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Like the previous thread on Robot Classes, I also need help filling in the quotes for the remaining robot masters. You can come up with quotes for anyone in the game that isn't an end-boss or obviously story-related, and if I like it I'll update the database. All robot masters are fair game, but I'd prefer we prioritize the robots listed on this chart:
Each robot requires four quotes (start, taunt, victory, defeat) and you can provided as many or as few as you want so long as you provide the robot master's name and which type of quote it's for. I would like them to follow the same style as the existing quotes but you shouldn't be scared to have a little fun. The classic series is very lighthearted and kid-friendly - let's keep it that way. Also, if you can work in a pun of some kind go for it - the cheesier the better. :P Just post your ideas in the comments and let's see what happens!
I think I'm going to start a series of these "devroom" posts when I need your opinions on things - I really like when the community gets involved as you guys have given me such great feedback already. Suggestions, bug reports, sprites, stats, everything has just come together so well and I'm so thankful. :)
Prototype Devroom : Robot Quotes Posted by Adrian Marceau on August 7th, 2013 at 8:10pm Viewed 10505 Times
Posted on July 29th, 2014 at 5:39pmEdited on 2014/07/29 at 8:22pm
Posted 2014/07/29 at 5:39pmEdited 2014/07/29 at 8:22pm
@coolbie16 : Still don't have an idea yet. But it can be added to an RM which traits seem to be a prideful one.
@MegaBossMan : Ohhh. that toon. That's not even an anime. Animes are cartoons that are originated in Japan or created by a Japanese. And I don't think that's from a Japanese (or is it? O.o)... At least the Rockman.EXE one is anime, although it's not the classic.
And I'm always in the chatroom whenever I'm online... It's just... I'm sometimes lonely in there. T.T
ANYWAYS... Back to topic: Got some quotes for our MM7/MM8/MM&B robots? If there isn't any at all, I'll try think of a quote.
Posted on August 15th, 2014 at 5:57pmEdited on 2015/01/11 at 1:57pm
Posted 2014/08/15 at 5:57pmEdited 2015/01/11 at 1:57pm
Metal Man......Come out and play~ He's described as being incredibly untrustworthy and sarcastic.
Metal Man Start: "Trust me, you'll be fine. Just stand still for a while....." Taunt: "Catch this one! Hehehehe! I'm sure you'll do it...." Victory: "You'll fell for that little act? Either I'm really good, or you're just gullible!" Defeat: "How could you not trust me? I really needed some help, man...."
Crash Man Start: "I am the destroyer! All who get in my way will be destroyed!" Taunt: "To smithereens, explode! No mercy to anyone who gets into my way!" Victory: "Blown to pieces! Nothing left to bother me, but nothing to destroy...." Defeat: "Maybe I'll just go to bed and calm down, sleep the anger off...."
Posted on August 16th, 2014 at 11:07amEdited on 2015/04/24 at 11:48am
Posted 2014/08/16 at 11:07amEdited 2015/04/24 at 11:48am
It'z an Air Man! He'z having quotes!
Air Man Start: "Fool, I am unbeatable! My winds cannot be dodged!" Taunt: "At this rate, you'll never prove a challenge. I pity you, but it'll all be over soon." Victory: "My winds will always blow away the pests. I truly am undefeatable." Defeat: "I have been defeated?! This cannot end for me so quick...."
Guts Man, the stone of Mega Man 1! Wait, Mega Man 5..... Start: "Wimps like you don't belong here on the battlefield. Go home before you get hurt." Taunt: "You're still keeping this up? You have way too much guts...." Victory: "Haha! My maximum power was too much for you!" Defeat: "Honestly, I think I should've trusted my gut for this one...."
Ice Man! He's really cool....and has an ego the size of a glacier. (Can't believe I took that payment from Ice Man to say that...) Start: "Hey pal, watch out! You're dealing with the coolest of bots! Taunt: "I wonder if anyone is watching this....Can you see me, everyone?" Victory: "I knew it! I'm the coolest! Did anyone see that?" Defeat: "A good soldier should always stay cool in battle and I forgot...."
