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The Chaos Zone

June 10th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Ninja Phantom
Ninja Phantom
1,588,601 BP
1 TP | 105 PP
...And are you sure this will work?
It HAS to. I just see no other way around it. There's no other possible way to confront him... No available universe has the flexibility needed to be able to confront him directly.
And how do you know he will come?
...He is an investor of Chaos and Destruction. He will come... It would be against his nature not to.
...I looked at where he kept it. The Anti-Omni Meme of which that devil manifested from. ...It's gone, Bt. And there's only one person in this entire Omniverse who also knows where it is... And would have the motives to take it.
...And Reaper is too gullible and naive to notice any of this. And even then, he would not agree to do any of what I am doing, even if it's for a greater cause. I HAVE to be the one to do it. There is no other way around it.
...But if the Trio of Origin... the Creators of the Internet's Multi-Omniverse find out about this...
...They can erase this universe for all I care. But not until we get rid of Beta Devil... For GOOD.
Greetings, one and all, and welcome to the Chaos Zone. This is an attempt to do what the Absurd Roleplay attempted to do: Create a safe environment for people to be OP so that, hopefully, it won't spread to other threads.

I'll let it be known now: This is NOT a continuation of the Absurd Roleplay itself, nor of its story/stories. If you participated in the Absurd Roleplay at some point and wish to bring back any characters or plotpoints that existed at the time, feel free. But do note that this is, more or less, its own continuity. Heck, if anything, it doesn't even need its own continuity. But, I'd be foolish to think it won't. In fact, I am counting on it.

Anyways. Some ground rules:

1. If you're going to do stats and damage, feel free to have them be as big as possible. Just don't make them extremely long.
2. Do not use other people's characters. Feel free to make as many characters as you would like, though.
3. If you want to destroy the world, that's fine. Want to destroy the galaxy? Great. The universe? Can always be pieced back together. But do NOT. Under ANY circumstances. Destroy ANY universe that is not involved with this thread. You are also equally banned from destroying the entire Omniverse, or any Omniverse beyond. There are... certain people. I want to avoid the attention of. So let's refrain from stretching out the destruction to beyond this thread, ok?

...I think that about covers it. You all enjoy yourselves.
The Chaos Zone
Posted by Ninja Phantom on June 10th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Viewed 13565 Times
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2020 at 6:25pm Edited on 2020/10/14 at 6:34pm
Posted 2020/10/14 at 6:25pm Edited 2020/10/14 at 6:34pm
Honestly, I've no idea, though I doubt it was us. Why would the UKR want you specifically dead?
The diplomat then looks over to R.O.B. Meanwhile some soldiers sit down and have a picnic.
We wish to take Earth under our wing. Make every government capitalist, give every person the same freedom, split the largest companies up, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. In exchange for Earth's cooperation, we'll willing to provide anything it needs. Money, protection, they name it, we'll try to provide. However, naturally there are those who, for one reason or another, reject this offer. That is why we're speaking to you. As some of Earth's defenders, we wish to avoid any conflict by striking a deal for it defenders to support us. Not with murdering those that deny us mind you, but simply spreading the good word. If there's a personal price, we may be able to pay that as well.
Pierce is picked up by unknown means and is thrown into the ground. Pierce, still juggling the balls, hastens his pace before the balls start to catch on fire.
Strike one!
One ball rockets upwards, slamming into Stache. As he's knocked around, another ball strikes him in the temple.
Strike two!
Stache plummets to the ground. Just as he looks to Pierce, a ball is thrown his way.
And strike three! You're ou-
Stache is nowhere to be seen.
HEY! What's the big idea! You ruined my punchline!
Pierce's arms lifts up, causing Pierce to look around. Suddenly Pierce begins to beat himself up.
Pierce! What are you doing!
Pierce laughs all the while, seemly getting the joke. As Walnut looks on in fear, he catches a metal object flashing corner to corner.
So that's it. Pierce! Cartwheel to your right!
Pierce does so, landing straight into Stache. As both fall down, Pierce pulls out a pie and slams it onto Stache. As much as Stache tries to pull it off using his PSI, he's unable to. Pierce then proceeds to irish box him.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2020 at 6:34pm Edited on 2020/10/14 at 6:56pm
Posted 2020/10/14 at 6:34pm Edited 2020/10/14 at 6:56pm
Pop Star

Suddenly, a shadow looms over the UKR...

