Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2017 and is no longer being maintained.
Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved.
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play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.
The current version of the prototype has many bugs, as will many version in the future. This is inevitable, all we can do is fix them as they come up and then move on.
Some bugs and issues, however, do not want us to move on. Unfortunately there are some quirks with the prototype that I have not been able to fix yet and unfortunately get reported a lot. I would like to list the most common ones here so that you know you are not alone in your struggles and we are aware of the issue.
Items will be taken off this list when/if they ever get fixed, but until then you just have to deal with 'em. Let's get started!
* This game only works in modern, updated browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. Opera is iffy and Internet Explorer is just a "no". If you use one of the less-than-desirable browsers and it doesn't work properly you're on your own. Browsers are free, downloads are small, and dealing with Microsoft's backward system is not on my list of priorities. Sorry. :|
* Even though the games works fairly well in modern browsers, it can still lag sometimes and has a really nasty crashing bug its tab goes inactive during a battle. If the transitions are too choppy you should lower your message speed in the "Options" menu, and if you need to switch tabs click the little pause button at the top of the battle window before you do (or wait until you're back at the main menu again). You've been warned.
* Every single turn your actions are sent back to the server and the results sent back to you after being calculated. If your browser session somehow expires while you're in the middle of a battle (maybe you have aggressive cookie settings, maybe you left the battle idle for way too long, etc.) the entire battle will be ruined and you'll have to start over. Hundreds of robots will appear on-screen in a glitched out manner and you will not be able to do anything constructive so don't try. Reload the prototype and see if you need to log in again.
* Slightly related to above issue, sometimes there will be a fatal error on the server and the battle will be unable to continue causing an endless "Loading..." screen. After a set amount of time, an alert will appear asking you if you want to resend your last action, but most of the time it will not work and the battle may need to be restarted entirely. This is obviously a game-breaking bug that should be fixed, but at the moment it's incredibly hard to diagnose. At the very least, any experience points earned in battle before the bug occurs will NOT be lost.
I know this issues are really annoying and can make your throw the mouse across the room, but please understand that I will fix them as soon as I am capable and I feeeeeeeel your pain. Thank you for baring with me and these bugs and thank you soooo much for playing the prototype! :D
Official Known Bugs and Issues Thread Posted by Adrian Marceau on January 14th, 2014 at 10:52pm Viewed 9694 Times
@ThatOneEnderMan : Hopefully the crash didn't affect our save files and yeah MMRPG crashed for unknown reason,we should keep an eye on any new outgoing bugs
Posted on October 17th, 2016 at 4:28pmEdited on 2016/10/17 at 5:51pm
Posted 2016/10/17 at 4:28pmEdited 2016/10/17 at 5:51pm
I don't know if it's just me, but it seems robots aren't getting a Weapon Energy discount for their own abilities, which means for example that Mega Man needs 2 WE to use the Mega Buster, and Elec Man needs a whooping 4 WE to use his own Thunder Beam! If I try to remove the ability and then put it back on, it shows the correct discounted WE ammount, but upon reloading the Robots tab or going into battle it reverts back to double the correct ammount.
Also, it seems if you remove (NOT replace) an ability that's not the last on the list, some of the later abilities tend to dissapear afterwards.
EDIT: I found another bug As much as I use either the Attack Capsule or the Super Capsule, my Ice Man's stats won't actually increase. They go up in-battle, but as soon as I get out of it the upgrade goes away, even tho Ice Man doesn't yet have Max Attack. Also, even though the Super Capsule is meant to increase stats by less than the other capsules (20% in each stat vs 30% in one), in practice the Super Capsule increases everything by MUCH more than the Specialized Capsules.
Posted on October 19th, 2016 at 9:43amEdited on 2016/10/19 at 9:51am
Posted 2016/10/19 at 9:43amEdited 2016/10/19 at 9:51am
One interesting bug (which surely no one cares due to the attack's nature):Roll Swingcannot be learned by ANYCopy Robot. However,Disco FeverandRhythm Satellitedoes. Another bug related to tier 2 support attacks (which is negligible, since it only affects the display of your "Unlocked Abilities" and is for display purposes, and we have the Light Program for that): The Tier 2 attacks are only recorded as "unlocked" depending on whose doc is using it. That means, if you useRoll,DiscoandRhythmwithDr. Lightprior to unlocking the ability, all of it were credited toDr. Light, and no credit will be given toDr. WilyorDr. Cossack. Same goes for the elemental shots, busters and overdrives sold on Reggae's shop. (One idea I had is that the other docs can still be credited as the "unlocked the ability" by using Copy Shot, provided the enemy RM uses the aforementioned attacks, which requires LUCK...but this idea only counts the elemental shots, busters and overdrives, as the AI NEVER uses Tier 2 Support Attacks.)
So Dive Man used Energy Swap with a defeated enemy, which in turn caused both of them to disappear. I tried to use Rain Flush again, but the mission ended once I selected it.