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The Chaos Zone

June 10th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Ninja Phantom
Ninja Phantom
1,588,601 BP
1 TP | 105 PP
...And are you sure this will work?
It HAS to. I just see no other way around it. There's no other possible way to confront him... No available universe has the flexibility needed to be able to confront him directly.
And how do you know he will come?
...He is an investor of Chaos and Destruction. He will come... It would be against his nature not to.
...I looked at where he kept it. The Anti-Omni Meme of which that devil manifested from. ...It's gone, Bt. And there's only one person in this entire Omniverse who also knows where it is... And would have the motives to take it.
...And Reaper is too gullible and naive to notice any of this. And even then, he would not agree to do any of what I am doing, even if it's for a greater cause. I HAVE to be the one to do it. There is no other way around it.
...But if the Trio of Origin... the Creators of the Internet's Multi-Omniverse find out about this...
...They can erase this universe for all I care. But not until we get rid of Beta Devil... For GOOD.
Greetings, one and all, and welcome to the Chaos Zone. This is an attempt to do what the Absurd Roleplay attempted to do: Create a safe environment for people to be OP so that, hopefully, it won't spread to other threads.

I'll let it be known now: This is NOT a continuation of the Absurd Roleplay itself, nor of its story/stories. If you participated in the Absurd Roleplay at some point and wish to bring back any characters or plotpoints that existed at the time, feel free. But do note that this is, more or less, its own continuity. Heck, if anything, it doesn't even need its own continuity. But, I'd be foolish to think it won't. In fact, I am counting on it.

Anyways. Some ground rules:

1. If you're going to do stats and damage, feel free to have them be as big as possible. Just don't make them extremely long.
2. Do not use other people's characters. Feel free to make as many characters as you would like, though.
3. If you want to destroy the world, that's fine. Want to destroy the galaxy? Great. The universe? Can always be pieced back together. But do NOT. Under ANY circumstances. Destroy ANY universe that is not involved with this thread. You are also equally banned from destroying the entire Omniverse, or any Omniverse beyond. There are... certain people. I want to avoid the attention of. So let's refrain from stretching out the destruction to beyond this thread, ok?

...I think that about covers it. You all enjoy yourselves.
The Chaos Zone
Posted by Ninja Phantom on June 10th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Viewed 13565 Times
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 12:28am Edited on 2020/07/08 at 12:40am
Posted 2020/07/08 at 12:28am Edited 2020/07/08 at 12:40am
GX: Well if you need me, I'll be in here in the matt dimension as one of the navigators. Good luck! Terra: I can... acctually see why. Considering how he would and storm would be a giant liability.
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 1:04am Edited on 2020/07/08 at 1:09am
Posted 2020/07/08 at 1:04am Edited 2020/07/08 at 1:09am
So...what are you gonna-
Null teleports directly to Jazz. much for the deal...
Attention Security Divison 09. I'm sending you my coordinates.

Back away from the-
What the devil are you?
As the fireball connects with the glowing object, it flies off of the dragon's body. It appears to be a scale. Angered, the dragon punches Ganon while having a determined face.
^ Top
Brash Buster
23,209,135 BP
0 TP | 860 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 1:50am Edited on 2020/07/08 at 2:01am
Posted 2020/07/08 at 1:50am Edited 2020/07/08 at 2:01am
The tremor knocks Revolt Bit Man and Revolt Torch Man off their feet, and leaves the damaged Revolt Wave Man barely alive!
With what little she has left being destroyed before her eyes, Dark Elf snaps.
...HAD IT!!!!!

Dark Elf launches everyone, including her own Revolt Robots, and even Libra, across the planet.
I've been trying to play fair. I've been trying to follow your little house rules and hierarchy.

Dark Elf traps Libra in a Hyper Echo Chamber.
But it's only turned me into this world's punching bag. And I did NOT come here for that.
Let me give you all a reprise of what my OLD world was like:
I was nothing more than a WORTHLESS MINION of the Black Kingdom that my world's Dark Prince ruled over. He was, and still is, a ruthless tyrant, but all I got was a lousy spot in Stage FOUR. Out of THIRTEEN.
I came here because it was my one chance. Not just to become a threat on par with my former master, but to gain SOME semblance of recognition.
And do you feel that?

