | 732 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 3:20pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 3:20pm
@MusicalKitty-SST- : *Go back and use the key on the Right locked door*
^ Top
12,765,754 BP
12 TP | 784 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 3:22pm Edited on 2016/07/21 at 3:35pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 3:22pm Edited 2016/07/21 at 3:35pm
@Nice Ice, probably Ender, and the Cut Man : Ender's access to the next floor is blocked by the Giant Stone hawhaw
Before everyone could walk out of the room, the Greeter Ghost stopped them
"Wow, I've never seen the ghosts in this room have fun like this in years. Please take this"
NiceIce obtains Green Cloth
Cut Man obtains Green Button
Ender obtains Green cup
"There's a world renowned chef in the right room, he'll give you some pretty nice things, but he only accepts payment in Green Objects and you might even find more information about this mansion

Will you go into the room?

NiceIce has Key, Expensive Wineglass, Green Cloth, and Deviled Egg
Cut Man has Key, and Green Button
Ender has Key, and Green Cup
NiceIce: 110 Charisma, 20 Attack, 19/20 Health
Cut Man: 105 Charisma, 20 Attack, 20/20 Health
Ender: 65 Charisma, 60 Attack, 20/20 Health
^ Top
53,376,288 BP
55 TP | 1808 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 3:35pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 3:35pm
Despite being completely exhausted, Cut Man presses forward into the room.
^ Top
17,596,770 BP
12 TP | 703 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 3:40pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 3:40pm
*Sighing, Ender Man goes into the right room instead.*
^ Top
12,765,754 BP
12 TP | 784 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 3:42pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 3:42pm
@Everydood :
The room seemed to be a mansion itself. Luxurious Chandeliers hung from the ceiling. There was a big, red bench, with a ghost sitting on it. He wore a big, thick pair of glasses, a name tag that read "Nerd Ghost" and a pocket protector. Ghosts and robotic birds danced gracefully in the air. There was a large staircase that led up to a dining area. Many different creatures were eating fancy, well-prepared food, with a single man cooking everything. There was a door that led to the 2nd floor hallway in the room, but was blocked by a big, grey stone.

Nerd Ghost seems to want to talk
Chef seems to want to talk
Ghost Dancer seems to want to talk

What will you do?

NiceIce has Key, Expensive Wineglass, Green Cloth, and Deviled Egg
Cut Man has Key, and Green Button
Ender has Key, and Green Cup
NiceIce: 110 Charisma, 20 Attack, 19/20 Health
Cut Man: 105 Charisma, 20 Attack, 20/20 Health
Ender: 65 Charisma, 60 Attack, 20/20 Health
^ Top
17,596,770 BP
12 TP | 703 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 3:54pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 3:54pm
*Ender Man noticed the Nerd Ghost*
Hey there, um, 'Nerd Ghost' do you know anything about what's going on here?
^ Top
12,765,754 BP
12 TP | 784 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 4:06pm Edited on 2016/07/21 at 4:24pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 4:06pm Edited 2016/07/21 at 4:24pm
@ThatOneEnderMan, and MBM, perhaps NiceIce :
The Nerd Ghost pushed up his glasses, despite not having visible hands, and looks up at you.
"Oh, hello. You must be new to this mansion. It's filled with many different creatures, but usually this room and the garden are the only room where the different inhabitants mix together. Like, Ghosts usually stay on the first floor, animals enjoy the second floor, and the third floor-" The Nerd Ghost stopped himself, looking down to the floor "Yeah, did you hear about the mansion's owner? Kidnapped in his own house" the Nerd Ghost chuckled to himself, and gently drank water through a wineglass
The chef looked up, still preparing a dish for another customer
"Oh, Adrian? Yeah, he's the owner. Since humans generally stay on the 5th floor, you could find him there, but the trek to his room will be a while. Like, there's stones blocking people from entering and exiting the 1st floor. And, for that Green Cloth, I can make the Luxurious Mushroom Soup! I know that robots and ghosts and such cannot really eat it, but it's healthy effect will take place by merely staring at it!"

The Ghost Dancer seems to want to talk

NiceIce has Key, Expensive Wineglass, Green Cloth, and Deviled Egg
Cut Man has Key, and Green Button
Ender has Key, and Green Cup
NiceIce: 110 Charisma, 20 Attack, 19/20 Health
Cut Man: 105 Charisma, 20 Attack, 20/20 Health
Ender: 65 Charisma, 60 Attack, 20/20 Health
^ Top
5,425,532 BP
8 TP | 732 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 4:12pm Edited on 2016/07/21 at 4:20pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 4:12pm Edited 2016/07/21 at 4:20pm
@MusicalKitty-SST- : *Ask the world renowned chef what I can get for this Green Cloth. And also ask if he knows where the owner of the house is.*
^ Top
5,425,532 BP
8 TP | 732 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 4:23pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 4:23pm
@MusicalKitty-SST- : *Sure why not. Give the Chef the green cloth.* Why do you like green objects so much anyways? And what's it like being A ghost. Just asking.
^ Top
12,765,754 BP
12 TP | 784 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 4:25pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 4:25pm
@Nice Ice :
The chef smiles, and floats around the room
"Green objects? Well, green's my favorite color! Giving an object in the favorite color of the chef's symbolizes respect, I think. I hate Red, so if you try to pay me in bricks, I'll probably like put human hair or shampoo in your food." The chef gleefully changes the music in the room to a rather fitting beat and seems to ignore your question, but answers it without words, as the ghosts elegantly dance about in the room, then, seeing Cut Man and Ender with Green Objects as well, he gasps "Oh my gosh, I can't handle that much green, I'm going to faint! I just have to get you three something for having that much green, come into the kitchen with me!"

What will you do?

NiceIce has Key, Expensive Wineglass, Green Cloth, Luxurious Mushroom Soup, and Deviled Egg
Cut Man has Key, and Green Button
Ender has Key, and Green Cup
NiceIce: 110 Charisma, 20 Attack, 19/20 Health
Cut Man: 105 Charisma, 20 Attack, 20/20 Health
Ender: 65 Charisma, 60 Attack, 20/20 Health

^ Top
17,596,770 BP
12 TP | 703 PP
Posted on July 21st, 2016 at 4:36pm
Posted 2016/07/21 at 4:36pm
@MusicalKitty-SST- :
Heh, we came here to save the mansion owner. Thanks for the info, by the way. I'll be going to the Chef, heard he likes green objects, and I have a green cup.
*Ender Man walks to the Chef's room.*
^ Top

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)