Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2015 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Bt Ghost | Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 1923 Players )
Bt Ghost

Bt Ghost is a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 161,102,576 and a zenny total of 480,451. Bt Ghost created his account on June 27th, 2014 and has since completed 204 different missions, unlocked 3 playable characters, 38 robot fighters, 98 special abilities, and 127 field stars. Bt Ghost's most-used playable character is Dr. Light, and his top 5 favourite robots appear to be Mega Man, Crash Man, Bass, Metal Man and Proto Man.

Bt Ghost's Leaderboard

Community Forum Stats
  • 22 Threads
  • 535 Posts
  • +1059 Rating
Player Battle Stats
  • 32 Victories
  • 77 Defeats
  • +26 Rating
Star Force Stats
  • 32 Field Stars
  • 95 Fusion Stars
  • +2,220% Boost
Robot Database Stats
  • 57 Summoned
  • 80 Scanned
  • 100 Encountered
Welcome to my Profile

"Just wait, everyone. Killer and Quint codes will become a thing!"
-Me in the chat, 4-5-2015

I joined June 27th, 2014, and I enjoyed the game a LOT. And I still do today. I used to want to climb the leaderboard, but now my goal is to stay on the top 50 (And look how THAT went).
I do art requests for Sprite Recolors and Smash Bros. introductions (It doesn't have to be you), but NEVER full sprite sheets, edits, and artwork editing. Either PM me or tell me in the chat (when I'm there).
Me in MMPU

Mega Man
mega-manSo you must be Mega Man...
mega-manWho are you?
mega-manCurious today, are we? I am Bt Man, and YOU are a worthy opponent.

Intro Field
roll We have a problem!
dr-wily Wahahahaha! Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. The name's Wily! The one and only - the brilliant scientist, Dr. Wily! It may seem rather sudden to you, but
I've decided I'd like to take over the world! Ahem! Anyway, to begin... Dr. Light! I'll be taking your precious
robots!! (busts in) Nuhahahaha!! That is to say... Hmm?... What's this? Oh, Bt Man... I would take you, but your shadow powers are too much to handle! Nuhahahahah!

roll My friends are in trouble! Quickly, follow me to the lab!

Dr. Light's Lab
dr-light ...What insanity! Using my robots to conquer the world...
mega-man You know, it takes shadows to defeat shadows.
dr-light Bt Man?! (starts thinking) Hmmm... Alright... I understand. I don't like it, but sometimes, such things must be done... I must make the necessary preparations.

dr-light Your powers are stronger in dark areas. Along with that, shadow energy also powers you up.
mega-man Let's do this.

Vs. Cut Man
cut-man With the looks of your color, you must be a bad robot! Dr. Wily was right!
mega-man Cut Man, there are two ways I'm taking you home: simply walking you there... or by force!
cut-man It may cut me in half, but I will make you good!

Vs. Bomb Man
bomb-man Ah ah! Don't run off! Let's have a little fun with my explosives!
mega-man Hmph. They will be deflected to the air, so I'd say it'll make a great show. But I'd have to pass.
bomb-man You shoulda come the day before yesterday! I had some big boom-booms then!

Vs. Ice Man
ice-man There's something dangerous up ahead, sir! Oh? Freeze it at all costs, soldier!
mega-man Don't worry about the way home. I'll chisel out the ice.
ice-man But, sir... Do not delay the mission, soldier!

Vs. Fire Man
fire-man Fiiiiire! Burn! Burn! My justice burns hotly! Evil beware!
mega-man Hmph. Even your torch-head isn't bright enough to shine through me.
fire-man Fiiiiire!

Vs. Oil Man
oil-man Hey, whadja come out here for? Don'tcha have a place near your house for fill-ups?
mega-man I don't use oil for fuels. It may be dark-colored, but it's not exactly black-colored.
oil-man Too bad it's gonna get all over you once I'm done!

Vs. Elec Man
elec-man You think you can beat me? How shocking!
mega-man The only thing shocking is how your defeat will be faster than lightning.
elec-man Mmm... to watch my beautiful bolts fly to the top of your head... To hear your delightful shrieks...

