Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2015 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Adrian Marceau | Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 1923 Players )
Adrian Marceau

Adrian Marceau is a contributor and a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 51,200,716 and a zenny total of 89,978. Adrian Marceau created his account on or before January 1st, 2012 and has since completed 111 different missions, unlocked 3 playable characters, 36 robot fighters, 98 special abilities, and 42 field stars. Adrian Marceau's most-used playable character is Dr. Light, and his top 5 favourite robots appear to be Rhythm, Roll, Bass, Proto Man and Mega Man.

Adrian Marceau's Leaderboard

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Showing 10 Newest Posts

Adrian Marceau
51,200,716 BP
194 TP | 473 PP
Posted on July 4th, 2015 at 10:25pm in "Preview Build Online - Let's Start Testing!" #1 ( Edited : 2015/07/05 at 11:55am )
Hey guys! A new batch of updates have been completed. See below for the highlights or check the GitHub page for the full list.

- Added new ability subclass field for further categorizing items into consumable, holdable, collectible, etc. Also added sorting patterns for new attack/defense/speed programs.

- Created placeholder files for the new energy/weapon/attack/defense/speed programs - the first exclusively holdable items.

- Increased accuracy of the break moves to match their boost counterparts.

- Updated the MM5 robot masters with their new alts.

- Added subclass of consumable to the score balls.

- Added subclass of treasure for the two screws. They will have no other purpose than to sell.

- Added the consumable subclass to all the pellets, capsules, and tanks, yashichi and extra life. They will not be holdable.

- Added the holdable subclass to all the cores so they would appear properly in select menus.

- Added the collectible class to all the shards as they have no other purpose than to collect (until they fuse into holdable cores, of course).

- Added code for selecting and equipping (or un-equipping) held items to/from a robot master. Right now only cores can be held, but the code here should support all kinds as long as they are subclass "holdable".

- Equipping cores to any non-Copy Core robot will expand their ability compatibility until removed. Copy Cores will only change colour if equipped with a core item.

- Added support for deferred damage/recovery (for abilities like Crash Bomber), and better flags for weakness/resistance/etc. modifiers (for abilities like Drill Blitz).

- Updated Crash Bomber to do normal damage (rather than a percent) based on the user's attack at the time the bomb is created. Made it so triggering too early decreases damage proportionately. Buffed the total damage to a high amount as a tradeoff.

- Updated Search Snake to ignore position modifiers and attack for normal damage regardless of the range so the ability has more utility.

- Updated Drill Blitz so that it specifically ignores resistances and immunities using the new damage option flags. Also buffed the ability slightly.

- Updated the various in-battle target displays (scan, switch, etc.) to be aware of held-items. Held items will now show in the hover popup and the robot's button will be coloured appropriately if that item is a core.

Thanks for playing, and please let me know what you think! :P

2015/07/05 EDIT:

- Buster Charge has been completed and can now be used in battle after purchasing from Reggae's Shop. Ability serves as an alternative to consumable items (Weapon Pellet, Capsule, Tank) for situations when items are not available or not allowed. Because it takes a full ability slot, I'm open to buffing its recovery from 40% to something higher, but wanted to get some feedback first.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
51,200,716 BP
194 TP | 473 PP
Posted on June 4th, 2015 at 10:36pm in "Preview Build Online - Let's Start Testing!" #2
I've updated this build of the game again. All recent changes can be found on the GitHub page, but the most notable are the changes to the robot limits, battle points, and zenny awarded at the end of battle.

Robot limits are now a suggestion (like turns) rather than a forced restriction. Missions now have target turns and target team sizes that you can try to meet. You can bring as many or as few robots as you want, but taking too many can negatively affect your score and zenny reward.

From now on, there will be a printout at the end of battle showing the base rewards for points and zenny, your target turns and robots, and the final reward after penalties and rewards. You'll notice that the percentage bonuses and penalties are vastly different than the were before, and work on a simple +/-10% for each turn or robot your come under or go over the target.

Because of these changes it is now MUCH MUCH harder to get ridiculous amounts of points and almost impossible to get some of the numbers you guys were getting before. Leaderboard changes may be in order (like the disastrous comet event we talked about in chat). It is also possible to get ZERO points and zenny if you do horrible enough, so watch out.

