Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2019 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Player Database

Dr. Wily's Mugshot

Dr. Wily Attack Type

Dr. Wily
Robot Attack +25%

Sprite Sheets RightLeft

Dr. Wily | Base Sprite Right
Dr. Wily | Base Sprite Left
Dr. Wily | Taunt Sprite Right
Dr. Wily | Taunt Sprite Left
Dr. Wily | Victory Sprite Right
Dr. Wily | Victory Sprite Left
Dr. Wily | Defeat Sprite Right
Dr. Wily | Defeat Sprite Left
Dr. Wily | Command Sprite Right
Dr. Wily | Command Sprite Left
Dr. Wily | Damage Sprite Right
Dr. Wily | Damage Sprite Left
Dr. Wily | Base2 Sprite Right
Dr. Wily | Base2 Sprite Left
Dr. Wily | Base Sprite Right
Dr. Wily | Base Sprite Left
Dr. Wily | Taunt Sprite Right
Dr. Wily | Taunt Sprite Left
Dr. Wily | Victory Sprite Right
Dr. Wily | Victory Sprite Left
Dr. Wily | Defeat Sprite Right
Dr. Wily | Defeat Sprite Left
Dr. Wily | Command Sprite Right
Dr. Wily | Command Sprite Left
Dr. Wily | Damage Sprite Right
Dr. Wily | Damage Sprite Left
Dr. Wily | Base2 Sprite Right
Dr. Wily | Base2 Sprite Left

Sprite Editing by Rhythm / Rhythm_BCA | Original Artwork by Capcom

Description Text

If Dr. Light gave the world of robotics hope, then Dr. Wily is the one who struck fear into the heart of every man and robot. As a young man, things never came easy for Albert W. Wily, but his due diligence earned him a scholarship at the Robot Institute of Technology. It was there that he met Dr. Light, and as they bonded over their hopes of pushing robotics forward, they became close acquaintances. Albert had always naturally assumed he was the smarter of the two, but as his compatriot Light was constantly met with praise and awards, he only grew more and more embittered each time he ended up being second fiddle. Finally, this came to a breaking point when his ‘Double Gear’ system was publicly humiliated and rejected in favor of Light’s work yet again; Wily had had enough! And so, Dr. Wily bided his time and prepared a mecha army from ill-gotten funds, eventually stealing Light’s Robot Masters to cause havoc and forever stain his nemesis’s name! However, when his victory seemed all but certain, one of the lab assistant robots he deemed worthless foiled his plans and became his eternal foe: Mega Man! Wily struck back, again and again, resorting to crueler and crueler methods like theft, viruses, manipulation, identity theft, frame-ups -- even using exterrestrial life and energy multiple times! And each time has led to failure, thanks to the heroism of Dr. Light’s golden child. But Dr. Wily is nothing if not steadfast and stubborn, and he’s hellbent on proving his superiority to his intellectual rival Dr. Light, no matter the cost. Of course, when the Robot Masters, Bass, his Wily Castles, and his Wily Machines all fail, he’s never hesitant on pulling out the crocodile tears and begging for mercy. Now, no one’s heard from the mad doctor in a while… but it wouldn’t be far-fetched to believe he’s keeping an uneasy eye on Dr. Light’s latest developments.

Battle Quotes

"With my robots by my side, I'll take over this world!"
"Your world is mine! Are you ready to be eliminated?"
"Feeling sorry for yourself? Mwhahaha!"
"F-Forgive me! I only wanted to test your abilities!"

Player Abilities

^ Top

(!) Please note that the names, stats, types, and descriptions of any playable characters, robots, or abilities that appear in this database are not finalized and are subject to change without notice as development progresses on the game itself. That being said, the data on this page is pulled directly from the prototype's internal variables and will therefore always be in sync with the prototype itself. Database pages that do not have sprites represent incomplete but planned, future content and do not currently appear in-game.

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)