Flash Man, I don't even know. Start: "Stop right there! I work in the name....Of love!" Taunt: "Everything will soon be over....In a flash!" Victory: "Alright, how was that? Did I capture the feeling of the scene?" Defeat: "I'll never get a role this way! My light is fading....."
Posted on December 7th, 2014 at 1:56amEdited on 2015/06/20 at 7:35pm
Posted 2014/12/07 at 1:56amEdited 2015/06/20 at 7:35pm
Since this thread hasn't had anything contributed in a while, and five new robots are joining the battle, I thought I could kill two robots with one Power Stone.
Doc Robot Start: Target identified as {target-robot}. Initiate Combat program. Taunt: Target's skills are...Above average. Begin Adaption progress. Victory: Target Eliminated, objective completed. Awaiting further orders.... Defeat: Adaption failure, rerouting power...Failure. System shutdown....
I geneCOULA like to think of Dark Men as robots with personality, instead of "Target found beep-bop" like most people think. Basically as how Megamix used them, if you catch my drift.
Dark Man 1 Start: The name's Dark Man 1, and I will be your opponent! Taunt: You can't tank my defenses for much longer, can you? Victory: Man, 4's going to be so proud of my success! Defeat: Ack! The light has shown up, you've won for today!
Dark Man 2 Start: I'm Dark Man 2, and you'll be facing me for this battle! Taunt: My barriers will keep you out until the dawn comes! Victory: Yeah! Maybe 4 will even promote me above 3! Defeat: Gack! The light! I need to get outta here quick!
Dark Man 3 Start: This is Dark Man 3, and I'll facing you today! Taunt: At this rate, this target should be NO trouble! Victory: 4 might be so impressed, he might make ME leader! Defeat: Eep! I've been defeated, I need to flee!
Dark Man 4 Start: I'm Dark Man 4, and I am the perfect culmination of darkness! Taunt: Hehehe! You know, most people can't tell light from dark! Victory: 4's going to be-Wait, that's me! I am impressed by my victory though! Defeat: There's nothing for me here.....The light has finally pierced me...
Kudos to whoever got all the puns in the Dark Men's defeat quotes. You'd be a true punning master! [No, it is nothing about the light word being frequently used, and dark blah blah blah. Try reading in numbers :P]
Posted on December 7th, 2014 at 2:45amEdited on 2014/12/07 at 4:19am
Posted 2014/12/07 at 2:45amEdited 2014/12/07 at 4:19am
@MerryBossMan : Actually, it might be better if they seemed not monotone and machine-like, and not as if they have personalities like your run of the mill RM, but, a personality in between. After all, they will be either mini-bosses, or just plain out and out bosses [either way, unobtainable].
I have an idea in mind: Cold and calculating, a la DarkMan.exe from MMBN3. Observe:
Dark Man 1: Start: Target acquired. Preparing to attack enemy. Taunt: Enemy is slow; in more ways than one. Preparing endgame. Victory: Enemy dispatched. Acquiring next target... Defeat: ...tanked again. Retreating.....
Dark Man 2: Start: Enemy spotted. Preparing defensive barriers. Taunt: Target's offenses are laughably low. Preparing to terminate. Victory: Target neutralized. Scanning next target... Defeat: ...shielded from victory. Retreating.....
Dark Man 3: Start: Target in sight. Ready to fire. Taunt: Enemy is a wimp...and a *weak* wimp, at that. Launching final assault. Victory: Enemy destroyed. Seeking next target... Defeat: ...taking contact. Retreating.....
Dark Man 4: Start: Enemy in range. Initiating complete destruction. Taunt: ...preparing to end the pathetic and miserable existence of enemy. Victory: Enemy finished. Readying next enemy for destruction. Defeat: be destroyed. Retreating.....
and, seeing as I suggested a Dark Man 5 as an optional Superboss in a previous Legacy Chat:
Dark Man 5: Start: Prey has appeared. Commencing annihilation. Taunt: Preparing to put prey out of their misery... Victory: ...prey was just like all the others. Seeking next victim. Defeat: ...the prey is...the hunter...? Retreating.....