I've also decreased the difficulty of the darkness battles a bit. Darkness-afflicted robot masters will no longer be immune to everything, but will instead take neutral damage from everything (as in - no weaknesses, no resistances, no affinities, and no immunities). The boosts to life energy have also been removed - the other stats are enough to deal with and super-high energy makes the battles drag too long. Lastly, I added a placeholder fix for robots that don't have dark sprites yet so they appear as "robot" instead of invisible.

Let me know what you guys think, and I'll post again next time I have a batch of updates. :)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
51,200,716 BP
194 TP | 473 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2015 at 10:11pm in "Preview Build Online - Let's Start Testing!" #3
Here's a list of changes recently made to the prototype dev build:

- Removed ability and item menus from prototype navigation until they're ready to be accessed.

- Updated robot editor to allow equipping abilities again. It's functional but may be a bit buggy still. Right now you can simply equip or unequip abilities from the list but you can't do any dragging yet for reordering purposes. The player select dropdown has also been removed (and will be replaced with something else later) but in the mean time you can still drag robots between player containers. Lastly, the item selector has been disabled until it's ready to be used. Don't want to confuse anyone too much.

- Prevented players from editing each other's robots when viewing the leaderboard.

- Removed the difficulty modes, defaulted to "normal" settings, and replaced appearance in prototype menu with a new "rank" title (just for fun).

Thanks for the feedback so far guys. I'll keep making changes in the background and trying to fix all the bugs and miscalculations, and then I'll post little updates here to let you know what's new.

As always, check and/or subscribe to the GitHub repository to track changes. :)
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
51,200,716 BP
194 TP | 473 PP
Posted on May 30th, 2015 at 10:07pm in "Practice RP Dojo!! [Pratice RP here]" #4 ( Edited : 2015/05/30 at 10:10pm )
dr-light    mega-man        met met met
Mega Man decides that it's time to do something about the Mets in the lab. He charges into the room and aims his buster at the targets.
mega-man   Stand down, Mets! We're taking back the lab!
Never!   met met met
mega-man   Then you leave me no choice!
          attachment-defeat attachment-defeat attachment-defeat
dr-light    mega-man        met met met
After an unsurprisingly quick battle, Mega Man defeats the enemy mechas in the lab. He and Dr. Light quickly decide to search for Roll.
dr-light   That was quick! Thank you, Mega Man!
No problem, Dr. Light! Now let's find Roll!   mega-man
dr-light   That's right! We're coming for you Roll!
       dr-light    mega-man    auto
Dr. Light and Mega Man discover a fully functional backup of Auto and digital versions of nearly all their equipment, but no sign of Roll.
I feel like we should have found her by now...   mega-man
dr-light   Where could she be? Auto-bot, have you seen anything?
Negative, sir. I've only been active for a few minutes.   auto
super-arm-8        roll        trill    super-arm-8
Meanwhile in another part of the lab, Roll comes face to face with a new threat. An alien lifeform named Trill sent to cleanse the planet of evil...
roll I don't understand, what do you want from us?
Want? The cosmos demands justice! And balance!   trill
Your planet has neither and must end.   trill

[player:right:06:0,-5]{dr-light} [tab] [robot:right:shoot]{mega-man} [tab][tab][tab] [mecha:left:taunt]{met} [mecha:left:base:0,-10]{met} [mecha:left:shoot:0,-5]{met}
[align-left]Mega Man decides that it's time to do something about the Mets in the lab. He charges into the room and aims his buster at the targets.[/align]
[align-left][[robot:right:shoot]{mega-man}[tab] Stand down, Mets! We're taking back the lab!]{copy}[/align]
[align-right][Never! [tab][mecha:left:shoot]{met} [mecha:left:defend]{met} [mecha:left:defend]{met}]{none}[/align]
[align-left][[robot:right:shoot]{mega-man}[tab] Then you leave me no choice!]{copy}[/align]

