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The Chaos Zone

June 10th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Ninja Phantom
Ninja Phantom
1,588,601 BP
1 TP | 105 PP
...And are you sure this will work?
It HAS to. I just see no other way around it. There's no other possible way to confront him... No available universe has the flexibility needed to be able to confront him directly.
And how do you know he will come?
...He is an investor of Chaos and Destruction. He will come... It would be against his nature not to.
...I looked at where he kept it. The Anti-Omni Meme of which that devil manifested from. ...It's gone, Bt. And there's only one person in this entire Omniverse who also knows where it is... And would have the motives to take it.
...And Reaper is too gullible and naive to notice any of this. And even then, he would not agree to do any of what I am doing, even if it's for a greater cause. I HAVE to be the one to do it. There is no other way around it.
...But if the Trio of Origin... the Creators of the Internet's Multi-Omniverse find out about this...
...They can erase this universe for all I care. But not until we get rid of Beta Devil... For GOOD.
Greetings, one and all, and welcome to the Chaos Zone. This is an attempt to do what the Absurd Roleplay attempted to do: Create a safe environment for people to be OP so that, hopefully, it won't spread to other threads.

I'll let it be known now: This is NOT a continuation of the Absurd Roleplay itself, nor of its story/stories. If you participated in the Absurd Roleplay at some point and wish to bring back any characters or plotpoints that existed at the time, feel free. But do note that this is, more or less, its own continuity. Heck, if anything, it doesn't even need its own continuity. But, I'd be foolish to think it won't. In fact, I am counting on it.

Anyways. Some ground rules:

1. If you're going to do stats and damage, feel free to have them be as big as possible. Just don't make them extremely long.
2. Do not use other people's characters. Feel free to make as many characters as you would like, though.
3. If you want to destroy the world, that's fine. Want to destroy the galaxy? Great. The universe? Can always be pieced back together. But do NOT. Under ANY circumstances. Destroy ANY universe that is not involved with this thread. You are also equally banned from destroying the entire Omniverse, or any Omniverse beyond. There are... certain people. I want to avoid the attention of. So let's refrain from stretching out the destruction to beyond this thread, ok?

...I think that about covers it. You all enjoy yourselves.
The Chaos Zone
Posted by Ninja Phantom on June 10th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Viewed 13565 Times
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 2:13pm Edited on 2020/08/04 at 2:24pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 2:13pm Edited 2020/08/04 at 2:24pm
Crankey Kong: Oh god... whats gonna happen here? Trio .exe: Well... look around you. Crankey looked around and saw... a perfect replication... of the real world... outside the internet. Crankey Kong: What the hell is THIS place? Trio.exe: A place where we have little to no power...
Sabata: Uh oh... I think I know where Crankey ened up Master Matt... Sabata is shown Crankey wandering with Trio.exe in tri-limbo/ the grand theft auto world, through the crystal coconut.
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 2:20pm Edited on 2020/08/04 at 2:26pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 2:20pm Edited 2020/08/04 at 2:26pm
Null arrives on the scene, absorbing as much Chaos Energy as possible without overloading.
OBJECT:Sometal. Possibly set to 0 HP. Attempting to store Sometal file.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 2:29pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 2:29pm
...Then we have a problem. If we try to let out Cranky, we release Trio.EXE into the world. I'm afraid there is nothing we can do, unless Cranky somehow gets as far away from Trio.EXE as possible.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 2:31pm Edited on 2020/08/04 at 2:41pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 2:31pm Edited 2020/08/04 at 2:41pm
C.X: You know full well, that I choose, THE BUP MIESTER EXTRODINARE! JAP voice Toad. But he dosent bup... oh well, whatever to get this over with to protect the world afterwards.
Trio.exe: Also... for fun... we can do this! Trio.exe then did... the wide putin walk while being wide. Complete with music! Crankey Kong: Oh god no! I don't wanna do that! What else is there? Crankey then gets introduced to a small menu containing thigs called, "mods".
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 2:44pm Edited on 2020/08/04 at 2:51pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 2:44pm Edited 2020/08/04 at 2:51pm
File stored.
Creating duplicate.
Dark particles begin to form nearby Null. The particles begin to twist and contort until it resembles...
A keyphrase is requested.

What the? This is SYS-001 #417, requesting immediate backup in forum: TCZ. We have two instances of possible attacks on the system. One from Incident Null and one from a post referring "mods".
I repeat-
Wait, who are y=asfdag4wfsrgtewr4q5htebs*CROAK*njkeiogej
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 2:44pm Edited on 2020/08/04 at 2:51pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 2:44pm Edited 2020/08/04 at 2:51pm
Crankey Kong: Lets see here... wideness? No. Motercycles on... card battles? I think that be a bit backwards there... Stand battles? Nah. I don't need one. Multidimensional strip club? NO! Thats too gross and lewd! I need somthing more wholesome...
^ Top
Brash Buster
23,209,135 BP
0 TP | 860 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 2:49pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 2:49pm
As Duo carries him, Chaos points to Angel Island, where Somari, the Sonic team, the SFRs, and the CD-i duo are likely waiting.
Little Papa Beta's
...come to think of it, GX, you never said which map the three of them were gonna play on this round.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 2:53pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 2:53pm
GX: Eh, they'll just go to uh...big donut for round three.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 2:53pm Edited on 2020/08/04 at 2:55pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 2:53pm Edited 2020/08/04 at 2:55pm
...Meanwhile, on Angel Island...

