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The Chaos Zone

June 10th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Ninja Phantom
Ninja Phantom
1,588,601 BP
1 TP | 105 PP
...And are you sure this will work?
It HAS to. I just see no other way around it. There's no other possible way to confront him... No available universe has the flexibility needed to be able to confront him directly.
And how do you know he will come?
...He is an investor of Chaos and Destruction. He will come... It would be against his nature not to.
...I looked at where he kept it. The Anti-Omni Meme of which that devil manifested from. ...It's gone, Bt. And there's only one person in this entire Omniverse who also knows where it is... And would have the motives to take it.
...And Reaper is too gullible and naive to notice any of this. And even then, he would not agree to do any of what I am doing, even if it's for a greater cause. I HAVE to be the one to do it. There is no other way around it.
...But if the Trio of Origin... the Creators of the Internet's Multi-Omniverse find out about this...
...They can erase this universe for all I care. But not until we get rid of Beta Devil... For GOOD.
Greetings, one and all, and welcome to the Chaos Zone. This is an attempt to do what the Absurd Roleplay attempted to do: Create a safe environment for people to be OP so that, hopefully, it won't spread to other threads.

I'll let it be known now: This is NOT a continuation of the Absurd Roleplay itself, nor of its story/stories. If you participated in the Absurd Roleplay at some point and wish to bring back any characters or plotpoints that existed at the time, feel free. But do note that this is, more or less, its own continuity. Heck, if anything, it doesn't even need its own continuity. But, I'd be foolish to think it won't. In fact, I am counting on it.

Anyways. Some ground rules:

1. If you're going to do stats and damage, feel free to have them be as big as possible. Just don't make them extremely long.
2. Do not use other people's characters. Feel free to make as many characters as you would like, though.
3. If you want to destroy the world, that's fine. Want to destroy the galaxy? Great. The universe? Can always be pieced back together. But do NOT. Under ANY circumstances. Destroy ANY universe that is not involved with this thread. You are also equally banned from destroying the entire Omniverse, or any Omniverse beyond. There are... certain people. I want to avoid the attention of. So let's refrain from stretching out the destruction to beyond this thread, ok?

...I think that about covers it. You all enjoy yourselves.
The Chaos Zone
Posted by Ninja Phantom on June 10th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Viewed 13565 Times
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 12:03pm Edited on 2020/09/25 at 12:12pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 12:03pm Edited 2020/09/25 at 12:12pm
But the attack did nothing on Ra Thor... Ra Thor: banan...a...rotato FASTER banana... Ali then got grabbed by an unknown force! While GX on the other hand... GX: Ok, You know what? SCREW IT! He then reached into the circle to try and pull out Shinmyoumaru! Bowl included. But before the hand could crush him... he just used Flash Stopper to make it stop in place.
^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 12:49pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 12:49pm
(Note: Just because Tachyos has Ali before it doesn't mean his full name IS Ali. Also, there is NO WAY that a 150 power attack from an ATK stat of 20480 didn't do anything unless Ra Thor is immune to Swift.)

As it turns out, Flash Stopper doesn't work on the Remote Sky-Knuckle! Also, GX ends up grabbing the dirt, because that's not how summoning circles work!
Ali Tachyos dodges without even knowing it!


 Ali Tachyos | Level 294 | HP: 19400/19400 | ATK: 20480 | DEF: 18900 | SPD: Incalculable++++
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 12:55pm Edited on 2020/09/25 at 1:03pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 12:55pm Edited 2020/09/25 at 1:03pm
(Note: Ra Thor is only able to be harmed by electric and neutral typed attacks.)
Gx: Ok You know what? Fuck it. He then grabbed the sky knuckle somhow and threw it towards nobody in particular and pulled out a hook. He canceled the summoning, and ripped a hole that leads to the golden needle. Ra Thor: go...g O... The force then started yo go faster... and faster... and faster... until they reach uncalculable ++++++++++++++
^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 1:04pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 1:04pm
(Note: Well it wasn't like that in Super Adventure Rockman, now was it?)

Seija simply reverses the Sky-Knucle's direction, causing it to fly back at GX!
Ali Tachyos tries another Rushdown!