A surge of Anti-Omni Energy and the MKII virus combined flies over the planet.
For once, I'm not alone at the bottom of this world's dainty little power grid as someone who's just a Character, but is still ready to make a difference.
And the time is right, too! Because now I realize ANOTHER one of my biggest mistakes back in Matt's realm. It wasn't just that I tried to shut up the top dog of the omniverse...
...It's that I entered before it was time for ME to come on stage.
I have no reason to waste time with you lot anymore. Not you pathetic simians, not you worhless pieces of scrap I called minions, not even Mr. Judgement Boy over there.
All I need is the power this world can provide that I can use.

With that, Dark Elf flies Air Man L's remains.
...this is really ing bad.

Death Egg

MET-L Sonic's "voice" is strengthened by the surge of Anti-Omni Energy and the MKII virus.

"MET-L Sonic" is then dragged away by the gradually-loosening Limited attached to him, and begins flying to the source of the surge.
With the portal back to the outside world open, six unlikely heroes unite.
Finally...even if I can't atone for all that I've done, I can atone for how it's affected this world.
I'm with you all the way, Doc!
And I'll be right with you in return!

Not willing to take any risks, the DOSBots Supercharge themselves ahead of time.'s time.
This is going to be awesome!

The six dash through the portal, ready to save the Omniverse!!!
New Echo Chamber Power Levels: Default, Hyper
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 2:04am
Posted 2020/07/08 at 2:04am
Lagnus: Well... its time. Schezo: Time for the fruits of our training to pay off... lets do this! LEEROOOOOOY- Arle: He heard that from the internet did he? Terra: Yup...
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 7:16am Edited on 2020/07/08 at 7:22am
Posted 2020/07/08 at 7:16am Edited 2020/07/08 at 7:22am
A. Rock and Mech-tenant are still staring out the window. This time, something seems to tip them off a little.

...Okay, you felt that too, right?
Yeah. Felt like.... the world's largest temper tantrum.
So I wasn't the only one thinking that! Think we should check it out?
Why? Lord Hades gave us orders not to rally troops.
He didn't say we couldn't seek out an old fashioned fisticuffs on our own.
Ha! True!

Mech-tenant teleports away, accidentally breaking through the roof.

Wha-- Hey! I have to pay for that! Oh, whatever.

A. Rock teleports away as well.
It's pounding ti--
Eugh. What is that...thing?
It's a mix of disappointment and disgust, what kind of-- I don't want to assume it's a robot, but it looks so hideous.
Now, now, Rock. Let's try to be friendly.
Hi, I'm Lieutenant Mech-KII. And this is my friend A. Rock. We're here on account of..
Wanting to kick his butt.
Ah. Yes. We're here on account of wanting to "boot" your "rearward", if you will.
That being said...

Mech-tenant pulls out a large ballistic shield, with A. Rock, who has already transformed to Speed Switch, jumping in front of him.

*Insert witty one liner about you getting your butt kicked here!
^ Top
13,682,436 BP
0 TP | 580 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 8:49am Edited on 2020/07/08 at 8:50am
Posted 2020/07/08 at 8:49am Edited 2020/07/08 at 8:50am
Mighty proceeds to do some frantic coding...
Objective for entities affiliated with group "Quartet Enterprises" updated from "DO NOT ENGAGE" to "DESTROY"
Objective for entities affiliated with entity "Beta Devil" updated from "DO NOT ENGAGE" to "DESTROY"
Objective for entities affiliated with entity "Jazz MKX" updated from "DO NOT ENGAGE" to "DESTROY"
Mighty sends a message to all the other good guys that were training in the portal.
Alright, I have to deal with something personal-ish real quick but then I'll go straight after Hades. Wish me luck.

Mighty leaves the portal, with the factory still producing more and more robots.
Mighty appears wherever GRANDER NOVA is.

No time to chat. I'll help you with the invincible dragon problem later, but for now have this.

GRANDER NOVA got the Evilometer!