Freedom for every person, you say? How interesting... And vindicating, too, to see people actually willing to give this sort-of thing...
...It's unfortunate that I am inclined not to believe you. You say every person gains the same freedom, and yet I am almost certain you mean to say every human gains the same freedom. Don't pretend that you lot care for those who are not-so the same species as you.
...However. I believe myself to be a reasonable being... So I shall give you the chance to prove me wrong.
OOC: A side-note: The battle that happened between Shadow Mewtwo and Moronicle is something I decided to have concluded off-scene: That ending being, Moronicle left because he became bored. Shadow Mewtwo is angry about this, but decides to focus on his main agenda. (I at least hope Rotom agrees to this; Because otherwise we'd have to choose between killing one of them off, or never using either of these two again. And frankly, I kinda like the story idea I have for Shadow Mewtwo, and I kinda want to use it.)

As for how he got to Pop Star, figure that out on your own, because I have no idea.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2020 at 6:42pm
Posted 2020/10/14 at 6:42pm
Geo: Geo wonders why baby bot was in former best thing...? He holds the infant sized robot in his somehow capable hands... while it started to look at Geos torso strangely... Geo: Uh... why is infant bot looking a Geos torso funny?
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2020 at 8:22pm
Posted 2020/10/14 at 8:22pm
As the diplomat stands up to speak, another soldier gets in front of him.
Look around you. Do you not see the flags?
In a strange turn of events, green flags can be seen flying everywhere.
What are you doing invading our private business anyways? With how different you look, I doubt your from around here anyways so-
The diplomat gets in front of the soldier.
Tell me, do you see humans frollocking around? This place is under the protection of the UKR, yet if you look hard enough, the majority of this world's inhabitants can't tell the difference.
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2020 at 8:27pm Edited on 2020/10/14 at 8:27pm
Posted 2020/10/14 at 8:27pm Edited 2020/10/14 at 8:27pm
??? At last, I have it... I can feel it's sheer power... The infamous Szechuan Sauce.
With this, I can establish the true might of McDonalds. Nothing will be in my way now.
It's been so long. I wonder. Am I still able to utter those very words I used to? There is only one way to find out...
Ran... Ran... Ru. Ronald McDonald
Mascot of a Fast Food Empire
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2020 at 8:28pm
Posted 2020/10/14 at 8:28pm
(OOC: Oh ho ho no! Whats the explanation for why Ronald is the antagonist?!)
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2020 at 8:36pm
Posted 2020/10/14 at 8:36pm
I would hesitate to call him an "Antagonist" as he's far from being an established one and isn't really openly antagonizing others, rather than that looking out for the best interests of McDonalds.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2020 at 8:42pm
Posted 2020/10/14 at 8:42pm
(OOC: Oh so he's neutral for now? Neat.)
^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2020 at 9:30pm
Posted 2020/10/14 at 9:30pm
   weal dat waz borin as a mofafuk
   whut eva tom 2 begging da hest 4 REEL Z'S

Moronicule takes out a couple sheets of paper with some stuff scribbled on them!


⑥s 2 KyLE<br />CELERy    Len Dorris    JERKeye

   sush a musterpies
   ait LES DO DEES

Moronicule goes off to hunt down the three legendaries on the list!
^ Top
Brash Buster
23,209,135 BP
0 TP | 860 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2020 at 9:45pm Edited on 2020/10/14 at 10:10pm
Posted 2020/10/14 at 9:45pm Edited 2020/10/14 at 10:10pm
Outside Kirby's House

Meta Knight and Bandanna Dee run out, baffled by the green flags.
What did you do?

Suddenly, a familiar quartet appears behind them...
Trust me, I'd expect you're as happy about this as anyone else. But considering you and Dedede were the closest things to authority figures on this planet, you kind of left yourselves open.
Don't act like you're on a higher moral ground, Daroach. I know what you did back in Gensokyo.
I wasn't saying that. Just providing my two cents, is all.
Wait, you'd give him your pennies?
...Storo, it was an expression.