[layer:66%][sprite] [tab] [sprite] [tab][tab][tab] [ability:left:03:-5,-5]{attachment-defeat} [ability:left:02:-5,-15]{attachment-defeat} [ability:left:03:-5,-10]{attachment-defeat}[/layer]
[layer][player:right:03:0,-5]{dr-light} [tab] [robot:left:taunt]{mega-man} [tab][tab][tab] [mecha:left:defeat]{met} [mecha:left:defeat:0,-10]{met} [mecha:left:defeat:0,-5]{met}[/layer]
[align-left]After an unsurprisingly quick battle, Mega Man defeats the enemy mechas in the lab. He and Dr. Light quickly decide to search for Roll. [/align]
[align-left][[player:right:03]{dr-light}[tab] That was quick! Thank you, Mega Man!]{defense}[/align]
[align-right][No problem, Dr. Light! Now let's find Roll! [tab][robot:left:taunt]{mega-man}]{copy}[/align]
[align-left][[player:left:05]{dr-light}[tab] That's right! We're coming for you Roll!]{defense}[/align]

[tab][tab][tab] [player:left:base]{dr-light} [tab] [robot:left:base:0,-10]{mega-man} [tab] [shop:right:base]{auto}
[align-left]Dr. Light and Mega Man discover a fully functional backup of Auto and digital versions of nearly all their equipment, but no sign of Roll.[/align]
[align-right][I feel like we should have found her by now... [tab][robot:left:base]{mega-man}]{copy}[/align]
[align-left][[player:left:base]{dr-light}[tab] Where could she be? Auto-bot, have you seen anything?]{defense}[/align]
[align-right][Negative, sir. I've only been active for a few minutes. [tab][shop:right:base]{auto}]{energy}[/align]

[ability:right:07]{super-arm-8} [tab][tab][tab] [robot:right:defend:0,-10]{roll} [tab][tab][tab] [boss:left:shoot:0,-10]{trill} [tab] [ability:right:07]{super-arm-8}
[align-left]Meanwhile in another part of the lab, Roll comes face to face with a new threat. An alien lifeform named Trill sent to cleanse the planet of evil...[/align]
[align-left][[robot:right:defend]{roll} I don't understand, what do you want from us?]{none}[/align]
[align-right][Want? The cosmos [i]demands[/i] justice! And balance! [tab][boss:right:summon]{trill}]{space}[/align]
[align-right][Your planet has neither and must end. [tab][boss:left:shoot]{trill}]{space}[/align]
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
51,200,716 BP
194 TP | 473 PP
Posted on May 19th, 2015 at 10:08pm in "Role-Play Formatting Help" #5
@Bt Man :

Sorry, I was trying to get the formatting correct and test to make sure they actually worked first. Thank you, though - I'm glad they turned out! Some might need tweaking, but overall I think they're pretty cool. :)

All these "dark" alts are saved in the 9th slot of unlockable RMs and can now be used with the following code in the community:

cut-man [robot:left:throw]{cut-man_alt9}

So far, only the MM1 robot masters have dark alts created, but eventually I will create sprite for all unlockable RMs. These are NOT the same as Greyscale or Gameboy sprites (which may or may not come later) but are distinctly "dark" versions of the master that tie into the other dark elements in the update's story. When more RMs have dark alts available I'll post here to let you guys know (or get MBM to).

@Tobyjoey :

Thanks Toby - I'm glad you like 'em. And hopefully the damage to the community's RP section isn't too bad. :P
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
51,200,716 BP
194 TP | 473 PP
Posted on May 19th, 2015 at 9:48pm in "Role-Play Formatting Help" #6 ( Edited : 2015/05/20 at 12:34pm )
cut-man   Cut Man Σ   cut-man
guts-man   Guts Man Σ   guts-man
ice-man   Ice Man Σ   ice-man
bomb-man   Bomb Man Σ   bomb-man
fire-man   Fire Man Σ   fire-man
elec-man   Elec Man Σ   elec-man
time-man   Time Man Σ   time-man
oil-man   Oil Man Σ   oil-man

[[robot]{cut-man_alt9} [tab]Cut Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{cut-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{guts-man_alt9} [tab]Guts Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{guts-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{ice-man_alt9} [tab]Ice Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{ice-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{bomb-man_alt9} [tab]Bomb Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{bomb-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{fire-man_alt9} [tab]Fire Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{fire-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{elec-man_alt9} [tab]Elec Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{elec-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{time-man_alt9} [tab]Time Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{time-man_alt9}]{empty}
[[robot]{oil-man_alt9} [tab]Oil Man Σ[tab] [robot:left:base]{oil-man_alt9}]{empty}
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
51,200,716 BP
194 TP | 473 PP
Posted on May 12th, 2015 at 7:07pm in "Official Typos and Misprints Thread" #7
@MegaBossMan : Thanks Boss, the issue has been fixed and Astro Man's field is now hidden instead of just plain wrong. :p

@Meta : Thanks, this has been fixed removed from the page (legacy no longer exists).