If you get a reading of over 50% on this bad boy, absolutely do NOT grant any wishes to whoever was scanned or the Omniverse may be in even more trouble.
Actually, you should probably teleport away immediately if someone that evil approaches you. Also, have this.

GRANDER NOVA got the Homemade Disinfectant!

My own mix, 90% alcohol and 10% Justice Energy. It should automatically cure you if you somehow catch an evil virus.
Alright, I gotta go. Duty calls.

Mighty sets off for Earth, followed by a huge army of his bots.
A certain Mr.Egg calls Hades' secretary, trying to arrange a meeting with the man himself to sell patents for "the ultimate mass-produced robot."
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 9:23am Edited on 2020/07/08 at 9:26am
Posted 2020/07/08 at 9:23am Edited 2020/07/08 at 9:26am
The call is quickly answered.

You are speaking with Quartet Enterprises. How may we be of service?
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 9:53am
Posted 2020/07/08 at 9:53am
Alright, Jazz, let's just calm down, and-
I am through with being calm. And besides... Why do you worry so much? After all...

Jazz grabs Missingno. firmly by the throat and lifts him up to an eye-to-eye level.

...None of it's real, right? Nothing that happens truly matters. It's all just a fantasy.

Overdrive Jazz MK-X uses Soul Annihilation, leaving Missingno. as nothing more than an empty shell, before dropping him to the ground. He then looks over to the crowd of people gathering to fight him.

...Who's next?
...Meanwhile, Orchestra is still flying through space.

...Well, this is happening. Well, while I'm flying through the depths of space, I might as well contemplate on what got me to this moment...
Let's see... The last thing I remember was facing a swarm of red robots that suddenly ravaged our world... And then one of those bds blew my head off.
I don't exactly remember what happened between then and now... But whatever happened, I ended up in some kind of dimension where the dead apparently went to experience their personalized afterlives...
...And the reason everyone became awoken from them was because there was some kind of portal? Then I jumped through, fought those two guys, and...
...When did my life get this strange?
Soul Annihilation- (No Type) Forces the foe's soul (or whatever equivalent they may have) to experience every kind of death imaginable at once, erasing it entirely.
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 10:45am Edited on 2020/07/08 at 10:50am
Posted 2020/07/08 at 10:45am Edited 2020/07/08 at 10:50am
Yo, Mech-tenant. You have anything that can put a dent in this guy?!
Well, there is the Dread Cannon. though that'll take a bit long to charge, and if I use it, I'll probably exhaust myself out of WE and HE.
That'll do. Besides, if you do miss, I can just bring you back with my stat boosts!

A. Rock then turns his attention to Jazz.

Hey, Beak Bozo! You seem like the fast type! But just how fast are you?

A. Rock suddenly surges with Speed-Core energy, activating Hyperspeed Switch!

Let's see you move 880,000 times the speed of light.

A. Rock then, faster than anyone can react to, blitzes all around the room, firing Buster Barrages at Jazz MK-X!
Hyperspeed Switch- The user increases their Speed Switch by an unquantifiable amount. The limit to this multiplier is unknown. This move can only be used in brief periods however, as holding the instance for too long a moment causes the user to Overheat.
My, my! Especially considering the amount of casualties suffered in our last encounter with thatdastardly plumber, the quantity of Robo-Koopas now in our posession has skyrocketed! Your smelliness, of what method have you used to achieve these rampaging obots?
Well, at first I thought we'd have to do things the hard way, but out of nowhere, this purple guy came to me with a "deal". When I sent my forces to attack, before I knew it, they were all gone. But then he offered me a deal. He said in exchange for the remaining shards of the Dark Star I obliterated some time ago, that he would replenish and bolster my Koopa Troops.
At first I was about to clobber him for daring to do such a thing, but before I could retaliate, he opened a portal. The next thing I knew these Stronger, Faster, mysterious Koopa 'droids came in, and he said they were all mine if I gave him what he wanted.
And judging by the fact that they're here.... you probably know what I went with.
Your evilness, are you sure it's wise to create alliances with such mysterious strangers?
Aw, don't be such a worrywart, Kamek. It worked in the end, didn't it? And now...I'm more than ready to teach that troublesome plumber a lesson!
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 10:48am
Posted 2020/07/08 at 10:48am
Jazz simply decks A. Rock across the planet at ten times the speed he was moving!