Mystic Ruins

Metal Sonic is actually worried to see Amy. He starts floating back so slowly you'd hardly notice unless you watched him with a keen eye.'s a long story, Rose, and I'd be surprised if you believed any of it.

Doppler Labs

Rumia finally thaws out from Daiyousei's "Frozen Lake".
...But Daiyousei, you used to go out and do that all the time.
I don't care!! Kahtos hurt you a lot, and we were scared you wouldn't come back!! I'm not gonna let people hurt you anymore, and I'm not gonna let you find people who can hurt you anymore!!
...but I could just do better than I did against Kahtos, right?
...right, everyone?

Unfortunately for Rumia, the whole lab (save for Enemice HL, who doesn't know of the tournament) is in silent denial.
Gensokyo - Ruined Western Mansion

Sanae cautiously opens the front door, and the group of five walk in one at a time.
Rho-volt Torch is the last to step foot in the mansion, but as soon as his foot touches the carpet...
Li'l Miss Marshmallow
Short-Tempered Mecha-Maid
Test Subject #1
(Battle Theme) ♫ Mother 3 - MROB-6270M ♫
Without hesitation, Li'l Miss Marshmallow angrily slaps Torch, sending him flying across the room!!!
Angry Slap: (None/Damage) The user slaps the opponent hard, usually in the face. Can't be avoided.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2020 at 10:08pm
Posted 2020/10/14 at 10:08pm
iX: Jesus... Mother 3 enemies...? How low did they go...? He then sniped Lil miss marshmellow with a Spark Chaser...
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2020 at 10:19pm Edited on 2020/10/14 at 10:31pm
Posted 2020/10/14 at 10:19pm Edited 2020/10/14 at 10:31pm
Pop Star

Shadow Mewtwo looks over to Meta Knight.

Just a mere overreaction. I am simply here to converse... Because if I am not to be heard, then all of humanity will pay the price.

Shadow Mewtwo then looks back to the Diplomat.

...You know, ever since that "Moronicle" guy decided to bail on our fight, I have been... Intrigued. By you lot... The things you are after. What your LEADER is after.
...I have considered a number of things. Most of them consisted of complete human extermination for the sake of Nature's preservation... But now, I wonder if there is even a need for such.
...Humans- as well as Robots, and other civilization-related races and tribes alike- have been polluting, destroying, and damaging nature since nearly the dawn of time... From making homes from trees to removing them outright to build cities. ...Believe it or not, however, I am willing to look past this.
...But if there is one thing I despise about humanity... It's the concept of Pokemon Trainers. Enslaving us in their spherical capturing devices, and forcing us to battle, let them ride on our backs, and participate in their sports, musicals, and contests. And the thanks we are given in return for our undying loyalty? Continued containment in their little pocket-sized cages.

...Now. What I'm asking is not to take down the entire idea of Pokemon Training, believe it or not. I have come to understand that there are some Pokemon who tend to enjoy the company of their trainers. That much I can accept. Besides, even I cannot deny that I tend to enjoy a good fight every now-and-again... Of course, that may just be my nature.*
...What I want is for those Pokemon to be treated with a little more respect... And do do that, I want to replace the concept of "Poke Balls" with THESE.

Shadow Mewtwo sets on the table some kind of technologically stylistic necklace. A Pokeball decal is set in the middle of the necklace.
*Nature as in personality, not in terms of what it normally means for Pokemon.
^ Top
Brash Buster
23,209,135 BP
0 TP | 860 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2020 at 11:19pm Edited on 2020/10/15 at 12:11am
Posted 2020/10/14 at 11:19pm Edited 2020/10/15 at 12:11am
Outside Kirby's House

Meta Knight walks up to the table R.O.B. and the Diplomat are standing (sitting? IDK) at.
Truthfully, I have several reasons not to believe you're going to handle this as peacefully and ethically as you claim you will.
Obviously, the first thing that I notice is, again, that you put Pop Star under what you call "Option A" despite, or maybe even because of, no higher figures being present to argue. I'll admit, Daroach has a point: some of that blame falls on me. But even I've attempted a mostly non-violent conquest on the planet before*, and I was stopped in a manner of minutes. I have no doubt that with the newfound awareness of your control, history will repeat itself.
In fact, just about any attempt at controlling Pop Star ends the same: With the opposition of just one, sometimes four citizens, the main force behind the conquest is overthrown, or more often, killed.
Speaking of said tyrants, my greatest concern lies with your higher-ups. And I don't mean Kilroy.
Several sources have made it evident that you're using Dark Matter, Grey Matter, or both, to further your plans. Grey Matter is admittedly a rather foreign concept to me, but I know for certain with or without your control of Pop Star, your pact with Dark or Grey Matter will be your downfall, and will almost definitely lead to the "winged one"† absorbing your forces for their own destructive wishes, or destroying them outright.

