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Like the previous thread on Robot Classes, I also need help filling in the quotes for the remaining robot masters. You can come up with quotes for anyone in the game that isn't an end-boss or obviously story-related, and if I like it I'll update the database. All robot masters are fair game, but I'd prefer we prioritize the robots listed on this chart:
Each robot requires four quotes (start, taunt, victory, defeat) and you can provided as many or as few as you want so long as you provide the robot master's name and which type of quote it's for. I would like them to follow the same style as the existing quotes but you shouldn't be scared to have a little fun. The classic series is very lighthearted and kid-friendly - let's keep it that way. Also, if you can work in a pun of some kind go for it - the cheesier the better. :P Just post your ideas in the comments and let's see what happens!
I think I'm going to start a series of these "devroom" posts when I need your opinions on things - I really like when the community gets involved as you guys have given me such great feedback already. Suggestions, bug reports, sprites, stats, everything has just come together so well and I'm so thankful. :)
Prototype Devroom : Robot Quotes Posted by Adrian Marceau on August 7th, 2013 at 8:10pm Viewed 10504 Times
Posted on August 14th, 2013 at 8:27amEdited on 2013/08/16 at 7:29pm
Posted 2013/08/14 at 8:27amEdited 2013/08/16 at 7:29pm
I came up with some quotes for Astro Man.
Start: "I've come here... but I don't know what to do!" Taunt: "Oh, how did you find me? I feel so embarrassed!" Victory: "How'd that happen?" Defeat: "I can't take this anymore!"
Posted on August 15th, 2013 at 7:08pmEdited on 2013/08/15 at 7:28pm
Posted 2013/08/15 at 7:08pmEdited 2013/08/15 at 7:28pm
...And here's Search Man
Start: "Begin mission. Yes, sir!" Taunt: "Hey, kid. Come on!" Victory: "Mission accomplished. Return to base!" Defeat: "Wily! Banzai!"
Just for fun, I've thrown in Shade Man, complete with quotes lifted from the 1931 Dracula film.
Start: I am... Shade Man. I bid you welcome. Taunt: Listen to them... the children of the night. What music they make! Victory: There are far worse things awaiting you than death... Defeat: You will is stronger than I thought...
Posted on August 16th, 2013 at 9:33amEdited on 2013/08/16 at 9:40am
Posted 2013/08/16 at 9:33amEdited 2013/08/16 at 9:40am
I have some ideas for Shadow Man Start: My name is Shadow Man, and I will be your end. Taunt: You can't defeat a shadow! Victory: You weren't worth the trouble. Defeat: I'll give you this one.
Ideas for Pharaoh Man Start : "Kings of old, lend me your strength!" Taunt : "I am immortal! Surrender and I may let you live." Victory : "Your lives are mine..." Defeat : "Has the sun... forsaken me?"
Just like the other thread you guys are killing it! These are all so fantastic! I've already added many of them to the next update and will add the rest soon. Really great work guys, and thank you so much! ^_^
Start: I have predicted your'e demise! Taunt: Your'e nervous aren't you? Victory: My predictions are never wrong! Defeat: I didn't see this one coming...
Posted on August 30th, 2013 at 10:45amEdited on 2013/08/30 at 11:07am
Posted 2013/08/30 at 10:45amEdited 2013/08/30 at 11:07am
Some ideas for Mr.Freezeman.
Start: Everyone chill out! Taunt: What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age! Victory: Well, it was ice to see you! Defeat: You're not sending me to the cooler!
@Brorman: Well, I wasn't actually trying create a serious quoteset (Like a moveset, but with quotes). If you've ever seen the film Batman and Robin, you'll know what I'm talking about.
Posted on September 1st, 2013 at 4:15pmEdited on 2013/10/08 at 8:33am
Posted 2013/09/01 at 4:15pmEdited 2013/10/08 at 8:33am
FREEZE WELL!!! :D Anywho, here are some quotes for Napalm Man.
Start: "I live the smell of me in the morning!" Taunt: "Your weapon will look great in my collection!" Victory: "Explosions are music to my audio receptors!" Defeat: "That was a good strategy..."
Also, I made a few tweaks to Needle Man's quotes.
Start: "Fear the eye of the needle!" Taunt: "I'll turn you into a pincushion!" Victory: "I think you're missing the point..." Defeat: "But how did you pierce my defenses?"
Ive Improvised lines for TenguMan: Start: Are you worthy of my talent? Taunt: C'mon, I didn't come for a weakling! Victory: Kneel before my presence! Defeat: Impossible! How could you!?
Start: Time for a well deserved feast! Taunt: I'm starting to think you're not as refreshing... Victory: One! One dead enemy! Hahaha! Defeat: My thirst hasn't been quenched tonight..
Again, THANK YOU ALL soooo much. Most if not all of these will be used in the new update, so keep your eyes peeled for all your contributions once the October changes are online. :)
Posted on October 8th, 2013 at 8:34amEdited on 2013/10/08 at 8:40am
Posted 2013/10/08 at 8:34amEdited 2013/10/08 at 8:40am
I came up with Magic Man's quotes.
Start: "Ladies and gentle-bots, prepare to be amazed!" Taunt: "As you can see, I've got nothing up my sleeves..." Victory: "A good magician never reveals his secrets!" Defeat: "I knew I should have practiced more!"
Like the robot classes, most if not all of these have been added to the game now and I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has been contributing! These details are incredibly time consuming so I end of procrastinating and putting them off, but they add so much life and character to the game it's a shame it's taken to long to get them in there. Thank you all SOOOOO MUCH for these - they're really great and truly make the game's (albeit simple) narrative more engaging. ^_^
Posted on October 21st, 2013 at 7:00pmEdited on 2013/10/22 at 9:49am
Posted 2013/10/21 at 7:00pmEdited 2013/10/22 at 9:49am
Here are Stone Man's quotes...
Entrance: "If you smell...what The cooking!" Taunt: "Nothing can harm The Stone!" Victory: "The Stone knew he would win in a landslide!" Defeat: "Who in the blue hell could beat The Stone!?"
$20 to whoever can name what celebrity I'm referencing. :D
...also, Wave Man's...
Entrance: "You came here to fight a robot...but instead you face a God!" Taunt: "The ocean is my domain! I forbid you to taint it any longer!" Victory: "Your fall shall serve as an example to all others who defy me!" Defeat: "This cannot be...I am immortal..."
...and Junk Man's.
Entrance: "One robot's trash is another robot's treasure!" Taunt: "Nice parts...mind if I borrow them?" Victory: "Neat! I wonder what I can make out of these..." Defeat: "I just hope my parts are put to good use!"
Posted on October 25th, 2013 at 12:57pmEdited on 2013/10/25 at 1:23pm
Posted 2013/10/25 at 12:57pmEdited 2013/10/25 at 1:23pm
Hello? Anyone?
Well, here are my quotes for Pump Man...
Start: "Gah! This stage is filthy!" Taunt: "Hey, don't touch me! You're probably covered in germs!" Victory: "There we go! Nice and clean!" Defeat: "Germs...germs everywhere..."
...Frost Man...
...and Ballade.
Start: "So you're (insert robot name here)? Pathetic." Taunt: "I've been waiting for a worthy opponent a long time!" Victory: "Another pushover! Can't I find an opponent as strong as I am? Defeat: "I don't believe it! Your skill is incredible!"
@Spinstrike : You're pretty much owning this thread, and all your quotes are fantastic! XD Thank you so much for doing these - I've been slowly adding them to the new update over the last few weeks and they're really adding a lot of fun flavour and polish to the game. They're really great! I'm definitely making a space for you in the credits. ^_^