Hope that answers your question, blue boy!
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 11:09am Edited on 2020/07/08 at 12:09pm
Posted 2020/07/08 at 11:09am Edited 2020/07/08 at 12:09pm
A. Rock teleports back in, albeit with a slightly different look.

Ha! If you're as weak as you are ugly, then it's no wonder you hit like a girl! No offense to females.

For a brief moment A. Rock goes back to his Base form.

(Damn it Mech, hurry up! I won't be able to keep this up for too long!)

A. Rock then switches into Hyperattack Switch!

Don't coun't me out just yet! I'm just getting started!

A. Rock then runs up to Jazz and hits him with a Rock Upper!

Meanwhile, Mech-tenant begins to make grunting noises as he charges.

Rock Upper A jumping uppercut that does tremendous damage. Can only be used close up.
^ Top
13,682,436 BP
0 TP | 580 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 11:11am
Posted 2020/07/08 at 11:11am
The caller speaks in a weirdly exaggerated French accent:

???: Oui, bonjour. Mon name is Égg. Guillaume Égg. It's ridículous, I know, but that is besidés the poínt.
???: You may have recently witnesséd those robóts who were out protecting civilliéns from the battle in the city, the one between the fat yellów guy and the robót with an éyepatch.
???: They were trés efficiént, no? Well, it just so happéns that the company producing them is going bankrupt...
???: And I am in possession of the blueprínts. Therefore, if your CÉO is interested in purchasíng them, I'd like to arrangé a meetíng with him asap.
^ Top
Brash Buster
23,209,135 BP
0 TP | 860 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 11:33am Edited on 2020/07/08 at 12:00pm
Posted 2020/07/08 at 11:33am Edited 2020/07/08 at 12:00pm
Dark Elf finds the broken remains of Air Man L.
...This will do just fine.

She then proceeds to rip her left arm off, and put Air Man L's left arm in its place. A burst of energy covers her...
That didn't hurt as much as I thought it would.
But that's probably because I didn't want it to.
Ev-L Elf
Duet of Corruption
Ev-L Elf makes her way to Earth.
Unidentified Planet

Revolt Oil Man, Revolt Torch Man, and Revolt Bit Man work together to try repairing their nearly dead leader, Revolt Wave Man. Diddy Kong, meanwhile, gets his Barrel Jet starting up.
Crank-uh, I mean...DK Senior, is it? I'm gonna check this planet for anyone who can help us. Heaven knows we need it.

Diddy Kong flies away with a Rocketbarrel Boost.
Outer Space

The Limited virus connecting itself to Metal Sonic gets closer to the source of the energy surge.

The virus gets closer and closer to Jazz' location.
Rocketbarrel Boost: (Speed/Missile) An ability not exclusively designed for combat. Diddy Kong properly activates his Barrel Jet, granting him flight.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 11:46am Edited on 2020/07/08 at 11:50am
Posted 2020/07/08 at 11:46am Edited 2020/07/08 at 11:50am
Mr.Dink: Ahh... that was DELICIOUS! I wonder how much I have to pay for this meal...
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 12:06pm Edited on 2020/07/08 at 12:07pm
Posted 2020/07/08 at 12:06pm Edited 2020/07/08 at 12:07pm
Hmm. Well, if you wish to organize a meeting with our CEO for the purpose of mass-production robotry, then I could personally suggest a meeting with him. Please hold.
Mech-tenant remains in the same position, broadshield in front of him, his buster morphed into a large tank-like weapon, seething with an...unfamiliar type of energy, giving him a strange hue. He seems to have reached Stage 2 his charging process.

(Hang in there, Rock. I'm trying to charge this as fast as possible.)
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 12:09pm Edited on 2020/07/08 at 12:10pm
Posted 2020/07/08 at 12:09pm Edited 2020/07/08 at 12:10pm
The attack seems to do absolutely nothing to Overdrive Jazz MK-X.

