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Rain Flush. It's really buggy. I have found at least 20 of the bugs of rain flush, and i'll edit this with it when any bugs happens again. And you can post a RF bug here, and i'll edit this again with it. Anyways...
1st off. 7-6-15 8:10 PM. "Bubble Man used Rain Flush! It had no effect what so ever! What!" (Found by myself) How it happened: Flash man used Time arrow. I used Rain flush. Then this happened.
Edit! New bug! 7-7-15 7:30 PM. "Robots like to kill themselves?" How it happened: I used rain flush, it killed a few bots, then the opponent switched to Spark Man, and used spark shot...which killed itself...(I did not have a spark man on my team either.)
Finally! A new bug! 7-13-15 9:41 AM. "RIP Toad Man 200X-20XX Killed itself." (By AlphaShurikenGSXR.) How it happened: I honestly am not too sure of what happen, as alpha didn't give much details of this, but, looking at the picture, i'm betting what happened was, His toad man used rain flush...which killed himself...? Pic:
Rain Flush Bugs. Rain Flush is really buggy. Posted by ThatOneEnder on July 6th, 2015 at 9:12pm Viewed 1513 Times
@AlphaShurikenGSXR : And this is why I use Bubble Man and not Toad Man >.> Toad Man is weak to bubble man's weapon too. But really though, it looks like your toad man killed itself. Strange...
@ThatOneEnderMan : Tough is true toad man is weak to bubble lead but suicide is self i did not saw that opinion this creeps me a little out hopefully it doesn't happen again,honestly i'm just going train some of my bots hope i can use toad normal to raise its stats without the bugg happening
I Encountered A supposed rain flash glitch. I Was spamming rain flash trying to defeat roll when I suddenly could not attack. I had max weapon energy and roll was still taking her turns. She kept shooting herself with roll buster but it was not lowering her defense. I Don't know how this happended exactly but it did.