Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2019 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Robot Database

Tengu Man's Mugshot

Tengu Man *
Wind Core

Tengu Man
Wind Core
Mega Man 8
Jet-Powered Flight Robot
Freeze Missile
Shield Water

Sprite Sheets RightLeft

Tengu Man | Base Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Base Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Taunt Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Taunt Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Victory Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Victory Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Defeat Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Defeat Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Shoot Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Shoot Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Throw Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Throw Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Summon Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Summon Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Slide Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Slide Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Defend Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Defend Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Damage Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Damage Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Base2 Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Base2 Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Base Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Base Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Taunt Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Taunt Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Victory Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Victory Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Defeat Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Defeat Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Shoot Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Shoot Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Throw Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Throw Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Summon Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Summon Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Slide Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Slide Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Defend Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Defend Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Damage Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Damage Sprite Left
Tengu Man | Base2 Sprite Right
Tengu Man | Base2 Sprite Left

Sprite Editing by MegaBossMan / milansaponja and RockmanFC | Original Artwork by Capcom

Battle Quotes

"You think you're worthy of my challenge? Don't make me laugh!"
"C'mon, someone like you isn't even worth the effort!"
"That was weak. Or perhaps I was just much too strong!"
"Impossible! Being defeated by you... It's just regretful!"

Description Text

It’s no secret Dr. Wily loves some of his Robot Masters more than others, and if you had to guess which one was his favorite, you just might guess it was Tengu Man. This Robot Master’s got it all: the power of flight, a diverse arsenal of weaponry, the ability to create typhoons, the experimental evil energy enhancement, an ego second only to his creator, and a Saturday morning cartoon-esque distaste for friendship and unity. Well, Tengu Man’s overconfidence isn’t necessarily misplaced. He masterfully utilizes the Tornado Hold to trap opponents in strong winds and the Tengu Blade, a slash of his Ha-Uchiwa that generates a quick moving shockwave. You’ll only see these moves if he deems you worthy, though. Against most foes, Tengu Man is content to pelt enemies from the high ground, attacking foes just out of reach. He’s a sore loser too, going as far as to join King’s rogue militia just so he could rematch Mega Man. If you thought two defeats at the hand of the Blue Bomber would have mellowed Tengu Man out, you’d be wrong: his arrogance and distaste for personal bonds only grew in an attempt to shore up his damaged ego. He started seeking out new hobbies to dominate others in, but even here Tengu Man found himself struggling. He can beat others in fly fishing, sure, but when Tengu Man started competing in chassis maintenance, he realized how outmatched he was. It doesn’t matter how sharp and pointy he keeps his nose, how would Tengu Man ever beat Flame Man’s prize-winning mustache?

Ability Compatibility

Community Records

2,683 Times
703 Times
2,321 Times

(!) Please note that the names, stats, types, and descriptions of any playable characters, robots, or abilities that appear in this database are not finalized and are subject to change without notice as development progresses on the game itself. That being said, the data on this page is pulled directly from the prototype's internal variables and will therefore always be in sync with the prototype itself. Database pages that do not have sprites represent incomplete but planned, future content and do not currently appear in-game.

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)