"Ha! If you're as weak as you are ugly, then it's no wonder you hit like a girl!" Like a girl, SQUA-
Shut up, bird! You belong to ME now!
And what makes you the absolute expert on the pecking order?
...And what have we here?
Listen here and listen well, you son of a . Met-L is heading over there right now to start the Apocalypse, and I don't want such a thing to ha-
...I don't want to catch the attention of those heroes. So, turn off the form RIGHT NOW or face my wra-
Apologies... But I believe I said before that I'd be taking orders from no one.

Suddenly, a strange robot appears behind Beta Devil!

...What is this.
This... Is one of my new creations, the Jazz Droids. Apologies, they cannot speak for themselves... But it does allow for us to have a bit of heart-to-heart.
When on earth did you even get the time to make something like this, and for what?
When I said I'd be back, I meant it. I was inspired by Worship- and I suppose Quartet Enterprises, in a way- to create an army of clones to do my bidding.
Ok... But why are you using your old MKII model?
Look. I've been trapped within Surge's little makeshift dungeon for a while, and I was fighting Missingno. AND some obsolete garbage while everything was going on. Forgive me for having to resort to the Prototypes.
Anyways, allow me to cut to the chase.

The Jazz Droid then fires a Jazz Laser directly into Beta Devil's heart!

Wh... Why, you...!

Beta Devil tries to turn back on his Anti-Omni powers... Which somehow fails!

What the... What... did you...?
Poor, poor fool. You were starting to spend far too long without your Anti-Omni Powers. And that blow to your heart- Which is surprising that you even have one- merely knocked every last wind of it left in you. Now, why don't you just keel over and die?
...F..... Fuck....... you...........

Beta Devil passes out...
Jazz Laser- (Laser/Copy) A bouncing laser that can change core types at the user's will. Jazz's signature weapon.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 12:13pm Edited on 2020/07/08 at 12:20pm
Posted 2020/07/08 at 12:13pm Edited 2020/07/08 at 12:20pm
SA2 Dub Eggman: Not so fast cucker! Dub Egg then unleashed a grabbing claw for beta devil! SA2 Dub Eggman: If you think you can do this then I dare you to suck. My. Dick! Oh and fight these guys while your at it, bye! SA2 Dub Eggman left with beta devil and left a giant army of not just silver sonics... but Mecha sonics for jazz and his droids to fight.
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 12:34pm Edited on 2020/07/08 at 5:06pm
Posted 2020/07/08 at 12:34pm Edited 2020/07/08 at 5:06pm
A. Rock continues attacking Overdrive Jazz as Mech-tenant is wrapping up Stage 3 of his charging process, While A. Rock fights to little avail. Meanwhile, someone calls out at Jazz.


Suddenly, Mech-tenant's broadshield transforms into a giant laser cannon. as the energy from him radiates to massive degrees, creating an earthquake across the globe.



A. Rock immediately dashes out of the way and reappears behind Mech-tenant, giving him rapid Attack Boosts by the second.


a gigantic blast erupts from the Laser Cannon aimed at Jazz, destroying everything in it's path, including a large chunk of the earth and the space objects following it.
Dread Cannon: A gigantic laser beam with immense Dark Star Energy properties.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 12:35pm
Posted 2020/07/08 at 12:35pm
Eventually, the smoke begins to clear... And Jazz MK-X appears to have disappeared completely... Perhaps the Dread Cannon did it. It saved the wor-

How adorable... Now it's MY turn.

Jazz MK-X, who has moved behind Mech-tenant (pushing A. Rock out of the way), blasting them with the same amount of power and force, but with Anti-Omni Energy! He then turns over to A. Rock...

...Now. Before I put your life at it's end, tell me... Have you ever heard the Tragedy of Your Universe? I thought not... It's not a story Hades would tell you. It's an MKII legend.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on July 8th, 2020 at 12:43pm Edited on 2020/07/08 at 12:49pm
Posted 2020/07/08 at 12:43pm Edited 2020/07/08 at 12:49pm
SA2 Dub Eggman: Lets see 'em deal with an entire army of sonic robots shall we? Oh ho ho ho~! Now I just give Devil warmth through my... Adam Sandler Rug.And he should be able to recover soon...
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