...What do you MEAN there were only 29 shards!?
mega-man Sorry, Knuckles. I thought for sure this would be the last of them... Someone HAS to have the other 18...
Actually, make that 17... We have a piece right here!

CD-i Link gives Knuckles his piece of the Master Emerald! Suddenly, the sounds of a plane can be heard...

Guh-huh! Hey there, everyone! We saw that mean ol' Grunty had 5 of your emerald shards, so we stopped her plans and came here as fast as we could!
(You forgot to add the part where we didn't even know where to go first, so we had to go on some big collect-a-thon quest to find this place.)
(It was quite the adventure, huh, Kazooie? It's a real shame nobody will ever get to see it.)

Banjo and Kazooie drops off (previously) Gruntilda's 5 pieces and flies off to the distance.

Say, Kazooie. Do you think we'll become main characters in the Chaos Zone, now?
Gee, Banjo, I sincerely doubt it.
...Well, there's that. But what about the last 12?

...Oh, fine. I guess I'll have it another day...

Rogue appears, handing over the Emerald Shards she had.

You just couldn't resist, could you?
Hey, you can't blame a girl for trying, now can you?

Knuckles puts together the remaining pieces, finally completing the Master Emerald. Angel Island then begins to rise back to the skies!
Total: 100/100
Heroes: 100/100

The Master Emerald has been restored!
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 2:56pm Edited on 2020/08/04 at 2:59pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 2:56pm Edited 2020/08/04 at 2:59pm
???: Now. Then the master emerald was swiped by a... eggrobo in the style of satam?! Satam Robotnik: Suprise! The voice came from the eggrobo!
^ Top
13,682,436 BP
0 TP | 580 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 3:01pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 3:01pm
Mighty punches a hole in the Egg Robo, returns the ME to its shrine and duct tapes it to the floor.
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 3:31pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 3:31pm
The body of the Egg Robo catches on black fire before turning to ash. Suddenly, the sky is overtaken by a large smile.
Angel Island starts to rise even higher!
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 3:36pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 3:36pm
Duo: Oh what the hell?! Bounce Man: Oh that aint good.
^ Top
13,682,436 BP
0 TP | 580 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 3:39pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 3:39pm
Not even fifteen minutes, huh?

Mighty goes outside to see what's going on.
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 3:41pm Edited on 2020/08/04 at 3:50pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 3:41pm Edited 2020/08/04 at 3:50pm
The winds starts to pick up despite Angel Island almost reaching the atmosphere.

Suddenly the ash swirls to form...Dark Prince?
Sometal-N appeared! The Dark Prince-N and Sometal-N are attacking each other! Dark Prince-N seems to be throwing the fight.

^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 3:43pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 3:43pm
Sabata then felt... IT. Sabata: Oh no... I think we have to deal with somthing much more grave than loosing Crankey for now... (not involving the participants for GX's tournament.)
^ Top
13,682,436 BP
0 TP | 580 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 3:49pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 3:49pm
Mighty yeets the N-people to a faraway deserted planet so they can duke it out there.

A bunch of Mighty's robots in jet mode press against Angel Island, pushing it down to regular altitude.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 3:57pm Edited on 2020/08/04 at 4:00pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 3:57pm Edited 2020/08/04 at 4:00pm

Matt snaps his fingers, sending Null to a realm that causes him constant pain (without killing him).

I told him I would punish him if he causes trouble. And trouble he is causing, trying to re-open the Dead Zone portals. He's lucky I'm not going to find a way to erase him without taking the whole universe down with him.
^ Top
Brash Buster
23,209,135 BP
0 TP | 860 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 3:59pm Edited on 2020/08/04 at 4:02pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 3:59pm Edited 2020/08/04 at 4:02pm
Little Papa Beta's
Sabata, there's no reason to continue the tournament if only those not participating go outside. It just leaves more people crammed in here.
Either we let the tournament conclude quickly yet normally, or we cut it short right now. I'm sure many of the participants are going to be irritated if we make the latter choice, given that they've been here for over a week.
CX, Bane, Quin, where do you three stand in the current match?
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on August 4th, 2020 at 3:59pm Edited on 2020/08/04 at 4:02pm
Posted 2020/08/04 at 3:59pm Edited 2020/08/04 at 4:02pm
C.X: Oh, I was just day dreamin there for a moment, sorry for the trouble! The reploid then started the match by grabbing an item box!
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