R.O.B. clamps his hands together, as if folding them.
... (I was hoping the negotiation could conclude without mention of Dark or Grey Matter, but I'd have to agree that your use of them makes me rather skeptical. I also say this from past experience.)

Doppler Labs

Shadow Digital decides to keep 'M FF outside of their‡ ball for a while, outside the lab.
Digital, nobody's even around to know about this.
Well, I don't wanna take chances right now. Just feels like a bad idea.
...they at least don't know TM05, right?
Yup. They just learned Leech Seed in its place.
...please tell me you didn't make them go attack people just to get to Level 234§.
Actually, it just kinda...happened. Dunno why; these kinds of Pokémon are funky like that.

Gensokyo - Ruined Western Mansion

Kanako unleashes a Spell Card!!
Divine Festival "Expanded Onbashira"
Li'l Miss Marshmallow is pelted by the seals, retaliating by spilling Hot Tea everywhere, with Sanae just barely protecting the group thanks to an Earth-God Summon: Shield!!
Divine Festival "Expanded Onbashira": (Crystal/Weapons, Nature/Water) A Spell Card where the user traps the opponent in an increasingly narrow stream of lasers, then fires a barrage of seal danmaku at them.
Hot Tea: (Water/Flame) The user splashes multiple targets with a cup of absurdly hot tea. Like, third-degree burn level hot.
Earth-God Summon: Shield: (Earth/Shield) Sanae summons Suwako, who raises a bubble shield around herself, able to absorb a set amount of damage before being destroyed.
*Reference: Kirby Super Star - Revenge of Meta Knight sub-game
†See Page 203, Post #3.
‡Since gender doesn't exist (aside from with Nidoran) in Gen I of Pokémon, 'M is currently considered genderless.
§The level 'M (hexadecimal FF) learns Leech Seed at.
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on October 14th, 2020 at 11:50pm Edited on 2020/10/15 at 12:46am
Posted 2020/10/14 at 11:50pm Edited 2020/10/15 at 12:46am
The diplomat looks at the device and scans it. Without moving his head, he begins to speak to Meta Knight.
We looked after this planet in your absence. Heroes got to go do hero stuff after all. And in terms of other parties trying to control Pop Star, they failed because they lacked the power to keep it and they also lacked the foresight to see that the ones they control almost matter. What's a king without subjects?
The diplomat looked over to Shadow Mewtwo.
What's the difference between this and a regular...Poker Ball you called it? They both appear to be capture devices, correct?
Neo Yggrisdal
As Null lays down for the night, thoughts start to flood his vision. Along with plans and formulas, a strange picture slowly comes into focus.
There's no way out. There's no way out!
I'm never going to leave! This world will come undone and I won't be able to escape it.
I'm trapped in darkness... knew what was to come. Why? Why did you leave me?
D.S.? simply continued to drift in this black void.
Suddenly a greyish drop of water falls in front of D.S.?. Startled, he drifts away and tries to run. However, curiosity overtakes him and he looks back to find a growing puddle in space.
What...what is this thing?
D.S.? looks up to see a mirror of pure shadow dripping the greyish fluid. As Null touches the mirror with a stick that he created, he looks down to see a eye staring right at him from within the puddle. Before he can react, a glob of liquid latches onto his arm.
ACK! Get off of-
Suddenly, the liquid springs back off of him. As Proto Man D.S? morphs his hand into a flamethrower, he realizes something...
Why...why do I feel better? I feel like I should be upset but...I don't?
Null looks back to the pond as the eye looks at him in an almost frightened way.
Hmm...perhaps this...thing's able to drain emotions...Maybe it could help quell my moments of panic while I think of a plan.
After Post 13
Grey Matter? That's the stuff that turned my entire group into moving corpses. You're accusing us of siding with that thing! The winged one you speak of can't be Grey Matter! I won't lie and say that I know all that much of the winged one, but it doesn't make any sense as to why it would attack our own men, hence why I refuse to believe it's the same thing!
Some of the soldiers look on in worry or anger while a rookie plays football with a Waddle Doo.
Bladesmatter simply watches from the window.
Bio Star Labs
As the soldier almost nears the corner, the main lights go out, resulting in the hallway to glow an eerie red. The rookie seems to trip on thin air and looks upwards. A single scream erupts before a pair hands descend from the ceiling and grab him, pulling him upwards.
Great. This is the only way to the safe rooms. Either we run or try to fight that thing.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on October 15th, 2020 at 1:05am Edited on 2020/10/15 at 1:06am
Posted 2020/10/15 at 1:05am Edited 2020/10/15 at 1:06am
Mystic Ruins