 Ali Tachyos | Level 294 | HP: 19400/19400 | ATK: 20480 | DEF: 18900 | SPD: Incalculable++++
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 1:09pm Edited on 2020/09/25 at 1:30pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 1:09pm Edited 2020/09/25 at 1:30pm
Oh did I say golden needle? I meant to say shining needle castle, so my mistake. Gx: Simply get out of the way and... The fist then went to the hole leading to the castle! While Ra Thor this time took some form of damage from the takedown. While the force managed to grab Tachyos! Ra Thor: can u fEel it,, b a n an ba ?
^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 1:21pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 1:21pm
(Note: TachYOS. Not TachYON. Also, since when can GX casually rip holes in spacetime at will?)

Seija fires more danmaku!
Ali Tachyos took 595 Recoil Damage!

Turns out, however, that Ali Tachyos is still too fast for it, because uncalculable isn't even an actual word! Ali Tachyos then fires a bunch of Swift Shots at Ra Thor!
 Ali Tachyos | Level 294 | HP: 18805/19400 | ATK: 20480 | DEF: 18900 | SPD: Incalculable++++
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 1:31pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 1:31pm
(Well I kinda gave him a special hook due to some form of plot convince to happen. Also I had the mistake corrected. I also meant to type incalcuable so... NUTS!)
GX then peers into the hole to see the fist hit the shining needle castle. Ra Thor: yES FEEL TH e SPED! Then he threw a EMP Spark at Tachyos somehow, causing him to be stunned!
^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 1:40pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 1:40pm
Acutally, the fist ended up going PAST the castle, because stop trying to make Shinmyoumaru appear when I haven't even made icons for her yet.

Seija suddenly appears behind GX and tries to whack him with the Real Miracle Mallet!
Ali Tachyos dodges the attack entirely, and follows up with a Top Spin!

 Ali Tachyos | Level 294 | HP: 18805/19400 | ATK: 20480 | DEF: 18900 | SPD: Incalculable++++
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 1:44pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 1:44pm
(OOC: Oh uh... whoops. My mistake. But who DID you complete when it comes to the icons?)
Then... GX managed to throw Seija into the hole where the castle is! Ra Thor: WE HAV REAHCED MXAIMUN VLELOCIPY! He then leaped into the air!
^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 2:03pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 2:03pm
Seija easily dodged it, and whacks GX with the mallet!
Ali Tachyos darts off after Ra Thor!
 Ali Tachyos | Level 294 | HP: 18805/19400 | ATK: 20480 | DEF: 18900 | SPD: Incalculable++++
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 2:08pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 2:08pm
But due to GX being made out of limited...his body part that grabbed the mallet in such a strong hold that not even Seija can can pull it out! GX. He heh... hurts to laugh... He and the mallet then fell in the hole! GX: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 2:15pm Edited on 2020/09/25 at 2:17pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 2:15pm Edited 2020/09/25 at 2:17pm
Dark Grasslands This guy's no joke, Wario! But if he thinks that he's any match for the Negative Zone...

Waluigi suddenly wraps the entire area in a Negative Zone, where Somatic (albeit by choice no one else) is subject to it!

Then he's dead wrong! Hyaaaa!

Waluigi attempts to deliver a poke to the eyes on Somatic, but a powerful surge of energy knocks him back.

Despite the lowliness you possess, "Waluigi", you are a true mystery in terms of specimen.

Somatic extends his arm forward, and brings it back, clenching it.

A tennis racket that can deflect anything and everything as long as it has proper reflexes is bound to be made up of some godlike alloy. On top of that, you manage to harness and emit the same energy developed by your irrelevance... it is quite fascinating. Too bad it will never be enough.

Somatic in the blink of an eye disappears and reappears, gut punching Waluigi and undoing the Negative Zone and sending him flying back in the surrounding forest!


Somatic then teleports again behind Wario, backs facing each other.
Do not concern yourself with his well-being. His and yours will both be nonexistent soon enough.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 2:44pm Edited on 2020/09/25 at 2:47pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 2:44pm Edited 2020/09/25 at 2:47pm
K. Rool Archipelago* - Mt. Kroc SummitOf course he spelled it with a "k"...

