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Posted on March 30th, 2015 at 9:46pmEdited on 2015/03/30 at 9:50pm
Posted 2015/03/30 at 9:46pmEdited 2015/03/30 at 9:50pm
Hard Man's start quote spells sandwich wrong:
"Hey punk! I've got a knucklesandwhich with your name on it!"
Also something I've noticed (which may not necessarily be a "typo" but now's a good time to mention it) is that much of the font formatting doesn't read spaces, as shown in the quote above.
Posted on May 12th, 2015 at 4:22pmEdited on 2015/05/12 at 4:28pm
Posted 2015/05/12 at 4:22pmEdited 2015/05/12 at 4:28pm
Uh, I found an interesting mistake in the database. I wouldn't put the chances of Astro Man showing up in Underground Laboratory anytime soon...I could understand if each Robot Master already had a "template" field, but even then, no other Robot Master has this going on. "I've arrived here... but I don't know what to do!" [Also Astro is a Space-core and couldn't show up in Underground Laboratory anyway]
@Meta : Thanks, this has been fixed removed from the page (legacy no longer exists).
@TheDoc : I updated Hard Man's quotes and fixed the typo, though I'll have to look into the other issue a bit more closely. The pattern-matching for the formatting options might be a bit too greedy so I'll have to adjust the rules a bit. Thanks for the heads-up.
Posted on May 14th, 2015 at 6:26pmEdited on 2015/05/14 at 6:32pm
Posted 2015/05/14 at 6:26pmEdited 2015/05/14 at 6:32pm
Bit of a programming typo that showed itself up in the text of the game, can be easily fixed, no worries. This occurred on a Field Multiplier lowering, and while the text should say "Bummer!", a bit of programming got mixed up in there.Oh, and another bug, albeit not a typo. The cause of this one is that through the favorites bar, I clicked the "Edit Profile" option, but since I wasn't logged in, it sent me to a Profile that's designed for demo accounts, thus causing this bug.
...So we have a new ability that can be used in battle now. However, I encountered a strange typo when I faced Splash Woman to get the new ability. The quote went:
“Splash Woman targets Proto Man! Splash Woman fires the Splash Woman!”
It was supposed to be the Laser Trident, and it did do the Laser Trident kind of damage, but odd thing there. A Copy Shot retrieved "Laser Trident" with no problems, though.
In Rhythm's Database Description, it says, "With abilities that allow her to swap and shuffle robot stats at [b ]wil,[/b]" instead of "With abilities that allow her to swap and shuffle robot stats at will," Small typo, but a typo none the less.
While I do have a new bug in my Bug Report thread, the other thing I discovered is fortunately just a typo. Buster Charge's description says "0%" when referring to how much WE is recovered upon use during battle. During said battle I did recover 100% in the scenario I mentioned (at Final Destination III).
It seems elemental busters and overdrives always show the full Weapon Energy requirement, even if the robot actually uses half of it in battle. This doesn't seem to happen with any other ability, and the WE requirement is corrected as soon as you leave the Robots tab (altho it comes back if you remove and place again the ability) and it doesn't actually affect gameplay, so I'm guessing it's a typo.