Vs. Time Man
time-man It's about time. You are late.
mega-man That's too bad... because you can't see a shadow during the night.
time-man Don't worry, it'll be day before you can reach me.

Vs. Guts Man
guts-man Hey, men only! Little boys don't belong here. Go home before you get hurt!
mega-man Little? Your the little boy. Stop playing with your toy blocks.
guts-man You big idiot! What'll happen to me if I get fired?! I'm gonna take you down with me!

Vs. Mega Man?
mega-man Hey, Bt Man. I just joined Dr. Wily. Want to join as well?
mega-man I don't know who you are, but I will join... IF you beat me.
mega-man You discovered me!? Interesting... I accept the challenge!

Vs. Copy Robot
mega-man Well, well, well. Look who we have here.
mega-man That color, that power, that voice... did Dr. Wily have to make this knock-off?
mega-man Knock-off? Ha! I am a perfect copy!

Vs. Dr. Wily
dr-wily If only I had programmed you differently back then! ...It would have been genius! It's the only mistake I've made in my life!
mega-man You... Program me!? Ha! My shadows are darker than your evilness. It's the end of the line!
dr-wily Wha... Why you insolent fool! I will crush you with a loud, loud crunch! Behold, my latest creation, the ultimate combat robot, Wily Machine Number 1! Nuhahahahaha!

For Vs. Sargent Man, and Sargent Man's Dialogues, go to his profile
Dr. Wahwee!

Let me tell you a story... of the Missing Numbers!

Dr. Light and Cossack work day and night on the prototype. They plan to recreate data of the past Robot Masters to insert. They find data, but a glitch happened while they're being inserted. They become "bugged" robot masters and roam the Prototype. Dr. Light dubs them the Missing Numbers, or TMN. They can't find them the rest of the time they're working on it to create true robot masters, so they believe the system deleted them. However, that is not the case. In fact, they roam around in- they roam- Dr.- TMN- Missing- system-
Error 101010101-

Credit- MBM- Goes to- 10-12-14

...Testing. Testing. ...Ok, it's working. How did that story glitch up my systems? Aw, well. ON TO MILESTONES!

mega-man mega-man My first milestone on 9-23-14: Top 50! mega-man mega-man
bass bass 9-29-14: 100,000+ Zenny! (Too bad it'll all be spent on attacks and fields... And by fields, I mean when they come) bass bass
skull-man skull-man 10-5-14: Happy Super Early Halloween! skull-man skull-man
mega-man mega-man 12-7-14: Happy Hollidays! mega-man mega-man

mega-man mega-man Be sure to check out my new SmackJeeves Account. mega-man mega-man
MegaBossMan/MegaBonesMan made me this and finished it on I think 8-10-14:
Ninja Man Ninja Outfit
mega-man I asked for Shadow Man.
bass I don't care, it looks great!

And then this the same day:
Shadow Man Ninja Outfit
mega-man There we go.
bass Still, mine looks great.

And the same day again:

And on 10-13-14:
Roleplay Enker
mega-man What brings me to suggest this was to represent the mind control. It looks cool.

Later that day...
May we remember... With Missing Number Bubble Man
"My dream was a world without water-resistant robots."

Tried to defeat my Dr. Light and FAILED. Surprising, isn't it?
"Could it be? Are you the most powerful!?"
Defeated by my Dr. Wily.
"Failure? I guess defeating you wasn't in the stars..."
Defeated by my Dr. Light. (How could someone like HIM pass me? No offense)
"I honestly wasn't paying attention..."
Defeated by my Dr. Cossack. The battle? Long and hard, but possible.
"Was I not sharp enough?"
Defeated by my Dr. Light. Unlike the other 2, not too hard, not too easy. Just... simple. Now I have two and defeated the 3 above me. Revenge completed.
"I honestly wasn't paying attention..."
Defeated by my Dr. Cossack. Had to do some research for this one, and grabbed the robots I needed for this victory.
"What? But you're supposed to blow up, not me!"
Mega Man and all related names and characters are © Capcom 1986 - 2024.
This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)