K. Rool, sitting on a throne at the mountain's summit (which is unnaturally warm for a mountain's summit, but then again the entire archipelago was made artificially), taps his claws on one of the throne's armrests... Usually, this means he's trying to think of an evil plot, though this time... It's because he's immensely bored.

...*Sigh* You know... I thought I would enjoy having everything I've ever wanted... Land to call my own... An army of Kremlings, at my every command... Heck, long before all this Chaos Zone stuff happened, I finally got into Smash!
...And yet, as I sit here to admire everything I have gained... I find myself to be filled to the brim with the dullness that is boredom.

Well, perhaps we can talk about how you changed your mug back to the 8-bit style again? With it being more polished, granted.

Well, I simply wish to match up with most of Beta Shadow's other video game characters, and if anyone has a problem with it, they can take it up with the new-and-improved Kahtos.

That reminds me of another thing we need to discuss... What exactly IS that golden object you used to do all of this, anyways?

Hm, a fair question... Well, I suppose since nobody aside from you and my Kremling Krew is around to see this- What with the high-rated security I placed around the island-

Archipelago. You made multiple islands, not just one.

-I suppose I can inform you of what trinket of power I hold in my claws...

K. Rool then pulls out a golden object... The object appears to be similar to that of... A coconut?

...Hang on...

A golden coconut... So that's the Anti-Omni Meme 2! But... How did you sneak it out of Robbie Rotten's hands...?

Why, elementary, oh dear narrator!

That bit about taking a nap? It was a trick. While Robbie was busy snoozing, I took the Golden Coconut from right under his nose!

...You realize he's going to be upset once he finds out, right?

Perhaps... But a true villain stands on only 3 morals: steal, cheat, and lie! If anything, he should be PROUD of me! I have the heart of a TRUE evil villain!

...A mere moments after standing up for his "heart of a villain" speech, K. Rool sits back down.

...And the sheer boredom of a hippo.

K. Rool sighs, then looks over to the armrest of which he wasn't tapping his claws on. Opening up a panel within the armrest, K. Rool pushes a button, connecting to a direct comm line with Kahtos.

Say, Kahtos... Is there anything you'd like to do? I could do with some form of entertainment, if you have any ideas.
*Page 218, Post #19- K. Rool used a golden object- the same one used to separate Defteros from Kahtos- to create an Archipelago for him to rule over.
^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 2:57pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 2:57pm
Seija simply uses her Cheat Saber to hack GX apart!
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 3:00pm Edited on 2020/09/25 at 3:03pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 3:00pm Edited 2020/09/25 at 3:03pm
But the mallet is still lodged in his back! GX: Ow... docter... help... He sent a destress signal to doppler labs!
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 3:06pm Edited on 2020/09/25 at 3:09pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 3:06pm Edited 2020/09/25 at 3:09pm
K. Rool Archipelago - Mt. Kroc SummitKahtos responds blankly:

I am without my own wants, needs, and desires. I can only implore that you ask yourself what you would normally do if you were "bored".
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 3:09pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 3:09pm
K. Rool leans back a bit in his throne.

...Hm, well... I would either be sailing the seven seas, doing experiments as K. Roolenstein, or come up with some scheme to...
...What ARE the Kongs up to at this point, anyways?

K. Rool pulls out the Golden Coconut to see what Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong are up to...
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 3:19pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 3:19pm
Meanwhile with bluster kong. Bluster Kong: Ok, now this is just annoying. When is that cursed and possibly canceled tournament going to start?! I'm slowly starting to loose some of my coolness energy!
^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 3:48pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 3:48pm
Seija then uses one last Remote Sky-Knuckle to finish off GX!
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 25th, 2020 at 3:56pm
Posted 2020/09/25 at 3:56pm
When GX realized they weren't probably coming... he realized somthing... somthing he could have done from the start of the fight... GX: *sigh* looks like I have only one option left... GX then managed to turn into a blob and hid himself somewhere deep into the bamboo forest... if its even nearby...
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