Amy is briefly surprised to hear Metal talking, but continues her investigation into his personal agenda nevertheless.

...Not willing to spill it, huh? Can you at least tell me where all the commotion you caused in Station Square fits into whatever you or that Eggman is up to?
Doppler Labs

Bane and Fortem walks up to Shadow Digital and Dark Elf.

Pop Star

It isn't a "capture" device, at least not in the same sense as a Poke Ball. Allow me to explain...
This particular object- though nameless at the moment- is the result of reverse engineering an ordinary Poke Ball... More specifically, the technology used to "capture"- or, rather, subdue- a wild Pokemon.
Once placed around a Wild Pokemon's neck, assuming the right conditions are met- which should match those of a Pokeball's capture rate-, it should have just about the same subduing effect that makes the transition from a Wild Pokemon to a Trainer's Pokemon.
In other words... If the Trainer can get it around the Pokemon's neck, that Pokemon has a chance to be tamed, similar to Pokeballs... Just with a lot more roaming space.
...Now, how this would work with Pokemon Storage Units and whatnot hasn't been figured out yet... But I'm sure there are plenty of smart scientists you could talk to to figure it out.

What else can be said? I'm a fighter, not an inventor. That device was created by someone else entirely, a human scientist of sorts that came to me through some kind of portal.
...Yeah, the Anti-Human Pokemon got this whole idea from a human scientist. Go figure. Be fortunate that it happened; If it didn't, I wouldn't be so open to this peaceful route.
In any case... If you find a way to mass-produce these and replace Pokeballs with them, I will restrain myself from mass-human genocide. A good deal, if you ask me.
^ Top
Brash Buster
23,209,135 BP
0 TP | 860 PP
Posted on October 15th, 2020 at 1:24am Edited on 2020/10/15 at 1:30am
Posted 2020/10/15 at 1:24am Edited 2020/10/15 at 1:30am
Outside Kirby's House
... (We are well aware of the ill effects Grey Matter has had on your men. But we have our suspicions that higher-level military members are using such manipulation in unison with another strategy of theirs to further their goals, and further put us at an unjust disadvantage*.)
... (Be it Dark Matter or Grey Matter, I'll admit our knowledge of the winged one is limited. But hostile Dark Matter and Grey Matter has been appearing as of late, particularly in Blackreach Forest and Dueler's Peak. The monkey mentioned by the man who hacked your weapons was among those corrupted.)
... (It's important to note that forces beyond your own understanding are very dangerous, and even if they claim to be willing to further your goals, it may be a front so they can climb the ranks and abandon you in favor of their goals.)

R.O.B. briefly closes his eyes, then raises and lowers his torso as if taking a deep breath. He then leans forward.
... (...Do you know of the Subspace Army?)

Mystic Ruins
My relationship with the doctor is actually rather...complicated. That's actually the part I was most worried about discussing.
In any case, what happened at Station Square was actually because of something affecting Silver Sonic II.
Put simply, an experiment he was forced into roughly a month ago caused him to slowly lose his understanding of morality, and he had already made a significant mess of the city by the time I was there.
My goal was just to undo the experiment's effects; similar experiments have actually shown up elsewhere, and if I find any, my plan is to stop them as well.
None of this is for Eggman's benefit, but rather to prevent potential disaster.
If any of this sounds vague, let me point out a relevant party that at least two of your friends should know about that provide further context just from mention: Team Mecha.