There's personalities there, but, they're strictly business, focused on their goal, like DarkMan.exe was. Get me?
Posted on December 14th, 2014 at 7:50pmEdited on 2015/02/08 at 1:22pm
Posted 2014/12/14 at 7:50pmEdited 2015/02/08 at 1:22pm
After much brainstorming with Mike and Tails, we finally made Time Man's quotes. His nature is direct and to-the-point, while keeping his harsh time schedules.
Time Man
Start: “Finally! I grew tired of waiting…” Taunt: “This could be over earlier than expected..” Victory: “It's about time you surrendered.” Defeat: “Time waits for no one….”
*looks around* Hehe... I just wanted to do this. :P Prism Man? Start: "I see...a new color that wants to fight me!" Taunt: "I shall split your body into 1000 colors when i'm done with you!" Victory: "Hmph! You should not have tried to fought the light!" Defeat: "The light...has shattered...?"
Just thought I'd try my hand at Target Man and Zephyr Woman, who I found within the link in ThatOneEnderMan's last reply.
(Target Man's quotes) Start: Locked on target! Got any last words? Taunt: Like my missiles, I'll chase after you 'til the end of time! Victory: GYAHAHAHA!!! There ain't no escapin' my missiles! GIVE UP! Defeat: Impossible...! I had you in my line of sight!
(Zephyr Woman's quotes) Start: Pardon the pun, but I do believe this will be a breeze~ Taunt: My, what a lovely day to go flying, is it not? Victory: Nothing personal, but it appears as though I blew you away~ Defeat: Oh my~! You were stronger than my wind!
Posted on July 8th, 2016 at 11:45amEdited on 2016/07/08 at 9:32pm
Posted 2016/07/08 at 11:45amEdited 2016/07/08 at 9:32pm
If you ever add Nitro Man I think these would be good
Start: "Get ready because I ain't stopping this stunt!!" Taunt:"Eat my exhaust!!" Victory:"Looks like I'll be pleasing my fans tonight!" Defeat:"Huh!?!!, looks like I wasn't the fastest...."
Burst Man
Start: "Hmmm, you look like an interesting opponent..." Taunt: "Don't quit now I'll make you burst like a firecracker!" Victory: "I'm putting up a fireworks show for this." Defeat: "I better get out of here before this gets worse!!"
Magnet Man
Start: "I'll make up an excellent strategy to beat you!!" Taunt: "My mind will make you magnetize to my strategy!" Victory:"I knew my thinking would best you, now... where's my living quarters again ?" defeat:"Uggghh, w-was I there or were you here??"
Pharoh Man
Start: "Let us see which one of us is stronger!!" Taunt: " I shall explore the best tomb after this." Victory: "A well fought battle I shall remember you." Defeat: "Well looks like you've bested me you are...superior.."
Posted on July 8th, 2016 at 9:29pmEdited on 2016/07/08 at 9:31pm
Posted 2016/07/08 at 9:29pmEdited 2016/07/08 at 9:31pm
@ThatOneEnderMan so your saying this was a competition type thing ? and I don't understand how Nitro Man and Burst Man would have quotes since they don't even have sprites yet and I feel like Magnet Man and Pharoh Mans current quotes just don't match up with their personalities imo
Posted on July 9th, 2016 at 7:12pmEdited on 2016/07/09 at 7:26pm
Posted 2016/07/09 at 7:12pmEdited 2016/07/09 at 7:26pm
@Mentle This isn't really a competition, as creating quotes for robot masters with existing quotes is a little redundant :P
Burst Man (and all the other robot masters) have quotes as you can see here and Nitro Man has sprites, but only in the world version so far. He won't be in the Prototype version any time soon.
@Mentle : Quotes, at least at the very moment, are filled up at the moment and about every planned character has their dialogue written out. That being said, I wouldn't be one to discourage revisions to existing quotes if need be. All a matter of "Hey this works but maybe someone else could give it a shot and sometimes things happen that work slightly better."