@TheDoc : I updated Hard Man's quotes and fixed the typo, though I'll have to look into the other issue a bit more closely. The pattern-matching for the formatting options might be a bit too greedy so I'll have to adjust the rules a bit. Thanks for the heads-up.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
51,200,716 BP
194 TP | 473 PP
Posted on April 30th, 2015 at 7:46pm in "Prototype Devroom : Game Suggestions" #8
@TheDoc : There may be a few versions of the mission list floating around, but I've upload the most recent one and a bunch of other updated documents to a new dedicated preview folder on the website. Please take a look when you have a chance, but know that there are obviously going to be spoilers.

Regarding the mission progression document, the position and pairing of robots/bosses is pretty much set-in-stone at this point BUT I'm very much open to suggestions about mechanics and strategies and field names/types, etc. I like a lot of what has been presented so far, especially the King stuff. I didn't even realize he used Lasers, which is AWESOME given that it means he can posses the two rarest types in the game. :P

But yeah, just thought I throw these updated documents in the ring for you guys to peruse at your convenience. Maybe it'll help spark more ideas - I like where this is going.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
51,200,716 BP
194 TP | 473 PP
Posted on April 29th, 2015 at 10:33am in "Official Community Rules and Guidelines" #9 ( Edited : 2015/04/29 at 10:44am )
This is awesome! Thanks Boss, Doc, and Retro. :D

Regarding the locked threads and community sections... I have two ideas.

Locked Threads

For the locked threads... why are they locked anyway? To prevent people from posting? I'm not sure that's necessary. I think it might be a better idea to edit and update the relevant threads with recent changes (just in case the update isn't complete for another 6 months) and then re-open them so users can ask questions and comment. When this update is eventually released and everything changes, THEN we'll lock these ones and create new threads. Until then it just feels weird to have everything locked.

Either update them or put a notice at the bottom saying "information in this thread may be out of date and requires updating, if you have questions please see [insert link here]". Does that sound reasonable? You, TheDoc, Rhythm or any other mod can edit my posts, and we should only lock the truly irrelevant threads. I know lots of those mechanics are still completely valid in-game. If you guys have any questions or need clarification, just let me know.

Community Categories

I'm both open and anxious to create new categories in the community so we can filter things better. Please, please let me know if you or anyone else has ideas for new sections I can create that would apply to several or many existing threads so we can move them. I feel the General category has become an anything-goes section with way too many threads so I'd like to organize it a bit better.

My first idea for a new section would be titled "Help" and appear right at the end after bugs. This would be completely different from the Strategies section, of course, and relate more to community guidelines, rules, events, and that kind of stuff. We could move this thread and all others like it to that category, un-sticky the ones that do not need it, and clean out the other categories a bit. I also considered calling this new section "Rules" but that felt too restrictive... Do you guys have any other ideas for a name? Or maybe a different section all-together? Let us know.

I'm also open to more rooms in the chat, by the way, so let us know if that's a thing you guys want to see added. :)

EDIT: Oh! What about a community section for fanart and fanfic and that kind of stuff? We could move the sprite showcases and stuff to the new section. Maybe call it "Media"? No, that sounds too official... "Creations"? Any ideas for a better name? This would be different from Roleplay, of course, with individual users to showing off their creations in their own threads, rather than collaborators making play-by-post stories. It might be fun.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
51,200,716 BP
194 TP | 473 PP
Posted on April 12th, 2015 at 10:58am in "I need to have a CHAT with all of you. x)" #10
Alright everyone, a NEW CHAT has been installed into the MMRPG (thanks to BossMan and Mikey for the link)!

If anyone is still using or in the Xat, please refresh the community page or update your bookmarks!

The chat can still be accessed at but you can also bookmark the following other link if you want to view the chat in fullsize

Some of the rules and the opening post may need to be revised, but overall I think it should be a straight forward transition. Enjoy!
^ Top
Mega Man and all related names and characters are © Capcom 1986 - 2024.
This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)