Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2017 and is no longer being maintained.
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i'm stuck on the light castle mission,i can't unlock the battle field fusions one,before you ask,i defeated the battle field fusion mission on wily's and light's game
can't continue cossack's game Posted by Trouble Bruin on October 28th, 2013 at 6:48pm Viewed 1270 Times
I looks like you were somehow able to break sequence and complete all of Wily's stages except the Intro Field. Try completing that mission (shouldn't be too hard) and let me know if that helps. I downloaded a copy of your save locally to test it, and it worked here so it should work for you too. Sorry for the confusion! :P
didn't see that,and it was cause therefore my missions reseted,i had avaible the intro field ant the eight robot master,was too lazy to complete the intro field so did the robots,then i forgot about it,stupid me