Outside Doppler Labs

Shadow Digital freezes, horrified about what the sapient Pokémon would have to say about 'M FF ethically. Dark Elf responds in his stead.
Team Rainbow Rocket. Understood. We'll keep our eyes open.

Bio Star Factory
I know what option I'm pickin'!

Fang swings his popgun as he fires a Triple Cork, and shooting each hand with one cork as the remaining cork flies between them!
*See Page 274, Post #11.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on October 15th, 2020 at 1:32am Edited on 2020/10/15 at 1:48am
Posted 2020/10/15 at 1:32am Edited 2020/10/15 at 1:48am
Mystic Ruins

..."Team Mecha"...? Can't say I'm familiar with them... But I'm sure Sonic will fill me in, once I find him...

If she can find him... Not to mention have Sonic hold still long enough for it to be explained.

...Fine. I don't have any reason to trust you, considering how you've kidnapped me in the past*, but I suppose you're off the hook... For now.

Amy proceeds to be on her way, leaving Metal Sonic alone.
Outside Doppler Labs

The Pokemon duo turn to leave, but stops for a moment.

Bane and Fortem proceeds to leave.

OOC: Done for the day
*Reference: Sonic CD
^ Top
13,682,436 BP
0 TP | 580 PP
Posted on October 15th, 2020 at 1:49am Edited on 2020/10/15 at 3:29am
Posted 2020/10/15 at 1:49am Edited 2020/10/15 at 3:29am
M: Okay, so here's my two cents. If you ever dare to pull an Option B on anyone ever again, I will personally beat Kilroy to death with a copy of the Geneva Convention.
Option A is cool, but only if a majority of the population of a country, who is not kept in the dark about anything, agrees on it. 'Course, be it you or the government, if someone tries rigging the referendum there WILL be consequences. Said majority can also repel any of your laws, which you must announce publicly. In a country under your wing, you have to ensure basic human rights and freedoms(thought, speech, writing etc.) for any sentient being, even artificial ones. Also, if they ask you to leave, you have to. And I'm only cool wih C if it's strictly defensive.
M: And I say this for your good as well as everyone else's: Wherever in your army you find a connection to Dark or Grey Matter, cut it. Nothing good's gonna come from it.

^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on October 15th, 2020 at 1:25pm Edited on 2020/10/15 at 3:27pm
Posted 2020/10/15 at 1:25pm Edited 2020/10/15 at 3:27pm
Team Prototype Central Station* Prototype teleports in front of three people.

Where were you? You were gone for quite some time.
I assure you, it's not important. At least, not at the moment.
Well, what the hell do we do now, then!?
Good question.

Prototype creates a holographic map that falls in the center.

Over all, there has been a rapidly dwindling number of citizens in a certain area...
A certain plaza filled with different fast foods. Those who enter a select few and leave seemingly go missing.
(But who?)
I have a theory. There is one restaurant that hasn't been afflicted by this decrease. McDonalds.
Wow. That sounds fun.
Look. Unethical or not, we can't afford with gamble with lives. We have to stop this ASAP.
Now then. It's time we take action.

Prototype teleports away. The other three follow suit
*So Copy X's "spy drones" have pretty much left me dubious about whether or not a similar retcon will happen in the future, so To clarify: For Team Prototype's Central Station, motion sensors will have intruder figures instantly be scanned no matter what shape or size, and will be locked out by a barrier that instantly recognizes their quantum makeup. All of which will also alert all members of Team Prototype. None of which that happens inside the Central Station can be seen by any method short of 4th Wall Awareness.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on October 15th, 2020 at 1:28pm
Posted 2020/10/15 at 1:28pm
iX then somehow snuck in the old western mansion behind lil' miss marshmellow... iX: (Wonder if the residents here don't aprove of miss marshmellows appearence?) He then slowly pulled out a blade only known as... Heliotrope! iX: Lets see if thaf little jorney was worth it...
Heliotrope (Sword) A holy blade usually only wieldable by those of pure heart, or those seeking redemption... it rivals the power of the z-saber, and can compete with beam-type weapons like the X Rapier! Though it shares the same name as the technique it holds...
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