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Posted on March 6th, 2017 at 3:47pmEdited on 2017/03/06 at 3:52pm
Posted 2017/03/06 at 3:47pmEdited 2017/03/06 at 3:52pm
I don't know if this is a display error or whether it was an intentional choice, but in battles, I'm having a segment of empty space show up before the battle menu. I don't entirely get the reasoning behind a vacant space there, so I'm thinking it's just a display error. (Click to open the image in a new tab since....the vacant space blends in with the post background >_>)
Also, I've had reports of minor discrepancies between the data on a player's profile and their actual game; for example, people have pointed I have 40 robots on my profile text despite there being only a total of 38 robots to collect. Other things I've heard is that some Omega factors aren't correct between viewing the profile and the game, but I've yet to confirm that.
The speed up text button doesn't speed up the text anymore. Along with that, I can't click while the text boxes are flowing to speed them up, when I could before. I really hope that is just a bug though, as that is a horrid change otherwise
Posted on March 6th, 2017 at 6:32pmEdited on 2017/03/06 at 6:45pm
Posted 2017/03/06 at 6:32pmEdited 2017/03/06 at 6:45pm
@MegaBossMan : I can't seem to replicate the spacing issue. I've tested on Chrome and Internet Explorer so far, but my versions may be different. What browser are you using? Regarding the counters, I'll look into it. I know the robot counters are off sometimes, but I thought it was bug only affecting legacy users. Guess not? I'll look into the omega thing too. Omega bug has been fixed - thanks.
@ThatOneEnder : I was actually trying to fix a bug with that change. When the button is greyed out it's supposed to be unclickable. Trying to click through too quickly would often cause the HUD to disappear until the next turn and would sometimes even crash the browser. If you want the events to scroll faster, why not just change the message speed in the options? If it's that much of an issue I'll consider reverting it, but I made it stability in mind.
@Adrian Marceau : I don't think you understand what I was trying to say there. The text scroll speed up button doesn't work anymore, but at least it makes more sense for why that button doesn't work.
Posted on March 6th, 2017 at 8:22pmEdited on 2017/03/06 at 9:01pm
Posted 2017/03/06 at 8:22pmEdited 2017/03/06 at 9:01pm
So, after not playing for such a long time, I'm glad to see that the support bots are much more flexible in terms of fighting their opponents. With the starforce boost, the profile in the "robots" section even says that my Roll has 30 WE! Shaking in excitement and ready to devastate, I send my Roll out to fight a Bomb/Ice Fusion battle, hover my cursor over the WE bar and see... 15/15 WE
Is this an error? Or am I supposed to get all 1024 stars in order to unlock 30 WE?
Edit: Just a minor (related) question, how do you calculate Starforce levels? I'm guessing it's (Earned Stars * 2) since that's the closest number I got in my search of looking for how you calculate this equation. If you're looking for something a bit more dynamic (probably not) you can also try out {Earned Stars * [1 + (Earned Stars/Total Stars)]} I dunno, I'm just spitballing here
Posted on March 6th, 2017 at 9:28pmEdited on 2017/03/06 at 9:44pm
Posted 2017/03/06 at 9:28pmEdited 2017/03/06 at 9:44pm
@ThatOneEnder : The continue button is only meant to advance the text if you have them game on pause mode, otherwise it's disabled and the game autoplays. If you simply want the default speed to be faster you can go to Options > Message Speed and pick a shorter timeout. If that still doesn't help I'll revert the change, but I hope I don't have to.
@Musical : The WE thing was definitely a bug, so thanks for reporting it! It's been fixed now and your Roll should have all 30 WE when she goes into battle.
Regarding starforce levels, you get +1 level for each field star and +2 levels for each fusion star split among its two types. Because fusion stars can sometimes be a single type (Wood + Snake, for example), this makes it harder to write a simple formula for it and the game must dynamically count all your stars at runtime to get the actual value(s).
Example collection: 1x Nature-type field star (Wood Man) 1x Nature/Water-type fusion star (Wood Man + Bubble Man) 1x Nature/Nature-type fusion star (Wood Man + Snake Man) = 3 Stars Total
I'm having issue with the new Community system in certain areas; One, which is somewhat of an issue....On the Community I haven't been notified of any new posts so far. There's a counter displaying new posts next to the Community tab when I'm not in my profile....But the second I log in, apparently I'm no longer notified and it's frustrating because it's caused me to miss any and every new post since after the Update. As you can imagine it's becoming rather problematic. I don't know if it's just a me thing thus far, doesn't seem it from I heard in Chat, and for extra information I'm using Google Chrome for my browser.
