Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2017 and is no longer being maintained.
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Um I think I found a bug. Somehow while fighting oil man I ugh... Started somehow playing as oilman... I was toadman during this this... has happened with other robots too... 10 times if I'm correct...
I'm not you glitch? Posted by Slime man on November 15th, 2015 at 6:05pm Viewed 1452 Times
1. You started off fighting Oil Man 2. Somehow you started playing as Oil Man.
First of all, was Oil Man in your team? Did you just accidentally swap to him? You make it seem like it happens often, so get a screenshot next time that happens. How you do a screenshot may vary, but you should have a key on your keyboard that states "Print Screen." Press that button, and you'll gain a screen shot. Upload that screenshot to an image sharing site such as Imgur or PhotoBucket. Now there should be a link on the right of the image you just uploaded that ends in ".png". Copy that link, then use the following Code to paste it in a post.
[image](Insert copied link here)
Post that comment, and the mods/developers/people who have been here a while should be able to address the problem correctly. Thank you for your time.
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