Secondly, there's one hell of an annoying issue going on with the Chat page and the Community page. I can log into the Chat page, but the second I simply just enter the MMRPG page without being logged in.....I'm kicked out of the Chat. So if you were to enter the Chat page again and log in, and then afterwards log into your MMRPG profile on the main site, you're quickly kicked out of the MMRPG Chat yet again. It's not necessarily a time-out issue, but there's a bit of a disconnect going on and it's serving to be obnoxious. Once again I'm using Google Chrome if that helps
For some reason, unless I'm not logged in, it doesn't show me the number of threads that are new or have been updated on the community tab, or even in the submenu.
Posted on March 20th, 2017 at 2:52pmEdited on 2017/03/20 at 3:02pm
Posted 2017/03/20 at 2:52pmEdited 2017/03/20 at 3:02pm
So I was messing around with the demo mode, ran into a bug there. After finishing the demo mode to test out its difficulty and manageability, I logged in through the demo's "Load" option and it took me to the main site in my profile. Now, here's where the bug comes in; the music of the stage select continues to play through the site and I'm unable to scroll in any of the homepages. Allow me to showcase this image real quick in order to explain; it's a visual problem so it's worth explaining visually
One other interesting thing to note is that the URL is the same for the Prototype page. Really, I think it's clear that the issue is that the Prototype is essentially displaying the pages of the site, hence the site having the same features as the actual game in this instance. Reloading or exiting the page will fix the bug, so it's not game-breaking in the slightest.
@Shiver : The crossed-out links were supposed to show that your browser resolution is too small for the content to be fully displayed and that you should maybe maximize your window or use a larger monitor. However, I can see how frustrating that would be if you didn't have those options so I've removed the click-disabling from the links. They'll still be crossed out, but they'll be clickable now so they're more of a suggestion and less of a hard-coded rule. Sorry about that.
@MegaBossMan : Apologies for all of these bugs, they must have been incredibly annoying. In my defense I had no way of knowing due to the notification bug so... forgive me? :P Anyway, both the notification bug and the chat bug have been corrected. Now you will see new post notifications next time you log and you won't be logged out of the chat if you navigate to the website. Regarding the demo mode stuff, I'll have to take a look at that next.
@RotomSlashBlast : This bug should be resolved now, but let me know if it happens to you again next time you log in.
@Copyie : I'll have to look into this a bit later too, thanks. I'll update this post when I have more information.
Good News: I'm being notified about new posts! Yay!
Bad News: Every time I've logged in, I keep being updated by the same next posts even when I've already looked through them. I've tested this out further by logging into the Community, making sure I check each and every new post enough so that the counter goes away, logging out of my profile and logging in once again. And what do I see right away? The same new posts notifying me. I don't think it's a massive issue and I've seen forums have that as a feature before, but it seems to be a bug nonetheless.
when i skip the menu that says "Play The Prototype" and go straight to the prototype, there's no option to turn on sound. As in, the sound option, which is usually above the logo, vanishes.
Posted on July 15th, 2017 at 3:42pmEdited on 2017/07/15 at 4:19pm
Posted 2017/07/15 at 3:42pmEdited 2017/07/15 at 4:19pm
I've got something to say about the Light, Wily, and Cossack busters. I don't know if this is exclusive to the versions when used by the correct bots, or if Mega, Bass, and Proto busters also have this issue, or if it's always been like this, but after firing the charged shot, the boosted stat doesn't revert.
What I AM certain of, though, is that Atomic Fire and Fire Storm are bugged. When I first use Atomfire, it says "Atomic Fire II", which, BTW, the "II" is obviously supposed to be the roman numeral for the number 2. However, this is the FIRST shot! Then the ability screen calls it "Atomic Fire II". When I fire the second one, It says "Atomic Fire III"! Again, roman numeral for 3. The Ability Screen then calls it "Atomic Fire III". So does it roll over to I (roman 1) for the third shot? NOPE DOT AVI, GUD SIR. The top screen calls it "Atomic Fire II" again!
Not only that, but after the user should lose its flame, the flame "Bolsters" again, allowing even MORE charge! Oh yes, and after you break your "Atomic Streak" by using a different Ability such as Bass Crush, causing the user's flame to die, the user keeps the boost! Again, I dunno if this is intentional or not, but it allows me to quickly send my Pharaoh Man'sAttack stat well beyond 5k when spammed. Fire Storm also does the same thing pretty much, but with the Defense Stat.
@RotomSlashBlast : All of the abilities mentioned have always been like this for a while, its intentional, not a bug. Also, can you pleeeaaase not have such a aggressive attitude when writing bug reports?